Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1833 59. Tyrande's Fantastic Journey

Chapter 1833 59. Tyrande's Fantastic Journey

"Tell you a bad news."

In the early morning of the next day, Illidan Stormrage, who had finished hunting all night, returned to his "residence" with his scarred body. He suddenly heard a familiar voice.

He didn't change his posture of resting against the wall.

Although he was very unhappy with Laike in his heart, after experiencing many things together, Illidan already regarded this mysterious guy as someone he could trust.

But today's Lord Laike is somewhat different.

The face that always wore a false smile unexpectedly showed a very sincere smile, as if he was relaxed and happy when he went out to pick up money.

It's a pity that Brother Dan has lost his eyes, so he can't appreciate the way the Silent One laughs at all.

"What's up?"

After becoming a demon hunter and clarifying the goal in his heart, Brother Dan changed his style drastically. From an impulsive young man, he entered the "cool guy" mode overnight.

Being able to finish a sentence without saying a second sentence, advocating extreme efficiency makes Brother Dan feel a kind of fierceness in every gesture.

"Last night, during the transfer of the Moon Temple of Suramar to Val'sharah, Ms. Tyrande Windtalker was carelessly captured by demons in order to rescue the injured priest."

Bu Laike coquettishly played with a dewy rose in his hand. He put the bright flower under his nostrils and sniffed it, and calmly told the bad news that made Cool Guy Illidan stand up instantly.

"Where is she?"

Brother Dan lost his position all of a sudden, causing Bo Laike to curl his lips in contempt.

But he also knew that for Illidan, this kind of thing can't be joked, so he didn't hide it, and said directly:

"According to my information, she was taken to Zin-Azshara. Don't worry, Queen Azshara just invited the High Priest of the Moon to be a 'guest' at her court."

Pirate said:

"At least Ms. Tyrande won't be harmed before the decisive battle begins, but you'd better act quickly, delaying for too long is not good for anyone."


Illidan said in surprise:

"Who else would risk ten deaths to go with me at this time?"

"What do you say?"

Bo Laike snorted and glanced back at the sky.

A giant eagle was descending here through the clouds, and Illidan felt a familiar aura, and he was about to hide instinctively, but he heard the scrap pirate say quietly:

"Ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws, or are you going to just hide from your big brother for the rest of your life? Have some confidence in him, I don't think Malfurion will deny you as a brother just because you have become a half-demon.

What's more, you are going to do big things together now. "

But Malfurion was not alone.

When the giant eagle with demigod blood hovered and landed, Malfurion jumped down with a thin young girl. He said a few words to the silent girl behind him, asking her to wait here and grow up by himself. step into the ruins.

"You come as soon as you come, why bring a child?"

Illidan asked dissatisfiedly, and Malfurion was stunned by the changes in his younger brother.

He looked at the strange evil lines on his younger brother's body, and saw the black cloth strips on Illidan's face and the ruthless aura surrounding him. The druid felt that standing in front of him was not his younger brother but a real demon.

That chaotic and cold breath made Malfurion clenched his fists.

"Illidan, you"

"I said, to defeat the devil, we must be smarter."

The arrogant Dange was too lazy to explain, and said in a short tone:

"My business is not important. The most important thing right now is Tyrande. She is in Xin Azshali and was taken away by Azshara. Let's set off immediately.

Send that kid back!

Malfurion, she will be a burden to us. "

"Santis is Tyrande's adopted daughter, Illidan."

Druid took a deep breath and explained:

"Because of this relationship, under the blessing of the Moon God, she can faintly sense Tyrande's position, and it was this girl who found me in the early hours of the morning.

High Lord Ravencrest is preparing for a decisive battle with the demons, and there is no one there. The Sisters of Elune promise to help us with all their strength, but they need time to gather.

We must take Shandris.

I know it's hard, but she was able to help us find Tyrande, she's a strong-willed girl, her family was killed in a demon attack, and she's pretty good at archery.

She will not be our burden. "

After speaking, Malfurion glanced at Bu Laike who was standing in the darkness, and said softly:

"Lord Bu Laike, will you help us this time?"

"I'm busy, Malfurion, and Illidan. I'm going to visit the dragon in a few days."

Bo Laike coquettishly held up a rose and dangled it in his hand. He glanced at Brother Stormrage and said:

"But the Watcher will help you."


Malfurion raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He had never heard of such an organization in the Elven Empire, but Illidan knew that during this period of time, every night when he was hunting, he would sense a group of strange auras also hunting and fighting on the Great Plains.

