Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1845 71. The Mocked Azshara's San Value Returns To Zero [1/20]

Chapter 1845 71. The mocked Azshara's San value returns to zero [120]

The gorgeous palace of the past has become the rubbish heap of old Garni's ecstasy. Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the trash guy is, he can't travel across time and space to pick up trash.

Around the collapsed palace, loyal and brave guards worried about the safety of the queen have rushed from all directions to rescue their queen from being harmed by the "assassins".

But the "spiritual fog" quietly rising around the ruins made them come and pour more and more.

It's like a savage hammer hitting the forehead. If you can maintain your sanity and not faint under such a heavy blow, brother, I can only say that you are not an ordinary person.

In short, although there is a lot of movement, the scene is full.

It even attracted the attention of Archimonde the Polluter, who was sitting beside the Well of Eternity, but so far, the conversation between the Queen and the Silent One has remained undisturbed.

However, Queen Azshara, who was sitting on the garbage dump with disheveled hair, was very embarrassed at this time.

That's right.

It's not the anger of being slapped in the face, nor the madness of the pride in the heart being hit, but embarrassment!

It's as embarrassing as if the sour poems I wrote when I was young were read aloud in public.

If it wasn't for the wrong time and the empress's weakness after the ultimate move, she would even be so embarrassed that she could use her perfect toes to dig out a gorgeous temple for herself.

The source of the embarrassment came from the Silent One who taught her a hard lesson just now.

To be precise, it came from the thing wrapped around the hands of this vile evil god.

It was a small, delicate, obscene, slutty, lace-trimmed, very sexy little strip of cloth that fit the highborne's corrupt and weird aesthetics.

Well, it's a small cloth strip!

Even if Lord Sargeras came here in person today, it would definitely be a small piece of cloth.

The queen tightly folded her legs.

She thought that this obscene god "offended" her just now, but in fact, her skirt was intact, and the place that should be protected was still protected.

But she really couldn't understand it, where did the guy in front of her get this thing?

"Well, your focus is not quite right."

Pirate Scraps glanced at Her Majesty Azshara, who was bowing her head and blushing, and then at the thing wrapped in her hands. He also felt embarrassed. He is not a pervert, how could he use such things to bully a queen like Azshara?

He swore it was just an accident.

Just to weaken the impact of the slap, he had to wrap his hands with some magic items that could weaken the power, and he had prepared many things in his luggage, but none of them were more suitable than the queen's sexy pants.

It is legendary equipment after all.


Alright, Mr. Silent One can't write any more.

he did it on purpose

"where are you from"

Azshara quickly calmed down in embarrassment as Bo Laike expected.

The return of reason made the queen realize that the problem was wrong. It is impossible for her personal clothing to be stolen by others, not even by gods.

Because all her clothes are unique, they are meticulously made by the court tailor and there are no copies. Every piece of clothing is destroyed once it is worn, and the small cloth strip in the hands of the Scrap Pirates is now worn on her body.

In other words, the evil god in front of him should have come from the past or the future.

He is definitely not of this era.

No wonder the way time flows around him is so strange.

"Are you sure you want to ask this?"

Bo Laike threw the small cloth strip in his hand back into the bag, and after seeing Azshara calm and awake, he picked up his pipe and said:

"If you want to ask, I can tell you, but I don't know if you will continue to be embarrassed, you might as well guess, how did I get it?

my dear majesty. "

"I'm in the future, not with you! It's impossible."

High-end spellcasters are all human beings, let alone the "Daughter of the World" in front of her. She understood the very complicated principle of time and space travel in an instant.

Amber's eyes showed astonishment, and then she shook her head in denial, how could such a self-loving empress casually commit herself to a disabled elf in the future?

Just looking at his short, sharp ears on the edge of his chaotic appearance, you can tell that this guy is an elf subspecies, a hybrid!


Not even if he is a god!

Do people sleep with monkeys?

But that wasn't what the pirates wanted to talk to her about.

"Are you awake?"

Bu Laike asked.

Azshara touched her cheek that didn't leave any traces, and nodded slightly, because her mind, which was infected and bewitched by the evil force after meeting Lord Sargeras several times, returned to the most rational form.

All the things she had done during this time came to mind, causing the empress to rub her forehead and fell silent.

This kind of bewitchment was not deliberately done by Sargeras, and a big figure at the level of the Dark Titan would disdain to use such a small method.

Just like his "recruitment" in the world of Argus, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde did not choose to join the Burning Legion because they were bewitched.

They are temptations to yield to power.

But mortals are mortals, even with the magic power of the Well of Eternity, Azshara's life rank is lower than that of Lord Sargeras, which causes her to be infected by the breath of the dark titan when she comes into contact with the will of the dark titan.

