Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1844 70. The Prophet In Black And Queen Azshara

Chapter 1844 70. The Prophet in Black and Queen Azshara

"The rebel army has entered the palace! The outer guards have been defeated, and two garrison troops have chosen to surrender."

In the chaotic and noisy night, in Azshara's palace, a loyal bodyguard reported to his supreme queen with the remaining murderous aura on the battlefield:

"The demons are mobilized, but the polluter is unwilling to intervene in this civil strife. It shamelessly declares that this is only the internal affairs of the elves, and that the coming of the dark god is the real event.

Your Majesty, you need to move to a safe place. "

"Demons? Heh, I never expected them to be able to do anything serious. They are just a group of beasts who think they are powerful."

Queen Azshara sitting on the throne did not panic at all.

Facing the loyal servant's request for her to transfer, she dismissed it, and even had the mood to despise those "allies". Under the bright palace lights, she said in a disdainful tone:

"The power of Lord Sargeras is fascinating, but it is a pity that the legion under his command lacks wisdom. Archimonde comes from a world called Argus. It is a good idea for those eredar to be allowed to join the Burning Legion.

Unfortunately, their poor intellect was not enough to help Lord Sargeras remake his Burning Legion.

That's why the Dark God chose me and the Highborne.

Don't ignore them sitting on the sidelines. "

The queen waved her hand and said:

"When I become their queen, I will let them know what rules are and what politeness is!

My loyal guards, go and rectify my army, send out my court mages, suppress the rebels, and drive them out of my palace.

I have to prepare for the arrival of Lord Sargeras, and I don't have time to play this game of suppression with them now. "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The mighty guard retreated.

During the whole process, he didn't dare to look up at the majesty of the queen, which made Azshara feel boring. If her loyal and capable Varothen was here, how could these little things disturb her peaceful sleep at night?

It's a pity that there is only one Valocen who can always be reassuring, and he has been sent out to perform an important task.

"Talent, I need more talent."

The queen sitting on the throne thought so.

Then, she looked at the maid beside her and asked casually:

"Where is my favorite Vashki?"

"Your Majesty, Ms. Vashj has gone to deal with Tyrande Windtalker."

The maid replied respectfully, Azshara was taken aback for a moment but then showed a playful smile.

Vashki was a talent she had personally selected from among her maids, and the empress knew exactly how jealous that girl was.

But she didn't punish her, instead she found it very interesting because of Vashki's supreme loyalty and fanatical obsession with her.

She has conquered all men.

Now it seems that all women will fall under their own charm, which feels very good, although as a queen, she rarely needs to use her charm as a weapon.

"Your Majesty, perhaps you should go to a safe place."

The maid next to me said cautiously:

"The rebels are approaching, and they will impolitely attack your majesty."

"Just them?"

Azshara showed a disdainful smile and said:

"They won't even try to undo my defensive spells, and I'll just sit here and watch my subjects play a war game for me in this increasingly dull season.

It's interesting that their fight can please their queen, isn't it? "

"It is indeed very interesting, my lord, I am very pleased that your taste is already so bad at this time."

A strange voice appeared in the brightly lit palace. When the voice sounded, the maids and guards around the queen immediately reacted.

They pulled out their weapons and guarded the queen side by side, and the figure who stepped out of the shadow under the light didn't care about it.

When the first group of guards rushed towards him, he just raised his head, and a burst of truth thoughts centered on him surged like a shocking ring.

The extremely loyal guards aimed their weapons at the compatriots behind them without the slightest hesitation, and in the blink of an eye, blood and roars resounded through this luxurious place.

And under Azshara's surprised gaze, her most loyal maids also aimed their weapons tremblingly at her. Not only that, but those beautiful maids were under the influence of some invisible force. "Changes" begin to occur.

Their skin is vibrating.

It was as if an abomination was about to grow out of that flesh, and their eyes were filled with chaotic chaos, their wills were trying to resist the commands of their hearts, but their bodies had obeyed.

When the man in black walked up the steps of the throne, the maids who were loyal to the queen kneeled respectfully one by one, as if they were welcoming their real masters.

"You have trained them well, and you can still grit your teeth and dedicate your loyalty to the Queen when facing the truth."

