Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1847 74. The Polluter's Domineering Side Leaks, Black Rook Castle Chicken Tile Dog [4/2

Chapter 1847 74. The Polluter's Domineering Side Leakage, Black Rook Castle Chicken and Tile Dog [420]

Too many things happened in this chaotic night, not only the night of Xin-Aisa Li was full of chaos, sadness and other kinds of excitement, but also in another place quite far away from the capital of the elves.

Everyone in the defenders of Black Rook Castle knew that the decisive battle was imminent, but when the battle really came, it was still silent and then followed by a roar like the sky falling apart.

The gate of fel energy opened without warning, and the moment the huge blue titan set foot on the battlefield, the harsh horns of Black Rook Castle sounded, and the moon guards threw the most powerful magic at Archimonde on the Mage Tower , but was casually dismissed by the polluters.

A legion of flames descended from the sky, burning like skyfire, enveloping the mage tower and turning it into ashes along with the tenacious life within it.

More portals opened behind him.

The entire Great Forest of Valshara seemed to be ignited by those scorching evil energies, but the Defilers actually didn't need these servants to join them and could easily raze the elf stronghold in front of them to the ground.

It's really rushed.

It didn't want to miss the scene of welcoming Lord Sargeras to this world, and it didn't want to be reprimanded as incompetent by the dark gods, so it decided to make a quick decision.


A deep roar sounded in Black Rook Castle at the same time as the demons entered the battlefield. Several red dragons stationed here flapped their wings and took off into the air, burning a wave of demons rushing towards the tall city wall to death with scorching dragon breath.

But then, in a cruel sneer, the polluter raised his finger and tapped lightly, and the deadly black light hit the pathetic big lizard that provoked it, and then deflected and hit the second dragon at the moment it hit the first dragon. head.

The giant dragon hit by the finger of death only had time to let out a scream, and then spun and fell on the forest battlefield under the horrified gaze of the elf defenders below.

"Sad bug."

The Defiler speaks with such disdain of Azeroth's mightiest creatures.

The great demon's destructive majesty was fully manifested at this moment, and the entire battlefield was silent for it.

The fall of the two giant dragons boosted the morale of the demons. The eredar wizards began to open the fel portal faster to call more legion butchers to join the battle. The roaring abyss lords were like charging mammoths tearing through the forest and the cavalry of the elves confrontation.

The doom guards flying around in the sky collectively summoned meteorites to bombard Black Rook Castle, but those falling flaming meteorites were resisted in the sky by the strong magic shield of the fortress.

When the meteorite fell and was blocked by the shield, the flying burning debris almost lit up the sky.

The Defiler looked at Black Rook Hold, which was only slightly smaller than Suramar City, and stood where it appeared, rubbing its chin.

Judging from its countless years of combat experience, it would take an exaggerated amount of time to rely on demons to capture this fortress, mainly because these elves have the first-class will to resist among the stars.

Like rattling bugs.

But time is precious.

So after thinking about it for a while, Archimonde decided to personally go into battle to ring the death knell for Black Rook Castle, ending this sad battle before dawn.

Use these brave souls as sacrifices to welcome the dark gods to this world.

"I need a moment."

The great demon waved his hand and didn't say much, but the eredar demon lords under his command had already understood what his master meant.

There is no need for the polluters to say much, the commanders of these legions will each lead the hideous demons forward.

Tens of thousands of demon guards strode across the burning forest with magic steel swords or halberds. They were fearless. What stood in front of them was the forest legion awakened by Cenarius himself, and the priests of the nearby Luna Temple. Summoning Luna Divine Art to purify the battlefield.

The demigods haven't shown up yet, but that's only a matter of time.

The most important thing is that after realizing the killing of the giant dragon by the great demon, more giant dragons were summoned to enter this place.

The red dragons are in charge of the front line and the bronze dragons are supporting in the rear. The green dragons have joined forces to pull Black Rook Castle into a dreamland, making it difficult for the demons' attacks to really harm the fortress.

They seem to be fighting a protracted war with the demon army.

But Archimonde didn't care.

The Defiler is gathering evil energy in place, and is releasing a very complex and obscure magic. Groups of quicksand are coming from the invisible place, slowly condensing the overall model of Black Rook Castle in the midair while being shaped by the great devil.

At this moment, Archimonde was as attentive as a rubber man.

It didn't even pay attention to the dragons flying towards it trying to attack, nor did it pay attention to the wild demigods emerging from the dream behind.

It focuses on casting spells.

It looks like an old academic mage with a strict look.

