Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1846 72. The Elves Fired The First Shot Against The Devil Tonight [Additional 2/20]

Chapter 1846 72. The elves fired the first shot against the devil tonight [additional 220]

Above the chaotic palace sky, Lord Cthulhu hidden in the dim moonlight looked towards the direction of the Well of Eternity.

Those open doors of evil energy are like "green fireflies" in the darkness. Their sudden appearance seems to light up from the ground, illuminating the restless night sky tonight.

The big blue man disappeared into the largest gate of fel energy, followed by various demon legions. Most of the elite guarding around the Well of Eternity were taken away by the polluted ones, leaving only a small part to continue. Defend this important place.

It's not that they don't know the importance of this door.

But under the threat of a mad empress, even the polluters are forced to take her opinion into account.

It may take some time for Lord Sargeras to arrive here, but it is doubtful whether Lord Defiler can live to see Shendu of darkness after angering Azshara who is in a rage.

Lord Sargeras chose Azshara definitely not because of the beauty of the mad queen. Once Azshara is really allowed to enter the legion system, it and Kil'jaeden probably won't be able to sing.

And here lies the most embarrassing problem.

Even though there are more and more demons, on the land of Azeroth, the polluters still lack the means to check and balance Azshara. They are powerful and have a group of loyalists who are not afraid of death. They are the most difficult to deal with. enemy.

Besides, with the courage of Archimonde, it would not dare to play tricks under the eyes of Lord Sargeras. If it disrupts the dark titan's plan to obtain the star soul of Azeroth, it will be the polluter. up.

But Ake was not reckless.

While it personally led the team to destroy the rebels, the powerful destroyer Maronus was left behind in the Well of Eternity for defense. In Ake's mind, no matter how stupid Maronus is, he will persist until it returns. There should always be no problem here.

In general, although there are some small flaws, the Legion can still proudly claim that the advantage lies with me!

"Archimonde has set off."

The Scrap Pirate sent this information to Black Rook Castle through Lord Cthulhu's unreasonable telepathic communication. This will be the last help in his frontal war with that side.

He has come to the Well of Eternity, and here is the end of his journey.

Now we only need to wait for Lord Sargeras to come to this world, to be precise, wait for him to approach, and then complete the conversation that will be related to the overall situation ten thousand years later.

To be honest, Bu Laike is still a little bit reluctant.

Especially when he frequently looked back at the slender figure jumping in the dark in the city, a thought of "staying" stubbornly rose in his mind.

Even Lord Silent One can't suppress this kind of thoughts, after all, even evil energy can't use its own power to fight against itself.

The warning Sefiel gave him before coming here actually came true.

This is really a regrettable thing.

"But the poor helpless and weak Mr. Cthulhu only wants his own wife. Isn't that wrong?"

The pirate murmured in a low voice.

His gaze fell on the palace below. When Tyrande was escorted out of the palace to join the civilians, the battle here had already reached a fever pitch.

Dath'Remar Sunstrider rendezvous with his companions.

These nobles who were determined to resist almost pulled in all the people they could mobilize, and together with the two peripheral guards who defected, they had the possibility of fighting to the death with Azshara's loyalists.

Of course, the purpose of these high elf rebels is not to occupy the palace, they just want to break through the defense of the court mages and cancel the magic barrier of Xin Aisa Li City to facilitate the large-scale entry of the vanguard outside the city.

At this time, the demons from all over the city had assembled and marched towards the palace, and there was not much time left for them.

"You are rebelling!"

Ms. Sivala, the captain of the palace guard who was guarding outside the main hall of the magic center, brandished a war halberd and brutally killed two noble private soldiers rushing towards her. , while roaring at the rebels in front of them amidst blood and flesh splattering:

"You bastards! The queen will punish you!"

No one answered the scolding.

Everyone is here to do things, and there is not so much time for talking.

Responding to the provocation of the powerful magic swordsman, Dath'Remar, who was leading a group of rangers forward, raised the burning magic sword and threw the blazing phoenix fire there.

After killing Xavius, the source of all evil, with the Strike of Flame, the primordial fire in this sword became more and more active. The Sunstrider felt like a walking flaming fortress, hitting anyone who blocked the way. Fireball goes out.

Originally, the great nobleman who was not so outstanding in martial arts and magic felt that he became stronger all of a sudden, but he didn't have time to slowly appreciate the gift of strength.

"Forward! Brothers!"

