Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1850 77. Isn't It Right For A Mentor To Stand Up For His Disciples? [Add More 7/20]

Chapter 1850 77. Isn't it right for a mentor to stand up for his disciples? 【Add more 720】

The decisive battle of Black Rook Castle was fought from midnight to dawn, and the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, but they did complete their mission, and almost all the main demons of Azeroth were attracted to that side of the battlefield.

That doesn't mean calm elsewhere, though.

As decisive as it was there, the battle at Zin-Azshari's court was no less.

Heads of blue dragons flew across the night sky, and their extremely cold breath continuously swayed on the ground of the palace, freezing and killing the demons who kept rushing out of the Well of Eternity, as well as the black dragons who were good at fighting. Fight fiercely with flying demons in the sky.

Their dragon king, Neltharion, will come here at dawn with the power to end everything. Before that, the brave black dragons must clear the way for the dragon king to come.

On the battlefield outside the Well of Eternity, Malygos the Spellweaver is fighting Malygos the Destroyer.

The aftermath of the war between these two demigods made the palace of the elves miserable, and shattered the magnificent outer ring that the empire had built for the Well of Eternity.

Here is an additional word.

The Well of Eternity existed for countless times before it was "taken as its own" by the elves. It was originally an energy lake connected to the center of the earth. The elves did not expand it but built a circle of luxurious bases along the lake. Virgos have a great advantage in showing themselves.

Those seemingly mysterious bases are actually useless, and destroying them will not affect the operation of the Well of Eternity.

In the center of this chaotic battlefield, the portal above the Well of Eternity has been expanded to its limit. Even the small soldiers of the rebel army in the palace can clearly feel a burning will coming from the dark green fel energy spinning like the reflection of the starry sky. Gushing out from the door, the power was so huge and heavy that people were in awe and even dared not look in that direction.

The dark god of the demons is coming.

The boiling of fel energy, hotter every second, is a majestic display of his supreme power, while the quivering pulse of the world symbolizes the opening of a dark destiny.

Queen Azshara, who was quietly waiting and watching this scene, could feel that her control over the Well of Eternity had been weakened, and another force was taking over the authority leading to the Heart of the World.

Pure fel energy is pouring out along the portal. At this time, it is no longer the Well of Eternity supporting the portal, but the dark titan uses his own power to infect the world soul of Azeroth through the portal.

The original black well water of the Well of Eternity has been dripped into the dark green of fel energy. This world is being pulled into the realm of fel energy. It only needs to wait for the coming of Sargeras to turn it into a polluted world like Argus .

The demons became more and more violent because of the gaze of the dark god. They howled to sacrifice their gods and give everything in exchange for the realization of Sargeras' great cause.

The suicide attacks of these lunatics and demons even caused the black dragons to retreat steadily, and feeling the gaze of Lord Sargeras made the destroyer Malonos so barbaric that it was like a god descending from heaven.

With the power of Malygos as the guardian dragon king, he can't even suppress this big butt.

The fight against it continues.

But for those who know what to do, the ending may have already been doomed.

The once radiant and haughty Queen Azshara stood alone on the edge of her ruined palace, her guards sent out to fight the rebels, while the Highborne civilians were moved to the safety of the palace's rear.

They were terrified.

Their queen promised to protect their safety, the God of Darkness they have been waiting for is about to come, and perhaps the promised bright future is about to come true.

"The truest destiny of this world is about to unfold before our eyes, so my dear Grand Arcanist, are you here to appreciate the arrival of the new world with your Majesty?"

Queen Azshara, who changed her clothes and rearranged her hair, looked at the Well of Eternity from the edge of the ruins, wearing her most beloved tide scepter on her waist.

This bounty that was supposed to be given to Lord Xavius ​​returned to the queen after Xavius ​​was killed, and was used by her as a weapon in this final battle.

Behind the queen, as the light of the portal was struggling to open amidst the increasingly violent and boiling magic power, Ms. Alya Blue Moon, wearing white mage armor and holding a staff, appeared in front of Azshara in the chaotic night.

This is not the first time she has met her queen.

But never before has the mind been so angry as it is today.

The academy roster bound by chains was flipping open, and the pages full of names represented the reason and purpose of Ms. Lanyue's coming here.

"Azshara, your tyranny is over."

Lan Yue raised her staff in a cold tone and said:

"You destroyed the elven empire with your own hands, you let your people down, you executioner, the perfect world you longed for will eventually collapse in your desperate wailing.

But you don't have the honor to see your end with your own eyes."

"Well, I see, you're here to kill me, traitor."

At this time, Queen Azshara, who had recognized the reality and was disheartened under the "psychological treatment" of Lord Cthulhu, turned her head, her beautiful face was full of impatient expressions.

She looked at Alya Blue Moon and said:

"Everyone here who has raised arms against me has a reason for wanting to kill me, and they say it's for justice and justice, well, that's hypocrisy.

