Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1834 60. Lord Zhiyi Is Finally Ready To Make Trouble

Chapter 1834 60. Lord Zhiyi is finally ready to make trouble

Facing Queen Azshara's strange solicitation, although Tyrande couldn't understand the queen's brain circuit, she decisively and firmly chose to refuse.

In addition to her own dislike and resistance to the queen, Ms. Windtalker also has to proceed from the overall situation.

She is the chosen one of Elune, and she is about to become the faith leader of the Moon God Church. She is the incarnation of the Moon God walking on the earth. Once she succumbs to the tyrannical and crazy queen, it means that the people will lose their last faith. sign.

In the current life-and-death war, this will be a fatal blow to the morale of the rebels.

Or maybe that's what Queen Azshara really thinks.

Tyrande, who remained silent, thought that the queen probably realized the true strength of the rebel army after the defeat in the Suramar War, and she wanted to solve the problem through means other than war.

"After you let the demons slaughter the night elves of Zin-Azshari, there is no possibility of any negotiation between us! Azshara, your tyrannical rule has come to an end."

In the queen's palace, facing the indifferent stares of the surrounding demons and highborne guards, the high priest of the moon who has not yet taken office said in a sonorous tone:

"You can kill me to show your madness, or you can imprison me to try to break my will, but Elune has revealed the future to me.

You and your devil's henchmen will eventually lose everything under the righteous resistance, fall to the dust from the luxurious and blood-stained throne, and turn into an existence more humble than mud is your ultimate destiny! "

Tyrande's resistance and vicious curse immediately aroused dissatisfaction among the queen's maids.

The royal maid Vashki, who supported the light of the light, winked at her sister, and the next moment, a seductive maid stepped forward, waving the whip she carried with her to teach the sad priest a lesson.

But Queen Azshara didn't care.

She waved her finger, and the maid who was about to be executed stepped back respectfully.

The queen looked down at Tyrande who was glaring at her, she laughed twice and said:

"Sure enough, you have inherited the fine traditions of the Sisters of Elune, and you are simply outstanding in terms of sharp teeth, no wonder they want to push you to the throne of High Priest of the Moon.

But girl, do you really know how to lead your people?

Frankly speaking, when the demons entered my world, I realized their brutality and power. I had no interest in a game of pushing the world.

All I care about is the world after the imperfect life is eliminated. "

Azshara stopped for a while, those amber-colored eyes that were so charming and shockingly met Tyrande's gaze, the queen said in a deep voice:

"The creation of every perfect thing requires energy and time, and your heroic resistance also adds too much fun to this game.

But I will correct you, young priest.

Those dead didn't die meaninglessly, they were like felled sick logs in a chaotic and twisted forest, after they were burnt by flames, they would turn into warm ashes to fertilize the earth.

In their sacrifice those seeds of perfection will germinate and eventually, in my plan, a better world will be conceived.

They are not dead.

They just endowed this land with their will in a gesture of destruction and rebirth and unearthed the true potential of this world. Destruction and building are two of the greatest powers endowed to living beings.

And now, they are all under my control. "

This statement made Tyrande stunned, and then more intense struggle and anger burst out in the eyes of the priest of the moon.

The queen shook her head, losing interest in this stubborn captive. In her opinion, what was hidden under that beautiful face was nothing but an ignorant soul.

She returned to her throne, took the golden goblet from Vashki, and said in a languid voice:

"I won't kill you, I won't even hurt you.

I will let you see with your own eyes the perfect world shaped by me, and when this hateful old world is reduced to ashes, when the new world comes, I will generously allow you to join it.

after all

Regardless of the connotation, it's a pity that your face is ruined like this. "

"You see your people as imperfect beasts? You see the Highborne, steeped in magic, abusing magic, and extravagant, as the future of the world?"

Tyrande was dragged away from the palace by two handmaidens, but the Priest of the Moon had no fear in her heart. She stared at Azshara on the throne, and she shouted:

"You are mad! Azshara, you were mad long before the demons came into this world!

You regard yourself as a god above all living beings, and regard the lives of others as consumption. You try to change the world with your own crazy beliefs. It is not the devil who has bewitched you, mad queen.

All this is your own choice!

You will be punished, Azshara.

You will be punished by your own madness and ambition, and I will see your demise with my own eyes! Luna will use my eyes to witness the collapse of this decaying empire! "

The queen looked at Tyrande who was dragged out of the palace expressionlessly. The last quarrel made by the priest of the moon made the queen very tired. When Tyrande disappeared, Azshara held up the golden goblet, Amber There was a hint of indifference in his eyes.

