Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1839 65. Obviously, You Who Are Destined To Do Great Things Need A Sword That Can Shine

Chapter 1839 65. Obviously, you who are destined to do great things need a sword that can shine

The farewell to Shaohao was somewhat uneventful.

This is normal, the hot-blooded men who advocate chivalry have always regarded the chic farewell as the creed of life, and the chic index of a mighty crumb pirate like Bu Laike is at least five stars or more.

In short, after distributing a few bottles of fine wine in the luggage to the pandaren emperor who is determined to set foot on the battlefield, Bu Laike is ready to go to the city of Zin-Azshari.

Of course, before that, he had to finish marking the magic test paper that Dean Lanyue had just finished.

It has to be said that a genius is a genius. In just over half a month, Dean Lanyue has easily followed the schedule of Pirates, and even asked some very tricky questions by analogy.

And it wasn't until this time that the mighty evil god realized that it was not unreasonable for the dean to call himself an ignorant warlock ten thousand years later.

She was so fierce 10,000 years ago, it's no wonder that 10,000 years later, she can beat the spellcasting masters of later generations with her profound knowledge.

"You almost emptied me."

In the dean's tent, the pirate reluctantly handed a 100-point test paper to the relaxed-looking Dean Lanyue. He complained in a low voice:

"If this continues, the things in my mind will not be able to satisfy your great thirst for knowledge. Fortunately, I still have a lot of taboo knowledge from the lightless sea, otherwise I really don't have the guts to pass it on to you. Knowledge."

"I taught you all your arcane lore, Bo Laike."

Dean Lan Yue said slowly while arranging the pen and paper at hand:

"I taught you this knowledge first, and then you returned it to me across time and space, so in theory, I am teaching myself.

I mean, don't put money on yourself, my disciple.

You are not a producer of knowledge, you are just a courier of knowledge.

I guess, I will give you the title of 'Unlearned and Unskilled' in the future? "


Bo Laike took out a stack of test papers from the bag that could kill the succubus with a blank face, and put them in front of the dean. Under the astonished gaze of the dean, he said:

"My lord, your attitude just now made me very uncomfortable, so I decided to give you a 'remedial lesson', anyway, you have to stay in the forest for the next few days to hide and prepare.

You are the commander in name and do not need to participate in military decision-making, so it should be no problem to finish these papers before you invade Zin-Aisaly, right? "

"So, is this revenge?"

Dean Lanyue curled her lips, rolled her cute eyes and pushed her glasses, she said:

"You know that if you take revenge on me now, it means that I will take revenge on you in 10,000 years, right? So in theory, if you want to make life easier for you in 10,000 years, the best The way is

please me. "

She pointed to the test paper in front of her, then looked at Bu Laike, and asked softly:

"Do you think this is a way to please me?"

"You like knowledge, don't you?"

Bu Laike said with a drawn out voice:

"I would be humiliating you if I gave you a big diamond ring, my dear dean, I know yourself better than you do, and this is what you like, so don't pretend."


Dean Lanyue sighed, picked up a test paper and admired it in front of her eyes. After a few seconds, she said:

"Well, this is really what I like, the feeling of constantly learning new knowledge is so happy that I can't stop, I haven't felt like this for a long time.

My disciple, you really understand me very well.

But as a mentor, being so transparent by my disciples shows that I am really an unqualified educator. Speaking of which, you have never told me what kind of trouble I encountered after ten thousand years, and I need you to go through it. Time and space to reverse? "

Blue Moon looked at Bu Laike and said:

"I feel that you told my tutor my problem. The words the tutor said when he left are really strange. Now that you are leaving, don't you plan to tell me?"

"Uh, let's not talk about it."

Lord Cthulhu scratched his head and said:

"For the healthier development of our teacher-student relationship, let's leave these things to your own experience. What, I'm going to Xin Aisa Li to prepare for the meeting with the Queen, so you can continue to do your papers.

I will not disturb you from enjoying this simple yet fulfilling pleasure.

See you on the battlefield. "

After finishing speaking, the crumb pirates slid out with a whoosh as if fleeing. Dean Lanyue looked at his running back, shook his head, picked up a pen and started to make the test paper.

But today I can't calm down, every time I think about it, my hair will run away for no reason, my heartbeat is a little fast, and my cheeks are a little hot

Shouldn't you have a fever?

This experience is really bad.

Ms. Lanyue thought so, and waved a small ball of ice slag on her face to "force calm", then took a deep breath, and continued to dig in the ocean of knowledge.

On the other side, in the light of dusk, Laike and Maiev, as well as the black moon priest big sisters who followed the first watcher, quickly infiltrated the city of Zin-Azshali, which had been completely occupied by demons.

Under the shadow of Lord Moon Shadow, these big sisters moved swiftly and secretly.