They just want to live.

I don't blame them.

But you are different.

Lanyue, you are the Grand Arcanist I pardoned with my own hands, you are also a spellcaster I favor very much, and you are the pillar of the empire. Why do you have murderous intentions in your heart? "

"You ruined my college, you killed my students, you twisted my life, isn't that enough?"

Dean Lanyue said coldly.

Azshara did not answer.

The Empress fell silent, remembering what she had done in Azsuna, and what she had done to loyal Farondis and the city of Narthalas.

That was indeed a mistake.

One of the countless mistakes she made while lost in her cult of the Dark Titan for a so-called "perfect world".

The bloody massacre hurt Azshara's dying heart.

The grand arcanist who came here for revenge is the result of the massacre and pain, or "judgment", which is the flower of hatred borne from the twisted seeds she planted herself.

But she knows.

This is not a grievance that can be eliminated by saying "I'm sorry".

Seeing that the silent queen was unwilling to answer, Ms. Alya sneered. She never expected an apologetic answer from Azshara.

Her students are all looking at her.

"so be it."

Lan Yue said something softly.

In the next moment, magical states such as calmness, arcane enhancement, overload, time distortion, etc., flashed and overlapped on Ms. Lanyue's body like flying arcs, and the instant casting made her raise her hand and throw three arcane strikes like battering rams. .

The magic of the Well of Eternity has boiled.

In such a chaotic magical environment, it is difficult for ordinary mages to control their own magic, but thanks to the knowledge brought by her mysterious disciple, Ms. Lanyue raised her rebellious spirit against the queen driven by the heart of revenge. sword.

Although she didn't really want to fight, facing the attack that wanted to take her life, Azshara also raised her fingers like stroking the strings, and gracefully applied an arcane enchantment to herself, and in the blink of an eye Several magical mirror images were produced, and the dark magic power was mobilized and gathered to stimulated, forming a magic crush of absolute quantity and quality in the blink of an eye.

The bombardment of Shadow Fury shattered Blue Moon's magic shield, the lasing fire of Phoenix engulfed Blue Moon's arcane impact, and the eruption of the extremely cold ring of ice wrapped the entire ruins of the palace into pieces of ice. Stone, and in the next moment of bone-piercing shattered ice, everything under the Queen's feet was annihilated.

Although it has long been guessed that this battle will be difficult.

But in the real fight, Alya Blue Moon felt terrible pressure after only three rounds.

The queen in front of her has not used the forbidden knowledge she learned in the field of fel energy, and she has not even mobilized the magic infusion of the Well of Eternity. She is almost powerless to fight back with only the most orthodox arcane magic.

Even with the newly mastered time distortion that speeds up his spellcasting speed by 40%, he is still in a hurry in the face of the magic wave set off by Azshara.

All the spellcasters in the empire are very clear that their queen is the real chosen one, but only when she really starts a deadly contest with the queen, can Ms. Lanyue realize the meaning of this title.

This is the strength of crushing.

"Your progress is very good, Lan Yue, maybe hatred gave you the motivation to develop an incredible form of magic in the already perfect system.

It has even begun to dabble in time. "

Azshara threw all kinds of magic to suppress Alya Blue Moon, and commented in a mood:

"As expected of a spellcaster favored by me.

But you have to understand one thing, the magic system of the empire originated from the summary of ancient sages, but I participated in all the breakthroughs in magic theory in the past two thousand years.

All the knowledge you learn comes from my compilation.

How can you beat me with what I taught you? "

Perhaps these words stimulated Ms. Lanyue and made her become reckless in her precise spellcasting.

The moment the magic shield was shattered, she flashed forward and gathered a burst of scorching hot fireballs, trying to accelerate the magic impact by shortening the distance to break the queen's shield, but this savage casting action made the queen's eyes flash with disappointment. A ball of ice was thrown to freeze Lanyue's body, and in the crushed ice, she and the ice cubes were turned into a mass of blood-colored body-protecting ice.

This is a technique used by spellcasters to save their lives, but using such magic in a duel is equivalent to admitting defeat.

"The Avengers of Narsalas are nothing more than that."

Azshara made such an evaluation.

Just when the depressed queen was about to stop, the time marker on Lan Yue, who was frozen in the ice, was reversed to six seconds ago.

In Queen Azshara's blink of an eye that was caught off guard, Aliya Lanyue, who was divided into four, cast a spell at the same time, and four explosive fireballs slammed on the Queen's body in an instant.

The magic shield was broken, but an icy tide surrounded the queen to help her block the burning of the explosion. When the flowing water swirled and receded, Azshara, holding the tidal scepter, looked down at her scorched left hand. .

The rare pain stimulated the queen's complicated and lost state of mind at this time.