Bo Laike's voice came from under the hood, with a tinge of appreciative astonishment.

He took out from his bag the demon whip he had seized from Haka the Dog, and said:

"It's a pity that flesh and blood are not as firm as will. They are still resisting, but they have already lost. My dear majesty, do you want me, a court jester, to perform a trick for you?

On this dreary night, maybe watching a play will cheer you up? "

Azshara did not answer.

The Queen is secretly mobilizing the magic power of the Well of Eternity to infuse herself.

She started this action when the man in black appeared, because she felt a very familiar aura from this guy in front of her.

Not a message of identity, but a signature of strength.

Just like the shocking power when she talked with the God of Darkness in the connection of evil energy, this is the power of the original force and the godhead, the supreme power that should not appear in the world.

With Azshara's level of magician, she could even clearly feel that the time flowing beside Bu Laike was distorted, and the invisible time was trembling.

"A god?"

The queen tried hard to maintain her indifferent expression, she said:

"A god has visited my palace, should I feel honored? You should inform me of your visit tonight in advance, so that I can prepare a grand welcome ceremony for you.

So suddenly, it appears that we Highborne are ignorant of etiquette. "

"Inform in advance? Didn't I inform you?"

Bu Laike stepped up the golden stairs, approaching Azshara while playing with the demonic whip in his hand.

He said casually:

"The great battle in Suramar, the demigods and dragons, and Lord Sargeras who suddenly accelerated towards Azeroth, don't tell me that a wise ruler like you will not realize that a force is approaching you.

Or is the desire to be the consort of the Dark Titan so strong that you can't hold any wisdom in your head other than obscene devotion?

Well, you are a woman.

The IQ of women in love is really terrible, well, well, it's not your fault, you are just obeying the domination of your own base desires.

But what I want to know is."

The sarcasm of the Silent One made Azshara fasten the armrest of the throne, and the tumbling magic power represented the change of the proud man's mood after being taunted.

But all this is no big deal to the experienced pirate.

He stopped.

Then whispered to Queen Azshara who was trying to maintain her majesty in an undisguised ironic tone:

"You are willing to follow even a dark god like Lord Sargeras, so why pretend to be pure in front of the mighty and handsome me? I think you should kneel down now and beg me to give you some insignificant power

Um, are you angry?

Why be angry? Did I offend you? But when Lord Sargeras steps into this world, you'll kneel too, won't you?


Are you afraid of him, but not of me? "

"Puff puff"

The moment the pirate's heartbreaking rhetorical words fell, the flesh and blood of the eight maids around the queen's throne exploded at the same time.

The original body was like a weird eggshell torn apart. In the disgusting surge of blood, the long-legged sisters who were originally fair and beautiful were twisted into half-human, half-snake monsters by the flesh and blood curse sprinkled by the Silent One himself.

Their bodies are covered with fine scales, just like newly born snakes.

The lower body is a coquettish snake tail, while the upper body that maintains a feminine posture grows four arms, and there is a dorsal fin like a murloc on the back, and the hair on the head is like tentacles like a small snake.

Their will and mind obviously maintained their sanity, and they screamed to see themselves turned into real monsters, but they dared not take revenge on the evil god who transformed them.

And the transformation of their legs into snake tails made them unable to support their bodies at all, and could only weep and lie on their flesh and blood.

The scene had Azshara's fingers dug into the armrests of her own throne.

She couldn't understand how Laike could accomplish this extreme transformation of life form while retaining his mind for a split second, but there was no doubt that it represented a small display of the threat and power of this stranger before her.

If the Well of Eternity was in full bloom, she would not be afraid of such a threat.

Even if you can't beat it, you can protect yourself.

But now, 80% of the energy of the Well of Eternity is used to support the increasingly large portal and prepare to build a ladder for Lord Sargeras to come to the world.

The remaining 20% ​​is simply not enough for her to challenge such a powerful existence that is at least one level higher than her in strength.

She is very angry.

Because the other party was very rude, this was the most terrible provocation to the haughty character in the queen's heart, but unfortunately, her arrogance was howling back and tearing him apart.

But her rationality told her that she must bow her head now!

it's a shame

"No, no, don't bow your head, it's impolite."