That can't even be called pollution.

It can only be said to be a kind of "assimilation".

It's like a drop of ink thrown into a basin will be diluted and finally merged into the water. Compared with Sargeras's mind, Azshara's mind is simply the difference between a drop of ink and the sea.

Of course, Azshara's admiration for Sargeras was not entirely the result of this kind of assimilation. After all, the proud Queen had few men in her life, and it was logical for a powerful woman like her to seek the favor of stronger men.

She didn't really love Lord Sargeras, she was only seeking the power and might of the Dark Titan.


Proper female Aquaman pie

Bu Laike thought to himself.

I have relieved a hidden emotional mine for my service boss. If Lord Sargeras knew that he was serving him so wholeheartedly, he would be very satisfied, right?

"Do you know what's wrong?"

Seeing Azshara's remorseful expression when she was awake, Bu Laike puffed out the smoke ring and asked again:

"Is there anything you want to say?"

"I did do something wrong. Under the bewitching of Xavius, I allowed the demons to slaughter my people."

Azshara said hoarsely:

"I personally destroyed the foundation of the empire's existence, I tore apart my civilization, this is not what an emperor should do, I almost made all the mistakes that could be made.

But it was too late.

Sargeras is coming to this world. Apart from following him, there is no possibility of surviving in this world, unless you are willing to be the force behind us. "

The queen raised her head, looked at Bu Laike's chaotic face, and said:

"Do you want to?"

"What do you say?"

Bu Laike replied angrily.

There was a "really" light in Azshara Amber's pale eyes, and it was not regrettable. If the evil god Bu Laike really came to save the elf empire, the conversation tonight would be completely unnecessary.

He could have taken on Sargeras in the Twisting Nether.

"I just came to make a prophecy for you, my dear majesty, we have a good relationship in the future, so this is what I should do. As for your offense just now, wait until the future comes and speak slowly.

So, is Azshara, the errant king of the elves, ready to hear the words of the black seer? "

The disheveled queen nodded.

She is waiting for the guidance of fate in this desolate ruin, and her messy mind makes it almost impossible for her to make an accurate judgment. Such a powerful woman is as vulnerable as a child in this upheaval conflict.

Intellectual arrogance is not the problem, madness out of control is the worst nightmare.

"Your empire has been ignited, Azshara, you lit the first fire yourself, and those flames of resistance have ignited and turned into sparks.

You have gone too far to turn back, and fate has now become two paths.

Either keep going and fall into the abyss amidst the wrath of your subjects and the punishment of the world.

Either stop, pray for forgiveness from those you hurt and give everything to turn the tide, it's hard for you to win, but at least you can die with dignity. "

Bu Laike stretched out his left hand, then his right hand, laying before Azshara's eyes like two roads.

The queen looked at the two hands in front of her eyes, and after a short thought, she shook her head and said:

"Fate is doomed. Even if I put down all my arrogance and dignity and throw myself into the arms of the rebels, those subjects who have been extremely disappointed in me will never accept me again.

The Highborne who betrayed the demons would only be purged more quickly.

There is no choice at all, the mysterious black seer. "

Azshara raised her head and said to Bo Laike:

"What greets me is despair, that is the fate I have earned for myself, the judgment that I cannot escape and cannot escape, the only ending that a mad king can get.

This is not a prophecy.

This is just the last warning before the death knell falls.

Nothing can be undone, right? "

"You are really smart."

Chaos swayed under the Scrap Pirate's hood, and he said appreciatively:

"Perhaps only this kind of wisdom can allow you to bury your empire that should have risen in such a short period of time. Yes, everything is irreparable.

You started the war with your own hands, but the key to end it is not in your hands.

However, there is one last thing you can do for your subjects before receiving the final judgment, if you really want to leave them with a glimmer of hope.

I'm not going to tell you what to do, I'm sure with your wisdom you can definitely think of how to help them.

We don't have much time.

The second prophecy, do you want to hear it? "

"Yes, please speak."

Azshara finally lowered her proud head, like a loser who has lost all glory.

Bo Laike felt a little pitiful seeing her alone, so he put his hand on Azshara's messy hair and helped her tidy it up, just like a priest preaching.

He said softly:

"You will not die, Azshara, the world loved you so much that you kept yourself alive after terrible mistakes and disasters.

You will continue to write your own story, which may be repayment or redemption, depending on how you view the world and your dark destiny in the future.

You can also assume the role of empress.

Besides these rebels there is a group of loyalists who will follow you to Cape Tianya.

Loyalty is always the best virtue, and every loyalty should be rewarded.

The road ahead will be difficult, Azshara.

