Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1838 64. I Will Hire You To Do Something, And I Will Talk About It After Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 1838 64. I will hire you to do something, and I will talk about it after ten thousand years

Elven Rebels.

Uh, no, it should be called the Legionfall now.

With the demigods of the wilderness and their families joining the elven ranks and receiving the full assistance of the dragons, the rebels who rose up against Queen Azshara and attacked the demons were stronger than ever.

Under Garald's cooperation, except for the fact that Lord Ravencrest did not pull the trolls into his camp, almost all the guys who could fight on this ancient continent have become his allies.

With such an advantage, if they can't defeat Azshara and her demonic henchmen, then the world is really hopeless.

The defense line of Black Rook Castle is being finalized. As the position chosen for the final battle, everyone in the military fortress on the edge of the forest is ready to die for their country.

Suramar is transporting supplies and armaments, and the Grand Magister sitting there said that he will stick to the end, but whether it is Lord Ravencrest, Ms. Alia Blue Moon, or even Commander Jarod, they are all sensible. He didn't pin his hope of winning or losing on Elisande's integrity.

They only hoped that Suramar City could attract some demonic firepower during the decisive battle. Anyway, with Elisande's personality, once too many demons came, she would definitely activate the Nightwell to block the city.

To be honest, this great magister who was once loyal to Queen Azshara has exceeded everyone's expectations, and it is unrealistic to expect too much.

And around Zin-Azshari, the capital of the empire, the vanguard of the Anti-Magic Alliance Army has also arrived here.

They hide in the remaining woods around the capital, this is the last hiding area, and they will definitely be discovered by the amazing density of demons here.

The once glorious and great capital has now become the base camp of the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth. The walls and buildings of the city are still stunningly beautiful, but the aura of evil energy shrouded in this city is already so strong that it can be seen with the naked eye.

"The next step is to wait."

In the hidden forest, Ms. Alya Lanyue, the titular commander of the vanguard army, had just completed the magical reconnaissance of the front area. She returned to the position hidden by Cenarius' apprentices with natural magic. Various commanders of the vanguard army were recruited in his tent and issued orders to them.

"We can only start our battle after starting the battle at Black Rook Castle and attracting Zin-Azshari's demons to that direction, otherwise the result of rushing directly like this is doomed to annihilation."

Ms. Lanyue is not a soldier. This pragmatic grand arcanist did not go around the bush but said directly:

"I have received a magical message from Ravencrest. He told me that there will be a dragon army to help us destroy the Well of Eternity and the portal. Once the war starts, what we have to do is to control Azshara's palace and cut off the palace. The connection between the palace and the outside world buys time for the actions of the dragons."

All the commanders nodded, and no one objected to the plan.

The commanders of the Vanguard are brave men hand-picked by the High Lord, knowing what they will face before they set off with a lone army.

Life and death are no longer important at this time.

However, someone suggested a meaning, and the new commander of the Moon Guard frowned and said:

"The dragon will help us fight the demons, but what about Azshara? If she joins the battle, relying on her connection with the Well of Eternity, our mages can't fight her together."

"I'm in charge, and that's what I'm here for."

Ms. Lanyue said blankly:

"Before I die, you don't need to think about this issue."

None of the commanders asked any more questions. They all knew about the tragedies of Azsuna and Nazaras Academy, so no one doubted Dean Lanyue's will to fight.

The high lord appointed her as the commander of this vanguard army probably also took this aspect into consideration.

And when the commanders left the tent to mobilize their respective troops, a deep voice also sounded at the entrance of Lady Blue Moon's tent, and the furry and chubby pandaren emperor walked in short.

He glanced at Ms. Lanyue and said:

"I will also join in stopping Queen Azshara, Ms. Blue Moon."

"I welcome great help."

Lan Yue said to Emperor Shaohao seriously:

"But are you sure you can really do it? Your Majesty, I don't question your skill and strength, but your identity is too sensitive."

"It doesn't matter, I came here for a state visit. It was in my plan to visit His Majesty Azshara, and now it's just a different form of visit."

Shaohao, who was wearing a black monk robe, laughed and patted his stomach. He looked back at the looming city of Xin-Azshali beyond the tent, and said:

"Besides, I am here to resist the demons for my country and people.

Thanks to the activity of the Elven Rebel Army, the demons had to concentrate their power on attacking this land. Although their destruction has spread to the trolls, they have not yet crossed the border of Pandaria.

But if you fail here, if you fail to close that damned portal here, then my country will not survive such a catastrophe.

