Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1835 61. Theoretical Research On High Void Corrosion Of Unlucky Dragon Observation Samples

Chapter 1835 61. Theoretical Research on High Void Corrosion of Unlucky Dragon Observation Samples

Ten thousand years ago, when the ancient continent of Kalimdor had not yet been divided, the wilderness where the Wyrmrest Temple was located had not yet become a desolate land full of dragon bones in later generations. Dragons have their own special "cemetery" here, but there are also some dragons that can't fly to the holy land and will fall to the wilderness to die.

But now, there are not many keels on this land and no one dares to steal these things.

Because it is close to the north of the world, the climate here is much colder than that of the Elven Empire.

Jarod Shadowsong, who returned to the hall from the high tower, was thinking on the snow field outside the temple. It was too cold here, and he had to wear a thick fur cloak to resist the blowing cold. wind.

The glaciers in the distance are rare in the Elven Empire, and the scenery here is also peculiar enough, but unfortunately, he has a diplomatic mission and he doesn't have much time to appreciate the scenery here.

A few minutes ago, just after he proposed the plan and strategy to blow up the Well of Eternity, the dragon kings suspended the meeting.

The Black Dragon King said that he has a treasure that can help the elves destroy the Well of Eternity and destroy the portal, but after thinking about it, I know that the secret treasure of other dragons must not allow Xu Fan to watch.

So Garrod was politely "invited" out.

Brother Yingge didn't care what treasures the dragons took out, he would be very hot.

If the dragons can really help the rebels destroy the portal and expel the demons from the world, then the remaining battle to overthrow the tyranny of Azshara can be won without the participation of the dragons and only with the strong rebels.

His previous feeling was correct.

Today is indeed a lucky day for the Rebels.

But Jarod couldn't help but think about the mysterious prophecy left by Laike before when he was excited. His brother-in-law said that the tower was covered with a terrible shadow, and even he himself came here to investigate.

This made Commander Shadowsong couldn't help but start thinking about the worst possible outcome.

Perhaps, inviting the dragon to participate in this critical decisive battle is also extremely risky, but the rebels have no better choice.

The shadow of the dragon. Where is it?

While Garald was thinking about this esoteric question, the tower on the dome of Wyrmrest Temple had been blocked by dragon language magic. Outsiders interfered with the secret meeting of the dragon kings.

But they couldn't stop a master evil god who wanted to watch the fun.

Before Zhang Kai, the shield of dragon language magic, Bu Laike had already stayed here and watched strongly.

He would be standing beside Queen Ysera, feeling the nice natural fragrance of this beautiful green dragon queen, while tiptoeing to see the "treasure" that Neltharion mysteriously took out.

"I call this thing the 'Dragon Soul', and it is the product of my whimsical ideas in communication with the earth, mountains and rivers."

Wearing mighty black steel armor, Neltharion was like a brave warrior. Under the watchful eyes of other brothers and sisters, he took out a golden treasure from his armor and suspended it in front of the dragon kings.

It was a pendant type of jewelry.

It is the size of an adult's palm, but the material is very strange.

In addition to the outer outline being fixed with the purest source quality steel and adding silvery mithril to ensure the transmission of magic power, the chains on the pendant are all extremely delicately made, and each chain is engraved with the blessing of dragon language.

And its body is neither gold nor jade, just like the exquisite Amber, which has been polished into a smooth convex plane with extremely high skills, just like an arc-shaped mirror.

Dragonlords look at it and see reflections of the mountains and rivers of Azeroth.

"it's beautiful!"

The eyes of the Red Dragon Queen and the Green Dragon Queen immediately lit up when they saw the jewels that Neltharion took out.

The nature of women makes them like beautiful things, and the nature of female dragons makes them interested in everything that is golden.

The love for beauty under the double superposition made them fall in love with this treasure at a glance, and the golden jewelry in front of them perfectly fit all the queens' imaginations about treasures.

"Hehe, isn't it beautiful?"

The King of the Black Dragon didn't care about the longing in his sister's eyes.

He patted Ah Laikestraza on the shoulder like a steady and reliable family member, and said softly:

"It's not polished yet, I actually wanted to give it to you on your birthday next year as your 150,000th birthday present

Ysera don't make faces.

I will also make another piece of jewelry for you on your full birthday.

There are too many beautiful gems in Deep Rock Continent waiting to be discovered by the black dragons. Those beautiful things should be worn on my sister's neck to reflect their true value.

If no one appreciates it, even the most beautiful gems are nothing but stones. "

"Under the serious appearance, Neltharion is indeed the one who can talk the most."