Led by Deyana's big sister who was born in the city of Xin-Aisaly, they crossed the city wall of the capital and entered the city that had been ruled by demons.

At this time, almost twenty days had passed since the abominable Xin-Aisa Li massacre, but there were still large swaths of filthy blood stains remaining in the streets and corners of the city.

These blood stains representing disaster and pain are like the rotten scars of this city, representing a kind of hopeless madness and depravity.

Bu Laike didn't even need to turn on his spiritual vision to perceive that the city was full of weak spirits that remained after being eaten by demons.

They were howling and screaming, making the place so gloomy that it looked like a ghost on earth.

And the watchmen who followed him walked through the streets and alleys silently. Although there were roars and noises from the devils everywhere, the city was extremely silent in their perception.

This is a city of the dead.

Save for Azshara and her loyal Highborne subjects, there was no living soul in the city.

"Turn off your spirit vision, for the sake of your mental health."

When he entered a fringe area with few demon branches, the Scrap Pirate made a pause to rest, and he said to the big sisters behind him:

"I don't even need to feel it to feel your seething anger and desire for revenge, but the Warden should remain calm at all times, that is the virtue of the Darkmoon Hunter.

You have one hour to get yourselves back into top shape.

Before I return, I want to see a group of calm stalkers, not a group of berserkers looking to unleash their rage. "

"As you order, Your Majesty Moon Shadow."

The big sisters accepted the order, and the pirate gestured to Maiev, and the two left the temporary hiding place, galloping over the gloomy city roofs like parkour, approaching the city of the high elves.

To be honest, it is indeed a great honor to see Zin-Azsari in its heyday in this era. The city under the night is much more magnificent than the withered ruins on the coast of Azshara.

This is like an enhanced version of Suramar. The city is bigger and the facilities are more luxurious. Just a big promenade that separates the upper city from the civilian area is made of pure marble. The spiers and domes of the temple add a lot of gorgeous sense of ceremony to this place.

The elves are indeed a group of guys with explosive artistic cells.

Regardless of whether it is practical or not, just say it is handsome or not, right?

The entire city was built around the Well of Eternity, and on the other side of the semi-curved city was a towering mountain.

There is also a town-sized palace on the slope of the high mountain, which is the queen's favorite viewing platform. When the weather is good, you can enjoy the good scenery of Mount Hyjal and the Great Plains of Suramar from there.

It's a pity that it has now become a lair of fear demons and doom guards. Large areas of mephits flap their wings and walk through the evening night. The fountain platform that was once used for public gatherings has also become a camp for demon guards. Beautiful flowers and plants There are demon hounds chasing and biting in the large garden formed.

The gorgeous city has been ruined like this, and the end of civilization is probably such a bleak feeling.

The Highborne have abandoned everything they built for a sad dark fantasy, entrusting their future to a cold-blooded god of the stars.

Perhaps before Azshara went mad, her people had gone mad.

"To build such a big city after 10,000 years will require at least ten years of taxes from the seven human nations. Her Majesty is really extravagant and generous. If it were me, I would not be so generous to let demons live in my city." building a nest there."

Standing on a tower whose top was burned down by flames, Bo Laike said something distressed. Behind him, Miss Maiev silently looked in the direction of Shin-Azshari's Luna Temple.

The largest and most ceremonial temple of the Elven Empire was the most severely damaged building in the city.

The demons almost razed it to the ground in a gesture of venting their anger. According to people who escaped, when the massacre happened, the temple was separated from many innocent people. They fought bravely with the invaders under the watchful eyes of the statue of Luna. .

"Elune has not given up on this country."

Maiev whispered:

"And we're not giving up on maybe we can rebuild it."

"Think too much, little sister."

The pirate grinned and said:

"In the future, you will live on trees and pick fruits to eat. Let's take a last look at this city. There will never be such a magnificent city in this world again."

"I admit that what you say is very reasonable, my god."

Miss Maiev slapped Boo Laike's hand away and said:

"But can you restrain your excessive desire for pleasure when you speak, we are at war, please be serious?"

"Oh, boring."

The pirate pouted and said:

"Now you are as boring as you will be ten thousand years later. As a priest, you are not even willing to take risks for the gods. Sure enough, a mighty god like me cannot expect to get some normal believers."

"I've never seen any deity use tentacles when believers offer sacrifices to him. This is beyond my poor imagination, Lord Moon Shadow."

Maiev's voice was filled with strong dissatisfaction.

There is of course a reason for this.

The guilt-ridden Lord Cthulhu laughed dryly, then hurriedly changed the subject and said:

"I found Dath'Remar Sunstrider's mansion, let's go there now."

"Huh? Don't save Tyrande?"

Maiev asked in surprise, Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"The beloved Miss Tyrande has plenty of rescuers, so we don't have to intervene. Of course, I will support them secretly. Now I need to create a dream to talk to the Sunstrider safely.

