Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1852 79. Is It Normal For Me Who Was 10,000 Years Ago To Prepare Gifts For My Friends 10,000

Chapter 1852 79. Is it normal for me who was 10,000 years ago to prepare gifts for my friends 10,000 years from now? 【Add more 920】


The golden serpent came against the wind, and finally landed on the hill outside Zin-Azshari City.

From here, you can have a good view of the entire city, and you can even clearly see the chaos around the Well of Eternity.

Shaohao jumped down from behind Candle Dragon, and walked quickly to the side of Bu Laike, who had spread a blanket on the edge of the cliff in front of him like a picnic. The latter was sitting there shaking his legs, pouring wine into his mouth, Holding a thick notebook, I don't know what to write with my head down.

"Sit here and wait a moment, I will send you back later."

Before Shaohao could speak, the Scrap Pirate waved and said:

"Don't worry, in time, I will send you directly to the Terrace of Endless Spring in Kun-Lai Mountains, from where you can connect to the Engine of Nalaksha, as long as you subdue the last Sha.

I have great confidence in you. "

"I thought you'd let me go back early to make some preparations."

Shaohao picked up the fine wine at his feet and bit off the cork. This action was very similar to those rude drunkards who also made the crumb pirates laugh. He finally led a serious emperor astray.

"There is nothing to prepare, in fact, before you leave Pandaria, I will take care of everything."

Bu Laike writes and draws in his notes, winks his eyes and says:

"To tell you the truth, even if you don't come with me, Pandaria will be protected by the fog barrier, which is equivalent to my empty-handed white wolf tricking you over to help.

Are you angry? "

"A little bit, but that's about it."

Shaohao sat on the edge of the cliff, watching the giant dragons running around screaming and driving the demons away.

His eyes fell on the black hole portal that was already the size of a city, and the dark green divine power lightning swayed around the portal, and even from such a distance, he could feel the already very unstable space system.

He said:

"We Pandaren all pay attention to a study tour. I may be the emperor who traveled the farthest and participated in the most exciting things in the history of Pandaren. From this point of view, I should thank you.

But is it really okay to leave it like this now? Can those dragons really end it all? So what are you writing about? So seriously. "

"Oh, this one, Bu Laike Shaw's Travels in the War of the Ancients."

The pirate picked up the notebook in his hand, showed it to Shaohao, and said:

"A good friend of mine who is on the road of art asked me to write down my experience and bring it back 10,000 years later for her reference, so that she could publish another autobiography based on my story.

I think that guy is running out of ideas, and if I don't go back, she's going to have to do some lighter-biting stuff to keep her attention. "

"I'm really more and more curious about your friendship situation after ten thousand years."

Shaohao and the Monkey King stared at each other, and he said:

"Then are you staying here now to record the final outcome of the War of the Ancients? The King of the Black Dragon has arrived, and even I can feel the power of the Dragon Soul.

That thing is probably more than enough to blow up the portal, and the war will be over soon. "

"Huh? Is it such a flat ending?"

Bu Laike blinked, put down his pen, and said:

"Do you think it will be so easy with my participation? Also, are you really sure that the calm and reassuring Black Dragon King Neltharion is here?"


Shaohao's eyes widened, he felt ominous from Bu Laike's words.

Lord Cthulhu didn't talk nonsense, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The thoughts of truth in the void entwine the eyes of Shaohao and the Monkey King who was eating bananas next to him, like a layer of filter blessing, making the world in their eyes more "clear".

The evil that hides and can blind everything in the world is no longer covered under this filter.

When Shaohao looked at the mighty black dragon king who had descended from heaven to help Malygos repel the Destroyer Mannoroth, he trembled suddenly, and all the manes on his body began to tremble.

What the hell is that!

Although the body of the black dragon is still maintained, under the void filter, one can clearly see those hateful corrupt forces wrapped around Neltharion's body like black mud, and there are also some invisible abyssal tentacles like abominable The black dragon king's body was covered with limbs like limbs. Its eyes seemed to be blind, and hot dirty magma spewed out from the black eye sockets.

It's like a disgusting suture, a moving source of pollution.

This kind of monster that never appeared in Shaohao's deepest nightmare was wrapped together with the dragon soul's artifact shining with light of order, how evil and weird it looked.

Moreover, from Neltharion's deep mutation, Shaohao clearly noticed that this guy had many similarities with the Sha he had seen, especially the eyeballs growing everywhere, and those dark tentacles swaying and flying. , and the oppression and corruption of the mind from the same source.

It's the same monster!

"Is this the ancient god you mentioned?"

