Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1848 75. The Strongest Commander's Development Plan: No! You Kill Ravencrest, You Pay!

Chapter 1848 75. The Strongest Commander's Development Plan: No! You kill Ravencrest, you pay! [Add more 520]


The ferocious and heavy battle ax of the demon guard slashed down, almost slashing Jarod's head to the ground. The crazy demon's eyes were red with too much force, and it was difficult to pull out the battle ax for a while.

Jarod, who was holding the twisted sword, gritted his teeth and curled up, pierced the broken weapon in the demon's heart with all his strength, and kicked it to the ground while roaring.

Another demon died.

But this is nothing compared to the dangerous situation, the demigods in the distance are fighting to the death with the polluters.

The defense line of Black Rook Castle was crumbling, without the protection of the enchantment, the demons began to summon the terrifying hellfire titan to smash at the rear of the rebel army, destroying the city wall, and at the same time summoned the active demons to massacre the soldiers.

Jarod has many ways to fight against such an enemy, but right now he doesn't have the time or energy to arrange that clever position.

In this chaotic battlefield, when everyone is fighting with all their strength, there are very few things he can do, fight until death comes!


A Crow Guard threw Jarod his own sword, and the young Commander grabbed it.

But before he could say thank you, the soldier carrying the halberd was strangled by a succubus with a long whip, and his knees were burned through the flaming arrows thrown by two imps.


Garrod rushed over with red eyes, swung his long sword to kill the imp, and then grabbed the spear and stabbed the succubus in the neck, but this failed to save the soldier beside him, who fell to the ground with his eyes wide open. Staring at the circle is lifeless.

"Damn devil!"

Jarod raised his blood-stained halberd and rushed towards the chaotic battlefield in front of him. He originally wanted to gather the nearby soldiers to form a battle formation, but the demons flooding over him didn't give him a chance at all.

If you can't buy some time, just use the refueling tactics to fight, the collapse of the front will happen sooner or later.

In a one-on-one fight, it is very difficult for an elf to defeat a demon guard. Only when they gather together can they suppress the demon with collective strength.

"Come on! Demons! Come and challenge the unstoppable High Mountain!"

A deep and hoarse roar came from the gap in the position next to it. Garald, who had just picked up a military crossbow, turned his head and saw his new friend Hun Gaoling leading his mighty big horned deer companion The demons in front of the crazy carnage.

This tauren is just like crazy.

Probably it was the power of nature's blessing that made his destructive power skyrocket, so he just carried the ancestral stone hammer on his back, brandished the ancestral war halberd to block a gap and crazily slaughtered.

The cunning hunter occupies the advantage of the terrain, and the demons rushing from an upward angle can often be knocked down by him with a single swing of his halberd.

When encountering too many demons, let your beast allies launch a trample charge, and then grab the stone hammer and stab the ground in front of you to crack it.

The power of the Hammer of Kazgoroth is so cool to deal with demons, and Hun defends a gap by himself, which is so strong that people are stunned.

But the red-eyed mad cow only cared about what was in front of him but didn't realize that there was also danger behind him.

The demons rushing out from another gap had already noticed the killing spree of Huln, they cunningly broke through the direction of the elves from behind, trying to encircle and kill Huln here.

Jarod subconsciously grabbed the troll horn given to him by his brother-in-law when he saw something was wrong.

But he looked around and found that the situation was not at its worst, so the commander shouted to the surroundings, and rushed to Hu En with a few elves who were still able to fight.

They blocked the attack from behind for Hun, so that the mad black bull could let go and continue to slaughter the demons.

But the demons gathered more and more, and after a few minutes the tauren and elves had to fight back to back.

"Ha, Jarod, you are a good friend. It is an honor to fight side by side with you in this doomsday battle. Your story and mine will always be passed down in the wind of Highmountain, and we will share peace with our ancestors."

Panting, Hu En shouted to Jarod next to him, the young commander was no longer in the mood to answer the praise of the black bull.

The soldiers who followed him were all dead, and he had been bitten by a demon hound on the leg. He had grabbed the troll horn and was ready to call for the last reinforcements.

But at this moment, with the echo of the low-pitched horn, Jarod suddenly raised his head and looked to the rear. The battle flag of the High Lord of Ravencrest was flying, and the last reserve team had been thrown into the battlefield.

And it happened to be rushing in his direction.

"Hu En! Use your hammer to hit the front of your eyes! To help the great lord open the way, we must reorganize the defense line, otherwise we will not be able to stop it!"

The young commander's voice was hoarse, and he shouted.

Without a word, the tired Hu En grabbed the hammer and smashed it to the ground with a roar. The terrifying ground thorns rolled and exploded in front of his eyes, just like the anger of the mother earth, and he wiped out the besieging demons in front of him with one blow.