But the more so, the more flustered the great magister Elisande who was presiding over the magic counterattack on the mage tower of Black Rook Castle, she couldn't understand what the big devil was doing.

But she can be sure that once the magic is completed, it will have a subversive impact on the already heated battle situation.

"Interrupt that spellcasting!"

The scream of the great magister echoed in the ears of Cenarius, the king of the forest, through magical communication. As one of the strongest demigods of nature, Cenarius certainly felt the pressure brought by Archimonde's viciousness. .

At this moment, he no longer hesitated, took off the horn decorated with deer body and blew it in the forest, which was the sign of the attack of the demigods.

A black shadow flashed by, and the big black cat Asaman, who was wearing the Luna steel armor and blessed by the moon shadow, was the first to make a move. With his sharp claws, he tore apart the high-level demons guarding Ake. The wild boar with the strongest impact The demigod Agamaggan moved his four hooves in the distance, watching Asaman tearing the way for it, the eyes of this big wild boar covered with thorns flashed a desperate light.

It screamed and flicked its little tail, lowered its head and aimed its ferocious fangs at the big demon, and rushed over like a heavily loaded tank, about to knock this mighty big demon to the ground with one blow.

Just like it killed the abyss lord on the battlefield of Suramar before.

However, a few seconds before the wild boar demigod came over with overwhelming momentum, Archimonde's spellcasting was finally completed, and the model of Black Rook Castle, which was made of sand and soil, was suspended in front of the great demon.

A doomed smile played in the Defiler's cold eyes.

It blew towards the model, and then, under the gaze of the demigod, it waved its hands like a child pushing down a sandcastle, smashing the "perfect model" it had made with one paw.


A terrifying bang then erupted on the ground of Black Rook Castle while the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

Under the stunned gazes of Lord Ravencrest and Elisande, Black Rook Castle, which had been pulled into the dreamland by the green dragon for protection, seemed to be swept by an invisible hand of destruction. The small half of the fortress and all the defenders inside They all vanished into thin air under the shattering.

What kind of city enchantment, what kind of multiple lines of defense, what kind of swearing to the death, all look so pale and ridiculous under such weird and brutal destruction.

Of course, the protection of the green dragons and the existence of the city enchantment are not in vain.

At least the attack that should have directly destroyed Black Rook Castle was exempted by the dream and still preserved most of the fortress.

But the fatal problem was that the attack of the polluters directly wiped out all the defense lines Ravencres had placed on the front line, and even destroyed most of the treant army summoned by Cenarius.

No one could stop the demons from rushing into Black Rook Castle at this time.

The arch-demon said to end the battle before dawn.

It doesn't look like it's bragging.


The next second when the polluter showed his domineering power, the crazy wild boar demigod slammed into the big demon's waist, but Archimonde is not a pure spellcaster, and his martial and combat skills are not to be underestimated. watch for.

The Defiler, in the wrestling posture of the best Jedni gladiator among the Draenei, clasped Agamaggan's head with both hands while enduring the impact of the wild boar demigod.

The terrifying impact knocked down the endless Valshara Forest, and the nearest demon was forcibly cherished by the impact of the burst of power. As the blood of the demon gushed out, the great demon roared while the ground was torn apart. Leaning forward, resisting the onslaught of the demigod like a matador.

Not to be outdone, Agama continued to charge, but under Ake's tremendous force, its speed became slower and slower. After withdrawing the big demon for nearly a thousand meters, the kinetic energy of the wild boar demigod completely disappeared.

It also wanted to raise its head and pierce the polluter's chest with its sharp fangs, but Ake grabbed the fangs.

Roaring and falling over his shoulder, the wild boar demigod was abruptly grabbed by the great demon, swung half a circle in the air, and slammed into the distant hill hard.

Agamaggan's painful howls resounded across the battlefield, but Archimonde, who was covered in blood, laughed and turned around, grabbed the wild boar tusk that was broken by him, turned around and stabbed Asha who was trying to sneak attack Man's belly.

The big black cat that jumped over seemed to have been grabbed by the nape of fate, and was seriously injured by the big devil's puncture, and then smashed towards the roaring Ursoc.

The wolf god attacked and bit the big demon's calf. The painful Archimonde roared and swung his fists with the flames of the legion to smash down on the wolf god's head.

But Goldrinn knew it was a formidable foe.

The rebellious lone wolf god would rather bear the terrifying bombardment than bite the polluter's calf.

It had to block the polluters here, and with the destructive power emanating from this great demon, if it were allowed to cast another spell, the entire Black Rook Castle and the rebel army would perish here.

As for the fighting power of the great demon.

The blow just now was indeed shocking.