Just when the queen was about to bow her head to admit her mistake, the warm devil's long whip touched her noble and delicate chin, lifting her cheek.

It wasn't until this moment that Azshara saw the face of the stranger in front of her.

It was chaos.

Only seven shining red light spots turned into tens of thousands of eyes of truth beating. When she looked directly at the abyss, a huge dark sea of ​​stars opened in front of her eyes.

The forbidden tide in the lightless sea is surging, and every beat will bring a vortex of inspiration and mind, and countless knowledge emerges in front of Azshara's soul, which is the principle leading to the supreme truth.

It's like an invitation.

Those great beings sitting on the starry sky looked at her like gods looking at mortals, and the guy standing in front of her was one of those lords who only existed in the legends of the stars.

It is a great honor to meet such an existence in flesh and blood.

I should have respect for truth and wisdom, and for these supreme truths that will be given to me, I should kneel down on the sandy beach of this lightless sea.


She only needs to lower her proud head to receive the supreme praise from her master, and she will be able to touch the ultimate mystery of this sea of ​​stars under the protection of her warm shadow.

In the face of such glory, there is no need to care about personal honor or disgrace.

Bu Laike stared blankly at Azshara who got up from the throne in front of him, the latter's eyes were blurred as if his soul had been thrown into another world.

She bowed her head in front of her, and knelt down with her left leg bent.

Her instincts were still resisting.

But not even Azshara can resist the call from the Sunless Sea. This is not a trial that can be overcome with a single determination.

But the queen can always surprise people.

At the moment when Azshara was about to fall to her knees, her lost soul seemed to have found the last pillar. With a scream, the huge magic power from the Well of Eternity burst out.

The entire gorgeous palace was shaken by the shock wave of magic at this moment.

The dome collapsed, the bricks fell to the ground, and the ground was torn apart. Azshara with red eyes raised her head, her long hair stood up behind her head like an incarnation of magic power, and screamed at Laike:

"Don't even think about it! I am Azshara! The king of elves! Evil God! Don't let me bow down to you!"


The queen gathered all the magic power she could control into a ball and threw it at the evil god in front of her.

The figure of Bu Laike seemed to be torn apart and distorted at the moment when the magic power gathered, and the thrown energy cluster like a vitality bullet flattened everything and annihilated everything. This blow must not compare to President Sa's star Explosive treatment cut.

But no matter what, he was no weaker than Lord Aggramar's casually slashing the enemy.

Unfortunately, Lord Aggramar is also the defeated under Laike Shaw, isn't he?

"Is this the best you can do? How pathetic, Azshara."

Bu Laike's voice chanted like tens of thousands of people at the same time, and exploded in Azshara's mind. He said in a sarcasm:

"Light of light, can you be more serious?"


As the tentacles surged, a group of identical "vital energy bombs" converged with the power of the void and hit Azshara's fatal blow first, and the two groups of energy collided and tore apart.

The entanglement from the arcane and the void made the remaining half of the intact palace unable to stay, and these energies were shattered in the mutual cancellation in just a few seconds.

In front of the disheveled Azshara, her gorgeous palace has become a garbage dump like a beggar's den.

Well, old Garney was ecstatic.


The panting queen was pushed down on her barely intact throne by one hand, and the cloth Laike that was "torn" in front of her eyes merged into a complete figure like smoke gathering.

The Queen's eyes widened.

But in the next moment, a slap with purple light hit her hard on the face.

"Sorry, it's a bit rough, but this is to make you sober, and proper pain can stimulate your mind and let you break through the fanatical worship that shouldn't exist in your heart.

This is not the sensible and beautiful you in my memory, look at you now, just like a crazy woman. "

So said Bu Laike.

The blow to the soul made Azshara blink, but her jaw was grabbed by the pirate, and through those Amber eyes Laike could still see a fel mind remnant.

So the next moment, another slap came backhanded.

Fortunately, Lord Quiet is a villain who treats women well.

He also knew to wrap something around the palm of his hand to reduce the impact, but after the queen was fully awake, she immediately noticed the thing wrapped around the pirate's hand.

Damn it!

(end of this chapter)

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