When I fall asleep, my most trusted and beautiful Maiev will protect me, okay? "

"Pay attention to your identity, Lord Moon Shadow, don't be so nasty, okay?"

Maiev said something angrily, but Bo Laike then rolled his eyes and said:

"Don't laugh if you have the ability. You obviously like to be so tired of being together like this, but you insist on being so serious. We are now in the stage of passionate love, right? You don't want to come forward and plant some strawberries for me. Do you think it's appropriate?"

"My lord, be decent."

Maiev held on to his helmet helplessly, sighed and said:

"With you like this, I really can't continue to believe in you. This is not how I imagined falling in love with someone should feel."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the dissatisfied evil god, thought for a while, reached out and took off her battle helmet, kissed Bu Laike on the cheek, and said:

"That's good, dear."

"whispering sound."

The pirate snorted and said:

"Look at how I will torture you if I rescue you after I go back, you naughty believer."

After throwing out the cruel words, the evil god lord slightly used the power of the quieter godhead, and without affecting the stability of the time network, a dream covering the upper elf area was compiled in the blink of an eye.

Maiev who was beside him shook her head, the world in her eyes was split into two at this moment, the material world was still peaceful, but the dream in her mind returned to Shadowsong's ancestral house like a different world.

Seeing the smirking evil god move her fingers, Miss Maiev realized that something was wrong.

"My dear little Maiev, my story is not finished yet, but we have so little time left to do it in our dreams. Perhaps we can hear it in a different setting.

Relax and listen to me, this dream won't end so soon. "

Damn it!

His own insincerity angered his own gods.

Now this evil god is about to send down "God's Punishment".

I'm finished.——

On the other side, the great nobleman Dath'Remar Sunstrider, who had returned to his mansion after a tiring day on the "big construction site" of the Well of Eternity, just leaned back on his chair and was about to have dinner, when he felt a burst of irresistible pressure. sleepy.

The dream came so suddenly that he fell asleep after blinking a few times.

"Damn it, I have to go to work tomorrow."

The Sunstrider thought so.

But the dream in front of him has quietly unfolded.

He saw a group of flames bursting out in front of his eyes and flying in the sparks. The flames swirled and danced around Dath'Remar Sunstrider as if they had their own life, and finally turned into a beautiful and noble flame phoenix.

It flapped its wings and carried Dath'Remar forward in the arc of light drawn by its graceful tail feathers through this eerie dream, as if stepping into a future that was not so clear.

The Sunstrider saw himself in the shards of time and space passing by on both sides.

Surrounded by a group of fellow elves, he boarded a battleship, sailed across a magnificent ocean that he had never seen before, and finally set foot on a magical and wild continent like an explorer.

Before Sunstrider could look at it with his heart, the picture of another fragment unfolded again.

The scorching sun of dawn shines on the morning light, and red and golden towers are scattered all over a gorgeous city that is very similar to Xin Aisalie. He is already very old, holding an elegant golden zither and playing the ditties of his hometown melancholy .

Those fragments are constantly changing, some are battlefields, some are deep palace mansions, and there is a large area of ​​white-skinned elves outside a towering mausoleum mourning their farewell.

In the end, those fragments fluttered and turned into a flaming gorgeous long sword that pierced the ground like a flagpole amidst the phoenix's neighing, and the flaming phoenix that led him along the way also folded its wings and landed on the flaming hilt.

"Is this some kind of prophecy?"

Your Excellency the Sunstrider is a great nobleman of the empire, although he is not as strong as a great arcanist.

But he is also an excellent spellcaster, with a very deep family background.

He immediately realized that his dream was unusual, and the long sword that appeared in the dream before him might be the key to unraveling the prophecy.

"Touch it."

A deep voice sounded in Dath'Remar's dream, causing Sunstrider to turn around vigilantly, and saw a mysterious man in black clothes and black robe holding a crow staff coming from his dream.

There is only a chaotic mist under his hood, and the sense of mystery is filled in an instant.

"Dath'Remar Sunstrider, who is destined to do great things, welcome to the gap between the past, the present and the future. You are about to embark on your own magnificent destiny, and I am your guide."

Pirate Scraps glanced at the Founding King of Quel'Thalas in front of him.

With a flick of his finger, he reassembled the fragmented dream into another scene. Dath'Rema saw the familiar hall and himself sleeping soundly on the dining table not far away.

He didn't wake up, he was still in a dream.

"The familiar environment may make you let your guard down, come on."

The mysterious man sat on the sofa behind him, let the flames of the fireplace burn, the elegant phoenix fell on his shoulders, and tilted his head to look at the Sunstrider.

He said:

"Open your heart to fate and talk to the prophet in black."

(end of this chapter)

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