Malygos, who had a serious face in front of outsiders, was much gentler in front of his brothers and sisters. He looked at the smiling sisters, leaned on his staff and said:

"When Neltharion's birthday present is ready, I can enchant it with the most exquisite rainbow magic. We all know that Ysera, who will never grow up, likes rainbow lights of seven colors the most."

"Then I can thank you, nasty Malygos."

Ysera, the youngest among the dragon kings, snorted.

Like the little sister in the family, he stared at the beautiful jewelry in front of him eagerly, and the most serious and mysterious King of Time among the Dragon Kings also stared at the "dragon soul" floating in front of him with complicated eyes.

He is the Dragon King of the past and the future.

He has experienced countless times the disaster that the thing in front of him is about to cause, and he knows that this joyous scene is the last memorial of the good times of the dragon army.

But he can't speak out, let alone stop fate from moving forward.

This is the saddest thing about the bronze dragons, they are the prophets of the world, but they can't save anyone, not even themselves.

The different expressions of the dragon kings all fell into the eyes of Bu Laike, who was on the sidelines, and the Lord Cthulhu also felt the beauty and irony of the scene in front of him.

Who would have thought that the Dragon Kings who are as close as a family will soon face the tragedy of family ruin, and the darkest culprit is among them.

Tsk tsk, this bitch of fate is really a lover of tragedy.

"Nesarion hides himself well."

Bu Laike flipped Ysera's Dragon King cloak casually, and let the majestic cloak inlaid with metal flutter and hit the plump buttocks of the Green Dragon Queen. wind of.

Lord Cthulhu grinned and walked to the side of the Black Dragon King like a ghost. He carefully looked at Neltharion who was explaining the principles of Dragon Soul to his brothers and sisters.

His body is still pure and powerful.

Even Laikestrasza, who has the deepest understanding of life force, and Malygos, who is best at magic, can't perceive the "dramatic changes" taking place in the deepest part of his brother's body.

But in the eyes of the pirates, strands of dark purple void power are growing like a rapidly germinating seed in Neltharion's body. Ao Ri quietly crossed the barrier between illusion and reality in his deep sleep day after day.

It is "sieging the city and plundering the land", and I am afraid that it will not be long before this corrosion will completely change Nelthario's face.

But this is still just an appearance.

Bu Laike's eyes turned into purple light clusters, he saw the soul through the flesh and blood, and after crossing the barrier of matter, the "torture" of the black dragon king from the void was completely exposed before his eyes.

Not only did he see a battered dragon soul struggling, he even smelled the stench of corruption in his nose, and heard a strange phantom sound in his ears.

"Good guy!"

Bu Laike raised his eyebrows in surprise, Nesario's condition is fine!

N'Zoth's Seed of Corruption, C'Thun's Destruction Projection, Yogg Saron's Void Phantom Sound, and even some dark and gloomy strange things from the Lightless Sea entrenched in his soul and In a dream.

The evil god saw that the soul of the giant dragon in front of his eyes had already rotted and stinked, like a corpse that had been dead for a long time.

The reason why the Black Dragon King can maintain his sanity is not that he is strong-willed, but because the three imprisoned ancient gods ruthlessly destroyed his mind, and then worked together to stitch him together with the last fragments of his mind. A grotesquely deformed mind.

He is still him.

But apart from the name Neltharion, everything else had changed.

The heart and soul of the powerful, majestic and reliable Nazario has become an ugly "petri dish", like a tree trunk hollowed out by moths. It looks solid on the outside, but with a light poke, you can see termites swarming out.

Let's put it this way, if Bu Laike is really a doctor, he should persuade the Black Dragon King with a gentle face to eat and drink, and spend the few days left in a happy mood.

To say that he is terminally ill is flattering him.

"It can't be cured, it can't be saved, just wait for death."

Dr. Bo Laike shook his head and made the most accurate evaluation.

He still has a little regret in his heart.

If Deathwing can still be saved, he actually doesn't mind giving it a hand. After all, Deathwing is also a monster born and bred in Azeroth. If he can use it for himself, he might be able to do well in the decisive battle ten thousand years later. labor.

But he was late.

The void's comprehensive corruption of the unlucky Black Dragon King has come to an end. The former "majestic and warm man with wings" has been dead for a long time, and there is only one suture monster left here.

If Bu Laike had come a thousand years earlier, or even five hundred years earlier, this guy might still be saved.

According to his current understanding and research on the corruption of the void, combined with the firmness and stability of the cage of the ancient gods in this era, it must have taken the three ancient gods at least several thousand years to complete the battle against Neltharion. dream penetration.

Their seals in this era are still relatively intact. This must be the joint effort of the ancient gods to escape the cage. Facts have proved that the cooperation of these miscellaneous things is quite successful.