As the emperor, I was born to protect the people. This is my duty and the burden under my crown.

I think that even if I did die here, my people would not despise me for it. "

Shaohao, who had read the "script" of the War of the Ancients early, seemed very frank. As the last emperor, he had already put everything aside at this time.

He had nothing else to ask for, and devoted everything to the victory of this battle.

Such a candid conversation made Ms. Lanyue's perception of this foreign emperor more complicated. The great arcanist put down the scroll in his hand, and sighed in a "difficult to appease" tone:

"The emperor of the Pandaren is perfect, but the emperor of the elves wants to destroy the world. Why is there such a big gap between the emperors?

Seriously, Your Majesty, I've come to envy the pandaren of Pandaria.

If the emperor is also a profession, there are at least a few golden kings between you and Azshara. "

"Well, your speaking style is getting closer and closer to that mysterious disciple of yours."

Shaohao squeezed the panda's eyes and said:

"Without him, I would not have been able to complete this epic journey destined to be forgotten, and although there is no evidence, I suspect that the rebel army can stumble all the way to the present, thanks to your disciple's secret assistance.

Being able to teach such outstanding disciples, your position in the ranks of educators is definitely among the best. "

"Yeah, I'm probably the first tutor ever to be assigned homework by his disciples. In his words, I can be regarded as a not-so-small achievement."

Dean Lanyue pushed his crystal glasses, rolled his eyes and picked up the magic test paper beside him, and the pandaren emperor saw that Ms. Lanyue was about to finish today's homework, so naturally he stopped bothering, and after a few pleasantries, left the tent.

He planned to find the Monkey King to discuss the war. That naughty hozen would probably wander around in the forest of the elves looking for fruit for himself.

Speaking of which, there are many kinds of fruits in the forest of the elf empire, and letting a monkey here is like putting a mouse in a rice jar.

But just as the furry emperor walked out of the camp hidden by natural magic, an unscrupulous voice sounded from the trunk of a nearby tree:

"Hey, that fat guy in the dark room over there, you walk very aggressively, you scare me, do you know that? You can't justify this without paying some money."

"When did you come here?"

Emperor Shaohao looked up at the tree trunk in surprise, there was more than one crumb pirate sitting on the tree trunk shaking his legs and drinking.

In addition to the little murloc holding the weird dragon egg, in the shadow of the swaying leaves behind Bo Laike stood a mysterious warrior in lady owl armor.

It seems to be protecting Bu Laike, but does the mighty Cthulhu need someone to protect him?

"I've been here a long time ago."

Bu Laike drank his wine and said in an unhappy tone:

"Probably when you obscenely hinted at the close relationship between me and her to my pure mentor, why didn't I know that the pandaren emperor, who has always advocated morality, also had such a lowly moment?

Wow, you really deserve a beating today. "

"We Pandaren often say that what the human heart looks like, the world looks like in his eyes."

His Majesty the Emperor stepped briskly on the tree trunk and swished down beside the pirate. The not-so-strong branch suddenly swayed under the weight of an extra person.

But with the skill of the legendary monk, he could stand upright in such a shaking, and took the wine bottle thrown by the pirates, and said to Bo Laike:

"It's obviously a normal conversation between friends, but in your eyes, it becomes an obscene hint. If the world is right, then it can only show that the Silent One is a dirty bastard at heart.

Am i right? "

"Hehe, whatever you want, anyway, you will die soon, I have never been in the habit of arguing with the dead."

Bo Laike replied very viciously.

Shaohao uncorked the wine bottle indifferently.

He knew that his time was approaching, and after visiting Queen Azshara, he would go back to Pandaria as quickly as possible to protect his people in the doomed catastrophe.

This great sacrifice fits perfectly with the chivalry that the pandaren worship.

His Majesty the Emperor didn't feel sad about this, and even looked forward to it.

"Here, this is for you."

The pirate and Shaohao drank a few rounds of wine, then untied a few bags from his waist and handed them to the emperor, who took them in his hands and looked into the bags with his mind, his eyes widened immediately.

He said:

"This is a dragon egg? I saw its projection in the library of Narsalas College. It should be a blue dragon egg. Why are there so many? Are you robbing the lair of the blue dragons?"

"No, don't you think I'm as good as a villain?"

The Scrap Pirate rolled his eyes and said:

"I stole it to do good. Well, I stole it, and I want you to bring these dragon eggs back to Pandaria, the only continent that will not be affected by the Sundering.

