Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1836 62. It Still Needs To Thank Us

Chapter 1836 62. It still needs to thank us

The secret meeting of the dragon kings is over.

The red dragon deacon took the queen's order and landed in front of Jarod Shadowsong who was waiting for him. The dedicated and majestic dragon steward told Shadowsong brother everything that happened just now.

When he learned that the dragons are not only willing to aid the demons in the war, but also provide a special dragon treasure for the Well of Eternity operation, Jarod has become quite calm in the experience of the war, and he can't help it. He clenched his fists and cheered on the spot.

The High Lord must be delighted by this.

The news that the dragon has decided to join the battle can also greatly boost morale. Most importantly, the chances of winning will be greatly increased with the help of the dragon in Xin Aisalie's breakthrough operation.

"We will win! We will definitely win!"

The young commander warmly thanked the dragons for their generous assistance without wasting any time, announcing the news to the equally happy guards.

Amidst the cheers of the soldiers, Jarod stepped briskly on his way home.

After all, time is running out, and the defense of Black Rook Castle has not yet been completed, so he can't just stay here with the dragon and enjoy his life while his brothers are all preparing for the war.

And when Jarod left, the brother-in-law of Laike, of course, had to come forward to "send off".

Ten minutes after the elves left Wyrmrest Temple and entered the wilderness, the young commander suddenly ordered the group to pause.

He ordered his guards to search for some local herbs and minerals to bring back, saying that it was to prepare for further contact with the dragons in the future.

It was a strange order but the guards didn't care too much.

They dispersed quickly, and Jarod himself leaned on the hilt of his waist and walked to a cold stone. He looked left and right, and when he was about to speak, he saw his elusive brother-in-law emerging from his dim shadow. stepped out.

"Hey, take this."

Bu Laike raised his hand, and a spar pendant was thrown to Jarod. The latter held it in his hand and glanced at Lord Cthulhu. He was in a good mood and said jokingly:

"Is this to bribe me to say something nice to you in front of my sister?"

"That thing is just to protect your soul. As for me, do you still need to say good things to me?"

The Scrap Pirate leaned against the lee of the stone, glanced at Jarod, and said:

"You think too much about your position in Maiev's heart, don't you?"

"I'm her younger brother! The only younger brother."

Brother Yingge replied in a very unhappy manner. This childish rebuttal made Lord Cthulhu laugh out loud. He took out a bottle of wine and magically made a cup and poured it into it, then handed the cup to Garrod .

While performing the traditional Kul Tiras art of showing off most of the bottle of wine to the frowning Yingge brother, he said to Jarod:

"Have a drink. I'm here to say goodbye to you. This parting is the last time we meet. We will have to wait at least 10,000 years to see you next time."

"You're leaving? You bastard!"

Hearing Bo Laike say this, Garrod, who took a sip of his drink, rushed forward and grabbed Bo Laike's neck and screamed:

"Are you going to run away just after you had such close contact with my sister? You bastard! What do you think of my sister? I knew you were a bastard who started in chaos and gave up all the time."

"What nonsense?"

The pirate didn't care about the bad move of the angry Yingsong brother choking his neck, anyway, now that he was standing here, it was impossible for Jarod to choke the latter to hurt the Lord God.

He looked at his brother-in-law calmly and said:

"I'm just saying goodbye to you. I can still be with Maiev for a while. You have to understand, Jarod, the time I stay in this era is limited. Whether you want it or not, I have to leave as soon as the time is up.

There is still a lot of things waiting for me over there.

There are still many girls who love me waiting for me, and most importantly, I haven't finished my work there yet. "

Garrod gritted his teeth, let go of his hand angrily, and whispered:

"I'm just not worth it for my sister!

You appeared in her life out of nowhere, gave her the best love to make her feel happy, and then left her alone and left her to wait for the reunion with you ten thousand years later.

Don't you think this is too cruel? "

"I'll answer you with your sister's words, whether it's painful or not, whether it's cruel or not, it's not up to you, and it's not up to me. We don't want us to feel it, but she feels it."

The pirate looked at the distant glaciers on the windswept horizon and said:

"This is not something you should care about. You just need to fight your battle well and find your love. Speaking of which, do you know a girl named Sarah Hill?"

"I know."

Younger brother Yingge lowered his head sullenly and kicked the stones under his feet, saying:

"Her big brother is serving in the city guards and happens to be my subordinate. That girl is pretty good but a little shy. The fruit wine she makes is excellent."

"It's good to know."

Bu Laike winked and said to his brother-in-law:

"That girl has a good personality and a good figure, she is fertile, you understand what I mean? After Maiev decided to follow me to wander around Tianya, the inheritance mission of the Shadowsong family falls on you.

Work harder, understand? "

"You made another prophecy?"

Garald stared at his confused brother-in-law with wide eyes, and said:

"Did you predict that Sarah Hill and I would end up together? Maybe I should stay away from her from now on."

