Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1840 66. Becoming A Flaming Swordsman From Today

Chapter 1840 66. Becoming a Flaming Swordsman From Today

As the ancestor of the Sunstrider family, Dath'Remar Sunstrider's outstanding appearance can be seen from his descendant, Kael'thas Sunstrider, who is handsome enough to make the Scrap Pirates feel threatened.

Of course, as a noble in the most prosperous era of the empire and a courtier favored by Queen Azshara, Dath'Remar is obviously more masculine than his descendants.

Compared with his handsomeness, Kaizi feels somewhat feminine.

This great nobleman who was destined to have a magnificent life also had a big heart that was tired with his identity and temperament. After realizing that his dream seemed to involve a terrible guy, Sunstrider quickly calmed down.

He couldn't resist this mysterious guy, and naturally he wouldn't do something meaningless that would only anger the prophet in black.

Under the watchful eyes of Lord Cthulhu, Dath'Rema Sunstrider sat on the chair opposite him with a gentle yet alienated smile. After a few seconds of thinking, he said:

"My good friend, Lord Ravencrest, has not revealed your existence to me, Mysterious Prophet, but I think that there must be your participation and help in this day-changing battle.

Allow me to express my heartfelt thanks to you on behalf of myself and those who suffered. "

After finishing these few words, there was no answer. On the contrary, although the chaotic face of the prophet in black opposite him could not see any expression, he could feel a strange scrutiny looking at him.

"As expected of someone who will be a king in the future, this familiar diplomatic rhetoric is really easy to come by."

The prophet in black shook his head and said:

"But if you are sure that you want to waste your precious time on these unnutritious things, then I can talk with you all day, would you like to?"

The Sunstrider frowned.

He sat up straight and said seriously:

"We have already recruited a group of highborne who are determined to resist in the city of Zin-Azshari, and they have been overwhelmed by the Queen's madness and the oppression of demons.

Although there are not many in number, they are all brave men carefully selected by me.

Once the rebels decide to attack the city, we can provide a lot of support, such as temporarily closing the city's magic barrier, leading the soldiers and so on. "

"This is not something I want to talk to you about, Sunstrider, maybe tomorrow there will be an envoy from the Rebel Army, and you can discuss the war with him to your heart's content."

Bu Laike says:

"What I want to talk to you about is fate, the role you want to play in this war, and the mission you are about to fulfill. I think a wise person like you has already guessed the direction of things in the future.

But what I want to say is that you are not ready yet. "

He touched the flaming phoenix on his shoulder. This well-behaved bird uttered a bright cry in the dream, and then flapped its wings and flew out, turning into a raging fire between the two of them, forming the torch that Sunstrider saw just now. A unique flaming sword.

"You have to forge it. Before the battle begins, it will become the legendary blade that records your destiny, and it will become the secret treasure and proud dependence of the Sunstrider family from generation to generation."

Pointing at the sword, the Cthulhu said to Dath'Remar who listened attentively:

"You have to hold it on the battlefield."

"A flaming blade?"

The nobleman nodded, carefully distinguishing the shape and details of the sword, he said:

"The queen's court blacksmiths have long been out of work, and when she made a pact with the devil under the guidance of the sycophant Lord Xavius, all order in the once prosperous court disappeared.

Fortunately, those excellent craftsmen escaped the slaughter under my protection. It is not difficult to forge such a magic sword with their skills and the materials stored in my manor.

The only problem is the connection with the flame. "

Dath'Remar rubbed his chin, and said with some embarrassment:

"This is no ordinary flame.

In terms of my rough magic skills, I guess it should come from the realm of the nascent fire, the mysterious elemental plane and the legendary violent firelord Ragnaros.

Your Excellency the Prophet, if it were normal, I would spend time and energy on this prophecy to find a way to contact the Fire Demon King, but now is really not a good time. "

"What you need is the Flame of Savras."

The pirate didn't hide it either, he said directly:

"I'm not a third-rate prophet who digs holes and doesn't fill them in. I will give you the treasures you need and help you complete this sacred object of the Sunstrider. But while I shape your destiny for you, you also have to shape the destiny for others.

I know that not all night elf civilians died in Zin-Azshari's massacre, some lucky ones were secretly sheltered by some great people.

They are in this city.

They are like a herd of frightened beasts, and until they are led by a true leader, their hearts will be overwhelmed with fear and unable to inspire courage.

Dath'Remar Sunstrider, this is what you will pay for your prophecies.

You have to help those commoners find their leader, and before you can become king, you have to help another person get to the leader's throne, which is a very important part.