Shaohao closed his eyes not wanting to look at the disgusting thing again, he looked at Bu Laike and said:

"You already knew that the Black Dragon King was corrupted? And you gave him the dragon soul to close the portal? What the hell are you thinking, Bo Laike!"

"Do you think I don't want to save it?"

The Scrap Pirate squinted and said:

"I can even save a stupid pig like Agamaggan. If I can help the Black Dragon King, I will definitely help. That's the problem, I can't help it.

I'm late.

It is already terminally ill. It is true that I am the god of the void, but I am not omnipotent. The erosion from the lightless sea is still incurable in my eyes.

Don't worry too much.

Dragon Soul would be useful today, though perhaps not in the way it was designed to be used.

But it turned out well, everything was fine, right?

Don't bother me, I'm going to finish this paragraph, and then, it's time to meet my dear Sa Zong, I hope he can be more sensible this time, and don't cut him with a sword as soon as he meets.

It hurts like hell, asshole. "


Above the Well of Eternity in Xin-Azhari, the arrival of the Black Dragon King boosted the morale of the dragons who had been fighting fiercely for several hours, but more demons poured out of the gate of the world that had been formed, which made the rebels and The advancement of the dragons was forcibly blocked.

The evil creatures of the Twisting Nether have completely lost their minds, and they are suffering almost ten times the casualties to fight for the last time for Sargeras' arrival.

There are too many demons!

When the quantity reaches an exponential level, the quantity itself has become an insurmountable quality.

And such a suicide-like surge of demons made it impossible for the dragons to place the operation circle of the dragon soul. Things of this level must not be effective if they are thrown into the well of eternity.

It requires the maintenance of a certain force.

"Malygos! Get out of the way!"

Neltharion roared in a low tone, and the spellweaver had no doubts about his brother's warning.

Dodging away from the battle with the destroyer, the next moment, as the black dragon king clasped the golden disc with his front paws, the power from the dragon king was gathered and sprayed out.

The gorgeous seven-colored red light is wrapped in golden streamer like a light cannon across the land of the Well of Eternity, everything is annihilated wherever the beam of light goes, even Maronus the Destroyer was cut off an arm, The big demon screamed in pain.

Clear the field with one hit!

The sea of ​​demons surging around the entire Well of Eternity was instantly flattened, and the terrifying energy continued to transpire, making the entire battlefield silent.

"Quick! Arrange the magic circle."

The King of the Black Dragon urged, and the Spellweaver and his blue dragon army rushed forward immediately, and arranged powerful dragon-language magic runes around the emptied Well of Eternity.

They want to connect the magic net of the world around the Well of Eternity, so as to bear and share the terrifying energy that will escape when the magic well that goes straight into the heart of the world collapses.

According to the plan of the blue dragons, if everything goes well, the huge magic power of the Well of Eternity will be sent to each node of the world's magic net. Not only will it not destroy the world's magic power tide, but it will also strengthen the stability of the magic net.

Neltharion was not idle either.

While the blue dragons were arranging the magic circle runes, it roared to summon the black dragon army to gather in the sky, and what happened in Black Rook Castle also happened in Zin-Azhari.

One after another, demonic starships will break through the space and appear in the sky of Azeroth.

But how could the Black Dragon King, who holds the soul of the dragon in his hand, give up his world to the devil? As soon as those starships appeared on the stage, they were greeted by the dragon soul's head-on fire, and two of them were blown up on the spot.

The remaining small spaceships were swarmed up by the black dragons, burning and destroying them with shadow flames.

The guards of Azshara on the ground had stopped singing. The giant dragons took out the artifacts of the world to suppress the scene, and the threat of the demons seemed to be invisible.

Seeing that the victory was coming to an end, all the commanders including Tyrande showed relaxed smiles.

Even His Excellency Dath'Remar Sunstrider, who staggered out of a marginal warehouse leaning against the wall, his clothes torn and his hair messed up, also saw the scene at this time.

The Sunstrider, who was able to keep himself from falling with his sword, turned pale, as if he had been sucked dry by a monster.

But wouldn't this be the time to consider the strange events of last night, when he stood with his soldiers, and some excited Highborne had even begun to cheer.

The dragons are really reliable!

The portal is about to be closed, and this plague of demons is about to end.

The blue dragons are all magic experts. With the concerted efforts of the entire magic army, the giant dragon runes arranged around the entire Well of Eternity have been placed in less than ten minutes.

The furious magical spin of the Well of Eternity was forcibly slowed down, and Malygos raised his head and shouted to the sky:

"It's time, Neltharion! Put down the artifact!"

"I'll come."

The Black Dragon King replied.

The huge body flapped its wings and fell, and around the Well of Eternity in front of it, those blue dragons who had completed their tasks and experienced fierce battles also gathered together in human form.