The Sunstrider limped forward and shouted to his companions behind him:

"We have no turning back! Close the barrier, or we will all die here!"

This unpretentious battle cry was concise, but to the point, the retreating nobles who were bombarded by the magic of the court mages rushed forward again with gritted teeth.

They chose to betray, Azshara will not tolerate them, let alone expect the demons to be merciful.

This is the only way left.

Fortunately, the nobles who participated in the rebellion were the real upper echelons of the empire.

They are not short of money and resources, especially at this critical moment. More than half a month of preparation allows them to equip every soldier under their command with the best magic armor and precision weapons, and the advantages of the equipment are fully reflected at this moment .

Although they are small in number, they can stare at the destructive offensive of the court mages and advance all the way.

Of course, there are more guards in the Queen's court than what is in front of them, but Azshara's bedroom just exploded, and most of the guards rushed towards the Queen's direction to support, and the troops guarding the magic center could not get any reinforcements at all.

A deadly threat emerged from the two camps at the same time, and the life and death between those gaps were like continuously accumulating chips, making the balance of victory and defeat tremble crazily.

Only the last straw is needed to seal the final victory.

"Commander! The portal hall has been opened!"

A squad leader of the Royal Magic Swordsman with blood on his face rushed to the front of the position and shouted to Ms. Shivara who was slaughtering the rebels:

"Over there. Over there."

The formerly very dignified and respectable captain of the highborne elves seemed to have stuttered after seeing something terrifying, but he didn't need to say anything more about the facts.

Huo, good guy!

Sin Della mages and rangers carrying the battle flag of the city of Eresalas are rushing out from the re-opened portal. There are not many of them, but their appearance at this time has a destructive impact on the scorching battle.

Behind the reinforcements of Eresalas, a group of heavily armored elf warriors also rushed into the position. Judging from the logo on their armor, it should be the legion from Vashj'ir on the eastern border of the empire.

Among these two armies were also mixed the sages of the Sandara elf scrolls with indifferent faces.

The moment this jumble of troops rushed into the battlefield, both sides of the war paused for a moment, and no one knew the tendency of these guys until the Zin Della elves smashed dozens of large fireballs on the positions of Azshara's guardians.

The next moment, cheers of surprise sounded from the rebels.

This is their reinforcements!

"Damn it!"

Ms. Shivara instantly judged that the magic hall must not be able to defend.

But what she couldn't understand was that the palace teleportation hall had been closed long ago. How did the guys from the south and the north open the teleportation gate at the same time?

Is this really something those magical princes can do?

But it's pointless to think about it now.

"Break out! Break out in the direction of the Queen's Palace!"

Those who can become the commander-in-chief of the court magic swordsman are definitely not stupid people. When she realized that this place could no longer be defended, Ms. Shivana decisively ordered to break through.

The elite guards under her command were also blessed, and shouted to the surroundings at this moment:

"Protect the queen! Brothers, the queen needs us!"

Under such a "big turn" order, the court mages and the magic swordsman guards who clung to this place immediately retreated, and the rebels under the command of Dath'Remar didn't spend time chasing them.

Sunstrider and several nobles who are good at magic rushed into the hall with people. After a few minutes, the defensive barrier covering the whole city dissipated in the magic shock.

The energy of this defensive barrier is connected to the Well of Eternity. Unless it is turned off from the inside, the vanguard outside the city will not be able to break it even if they try their best to attack it.

In addition, the defense system of Suramar City also copied the model of the palace enchantment, but the energy of the Nightwell is far less than that of the Well of Eternity, so Suramar's shield is by no means invincible.

The moment the barrier over the city dissipated, the vanguard who had been preparing for a long time was also unambiguous.

A large group of empty knights carried elf assaulters into the air, and the mages quickly opened the portal to the city, and the hunter troops on the ground rushed into it with the black panther screaming.

The portal tactics of the Elf Empire have been proven for a long time. As long as there is no barrier blocking them, these brave fighters don't need to pass through the demon defense line with their bodies.

They can directly enter the core area of ​​​​the capital, "jump" to the enemy's back and give a fierce backstab.

"Signal to the dragon!"

Ms. Lanyue, who was wearing a white magic battle dress, ordered the several arcanists behind her:

"We will block and restrain the demons on the ground, and invite the dragons to enter the battlefield, ready to blow up the Well of Eternity."

After speaking, Ms. Lanyue took a deep breath. She tapped her staff on the ground to create a portal for herself, and stepped in without any hesitation.