It is also your responsibility. "

Sun Chaser's complexion changed slightly.

The fact that he quietly collected a group of civilians who had nowhere to go to face the threat of death during the massacre was one of his biggest secrets, and he only saved those poor people out of the responsibility of the nobles.

I thought about sending them out of the city quietly after the situation calmed down, but who would have expected that the queen would be so completely crazy. Seeing that there were more and more demons in the city of Xin Aisalie, those civilians who escaped the massacre would die if they dared to show their heads.

But the patrols of the demons have become more and more strict, and those civilians who escaped the massacre have become hot potatoes in the hands of the sunstriders.

He is a man with a bottom line, and he cannot send those innocent people to the hands of the devil again, but if the situation continues to deteriorate, those civilians hiding in the manor on the edge of the city will definitely be discovered by the devil.

At that time, he will not be able to protect himself.

What's more serious is that he was not the only nobleman who sheltered civilians during the massacre.

Dath'Remar knew that many of the nobles who had now chosen to join his small organization against Queen Azshara's tyranny had more or less civilians hiding in their estates.

The resistance of these upper elf nobles was indeed because they couldn't stand the double oppression and bullying of the queen and the demon, but part of the reason was that they couldn't resist.

In the choice between loyalty and conscience, they chose conscience.

Now it's time for them to pay for their consciences, this riot is bound to happen, Dath'Remar has been preparing, Ravencrest and the Rebels are a pleasant surprise, but the pressure on the Sunstriders is also high.

"The number of civilians who are hiding is in the thousands."

The Sunstrider said in a difficult tone:

"We can provide them with weapons, anyway, our private soldiers have been dragged to the large construction site of the Well of Eternity, there are a lot of sophisticated weapons.

But the leader.

After the massacre, those night elves don't trust the Highborne except us.

I can't leave this city under martial law, so where should I go to find a qualified leader for these civilians? "

"Well, that's your problem, my dear Sunstrider."

Bo Laike, who likes to see other people's unlucky the most, said in a cheerful tone:

"I think that a predestined king is obviously capable enough to easily complete this important task. As for those leaders, she is not outside, she is in this city.

Don't worry, sunstrider.

A good prophet like me does not send unfulfilled revelations to those who have stepped into their destiny.

She is right next to you.

All you have to do is observe carefully and take the necessary risks. "

"I still have some questions, I think"

Dath'Rema raised his head, wanting to ask some more prophecies about the "King's Fate", but the moment he looked up, what he saw was the cold dinner in front of him.

The fireplace in the hall was still burning.

But there is no elegant phoenix or mysterious prophet on the sofa, and the dream has already woken up at the moment when I didn't realize it.

"what is this?"

The nobles also lost their appetite to eat.

Frowning, he got up and went to the fireplace, and looking at the burning flames before him, he said:

"Is it because I was too tired and stressed recently that I had a weird dream? But I remember the details of the sword clearly.

In other words, I seem to have had the same dream a few years ago.

The same burning sword.

I discussed it with Farondis at the time, and he said it was just revealing my quest for bravery, and now it seems like it's more than that


Didn't the Prophet say he would leave behind a flame for the forge? "

Sunstrider looked left and right, and there was no trace of gifts left in the hall. Finally, he set his sights on the fireplace in front of him. There was a trace of flame burning in the dancing flames, which was particularly strange.

It is totally different from those coquettish sluts who are randomly burning beside it, it is not attached to the charcoal at all, and it just burns out of thin air for self-admiration.

There was only a sliver of flame, but it attracted all the attention of Dath'Remar Sunstrider.

He squatted down in amazement, wrapped his fingers in the flames with his own not-so-powerful magic, and grabbed the quietly burning rootless fire in the palm of his hand and took it out.

After leaving the fireplace, the flame was still burning, illuminating the eyes of the Sunstrider.

It also dispelled the doubts in his heart.

If the primordial fire left behind is real, it means that the bizarre prophetic dream is also real, and he accepts this gift and also accepts a duty.

Find a leader for the helpless civilians trapped in Zin-Azshari

The prophet in black said that the person was in the city and referred to him as "she".

The nobleman narrowed his eyes, carefully recalling what happened in the city recently. After a while, he summoned his butler and asked:

"When I came back yesterday, I heard you said that there was a new prisoner in the queen's palace cage? Do you know her identity?"

"Yes, my lord."

