Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1851 78. Azshara Is An Emperor, And I Am Also An Emperor [Additional 8/20]

Chapter 1851 78. Azshara is an emperor, and I am also an emperor [additional 820]

"The dragons are coming!"

There is always a dawn in a difficult night, and when the first ray of sunlight bursts out in the darkest night, a deep and powerful roar resounds through the sky of Xin Azhali, which is full of gunpowder smoke.

Emperor Shaohao, who had been beating the demons all night, leaned wearily beside the road leading to the Well of Eternity.

There are demon corpses all around him, and the road ahead has been opened. In the fight of the Monkey King wielding the monk's stick, those elves who were loyal to Azshara have been beaten and beaten back.

Nothing could stop the rebels from approaching the Well of Eternity, and amidst the screams of the Monkey King, the weary emperor looked up to see a huge and terrifying black dragon flying from the distant sky.

There is a strange artifact hanging around its neck, even from such a distance, Shaohao can feel the shocking power of that power.

Combined with the previous news from the high-level rebels, it should be Neltharion, the black dragon who is in charge of the mountains and rivers, and the artifact in his hand is the dragon soul used to blow up the Well of Eternity.

This made Shaohao's raised heart finally relax.

Everything is going according to plan, and then we only need to wait for the dragons to place the artifact that is enough to destroy the portal, so that this disaster can be completely ended.

"Come here, idiot, you look terrible now, as if you have been stepped on by a hundred buffalo people in turn and roasted on the fire."

The bloody Monkey King is also very tired, but he is a demigod anyway.

Although a little weaker, the vigorous energy brought by the life stage allowed him to retain a little bit of strength to mock Shaohao who was about to collapse at this moment of victory.

The pandaren emperor also ignored the ridicule of his bad friend.

He was supported by the Monkey King, and looked back at the miserable battlefield and palace under the sun. Azshara's gorgeous palace had been completely turned into bloody ruins after a night of fighting.

The corpses of rebels, guards, and demons are all over this desolate land. Not far away, there are even the corpses of dragons killed by demons on the ruins of the palace, where a group of greedy demon hounds are feasting.

The gloomy sky was filled with the oppression of evil energy because of the majesty of the coming of the God of Darkness, making it impossible for sunlight to penetrate the thick clouds and shine into the earth.

Although it was already dawn, this scene looked so bleak.

All this gave Shaohao a strong sense of déjà vu, and this was exactly the future he saw in the sacred pool of the Jinyu people. Fortunately, fortunately, this disaster has finally come to an end.

And those who personally participated in it also fulfilled their responsibilities.

"We should go home, idiot."

The Monkey King looked at Emperor Shaohao who was full of emotion, and seemed to have guessed what his good friend was thinking at this time, so he patted Shaohao's shoulder with his tail and said:

"Don't think about it, we fought a world war with foreign idiot friends on a foreign land, we protected the last hope and became heroes in the eyes of idiots.

And we should be thankful that this battle wasn't fought in Pandaria. "

"It's too much to say, the little elves beat you."

Shaohao wiped the blood stained on his face, the wound on his body was already a little numb, he retracted his gaze, took a deep breath, and said:

"But you are right, our battle is over.

We should go home, it's a pity we won't see the end of this war, but I'm sure these brave elves and their allies will take care of the last trouble.

Come on, let's find Boo Laike. "

As he spoke, Shaohao summoned his loyal Candle Dragon. This golden Xianglong was also strong and tenacious in the battle last night, and he used his purification breath to help the rebels clear the way forward.

It was badly injured, but due to Xianglong's self-healing power, it was in much better condition than Shaohao.

"Are you guys leaving?"

Malfurion Stormrage noticed the movements of Shaohao and the Monkey King. The druid walked quickly, and he thanked the Pandaren allies:

"The time we have been friends is too short, but your contribution to the elf civilization will be recorded in the annals of history forever, and we will become eternal friends of the Pandaren, and we will pass on your stories forever.

The emperor of the alien race, thank you for your dedication and help. "

"It's outrageous to say this, we are not fighting here just for you, if you fail, my country will be the next to perish, and my people will be the ones who will suffer.

I cannot allow this to happen before my eyes. "

Shaohao smiled, and with the help of the Monkey King, he rode on the saddle of the Serpent. Before leaving, he thought for a while and said to Malfurion:

"Can you do me a favor, brave druid."

"Please tell me."

Malfurion leaned on his staff and said seriously:

"As long as we can do it, we will do our best."

"Then please forget about us."

Shaohao also answered seriously:

"We are accidental travelers who should not have appeared in this epic, and it was a great man who should not have given us the opportunity to travel here and participate in this great war.

But we also have our responsibilities and our stories. If it shouldn’t exist in the first place, let this story be remembered in our hearts.