A grimoire hangs from the lady's waist by a delicate chain.

That is not the spell-casting medium used by mages, it is just an ordinary roster, which records the names of all the students and mentors of Nazaras Academy.

That's the "ledger".

Bloody ledger.

Now it's time to recover this blood debt from Azshara.

"Let's go."

Emperor Shaohao glanced at the Monkey King who was peeling bananas beside him, and shouted at the latter, the mischievous demigod rolled his eyes, the clever one was not keen on this kind of death.


It's all here, right?

"Shaohao's idiot is going to do his best. How can the loyal Monkey King let his good brother die alone in this far away place?"

Hozen demigod snorted, stuffed the banana in his hand into his mouth, munched his own monk stick and followed Shaohao into the revolving portal with his tail flicking.

The already lively palace became even more lively in the quicksilver assault of these vanguard warriors. The guards loyal to Azshara rushed to defend the Queen from all directions, while the rebels attacked from all directions towards the Well of Eternity.

The demons on the outskirts of the city rushed over screaming. Under the roar of Mannoroth the Destroyer, these low-ranking demons had no choice but to sacrifice everything for the great cause of the legion.

The brilliant Sim Azri has become a crazy meat grinder.

Ambition, disaster, loyalty, rebellion, salvation, protection, and madness, these most intense emotions are thrown into this boiling cauldron, and under the stimulation and addition of blood, they will eventually be boiled into a pot. Weird food that knows what it tastes like.

That may be Azeroth's "tribute" to the Dark Titan.

"Ms. Elune's brilliance will shine on every unyielding soul, the tyrannical massacre cannot break our confidence, and those brothers and sisters who died before our eyes will give us the strength to resist.

Night elves never give in!

We will never back down! "

On the ruins of the Moon Temple in Zin-Azshari, the high priest of the moon, Tyrande, riding behind the loyal moonsaber Ash'ara, was delivering a speech of war to the elf civilians assembled in front of him.

This is the first time that the priestess gave a lecture in front of so many people.

She didn't prepare anything at all, and she just rushed the ducks to the shelves. She could only imitate Lord Ravencrest's war mobilization in Suramar, and express her feelings at this time to the civilians in front of her with hatred and fear shining in their eyes.

The civilians who were able to escape the brutal Xin Aisa Li massacre were not only lucky enough to meet the protection of the high-borne nobles who still had a conscience, but also because they must have resisted the demon's butcher knife, otherwise they would have died. It is impossible to survive until being secretly contained by Dath'Rema and the others.

In other words, most of these civilians who survived the disaster were able to fight.

They saw their cities taken over by demons, they saw innocent compatriots die tragically, and they lost friends, lovers and family members in man-made disasters.

They fear demons but also hate them.

They can flee under the leadership of the leader, and they can also fight under the command of the leader.

It all depends on what the person leading them wants them to do.

Seriously, Tyrande's war mobilization sucks, back and forth it's all about faith, attributing all greatness to the gods and ignoring the struggles of the people themselves.

Fortunately, there are real gods in this world.

And although Ms. Elune couldn't come in person, she outsourced this job to the Night's Chosen, who she favored and was the most capable of making trouble.

"This speech is terrible!"

Lord Bu Laike in the sky rolled his eyes and listened to Tyrande's clichés. He really seemed to brainwash this lady priest with the thoughts of truth right now.

But if you want to do business now, you can only cooperate.

As Lord Moon Shadow raised his left hand, the dim moonlight in the sky changed into an incomparably bright and bright moon phase at this moment, and a bright moonlight fell from the sky and was covering Tyrande.

The flying light feathers fell in the night again, swaying around these angry and bewildered civilians, allowing the light of the Moon God to shine on them as well.

"Lady Elune is watching us!"

Tyrande raised his war bow and shouted hoarsely:

"We will not flee! Children of the Moon God, for the glory of Elune, march on Azshara and her evil allies!"

After finishing speaking, the High Priest of the Moon drove the roaring Moonsaber to the battlefield of the palace, followed by Malfurion, Illidan, and Shandris, and those watchmen who could fight at first glance them.

They are like the arrows of the charge, the angry people shrouded in moonlight look at each other.

In the end, amid the roar of a tall elf who tattooed the names of family members who died in the massacre on his body, he raised his sharp blade and screamed, the last army of the battle of Xin Azhali rushed to the battlefield howling.

It was the moonlight leading them forward.

Devil cubs!

Your Elf Papa is coming!

(end of this chapter)

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