Take these blue dragon eggs back and put them in a magical place to wait for them to hatch naturally

Wait, I have a better idea! "

Bu Laike narrowed his eyes, a thought crossed his mind, he said:

"It is said that when the sky collapses, it will also cause a small disorder in the timeline. If I remember correctly, Pandaria will be a little bit impacted by this world reorganization, forming a strange island with fragments of the disordered timeline.

Time will be suspended there for ten thousand years.

Put those eggs out there! "

Lord Cthulhu patted the Pandaren Emperor on the shoulder and said:

"Don't ask me where the island is, you will know when the time is up, an isolated place where time is suspended is the most suitable place to store such valuables without affecting the timeline of the outside world.

I'm a fucking genius! "

"Are prophets always talking like you? There are so many new ideas when you turn your mind."

The emperor said something in an unhappy tone.

But he still called Candle Dragon, who had shrunk down and flew around the forest like a small snake, and tied the luggage full of dragon eggs under Candle Dragon's saddle.

He didn't dare to take this thing with him.

He was going to fight Queen Azshara, and even if he couldn't fight Azshara, he would definitely fight the demons to the death. If something went wrong, these precious dragon eggs would be finished.

"Tell me about the war."

Emperor Shaohao showed off a bottle of wine with the speed that a pandaren alcoholic should have. He turned his head to look at Lord Cthulhu, pointed in the direction of Xin Aisalie, and said:

"I don't doubt our victory, but I'm curious, how do you get the demons entrenched in the city to go to the battlefield of Black Rook Castle? Their commanders should know that they can't stay away from the portal at this important moment, right? ?”

"Of course they do."

Bu Laike snorted and said:

"Azshara also knows very well that this ritual of summoning the gods is about to reach its final stage, that is a very clever and cunning woman, but she is a proud woman after all.

As we all know, the more rational people are, the more they will get on top once they are irritated. When they are angry, they often make some rather irrational actions.

So, ignore what the demons think.

Before the power of the Dark Titan approached this world, they were the swords in Azshara's hands. Wherever the Queen swung them, they would attack there.

The crux of the problem lies in Azshara's judgment.

Luckily, I'm pretty good at pissing people off and taking advantage of their anger, so lucky you bastards, be patient.

In a few days our dear Majesty will make the craziest decision of her life.

I'm very confident about it. "

Shaohao nodded.

Although he hasn't spent too much time with Bu Laike, he is really confident in this guy's amazing satirical skills, and Lord Cthulhu is definitely a professional in angering others.

And the black-clothed prophet is now guaranteed, so naturally there is nothing to worry about.

Shaohao was a little drunk, he glanced at the wine bottle in his hand, and said to the pirate after a few seconds:

"So, you're leaving?"


The Scrap Pirate glanced at Miss Maiev who was standing in the shadow of the leaves behind him, and he said with a pipe in his mouth:

"I have found everything I need to find, only the final goal has not been completed, but it will be soon, I will leave, leave this era forever and return to the place where I came.

But there is no need to feel sad about this parting, my dear Shaohao, although I don't know where you, a lingering old ghost, will hide to watch a good show ten thousand years later.

But I'm sure we'll meet again in ten thousand years.

Until then, you're going to buy me a drink. "

"no problem."

The bold Emperor laughed and said:

"Next time please."

"Then you can kneel down."

The pirate waved his hand and said arrogantly:

"My lord is going to rest. I still have things to do tonight. If there is anything I want to say, I will make a draft of it. I will talk about it in ten thousand years."

"What about the reward?"

Shaohao grinned and said:

"You asked me to keep the dragon eggs for ten thousand years. This is a hard job. Don't you even plan to give me any reward?"

"Tch, what about a bright future?"

The Scrap Pirate squinted and said:

"Of course, pay after 10,000 years."

"That's what you said! Don't renege on it then."

His Majesty stretched out his hairy hand, Bu Laike glanced at it, and said disdainfully:

"Are you a child? Do you still have to pull a hook for this kind of thing?"

"Come on you!"

The pandaman laughed and pulled Bu Laike over. The two men hugged each other as if saying goodbye. The furry emperor patted Lord Cthulhu on the shoulder and said:

"Thank you for taking me into such a magical journey, my friend, we will see you in 10,000 years. Send me back and we will meet again. It is too early to say this now."

"Your beer belly hits me, you greasy emperor."

The pirate scolded:

"My arms are reserved for sweet and soft little girls. Let go when you've had enough? If someone sees you, it's over. I haven't planned to have any gossip with a damn fat pandaren yet.

Little idiot!

Put your camera down!

Beat you, believe it or not? "

(end of this chapter)

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