They don't want to miss this moment of witness.

Neltharion fell down.

It landed in human form, holding the hot dragon soul in its hand, and walked towards the Well of Eternity. In the eyes of all the rebels and dragons, the king of black dragons was about to place the artifact on the magic well.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Malygos.

With a smile on his face, the Black Dragon King asked:

"My dear brother, there is something I said to you a long time ago, and now should be a good time."

"Speak, Neltharion."

Malygos leaned on the ice crystal staff and held the hand of his wife Sindragosa beside him. He said with a cheerful smile:

"In this moment of victory, I am willing to listen to all your jokes."

"Well, you might not want to hear what I'm about to say, but it's okay."

The Black Dragon King shook his head, he held the dragon soul in his hand like an energy cannon, and said softly:

"You jumping blue dragons are really annoying, I have long wanted to crush you to death one by one, so that you don't come up with those weird things anymore.

Farewell, my brother. "

Malygos' face froze.

The next moment, under his wide-eyed gaze, Neltharion turned around and the golden disc in his hand burst out a devastating beam of light that swept towards him and the blue dragon army.

The Frost Queen Sindragosa reacted extremely quickly, and was about to release a large teleportation spell on the spot.

But the power of the dragon king from the soul of the dragon made her slow in her actions when she was suppressed at this moment, and she could only watch helplessly as the beam of light blasted on the blue dragons who were caught off guard.

It's like a horrible scythe.

Sweeping across the crowd watching the excitement, they cut down all of them in one fell swoop.

"Without you, no one can stop the twilight hour, they will be released, by my own hand, of course, the demons will be repelled, and then...

The world will return to the peaceful void! "

During the horrific slaughter and the wild escape of the blue dragons, the cruel black dragon king finally showed a distorted and nervous laugh on his face, and he shouted:

"You are useless! Bugs! Die! Die! Sacrifice for the Lightless Sea!"


The desolate dragon's roar resounded through the world.

In the frightening beam of light and the eruption of destruction, the miserable Frost Queen Sindragosa dragged her half-cut body and fled towards the north amidst the blood of the dragon.

"No, Neltharion, what have you done. No, my love, save me."

The poor queen called her husband by name.

In the extreme fear, she instinctively fled to her lair, but she couldn't fly that far at all. After rushing out of Zin-Azhali, who had become hell, the poor dragon began to fall down.

she knows.

She was about to die alone.

Then, a black shadow appeared in front of her eyes.

Sindragosa, who was on the verge of death, felt dazzled, but there was indeed a little guy who appeared above his head with a whoosh, and that guy was still holding a big too big war hammer.

He smiled to himself, then swung his warhammer with a perfect sap on the Frost Queen's forehead.

Sindragosa felt that she was stunned, and even the pain of dying was interrupted at this moment. She fell to the ground in a coma, and changed back to the elf form covered in blood under the forced transformation of the Silent One. .


Under the stunned gaze of Emperor Shaohao, Bu Laike returned to his eyes with a mature elf like an iceberg in his arms. The beautiful lady was covered with blood and scars.

Bo Laike threw a god's healing spell on Lady Sindragosa and threw her on Emperor Shaohao, then clapped his hands, tearing open a rift in the void leading to Pandaria.

He made a gesture of "please" and said to Shaohao who was carrying the unconscious Frost Queen:

"Take her away, to your homeland, where you know where to put her. Those dragon eggs need the care of a female dragon, and no one is more suitable than Lady Sindragosa.

Don't worry, after 10,000 years, they will be reunited as husband and wife. I warn you not to do bad things to this pretty famous lady of the Dragon Legion.

Be careful she wakes up and bites you to death.

Anyway, goodbye, Shaohao. "

After finishing speaking, under Shaohao's trembling eyes, Bu Laike flipped his robes and made a rising sun kick. The pandaren emperor trembled and shouted:

"Wait! I can go by myself! I don't need you"


Poor Shaohao hadn't finished his sentence when Bu Laike kicked the fat pandaren emperor in the ass with his kick during the voiceover of the eerie roar.

This feeling kicked him into the shaking void fissure with Bingshan Yujie in his arms. Opposite the fissure was the reflection of the golden palace, and the blue sha energy was already gathering. Right last shot.

That was a mission that had to be done by himself.

The Monkey King was dumbfounded.

Seeing that Bo Laike looked at it again, the hozen demigod flicked his tail, waved his hand and said:

"I don't need it, idiot, I know you mean well, but..."

"Do you know why I'm not angry when you call me 'idiot' for so long?"

The scrap pirate asked with a smile.

The Monkey King felt that something was wrong, he wanted to run away, but the next moment...

"Ada! Come in, you!"

(end of this chapter)

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