But what made Illidan feel strange was that Miss Maiev, who was never late, was absent from the hunt last night.

Could it be that she is sick?

"Maev and her hunters will meet you in the forest beyond Zin-Azshari, and you will go first."

Bu Laike waved his fingers and said:

"It's best to go to Suramar before setting off. Ravencrest has the dark forces in the capital city. With their help, your rescue will go much smoother.

All in all, I wish you two brothers all the best in your rescue of the girl, and Lady Elune will bless you. "

After speaking, the figure of the crumb pirate disappeared into the ruins of the Great Temple.

The Stormrage brothers looked at each other, and before Malfurion could speak, Illidan said in a low voice:

"Don't ask, I assure you, I am still the Illidan in your memory."

"Okay, I won't ask."

Malfurion looked at his younger brother whose demeanor and aura had changed drastically. He gritted his teeth and buried the doubts in his heart. Without further words, the two walked out of the ruins. Malfurion was going to Suramar to find him. With the help of Lord Ravencrest's intelligence, Illidan and the silent girl Shandris headed towards Zin-Azshari first.

"You should go back."

Illidan said to the little girl behind him:

"That's not where you should be. Malfurion and I can find Tyrande without you. If she cares about you, then you shouldn't worry her."

"My family is all dead."

The silent girl Shandris lowered her head, clenched the saber at her waist, and said in a low voice:

"Miss Tyrande and Maiev brought me back from death. Will you give up your own mother?"

"You're just a kid."

Illidan frowned and said something, Shandris glanced at this strange uncle and said:

"No, I am a warrior, and I will be a warrior the day I come back to life."


Brother Dan shook his head, and didn't say anything more. He quickened his pace and left a sentence to say:

"If I can't keep up, I will go back honestly."


What responded to him was a sharp whistle. Amidst the deep neighing of the summoned Moonsaber, Shandris turned over and rode on the wounded but very irritable Ashara who was worried about his master, and stretched out his hand to let it spin in the air Dorisul, the moon-white owl, landed on his gauntlet.

The girl who looked very talented as a hunter frowned and said to Illidan:

"Are you stupid? Are you going to run with your legs?"


Brother Dan was embarrassed for a moment, then said in a cold voice:

"Shut up, brat."

On the other side, Braike, who had returned to Shadowsong's ancestral home, happened to see that Miss Maiev had changed into her hunting outfit and was about to put on her Warden armor. It was probably because of the excessive disturbance last night that it was rare for her to get up on time today. .

The pirate leaned against the door, admiring his girl's long white hair tied up in the morning light, and said:

"You have to go to Zin Azshara first, Maiev, the hapless Tyrande has been captured by Azshara, and the Stormrage Brothers are going to rescue her, but without you and your watchers, it will be difficult for them work."

"I'm leaving immediately."

Maiev glanced back at Bo Laike, seeing Pirate Scraps holding the red rose in her mouth in a funny way, which made her cheeks flush and quickly return to her usual iceberg posture.

She said with a straight face:

"Ms. Deyana and other moon shadow priests are already waiting, maybe I can complete the job change of the watcher for them in the ruins of the Great Temple."

"Well, you are the commander. You are in charge. I will let go and be the shopkeeper. Anyway, you know who to call when you need it."

Bu Laike flashed to Maiev's side with a whoosh, the rose in his mouth fell down, and he stretched out his hand to pull Maiev into his arms, the priest lady was not as shy and resisting the parting kiss as before.

After all, what should be done and what should not be done has been done.

"Ms. Deyana has two young priests under her command, Nasa and Sera Moonguard."

After the suffocating kiss, Bo Laike rested his forehead on Maiev's and said softly:

"They are very talented, they are only a little younger than you, and they will become your right-hand man in the future, but you have to rely on your personal charm to convince them.

Can it be done? "

"Don't underestimate me."

The priestess bit her lip and said something. When she felt Bo Laike's hand move down behind her back, she struggled a bit and said:

"It's time to get down to business."

"Isn't it a business to serve your god?"

The obscene evil god whispered something in her ear, and Maiev rolled her cute eyes and said:

"Don't make fun of faith and Tyrande."

"Let her wait."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"You think Tyrande is at stake, but he's just visiting. It's a conversation between the Queen and the High Priest and Azshara has always been respectable about it.