This ancient battle was won by the elves, and you are true heroes.

There is no alien emperor, and there is no help from monkey demigods. In the history that has been passed down, the Monkey King and I should still find answers for the future of our people on the land of Pandaria.

I know you don't understand, but just do us a favor. "


Shaohao's request was beyond Malfurion's comprehension, and the druid's eyes widened for a moment, but he quickly reacted, looked at Shaohao, and whispered:

"Lord Bo Laike?"


Shaohao nodded, and Malfurion understood.

He put his hand on his heart and said like an oath:

"Then, we will keep our promise. The stories about the two will be forgotten, but we will be eternal friends. If you need help in the future, then Kaldorei is willing to do his best to help you just like you help us the people.

This is Stormrage's oath! "


The pandaren emperor used to be very curious about the kingdom of elves, but now he just wants to go back to his long-lost hometown with all his travels and dust, and has witnessed the war at the end of the world with his own eyes. He also wants to let his people enjoy a peaceful era.

After a brief farewell, Xianglong soared into the dim sunlight, and in the sky behind Shaohao, the arrival of the Black Dragon King made the battlefield near the Well of Eternity turbulent again.

But that has nothing to do with Shaohao.

"Look below! Idiot."

The Monkey King, lying behind Xianglong, grabbed the bananas he had privately hidden, and moved his sore arms to stuff the bananas into his mouth, but with sharp eyes, he quickly spotted the strange creatures on the ruined land below. shape.

It patted Shaohao's shoulder, pointed at the bottom and screamed loudly:

"Look at that woman, she is Azshara, right? You said before that you must find a chance to visit her, do you want to go down and have a few words with her?

She looked sad, like a fool standing there by herself. "


Emperor Shaohao lowered his head.

Sure enough, as the Monkey King said, the queen of the elves was standing alone by the ruins. Her palace seemed to have been swept away by a terrible magical storm, and there was no single piece of intact rubble or pillars to be found.

There are still raging fires burning, some ice is frozen, and those fragments shocked by the arcane power are unscientifically suspended in mid-air.

The pandaren emperor thought for a while, and patted Candle Dragon's neck to make it fall down.

The alien emperor landed on the edge of the ruins. As soon as he entered here, he felt the chaotic magic power entrenched, and the surrounding magic power groups that could not dissipate even showed signs of forming elemental creatures.

This means that at some point last night, there must have been a magical battle beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Looking at Azshara's tattered robe and disheveled hair, she may not have lost, but she won by no means easy. There are still miserable sword marks on her arm.

Although healed, the previous sword must have hurt a lot.

This made Shaohao blink.

Even if he is an outsider emperor, he has heard of Azshara's great reputation. If it hadn't been for Laike, who else in this elven kingdom can fight against Azshara to such a degree in magic confrontation?

"A strange bear man is really the end of the world, and all kinds of strange things have appeared."

When Shaohao approached, Queen Azshara, who was like a contemplative stone, suddenly spoke, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Why do you want to come near me? Emperor Shaohao, before everything happened, I received a message from Eresalas. I even prepared a luxurious banquet for your arrival, and I want to personally take you in the Tour my court and city, and hear tales from far-off Pandaria.

But now, as you can see.

My empire is in pieces, my palace is in ruins, and the elven landscapes I'm about to show you are a mob that wants to kill me.

It leaves me with a dull face.

I'm sorry, Your Majesty, this is rude, but I'm really not in the mood to flirt with a foreign emperor, especially when you also participated in the people's betrayal of me.

Before I finish you, go, leave my land.

You are an unwelcome guest of this empire! "

Azshara's words carry a gun with a stick.

It obviously showed the empress's painful and bewildered state of mind at this time. In all fairness, if the pandaren emperor fell to this point, his reaction would definitely not be better than Azshara.

After all, seeing the collapse of the empire, no emperor could remain calm under such circumstances.

But Shaohao didn't like what Azshara said.

He said in a deep voice:

"At this point, you still call your people's resistance a 'betrayal'?

Azshara, you really don't seem to have learned a lesson after experiencing such a disaster! Do you still blame yourself on the people who have to take up arms in order to survive?

At the moment when your empire is collapsing, do you still refuse to admit your mistakes because of the incurable arrogance and self-esteem in your heart? "

"You are not qualified to say this! Stranger! You have not experienced everything I have experienced, you will not understand, so don't criticize me from the commanding heights of morality, it will only make you appear arrogant and stupid."

The Queen's tone became even colder, she scolded:

"Go away! Or I'll ask you to leave."

"Why am I not eligible?"

Shaohao cursed loudly:

"You are an emperor, and I am also an emperor. My status is no lower than yours, and the pandaren's heritage is older than your elves. When you moved to the Well of Eternity, we have united against the tyranny of the mogu!