The old butler who was in charge of collecting information for the nobles whispered:

"According to the information I got from chatting with the palace guards when I was serving you meals, the prisoner was captured by the demon sent by Lord Xavius, and it is said that the Queen specially summoned her.

Now she is imprisoned in a palace cage.

Those talkative guards told me that Mrs. Vashki, Her Majesty's most beloved maid, will spend some time these few days to talk to the mysterious prisoner in the cage.

It is said that it is a priest of the moon."

"Priest of the Moon?"

Dath'Remar's eyes lit up suddenly.

Different from the high elves who advocate magic and are loyal to Queen Azshara, the biggest characteristic of the night elf commoners at the bottom is that most of them believe in Lady Elune.

The priests of Lady Elune are also very good at organizing civilians to carry out various activities and guide their beliefs to be used by the empire. If a group of frightened civilians are looking for a leader, then a priest of the moon is definitely The most suitable candidate.

Maybe she is

The nobleman had an idea in his mind, but he did not act recklessly. Instead, he decided to talk to the prisoner first tonight to see if she was the "leader" predicted.

"Sangunal, my dear housekeeper, do something for me again."

The Sunstrider took out a blueprint of the weapon he had just drawn and a magic box containing the wisp of Savras' fire from his luggage, and handed the two things to his most trusted housekeeper.

He exhorted in a low voice:

"Go to the manor to find the court craftsmen who are protected by me, and open the warehouse to them. I want them to forge this weapon for me. It must be fast!

We don't have much time.

I want to see my 'Flame Strike' within three days. "

"Our warehouse has the most perfect sword embryos left by the family craftsmen, my lord."

Butler Sangunar said softly:

"Three days are enough to forge a magical weapon for you, and my guards and I will be ready to go on the battlefield like you.

Flamestrike is such an imposing name, and it fits your surname perfectly. "

"Alas, Sangunar, I said you are really not good at this kind of flattery."

The nobleman sighed, patted the butler on the shoulder, and said:

"Go to work, I'm going to the palace to meet the mysterious prisoner, there is no need to make me a supper at night, I will stay there until tomorrow morning and go directly to work on the Well of Eternity.

God, I really never thought that one day I would become a poor tool man squeezed by the devil.

Enough of such a hell of a day! "


"I warn you, next time I have such an obscene dream, I will change my faith!"

On the way back to the watchman's hiding place, Miss Maiev said to her unruly god very dissatisfied:

"I'm a priest and I don't mind dedicating to my gods, but dreams like this really put a lot of pressure on me."

"Uh, I didn't do anything."

Bu Laike said in surprise:

"Just telling a story, I haven't even touched your hand, okay?"

"But it's enough for you to talk about how shameless we will be in ten thousand years! It's enough! I can't become that kind of person, I'm a priest who believes in Ms. Elune."

Miss Maiev covered her face and screamed:

"It wouldn't be so shameless."

"But that's all true."

Bu Laike whispered maliciously:

"Don't struggle, my little Maiev, you are like a poor little beast that will eventually fall into the trap of a shameless hunter and get deeper and deeper, those futures are doomed.

Well, we have guests. "

The evil god pointed ahead, and Maiev took a deep breath and jumped into the shadows to hide.

Laike followed in her shadow, and when they entered the house, in addition to the vigilant watchers, there were Shandris Feathermoon dressed as Stormrage Brothers and Hunters, and Taranas Windrunner, the scout of the vanguard. By.

"I feel it, Mindo's location is in Azshara's palace."

Shandris said to Brother Stormrage:

"But I can't just break in there, we have to wait for the opportunity, Mindo's aura is not weak, she is not suffering."

"But that's a matter of time."

Brother Dan, who was wearing a blindfold, moved his fingers and said:

"I can pretend to be a demon believer and go there to investigate."

"Too risky."

Malfurion immediately refused:

"We should first get in touch with Your Excellency Sunstrider and ask for his help."

"No need."

Maiev strode forward and said in a hoarse voice:

"We have settled this matter, His Excellency Dath'Remar will help, and he has already started operations, you will be able to see Ms. Tyrande in three days at the latest.

Also, I have bad news for you guys.

There are still thousands of civilians hidden in this city, they are protected by Dath'Remar and other nobles, but they may be discovered at any time.

I know Tyrande's personality best, she can't give up on these Luna believers, so, you guys have to be prepared, the original rescue plan needs to be changed.

Maybe you have to escort Tyrande to break out of Zin-Azshari with the civilians, or fight to the end here.

This is almost the same as sending to death.

Of course, Overwatch will be in it too, and that's what we're here for! "

(end of this chapter)

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