This stone hammer is powerful, but every time it is used, it will make Hu En more tired.

He can no longer activate this sacred object to fight against the enemy, and even needs Garrod's support to stand firm, but the high lord of Ravencrest has come over, the high lord is holding his exquisite and iconic dragon head battle sword, with The loyal soldiers fought all the way, and finally blocked several gaps here.

But as soon as this side was blocked, the other side leaked again.

Led by an abyss lord with a big ass, the Moon Guard's defensive position was broken through like mercury pouring down the ground.

The great lord's gaze was fixed and he was about to rush over, but at this moment, the big horned deer Aitlo next to Hun suddenly neighed a few times, and the roar was full of joy.

Hu En, a hunter with a soul link, understood his partner's warning. He grabbed the big lord who wanted to lead the team to rush over, and said:

"Back! Back quickly! The two demigods are coming!"


Ravencrest glanced at Hu En in surprise, he raised his hand and waved it, and the soldiers behind him retreated immediately.

A few seconds later, at the same time that the ferocious and tyrannical abyss lord rushed into the Black Rook Castle with a wild laugh, an extremely huge dream door burst open.

In the silver moonlight, a huge white deer more than ten meters high rushed out with its head lowered and its imposing manner. Its beautiful and shocking antlers are like a crown and a sword. In the impact and puncture of the strongest demigod, the demon The leading abyss lord over there only had time to block the halberd in his hand, but was trampled into a pulp under the impact of Lord Maruo En.

And the demons behind it were even more difficult to resist the impact of the strongest demigods in Azeroth, and they were trampled down by the white deer horse Luo En like a mountain cracking rocks.


Cenarius, the king of the forest, who was fighting a doomsday lord to the death, turned his head and saw the big white deer shrouded in moonlight, so elegant that it made one's heart tremble.

The latter is covered with patterns of nature, and there are beautiful moonlight pendants on the antlers and neck, which represent the indescribable intimacy between it and the unrefined Lady Elune.

As the first natural demigod born in the history of Azeroth and the consort of the moon god Elune, the great white deer horse Luo En has long since passed away, and Cenarius has not seen his father for a long time.

The king of the forest didn't expect to see his father's appearance in today's battle.

Perhaps, this is the will of the Moon God?

"Get out of the way! Little guys, get out of the way! Ma Luo En told me that you need a big guy here who can help you withstand the defense line. Here I come.

Uh, I actually set off a month ago."

Master Ma Luo En didn't come alone, and behind him was a huge tortoise of terrifying size.

This huge demigod with three stories on the top of the shell moved his limbs slowly, and under the awed and grateful gaze of the elves, he lay down on the defense line of Black Rook Castle that was shattered by Archimonde.

Like a temporary tower, it just lay there, not intervening in the battle between the demigod and Archimonde.

No matter how many demons rush towards it, it doesn't pay attention to it, but the defense of the iron-backed turtle Tortola is so amazing that even if the abyss lord cuts it down, it won't be able to leave any traces.

However, no matter how tough an ordinary demon is, he will die on the spot when faced with the lightning bite of a tortoise demigod who doesn't speak martial arts.

"Hold it!"

Seeing the tortoise demigod Shining Liang's actions to turn the tide on the spot, Jarod heaved a sigh of relief and said to the high lord:

"We can reorganize the front, thanks to the help of the demigod."

The great lord didn't care, he just looked at the great demon battlefield in the distance, and said:

"What is that deer going to do?"


The others turned their heads one after another and saw the great white deer horse Luo En piercing and galloping in the sea of ​​demons. Nothing could stop the great white deer's charge and impact, and its aim was very precise.

It's Archimonde the Defiler.

Ma Luo En screamed while striking.

The miserable demigods who were bullied by the polluters retreated one after another, as if they wanted to leave the battlefield to their own boss and the enemy's boss to fight each other.

Of course, it wasn't that the Great White Deer wanted to monopolize the stage, but that it realized that without the help of demigods, the elves on the ground couldn't stop more and more demons.

Although the giant dragons in the air had already gained the upper hand after the brutal battle, the demon's air force hadn't retreated yet, and the giant dragons couldn't find time to support the ground.

Ma Luo En asked the other demigods to help the elves hold the line of defense, as for Archimonde, who was wounded all over his body.

Just leave it to it.

"Come on, Moon God's pet!"

Archimonde also sensed the fighting spirit of the great white deer, with ferocious rage shining in its eyes, and shouted at the charging great white deer:

"I'll turn your head into a trophy. I swear!"


"The demigods are here to help, take this opportunity to regroup!"

Ravencrest sensed that the balance of the war had finally returned.

Maybe they still have a chance to hold out until the moment when the Well of Eternity is blasted, the high lord yelled to get the soldiers back to their positions, and began to assign the commanders of the various parts.