So, watch your tone of voice!

Azshara, before us pandaren, you elves are the real descendants.

I am talking to you as a senior!

I'm not trying to irritate you, I just want to know that when things got to this point, as the instigator, don't you really feel ashamed at all?

Is this your attitude as an emperor?

Is this your attitude of reflecting on your mistakes?

Is this how you approach your life?

Arrogant at first, obsessed halfway through, and finally give up on yourself?

No wonder your empire crumbled so quickly. "

Shaohao's scolding made Azshara flushed.

She clenched the tidal scepter in her hand, a wave of magic power boiled around the queen, the monkey king grinned and raised the stick, ready to save the bold fool Shaohao at any time.

Why did you say this to her?

Her fortune is gone, and that woman is crazy, it is not illegal for a madman to kill someone, please come back quickly, if something goes wrong, my loyal brother can't save you.

Seeing the silent, desolate and stubborn Azshara, Shaohao also sighed.

He can probably understand the empress's painful mood at this time, and he can also be sure that Azshara must have woken up from the dark and terrifying dream.

He slowed down and said:

"You are the last emperor of the Elven Empire, and I am also the last emperor of Pandaria."

"Are you joking?"

Azshara retorted sarcastically:

"You have done such a great deed, overthrowing a tyrannical alien emperor with your own hands, which is enough for you to be praised as the greatest emperor by your people after returning to Pandaria.

My failure will be your stepping stone, pandaren, stop being so hypocritical! "

"No, I mean it."

Shaohao looked in the direction of his hometown, he walked to Azshara's side, and looked towards the direction of the Well of Eternity with her.

He said softly:

"I knew my destiny before I came here. After I leave here, when I return to my hometown, I will activate a Titan instrument to protect my country and people and help them survive the next catastrophe. .

I assume you've met Mr. Boo Laike.

The prophet in black found me before he found you, and he also prophesied to me.

I will die in that deliverance, and I will become a mist with my people forever.

Maybe it's hypocritical to say that.

But I feel that if such a sacrifice makes me the last emperor, if such a choice makes my empire die after my death, then it is not unacceptable.

Azshara, I'm not criticizing you elves, but you, the emperor, are really unqualified. It's not that you fell into a wild fantasy and sent the empire to collapse.

I mean, you probably don't understand the meaning of the word 'emperor'. "

The pandaren emperor pointed to the other side behind the palace ruins.

There is a fringe palace, which miraculously was not affected by last night's war, and it is the last gathering place of the terrified Shangzeng elves.

Shaohao said to Azshara:

"If you fail, you fail. It's okay. No one can win all the time. We Pandaren have also experienced failures. Even after the establishment of the empire, we have lost to the mantid several times.

But a momentary failure does not make an emperor feel bad, and the most tragic ending is not being able to protect those people who have dedicated their loyalty to you.

Your mistakes made your people turn their backs on you, that is your own business, I am not qualified to judge.

But young empress, look behind you.

Those people who are still loyal to you at this moment, those highborne who pin all their futures on you, are very afraid now.

Their sky is falling.

They need you more than ever.

Instead of standing here and watching your empire collapse and make yourself miserable and hopeless, I think you are now on the road again. Your empire is gone, but your people are still there.

You should lead them.

Whether it's revenge against the traitors, rebuilding the empire, even running away, these are much better than wasting your time here, this is what an emperor should do.

go. "

Shaohao pushed the stubborn Azshara behind him, pushing her in the direction of the Highborne.

He said:

"Even at the last moment, please stand with your people, His Majesty Azshara, this is a suggestion from your colleagues."

Azshara neither thanked nor answered.

She took one last look at the portal that had inflated to its limit and appeared in the material world like a black hole. She turned back to the palace of the Highborne, and after taking a few steps, she looked at Shaohao who was riding the serpent again.

she says:

"If you had come a few years earlier, well, I admit, I was wrong, there is no empress worse than me. In the profession of emperor, you are better than me, Shaohao.

It's a pity we weren't friends while our empires were still alive. "

"There will always be opportunities in the future."

Shaohao grinned and waved his paw at Azshara.

Flying out of the city in the roar of the candle dragon, Bu Laike was waiting for him there, and he finally completed his journey and realized his wish to talk to Queen Azshara.

This trip was truly a success.

"You were so majestic when you scolded her just now, stupid Shaohao."

The Monkey King laughed loudly and said:

"If the Lorewalkers know about this, they will definitely be very happy. This is called showing off outside the country. Unfortunately, we are the ones who must be forgotten.

By the way, you know I hate hairless jerks, right?

but that azshara

But I want to have a monkey with her, hahahaha, what a beautiful person. "

(end of this chapter)

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