"you try."

The Scrap Pirate raised his eyebrows and said:

"See if your sister doesn't break your leg.

Of course, how could the life of our beloved Commander Garrod be so mediocre? In addition to Sarah Hill, you will soon meet a second girl who makes your heart flutter.

Don't show that silly expression. When I mentioned Sarah Hill just now, your heartbeat obviously accelerated. You thought I didn't know that you secretly liked her?

You gotta understand, Jarod.

It was a terrible war, but you got on with your life after the war, and the story of the elves will live on, and so will your story.

Don't give up a good girl because of me, you will hurt yourself in the end.

Well, that's all for now.

Oh, by the way, almost forgot to give this to you. "

Laike untied a small bony horn from his waist. This obviously troll-style thing made Garald disgusted. He took it in resistance, looked at his brother-in-law again, and said:

"What is this for?"

"For life-saving."

Pirates exhorted:

"Blow it when you feel like you're dying or Ravencrest's army is about to fail, but it can only be used once, and it's the red envelope that my brother-in-law gave you as a meeting gift.

Don't speak ill of me in front of your sister, or I won't be able to spare you in ten thousand years. "

After speaking, the pirate waved his hands and prepared to leave, but when he turned around, Jarod stroked the horn in his hand and suddenly asked:

"Before you said that you came to this era to find something, brother-in-law, you are about to leave, let me ask you, have you found what you want?"

"Well, this doesn't seem like a question that a stunned young man would ask."

Bu Laike didn't move his body, turned his neck directly 180 degrees, and winked at Jarod with a gesture that almost frightened him to death, and said:

"Why do you think that what I'm looking for is not my sister? You see, your sister and I have done everything we should do."

"No, it's not my sister you want to find."

Garrod said firmly:

"At least not quite her,

Let me ask you, did something happen to my sister after ten thousand years? You lost her then, didn't you? "

Bu Laike didn't answer, and only looked at Brother Yingge questioningly. He was asking why, but Jarod didn't stop after he started, expressing all the thoughts in his heart.

He said:

"If you want to get her, there are too many ways you can use.

But look at your clumsy behavior with my sister, like a guy who wants to pick flowers but is worried that his actions will be too rough and hurt the flowers.

Although I have not experienced love, I have read books.

You didn't come looking for her.

You are making it up to her!

Brother-in-law, you must love my sister very much, the kind that you love to death. My sister told me that you told her stories and made her make wishes.

I guess even if your sister wants the stars in the sky, you can pick them off for her. You want to give her the best things to make up for your regrets in ten thousand years, right? "

The wind on the wilderness was blowing more intensely.

The pirate returned his body and head to normal posture, and he picked up his pipe and held it in the corner of his mouth while Jarod watched.

When the first puff of smoke rose, he said softly:

"She chose to sacrifice to save me. She went to a faraway place alone, Garrod, and I will bring her back. I will kill anyone who dares to stop me!

I've already killed two gods, and I don't mind killing a few more.

This is the power of love, it makes me stubborn and crazy. "

Garald accepted this explanation calmly and sadly, and asked in a low voice:

"Is your coming here part of the plan?"

"that's about right."

The pirate exhaled a smoke ring and said:

"It was only after I fell in love with your sister and lost her that I could get to know her and let her meet and fall in love with me for the first time. Your fate is like a river.

And mine is a circle.

You don't have to know more, fight your battle with your heart, leave the rest to me, I'll take her home, you won't lose your sister, your children won't lose their aunt.

that's it. "

"Okay, I believe you."

Garald didn't ask any more questions. He put the troll horn given by Braike in his pocket, nodded to his brother-in-law and prepared to leave. When he saw the guards returning, Brother Yingsong turned his head and stepped into the void rift brother-in-law said:



"I entrusted my only sister to you, don't make her sad, okay?"



"I don't think this is going to work."

In the Blue Dragon Sacred Land on the Dragon Wilderness, on several floating platforms connected to the magic net, Malygos is preparing to set off for the Wyrmrest Temple to meet up with his brothers and sisters to complete the shaping of the Dragon Soul.

Behind the King of Magic, an ancient blue dragon in the form of a troll grabbed Malygos's sleeve, and he frowned and said to his brother:

"It's not that I don't believe in Neltharion's plan, but that dragon soul feels strange to me. It happened so fast, Malygos, didn't you notice it?"

The ancient blue dragon Senegos said in a deep voice:

"As soon as the messenger of the elves said that he would blow up the Well of Eternity, Neltharion took out an artifact that perfectly responded to the situation. He said it was a birthday present for the Red Dragon Queen, but you can see that the pendant has A Laikestraza's name written anywhere?"

"You think Neltharion is lying to his brothers and sisters?"

Malygos looked back at his most trusted brother in surprise, and asked back:

"Well, even if your guess is reasonable, then tell me, why did Neltharion do that? The artifact he took out is really suitable for solving the troubles we are encountering now.