There is absolutely no coward who can survive until now, even if everyone is scarred, but no one refuses Ravencrest's order, even those alien bears or wild boars are willing to pounce on the enemy under the command of the high lord.

"Jarrod, you go to the command tower!"

Ravencrest shouted to the young commander:

"I will give you the command of the battlefield. Someone told me that you will be the best commander in the history of our elves, so let me see your skills!"


Jarod was no longer humble at this meeting. He strode towards the only magic command tower that was still in operation under the escort of a few black crow guards. Fear suddenly burst into the heart of the young elf.

Before he even had time to explain, he grabbed the sword in his hand and turned around to pounce on Ravencrest, but the next moment, the Black Crow Guard beside him smirked and turned into a dreadlord and slapped Jarod with his paw.

Hu En roared angrily and stabbed at him, turning the dreadlord into flying bats.

After this momentary hesitation, the two good friends heard the ear-piercing sound of armor colliding next to them. Jarod raised his head and saw a low-key guard guarding Ravencrest flying up, holding Grabbing a flaming fel blade, he stabbed the unsuspecting Lord Ravencrest in the back of his heart.

As a great lord, Ravencrest has magic armor forged by the best armorsmith in the entire empire. Ordinary magic weapons can't even think of harming Ravencrest, but this assassin obviously came prepared.

The viciousness of the magic sword in his hand could be felt by Jarod even from a long distance away.

The high lord was pierced through the heart and rolled off the mount. The assassin rode on him, grabbed the dagger and stabbed it frantically towards Ravencrest's neck.

He didn't come alone.

There are also many accomplices taking advantage of the chaos to attack everywhere, buying time for their leader.

"You! Varothen"

Ravencrest punched the assassin's helmet when he was desperate, and his helmet flew out, revealing an indescribably handsome face.

But at this time, the face was full of ferocity and demons.

He recognized that the assassin in front of him was Queen Azshara's most favored and trusted captain of the guard. He did not expect Azshara to hate him to such an extent that he would send his best commander to carry out such an assassination under such circumstances. Task.

"You dare to betray the queen. You will have to bear the price!"

Captain Varothen stared at Ravencrest, who was spurting blood in front of him. The green light shining in the depths of his eyes represented that he had also accepted the gift of the devil.

Perhaps this assassination was ordered by Azshara, but this viciousness was entirely the result of Varothen's own efforts.


On the tall tower behind, Miss Elisanna broke free from the protection of the servants. She witnessed the whole process of the assassination of her heroic father, and she also recognized the identity of the assassin.


The eldest lady screamed this name frantically, and Varosen, who succeeded in one blow, turned around and left without hesitation, completely ignoring the loyal guards behind him who were fighting for him.

It is their honor and their own honor to dedicate themselves to the queen.

He crushed a delicate teleportation stone, and his figure disappeared on the chaotic battlefield when Hu En roared and threw the halberd piercing through.

Lord Ravencrest just lay in a pool of his own blood, his eyes staring at the sky, his mouth moved slightly, and he didn't know who he was talking to.

Jarod rushed over to hug the high lord in disgrace, he grabbed the bandages and tried to heal him, but the trembling Ravencrest grabbed his wrist.

The blood-stained high lord could no longer speak.

He could only stare at Jarod with his eyes, and then squeezed the dragon head long sword in his other hand into his hand with difficulty.

"Battle Fight"


Jarod was confused.

But he knew the meaning of the great lord handing over the sword to him at this time, and the voice that had said goodbye to him also sounded quietly at this time.

He said:

"The stage that belongs to you has opened, the era that belongs to you has arrived, and the legend that belongs to you has begun. Jarod Shadowsong, take his sword and continue to fight!

He used his own death to help you ignite the last flame. If you can survive, then you will see each other in the future.

Then, Commander Jarod, please issue an order. "

Younger Brother Yingsong clenched the battle sword in his hand. He looked at the Lord Ravencrest who died suddenly in his arms. The latter closed his eyes at the last moment, and even showed a smile on his blood-stained face.

He seems to have signed a contract with a great or evil being, so that he will no longer have to fear the death of Chang Ye, allowing him to preserve his courage and will until the next time the glory burns.

He has given his life for this world.

He doesn't mind doing it again.

Perhaps, he already knew the result of this battle, perhaps he had seen victory in the phantom of death.

"The devil has assassinated our leader!"

Garald, with red eyes, stood up holding the blood-stained sword. He held the troll horn in his hand, and looked at the surrounding commanders in a gesture of anger that trembled.

He growled:

"They're afraid of us.

They are afraid of our victory and can only stop us in this dirty way! But we will let them know what is the determination of the elves, and what is revenge!

The spirit of Lord Ravencrest is watching us!

Soldiers of Black Rook Hold!

Continue fighting! "

(end of this chapter)

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