It wouldn't hurt her to be late, but I don't have that much time and every minute counts. "

The Scrap Pirate took a step back, opened his hands to Maiev, and said in a drawn out voice:

"Then, Holy Maiden of the Moon who restrains the evil god with her body, would you like to see an evil god who is dissatisfied with the world and wants to destroy it? This is not a depraved pleasure.

You are saving the world. "


Bu Laike's prophecy has always been accurate, even ten thousand years ago, the power of this prophecy has not weakened in the slightest.

The palace of Zin-Azshari is different today. The ancient and majestic temple that was once glorious and sacred and symbolized the imperial power is now filled with the chaos of demons.

On both sides of the platform stairs leading to the throne room, the armor of the royal attendants is still majestic and clean, but the elite demons standing beside them, who are also protecting the safety of the queen, are actually announcing to the world that the times have changed.

Although these otherworldly destroyers thought they were conquering the world, in the eyes of Queen Azshara, these not-so-intelligent hunks were nothing more than a tool to calm chaos and rebuild the world for herself.

The upper elves may be afraid of them, but the queen doesn't take demons seriously, and she will be punished if she dares to mess around in her court.

How can brainless demons bear this kind of grievance?

But now they are honestly standing guard for the queen, and the chaotic guys actually showed a trace of orderly scheduling, which can only prove the fact that Queen Azshara has become their master.

The queen used her own strength to convince these demons.

When the polluters didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of Azshara, these low-level demon soldiers naturally didn't dare to raise their heads rashly to challenge the majesty of the queen.

This may be a few times during the tens of thousands of years that the Burning Legion has been rampant across the stars, it has been crushed by the natives a few times. Some old demons have vaguely seen from Azshara the figure of the Aldrachi who were once destroyed by the Dark Titan himself.

But the queen's advantage is that she is much smarter than the stubborn bloodthirsty and powerful aldrachi.

Tyrande was "escorted" by several high-level elf maids to the throne room. The high priest of the moon was expressionless, and she wore delicate shackles on her wrists, which were gadgets made by the queen herself.

There's this thing that locks the flow of energy so that the Priestess of the Moon can't even pray to Lady Elune for power anymore.

But what surprised Tyrande was that she did not suffer any abuse after being captured by the demons and brought her back to the fallen city. Azshara even sent her own court maid to serve her and summoned her in the early morning.

The young high priest didn't know what medicine was sold in the queen's gourd.

But she was sure that Azshara sent the demon to invite her here for more than just a cup of morning tea.

"Kneel down!"

Several coquettish and beautiful maids sent Tyrande to the Queen's private palace and made her kneel in front of the Queen, but how could the Priest of the Moon bow her head under such circumstances?

She simply ignored the jealous highborne, and looked up at Queen Azshara sitting on the luxurious throne with a fearless gaze.

This was the first time Tyrande saw the Light of Lights.

Even though he already hated this tyrant extremely in his heart, the Priest of the Moon was still greatly shocked when he saw the person on the throne.

Tyrande is a very beautiful priest. Although she doesn't care about her appearance, she also feels happy about her beauty in her heart and thanks Elune for giving her such a face.

But at this moment, Tyrande's self-confidence and pride completely collapsed in front of Azshara's face that was so perfect that it was not like a mortal creature, and she couldn't help but feel frustrated in her heart.

It wasn't that he conceded defeat as the High Priest of the Moon, but that he was completely defeated in the contest between the two women.

"Such a handsome girl is really rare."

On the throne, the graceful queen was actually shocked by Tyrande's moon-like face. This girl was so beautiful that she even felt a little threatened.

This is rare.

The proud Queen Azshara immediately fell in love with this pure face.

With the support of the silver-haired maid beside her, she stood up, her eyes shining with appreciation and possession of beautiful things, and said to Tyrande condescendingly:

"Windtalker, they only told me that you are my enemy, but they didn't tell me that you are a lady with such outstanding temperament, you are really a treasure of the empire.

I can even forgive you for your stupid rebellion and rebellion, for I have always been generous with what is good.

Tyrande, would you like to be my personal maid? "

The rumored arrogant Queen said in a gentle tone:

"Your homeland, Suramar, will also be honored."

These words caused the young priest, who had prepared a lot of words of resistance, and was even ready to "curse the thief to die", to suddenly fall into a weird silence.

Tyrande felt that she had prepared for nothing on the road, this queen... why didn't she play her cards according to the routine!

Hey, I'm a rebel, Your Majesty Azshara.

Your reaction makes me feel that you really have a problem with your brain.

(end of this chapter)

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