This world will usher in a catastrophe, and our duty as guardians is to prevent it from happening, let alone the Well of Eternity. That is a problem for the blue dragons.

I don't want to let it drag on any longer.

The magic net has been disturbed to an unbearable level. The existence of that magic well has already affected the tide of magic power in the world. If this continues, the world will fall into a fanatical dependence on the Well of Eternity. "

The Lord of Magic sighed and said:

"The Highborne abused their magic power, using the magic power of the Well of Eternity to strengthen themselves and turn them into so-called 'perfect beings', but in our opinion, that is just a stupid game that is ridiculous.

The magic has changed them forever.

Azshara turned her people into a horde of reptiles.

This mistake must be ended immediately, and Dragon Soul is our best choice. "

Faced with Malygos' statement, the ancient blue dragon couldn't think of a reason to refute it, but he still felt that it was not a good idea to hastily inject the power of the dragon king into an artifact.

Seeing Senegos' suspicious expression, Malygos couldn't help it.

His old brother was too old, and besides him and his beautiful and graceful consort, Sindragosa, Senegos was number three in the blue dragonflight.

Once Senegos unequivocally opposes this proposal, the Magic Legion will split before the war.

The King of Magic thought for a while, and decided to put aside the controversy, and said to his old brother:

"Well, if you think it's risky, why not move our vulnerable children to a safe place in advance, Alaikestraza decided to close the Tyre Fortress on the Dragon Islands tomorrow in order to prevent the war from spreading to our hometown The Beacon kept it protected by the might of the Titans.

You take a batch of dragon eggs and whelps to Azure Lin Hai, and sit there, waiting for news from us. "

Malygos said:

"If everything goes well, the road sign of Tyre Fortress in the Dragon Islands will be opened, if everything goes wrong, you will protect our people in our hometown.

Senegos, Sindragosa and I must join this war, and I don't feel at ease handing over the rear to others. "

The ancient blue dragon hesitated for a while, nodded and said:

"I will do so, Malygos, you all be careful. After the war is over, we will meet again in Azure Lin Hai. At that time, we will talk about my doubts.

Although it is a bad thing to doubt a fellow man.

But to be honest, I think the behavior of the Black Dragon King in the past thousand years is a bit weird. "

"I'll talk about everything when I go back."

Malygos saw the light shining on Wyrmrest Temple, the other dragonlords calling him, and he couldn't wait any longer.

He nodded to his old brother, then turned into an elegant and powerful dragon, and flew towards Wyrmrest Temple accompanied by the beautiful, indifferent and proud blue dragon queen Sindragosa.

The old blue dragon watched his brother leave, and he couldn't explain why, but there was always an indelible worry in his heart, as if something terrible was about to happen.

But the work ordered by the Dragon King must be completed. Accompanied by several elite blue dragons, the No. 3 figure of the Blue Dragon Legion walked into the closely guarded incubation hall of the Blue Dragon Sacred Land.

All the dragon eggs that can be hatched and grown into giant dragons are stored here for a hundred years. Today's blue dragon army is prosperous, and they are not worried about the number of their clansmen.

They've even begun population control to magically suppress the hatching cycle of dragon eggs.

"Remove all these dragon eggs."

Senegos said to the blue dragon people beside him:

"I'll go back to the Magic Hub. There are still some dragon eggs that need to be transported. You take the dragon eggs here and return to Bilan Lin Hai. We will meet there."

"As you order, Lord Senegos."

Several blue dragons watched the old blue dragon leave in the light of the teleportation technique, but when they turned around to carry the dragon egg, they saw an uninvited guest standing beside the cold dragon egg, as if knocking on a watermelon. He tapped on a dragon egg with icicles.

He seemed to have noticed the gazes of several blue dragons, and turned his head to show a smile.


"You eggs, are you ripe?"

Ten minutes later, Bo Laike swaggered away from the Blue Dragon Sanctuary blowing a fast-paced pirate whistle. The little murloc under his feet was holding a small dragon egg very preciously.

The pirate glanced at it and said:

"That thing can't hatch, and the unfertilized dragon eggs can at most hatch stupid baby dragons."

"quack quack"

The little murloc replied angrily.

It doesn't care what the baby eggs it picks can hatch, it just thinks it's cool for a murloc pirate to have a blue dragon hatchling as a pet.

The parrot or something is too outdated.

"Well, if they know that I stole their eggs, the entire blue dragon army will probably come to kill me, but ten thousand years later, if I hand these eggs over to the idiot Little Xingxing, the girl will probably be so moved to show her body Maybe.

But my mother told me since I was a child that I can't play with idiots. "

The crumb pirate exhaled the smoke ring, touched the bag full of blue dragon eggs, tilted his head, grinned and said:

"Heh, I did something bad, but the blue dragons should be grateful to me. As a bad guy, I'm so professional!"

(end of this chapter)

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