So, after being humiliated by an impolite evil god, has he fallen to a pitiful situation where he can be hurt by a great arcanist?

Anyone can come in front of me and bully me, right?

what is this?

Beat the dog in the water?

She originally wanted to have fun with Lan Yue and let her go before Sargeras arrived, as if she had made a mistake.

But after being injured by Lan Yue's strange magic sneak attack, a fire of anger burned in Azshara's emotionally unstable heart.

"This magic is not bad, your students will be proud of you."

The queen looked at the pale-faced Alya Blue Moon, and with the healing power of the living water of the Well of Eternity sealed in the Tides Scepter, her scorched left hand recovered little by little. In the splash of noble blood dripping on the ground, she Said in a cold tone:

"Can it be used again? I hope you can use it again, otherwise it will be difficult for you to leave alive, Ms. Avenger."


The moment Azshara stepped forward, a sharp pain erupted in Ms. Alya Blue Moon's body, making her feel the blood churning while leaning on the staff.

It wasn't some strange invisible attack, but her sense of magic power was strangely blocked at this moment, just like the magic power was cut off so that the dean had no power to fight back.

"The empire's magic system is based on the flow of magic power from the Well of Eternity, and any elves who can become high-level spellcasters have become accustomed to extracting the magic power of the Well of Eternity to release magic.

But you seem to have forgotten one thing, Miss Blue Moon. "

Azshara's icy voice echoed through the chaotic dawn like a urging spell, and she said:

"The Well of Eternity is under my control, and the power you use to hurt me comes from my gift, and on this land close to the Well of Eternity, as long as I am willing, you will change from a noble spellcaster to a weak to weak Self-preservation little girl.

It feels good to use someone else's power to show off, right? "


Blue Moon, who was "titled" with high authority by Azshara, was still unwilling to give up, but before she grabbed the staff like a spear to fight back, Bu Laike's voice sounded in her mind.

Lord Cthulhu, who has been paying attention to this battle, said to his mentor who refused to admit defeat:

"It's enough, if the students of Nathalas College are still alive, they don't want to see their beloved dean challenge Azshara for them.

This is no match for you, Master, and you may need to write more papers before you have the knowledge to fight her, but you made her bleed, and you have achieved what no one has ever done before.

No need to fight anymore.

It's time for you to rest. "

"Do not!"

Ms. Lanyue gritted her teeth and refused to give up. She came here with the regret and pain of the students to seek justice for her students.

How could it be enough to just hurt Azshara?

The instigator of all the disasters in front of her must taste the pain she inflicted on others, for which she would rather die here.

"He is right, my disciple."

Just when Lan Yue was about to complete the final attack like a spearman, a steady portal opened on the land where Azshara had cut off the magic connection.

Warm palms pressed Dean Lanyue's shoulders, and a familiar and gentle voice echoed in Dean's ears.

"It's enough for you to do this, your students won't blame you anymore, but as a mentor, I want to criticize your recklessness, but that's a matter of later.

Now, go rest. "

The "Hermit" Maitrie, who wrapped himself tightly in a mask, appeared next to his disciple with a two-handed sword splattering cold light on his back. He looked at Azshara in front of him.

The queen also looked at the mysterious mage in front of her with suspicious eyes.

She has clearly cut off the connection between this area and the magic power of the Well of Eternity, and no spellcaster should be able to use the portal here.

"All spellcasters who use the magic of the Well of Eternity are your servants, Queen Azshara, but I am not, and I have never abused this gift from heaven to the elves like you.

My magic comes from an older and more orthodox system, I.

Not your servant! "

Master Maitri stood in front of his weeping disciple.

He hesitated for a moment, and reached out to take off the mask that he never left. Amidst the screams of the ancient arcane elements, Your Excellency the Hermit gave the Queen a spellcaster's courtesy.

The unorthodox mage reached out and took off the elven sword that had just been forged behind his back. Amid the cheers of Bu Laike, he clasped his hands together and pulled the long sword in two.

The streamer of arcane lights up and dances in the gap between the two one-handed swords. This is probably the first real battle that Salamaini has fought since forging.

He looked at Azshara and said:

"What the disciple has not done should be done by the mentor instead, and then I will replace my disciple and discuss with you the way of arcane arts and your shameful mistakes.

I am very happy that you let my disciple go.

But I am very dissatisfied that you have insulted my inheritance like this. "

"My servant told me that the teleportation hall in the palace was opened in reverse when it was blocked, and I thought it was the work of a demigod or a dragon.

Now it seems that there are indeed powerful characters behind the rebels helping.

So, state your name, Mage! "

Queen Azshara felt the thorn.

She clenched the tide scepter in her hand, and under her gaze, the old mage hung his swords beside him and glanced at the dim moonlight in the sky.

He smiled and said in a low voice:

"The wild mage Maitri asks you for advice, Your Majesty the Empress."

(end of this chapter)

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