"Savage and disrespectful, except for that face, it's... pathetic. Teach her the manners of a civilized person, my dear Vashj, but don't hurt the gifted child."

She said so.

"Obey, my supreme queen."

The royal maid beside the empress bent down to accept the order, a trace of undisguised jealousy and hatred flashed in her bewitching eyes.

Tyrande Windtalker is such a lucky guy, the noble empress thinks highly of her.

Your Majesty has never been so patient with a savage female monkey, damn it! This Tyrande will definitely take away the favor and attention of the queen.

Looks like I have to find a way.——

"It's so cold."

On the way to Wyrmrest Temple, Jarod Shadowsong, who was transported by the demigod's natural magic again, embarked on the road to meet the dragon kings accompanied by several black crow guards.

While riding the black panther to the distant Wyrmrest Temple, Jarod frowned and said nothing.

He was thinking about the current situation facing the Rebels.

Although the High Lord's combat order has not yet been issued, based on Garald's rough understanding of war, he believes that the High Lord wants to divide the battlefield.

The vanguard regiment headed for Zin-Azshari had already set off for two days, and more and more troops gathered in Black Rook Castle. Suramar City will reinforce the city shield in a few days.

These scattered information were constantly reorganized and analyzed in Jarod's mind, and finally the young elf commander came to the conclusion: the great lord wants to change his home!

He personally sits in Black Rook Hold to assemble an army to attract the attention of demons and Azshara.

The rebel army that has defeated the demons is as bright as a candle in the dark night, attracting those bloodthirsty moths to rush to it desperately, trying to snuff out the brightest spark in this era of disaster.

Once Zin-Azshari and the demon legions from all over the world launch an attack on Black Rook Castle, the Vanguard Legion will find an opportunity to rush into the capital with lightning speed under the support of their allies.

The key to the decisive victory is not whether Black Rook Castle can be kept, but the Well of Eternity is the winner of the war.

But in order to attract and delay the demon's movement as much as possible, the assistance of the giant dragons is indispensable. Thinking of this, Brother Yingge raised his head and looked at the Longmian tower standing in the cold wind again.

Today may be the time for the answer to be revealed.

"Haven't the dragons told you the final decision?"

Just when Garald was about to arrive at Wyrmrest Tower, Bu Laike's voice suddenly appeared in his mind. Brother Yingsong had already adapted to the mysterious guy's elusive posture, and he questioned in his heart expressionlessly:

"You bastard! Did you bully my sister?"

"Is that how you talk to your brother-in-law?"

Bu Laike snorted and said very bluntly:

"The matter between me and Maiev is not up to you, a stinky brother, how about being professional, Commander Shadowsong! I'm talking about business with you, how did the dragons answer you?"

"They sent envoys to Black Rook Castle. The high lord asked me to represent the rebel army to meet the dragon king. I think they will give me an answer. There is a great possibility that the dragon will help us."

Brother Yingge took a deep breath, letting the cold wind in the north calm him down.

He said:

"But the specific answer will not be known until I climb the tower."

"Then be bold."

Bu Laike says:

"Even if you fall out, don't worry. As your brother-in-law, I will support you secretly."

"Are you here too?"

Garrod asked in surprise:

"Shouldn't you be with my sister at this time? You bastard, don't you just give up from beginning to end?"

"I said you young man."

Bu Laike was a little pained by Yingge's younger brother's question. He didn't want to discuss his love life with his brother-in-law, so he just said casually:

"Maeev has shouldered her responsibilities for the elven civilization, and I will go to her side, but I must wait for me to confirm the current situation of the dragons.

Don't you see it? Garrod.

A shadow hangs over the temple of the dragons.

This disaster all over the world is not just a trouble for the elves, the dragon will also usher in its own destiny, and the whole world will be changed. "

This nagging answer made Jarod's face numb. What can he do? His brother-in-law is a magic stick prophet, and he has never concealed his profession.

Don't all the prophets talk like that?

Younger Brother Yingge shook his head, throwing this weird thought out of his head.

He and his guards quickly arrived under the giant dragon tower that looked like metal and special building materials, and the elf-shaped red dragon deacon received them.

The soldiers were left to rest at the bottom of the temple, while Jarod was sent to the dome platform at the top of the tower riding a red young dragon. This is the place where the dragon kings meet and is a sacred place.

It was not the first time for Yingge to come here, but this time the five dragon kings in front of them, their spouses and representatives of the major dragon legions gathered together obviously to announce an important news.

Garald straightened his clothes, and strode forward to the center of the dome platform under the watchful eyes of the humanoid dragons.

He politely bowed down to pay tribute to His Majesty the Red Dragon Queen A Laike Straza standing in the center of his eyes, while trying to control his eyes from looking at places that shouldn't be seen.