"Who made you like digging holes to sleep?"

Bu Laike looked at Neltharion in front of him, shook his head and said:

"The power of the earth is connected with the mountains and rivers of the world. The dragon king who can most sense the cage of the ancient gods is the dragon king. In addition, whether it is in the material world or the elemental realm, he has to find underground lairs, which further aggravates the deterioration of his condition.

what a pity. "

While Bu Laike was "diagnosing" Neltharion, the Black Dragon King also introduced the origin and production process of his treasure to his brothers and sisters.

He stroked the original embryo of the dragon soul floating in front of the dragon kings, and said to the other dragon kings:

"Although it was a birthday present for Ah Laikestraza, I tried my best to ensure its quality can withstand and carry strength.

The wisdom and courage of the elves to blow up the Well of Eternity is worthy of encouragement. Those brave mortals would rather destroy their own treasures to maintain the order of the world. This is worthy of our affirmation.

But they underestimated the difficulty of the job.

This can only be done by us. "

"Nesharion is right. Those arrogant and magic-abusing savage elves can't even understand the truth of the Well of Eternity."

Malygos nodded and said in agreement:

"They're like ants gathering around a sugar cube, thinking it was a gift from God and shamelessly taking it for themselves, and building extravagant and useless buildings around the Well of Eternity to show their respect for the 'gift'. ownership of 'things'.

This is so stupid.

They can't understand that the magic well they feed on is actually the wound of the world.

The blood of the world has been pouring out of the wound that has been directly into the heart of the world for so many years. Although it is not fatal to the soul of the world, it will keep him weak.

Blue Dragon has been observing the Well of Eternity for more than 100,000 years, and we feel it is time to solve this legacy problem, and only the world authority we have been given can ensure that the Well of Eternity will not hurt the heart of the world when it is blown up. "

"What are you going to do?"

The Red Dragon Queen nodded, and looked at Neltharion who proposed the plan, who looked at the golden jewel in front of him.

He whispered:

"We injected the power of our respective authority into the Dragon Soul, threw it into the Well of Eternity and detonated it.

Ah Laike Straza's life authority can guarantee the protection and healing of natural life after the magic well explodes, and Malygos' magic authority can suppress the additional destructive power of the explosion to a minimum.

Ysera's power of dreams can calm the interference to the material world after the blood of the world is ignited, and Nozdormu's power of time can ensure that the destructive power is compressed in an instant to avoid subsequent and continuous damage.

And my authority over the earth can ensure that the explosion of the Well of Eternity will not cause serious disturbance to the continental shelf of Azeroth. "

Nelthario said eloquently:

"Combining the power of the five dragon kings, the explosion of the Well of Eternity will not only destroy the portal of the Burning Legion, but will not even cause ecological destruction to the mortal world.

Of course, I know that injecting protective power into treasures will make us weak for a long time, but in order to maintain the order of this world, such sacrifices are necessary.

After the Well of Eternity explodes, I will retrieve the remaining power from the Dragon Soul and return it to us.

It can be a weapon too, brothers and sisters.

Asking mortals to fight against demons is simply asking them to commit suicide. As the guardians of the world, we should shoulder the responsibility to protect them in this critical time.

What do you say? "

Faced with the black dragon king's meticulous rhetoric that has almost no loopholes, the other dragon kings nodded one after another. Of course Nozdormu knew the truth, but he could not go against the direction of fate.

Bu Laike, who was beside Neltharion, applauded even more.

He looked at the Black Dragon King with admiration.

This guy is eloquent.

If I didn't know the truth, I would think this proposal is perfect!

The most important thing is that the expression of savior and protector on the majestic face of Lord Deathwing who proposed the "Salvation Plan" at this time is so sincere.

It is even necessary for Lord Cthulhu to give false cheers and shed two tears of appreciation for this wonderful performance.

What a showman's wings!

"If you have no comments, then everyone prepare."

The black dragon king, who was about to jump back, looked at his brothers and sisters. He reached out to retrieve the golden dragon soul, and said to the other dragon kings:

"Confess the inside story to my spouse and descendants, we are going to inject the power of the dragon king into the dragon soul in an hour, and my descendants told me that the demons have noticed the movement of the elves.

Perhaps the war will break out soon, and we don't have much time to hesitate. "

Neltharion stroked the dragon soul in his hand, and he looked down at the golden jewel reflecting his majestic face and eyes shining with eerie light.

He said:

"You four come first, I will bring the dragon soul back to my lair to make final adjustments, and then pour my power of the earth into it. When the war starts, the demons will be in the dragon's artifact Usher in their destruction!

They will understand that Azeroth, favored by the gods,

Not a place for savage fel to run wild. "

(end of this chapter)

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