But it can be shredded by Agamaggan, and its calf can be bitten by Goldrinn. This proves that although the power of the defiler is stronger than a single demigod, it has not reached the level that the demigods can't deal with together. .

kill it!

Kill it and it will be over.

Archimonde also knew what these bastards wanted to do from the way these wilderness demigods played like mangy dogs, but it didn't care.

The defense line of Black Rook Castle has been completely destroyed, and the rest can be won by the demon army.

It doesn't mind being in the front row watching the world's destruction, grabbing the souls of a few powerful demigods to fight the tooth sacrifice. This world is really great, and it's hard to find such tenacious and unyielding natural demigods in other worlds. play it.

"The demigods are entangled with the big demon, they are desperate! Dragons, lift into the air! Block the gap!"

The young Commander Jarod crawled out of the collapsed ruins in disgrace, just a little short of dying from the Defiler's devastating blow.

But at this time, Garrod couldn't care less about being happy that he had escaped.

He grabbed a giant dragon horn and yelled at the sky. Without his urging, a large number of red dragons and green dragons returned to the front of the demon army that was piercing through the treant army, breathing down continuously to stop the demon's advance.

It's a pity that the polluter's blow just now was too hard.

The demise of one-third of the buildings in Black Rook Castle and the land gave the demons a breakthrough direction of nearly 270°. The dragons couldn't seal enough gaps at all, and the demon's air army had also arrived.

Under the command of a large number of doomsday guards, Dreadlord and Kazak, they attacked the dragon from high altitude. The powerful destructive power of these guys made it impossible for the dragons to take into account both the sky and the ground battlefield.

Even with the ace logistics that can turn back time like the Bronze Dragon, there are still tragic casualties erupting in the sky at all times.

"It's going to be unstoppable."

Lord Ravencrest, who was watching the situation on the battlefield from the tower of Black Rook Castle, clenched his fists. In his eyes, the demons who used it like a tide were about to completely swallow his well-arranged defense line.

The morale of the whole fortress is dying,

After witnessing the devastating power of the Great Demon of the Burning Legion with his own eyes, no matter how determined a mortal is, he will be shaken.

Especially in the current situation where wind leaks from all directions, Black Rook Castle, the last position of the coalition forces, is like an isolated island above the tide, which may be submerged at any time.

But he was gratified that his soldiers persisted in fighting despite such fear, and those demigod family members also rushed out of the forest to support the battlefield.

The tauren of Highmountain, led by their chieftain, fought against the demons on the broken front line, blocking each gap, and the druids summoned a lightning storm to sweep across the battlefield, pushing the atmosphere of the war into a desperate climax .

Even if they enter to be destroyed here, it is also a hymn of courage for mortals to fight against fate.

The great lord has no fear or regret in his heart, he is even eager to try, he already knows that his destiny is here, and his story will never end abruptly today.

"Elisande, please send my family to Suramar."

Ravencrest leaned on his battle sword, turned back to the great magister who was holding the staff tightly and said:

"Get out of here, this is the last thing I ask of you."

"Hehe, you're joking, Lord Ravencrest, how can I leave at this time, I too."

Elisande tried to refute with a pale face, but the next moment, Ravencrest looked back at her, and the glint in his cold eyes made the great magister panic.

This man seems to have known the little abacus in his heart.

"Your heart is not here, but I don't blame you, Elisande, this is not your war. Go, go back to Suramar, open the Nightwell enchantment, and the people of that city will count on you .

If we lose, you surrender.

No one will blame you. "

Ravencrest said so.

No longer looking at the blushing great magister, he looked at his only daughter, reached out and touched his tearful daughter's head, and said:

"Be brave, Elisanna, my daughter.

You have to remember the heritage and glory of the Ravencrest family. Even if we die in battle today, I believe the world will never forget us rebels who gave everything for it. "

He kissed his daughter on the forehead and nodded to his wife and family.

Then, while the cloak was swaying, the great lord strode out of the castle, and the most loyal Black Crow guards all put their spears on their chests to salute their lord.

They knew where Lord Ravencrest was going.

They swore to follow each other to the death!

Ravencrest buckled the Crow Helm on his head, turned over and rode on his loyal nightsaber saddle, raised the long sword in his hand, and glanced at the night sky above his head again.

The dim moonlight can be seen in the darkest hour.

But as long as we survive this relentless night, we can always see the dawn.

He will sleep in this dark night and wait for time to pass, resurrect in the next era, and continue to fight to the end with his forgotten warriors and these demons.

What he paid for this eternal war contract was death.

Not worth mentioning.

(end of this chapter)

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