But I hope you can persevere in the dark nightmare, no matter how terrible the nightmare is, there will always be a time to wake up, but if you choose to give up on yourself, then you can only exist as a coward, a mad king and a loser in history.

I guess that's not the impression you want to leave on the world.

persist in"

Bu Laike leaned down and whispered in Azshara's long ear:

"Hold on until the end of the nightmare, after all the painful and heavy past has been turned, you elves that the world has forgotten will usher in a new life.


Azshara, when we meet next time, if you are still awake, if you still have the last remaining dignity of yourself, if you still remember me.

Then, I will help you rebuild your empire. "

The Queen's body tensed at this moment.

Her fingers trembled, not just because of excitement, but because when Bu Laike spoke, the warm breath hit her most sensitive ear.

This bastard must have done it on purpose!

But it also says something.

It is true that I may have some unimaginably intimate relationship with this mysterious black-clothed prophet in the future, otherwise he would not be able to know his "weakness".

"Okay, the prophecy is over, and the fateful meeting will also be parted here."

Bu Laike took a step back and shook the demon whip in his hand. He bent down and said to Azshara in the attitude of a loyal courtier:

"Then, honorable empress, please allow me to retire."


The figure of the pirate disappeared before Azshara's eyes.

Just as abruptly as when he appeared, the surrounding mental fog also dissipated at this moment, and those dazed guards woke up and rushed into the ruined palace.

They saw the wounded all over the ground and the injured maids lying beside the ruins of the throne. Their bodies had recovered from the Naga posture to the elves, as if the distortion just now was just a nightmare.

This scene made the queen close her eyes thoughtfully.

She just sat on the distorted throne, sitting in the messy ruins. No one dared to disturb the queen's meditation, but there would always be bastards with blank eyes who would jump out at this time to show off their presence.

"Is this the rebel army sending a terrible assassin to assassinate our respected Majesty the Queen?"

The voice of the polluter came from the night, although there was no sarcasm or even sincere concern, the bastard was obviously looking at Azshara's embarrassment after being bullied.

The Empress's untimely arrogance has made the Polluter very impatient, and she will not miss this opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

But its concern got Azshara's response immediately.

"The Polluter! I order you! Take all your demons to Black Rook Castle immediately and kill the rebels!"

The queen's anger came so suddenly, so violently.

She roared in the conversation of the heart:

"I want them to die! I want them to die extremely painfully! To pay for this shameful assassination! You must fulfill my orders!

Act now! "

"Huh? Sorry, Your Majesty, I can understand your anger and embarrassment, but the problem is that we need to stay by the Well of Eternity to provide for the arrival of the gods."

The polluter said indifferently:

"Perhaps your loyal elves can shed their blood for your disgrace, and let those who resisted pay for it. Anyway, don't you high elves always claim that you are a 'perfect life'?

It's not like you can't do such a small thing, right? "

The bastard!

Don't even dress up!

Just because Azshara was deflated in front of Bo Laike doesn't mean anyone can bully her.

The moment Archimonde rejected the Queen's order, the tumbling black tide in the Well of Eternity suddenly stopped, and began to spin in the opposite direction under Azshara's control.

At the moment when the terrifying magic power originating from the Heart of the World was reversed, thousands of demon wizards around the Well of Eternity who cast spells to maintain the portal burst to death in unison.

And the portal that has been integrated with the Well of Eternity also made a toothache cracking sound, and the ferocious magic lightning jumped back and forth on the portal,

If this continues, the portal will collapse in a few minutes at most.

"What the hell are you doing!"

The Defiler's horrified roar sounded in the telepathic connection, but Azshara only said in a more indifferent tone:

"Go to Black Rook Castle! I'll say it just once, now! Now!"

"This woman is crazy!"

The polluter was terrified at the reversed eternal tide, but it obviously underestimated Azshara's control over the Well of Eternity. Under the threat of the mad queen, Archimonde gritted his teeth.

A few minutes later, large blocks of fel energy gates were erected, and the elite demons guarding the Well of Eternity crossed the portal to the battlefield of Black Rook Castle under the command of the archdevil.

"Malonos! Guard the portal!"

The polluter exhorts:

"The arrival of the master can no longer cause any waves! Anyone who dares to break into this place, kill!"

The powerful and savage Destroyer loves this command.

It laughed wildly and stood on the road leading to the Well of Eternity from the palace. The blue-skinned polluter took a last look at the ruined palace, and vaguely saw Azshara with disheveled hair standing beside the ruins.

The Defiler sneered, and disappeared through the portal onto Zin-Azshari's battlefield.

And Azshara, who was watching all this, lowered her head wearily at this moment, she clenched her fists tightly and let out a sigh that only she could hear:

"Elune, look what I've done"

(end of this chapter)

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