In other words, the human form of the Dragon King is really charming, and of course Her Majesty the Green Dragon Queen Ysera standing beside her is no different.

The elf envoys who followed Garald to visit Wyrmrest Temple before are said to not think about food and drink all day after returning, and some people hide in the house and secretly draw portraits of the two queens.

The other three dragon kings standing on both sides of the two queens are also extraordinary.

Especially Neltharion, the king of the black dragon, wearing a black armor, can really bring great pressure to people when he is expressionless. The indifference conveyed in those yellow snake eyes makes Garald always subconscious want to stay away from the dragon king.

Although full of majesty, but compared to Mr. Bo Laike who is smiling beside him, he is still not friendly enough. Wait, Mr. Bo Laike? Brother-in-law?

Jarod's eyes widened for a moment, and he almost couldn't control his expression.

He clearly saw Mr. Bu Laike wearing a hood standing next to the Black Dragon King, greeting him to calm down, while turning his head curiously to look at Neltharion next to him.

But the other dragon kings and giant dragons didn't seem to notice the existence of Mr. Bu Laike at all. This mysterious man just mixed in the queue of the dragon kings carelessly.

Five dragon kings appeared and six people appeared

Almost like a ghost story!

Jarod immediately confirmed that he should be the only one who could see Mr. Bu Laike. He immediately had a new understanding of Bu Laike's strength. If even the powerful dragon kings could not perceive his existence

Hiss, thinking about it, it's really scary, don't you think, Your Excellency the Cthulhu who is peeping at the Red Dragon Queen's chest openly?


You bastard, you're already in a relationship with my sister! Put away your obscene eyes, okay? you! Why are you reaching out? Is this measuring Ms. Laikestraza's bust?


Brother-in-law, what are you doing? Brother-in-law!

Stop it you!

You will lose all face of the Yingsong family!

"Jarrod Shadowsong, the representative of the Elven Rebel Army, after a lengthy discussion, we have decided to give you and your lord a clear answer."

Just when Garald was thinking wildly because of Bu Laike's sudden appearance, the Red Dragon Queen said on behalf of the guardian dragon army:

"During the war on the Great Plains of Suramar, we have carefully assessed the threat of the Burning Legion to the world order, and their presence would cause a terrible natural disaster on Azeroth.

This is contrary to the mission of the dragons.

Therefore, the Dragon Aspect decided to join the war. "

Younger brother Yingge's face immediately turned serious, and he immediately replied as a representative of the rebel army:

"Thank you for lending a helping hand at this time of crisis. The dragon is indeed a legendary descendant of a nobleman. The great lord and we will feel honored for your presence and assistance."

"Don't say such polite words, Elf, and don't waste your time."

Malygos, the king of magic with an ice crystal staff, said indifferently:

"Now, tell us your war plan. If you don't have a plan, we'll make one."

"Of course we have plans."

Garrod glanced at the Dragon King and said seriously:

"The specific action plan can be discussed in Black Rook Hold, but the High Lord allowed me to reveal our grand strategy to the powerful dragon allies. Dragon kings, demons cannot be killed in the material world, so it is best to end this war." An effective method is to close the portal to the other world."

"That door has 'grown' with your Well of Eternity."

The majestic Black Dragon King said in a low tone:

"You can't separate it, elf, your queen is the most arrogant and stupid mortal I have ever seen."

"So, we decided to blow up the Well of Eternity!"

Garald immediately replied that such a decisive strategy caused the five dragon kings to show consternation, but the black dragon king who reacted the fastest showed a smile for the first time after being surprised.

He looked at Jarod admiringly, and said:

"Yes, I'm beginning to like the determination of the elves."

"The Well of Eternity is a legacy problem that should have been fixed long ago."

Malygos, the king of magic, also softened his tone. The dragon king who is in charge of the magic net and the world's magic power touched his beard and said to his brothers and sisters:

"It has been overflowing with the blood of the world for nearly a million years, and the magic power it released has seriously interfered with the operation of the magic net. Perhaps this is an opportunity.

But what I'm more curious about is, what weapon are you elves planning to use to destroy that magical well that you have abused for thousands of years? "


Garald hesitated for a while and did not answer. In fact, Ms. Lanyue and Ms. Elisande did not come up with a feasible plan.

Probably seeing the embarrassment of the elves, Neltharion, the king of the black dragon, looked left and right, and suddenly said:

"I may be able to offer some help on this matter, just recently I made a very powerful magic item with the help of my minions.

I think this may be fate.

That treasure was born for this moment, I call it, Dragon Soul! "

(end of this chapter)

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