Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1853 80. Congratulations To Mr. Savus For Being Named Vegetable [Additional 10/20]

Chapter 1853 80. Congratulations to Mr. Savus for being named "Vegetable" [additional 1020]

The black dragon king's sudden madness and attack on his compatriots was something that no one expected.

Seeing that the blue dragon army caught off guard was wiped out almost instantly under Neltharion's shameless sneak attack, the entire area around the Well of Eternity, which had already begun to welcome the victory, immediately became chaotic.

The upper elves shouted and ran away, fearing that the crazy dragon king would target them with the dragon soul that destroys all things. If even the dragon can't bear the burning of this artifact, the destruction of the entire Xin-Aisa Li will also be reversed. Instant thing.

Although Illidan couldn't see it, his perception as a demon hunter was extremely keen.

The moment the Dragon Soul erupted, he stretched out his hand and pushed Malfurion and Tyrande out, and grabbed the dazed little Shandris, and the demon wings appeared from behind, dragging her to a safe place land.

In the next moment, the light that melted everything plowed fiercely from where they were standing, and wiped out ashes wherever it went.

Shandris, who was still in shock, saw those rebels who had no time to dodge "melt" in the light of the dragon soul, and the little girl trembled in fright.


No, Lord Deathwing's pursuit is not over yet. The Spellweaver reacted quickly when the disaster struck, and the Frost Queen Sindragosa, who loved him deeply, stood in front of him for a moment, allowing Malygos to have Casting time.

Although the power of the dragon soul suppressed the blue dragons into weakness, the spellweaver still threw out several dragon language transmissions with the support of the magic net, sending the surviving blue dragons out of this disaster place.

As for himself, the Blue Dragon King is not a soft persimmon who will only run away from things.

Seeing that most of his people were slaughtered by the crazy black dragon, Malygos looked like a crazy dragon with red eyes, and he howled and rushed to fight Neltharion regardless of Deathwing holding the dragon soul.

This crazy black dragon king came here today to cause trouble, and his actions caught the black dragons in the sky off guard.

A large group of black dragons were still fighting against the devil with the blue dragon brothers one second, and fell into a situation of bewilderment because of the leader's jump the next second.

What's even more frightening is that when Deathwing didn't suppress himself and completely degenerated, the void pollution that originated from him quickly spread throughout the black dragon army.

The bloodline of Deathwing is the most serious.

Even though it's just the pollution at the source of the bloodline that won't be stained with irremediable void corruption, the power from the lightless sea is still impacting and subverting their hearts.

It's like a pool of water that has been poured with irreducible ink, and even though the streams try to keep them as pure as they can, they can never return to a sane condition as long as the ink is there.

Plus Malygos has gone mad.

The loss of his lover and his clan made a dragon king completely let go of his hands and feet. It may not be the opponent of Deathwing holding the dragon soul, but the arcane power fully infused with the magic net of the world allows it to slaughter those crazy black dragons almost one bite at a time. .

"Block it!"

Deathwing flicked away Malygos who was chasing him, stared coldly at the blue dragon king, and gave orders to his clansmen.

Those black dragons couldn't help themselves, but they also rushed forward helplessly trying to resist the king of magic.

But the Black Dragon King, who had gained precious time, did not leave and escape. Instead, he grabbed the scorching hot dragon soul and rushed down to the boiling well of eternity.

It's going to blow up the fel gate.

Certainly not to save the world.

Just to prevent Sargeras from coming here.

Fel energy and the void are immortal enemies. If Deathwing wants to trigger the twilight hour of the destruction of all things, he must release the ancient gods, so as to break the gap between reality and the lightless sea and guide the tide of truth to wash the world.

But if the Dark Titan comes here, all his plans will be over.

This is not the salvation of the anti-legion, but it can barely be regarded as an evil and evil civil war. At this time, the Lord Cthulhu, who has jumped to the sky above Xin-Aisa Li with the screaming little murlocs, said that this is familiar to him.

In the past, I always engaged in such evil internal turmoil to please myself.

However, Deathwing's attempt to stop Lord Sargeras and his own "offline base" is really cowardly. If I don't teach you a little lesson, you little crazy dragon, I'm afraid you don't know how to write the word Lord of the Void!


Bo Laike snapped his fingers with a pleasant smile.

Everything he saw turned into truth thoughts and was projected into the consciousness of the other three dragon kings in a way of traveling through space and time.

The Red Dragon Queen, the Green Dragon Queen and the Lord of Time are still fighting the Legion Starship on the battlefield of Black Rook Castle.

This sudden projection of consciousness caught A Laikestraza who had just climbed onto a demon starship off guard. As soon as he moved slowly, he was locked on by another starship, and the main gun burst out in the next second. Nozdormu came to the rescue in time, and this ruby ​​big sister will also be seriously injured here today.

But the three dragon kings were stunned by the picture projected in their minds.

Of course Nozdormu was faking it, he had seen this horrible scene countless times, it was a day when the shadow of the Dragon Legion exploded and split, it was a day of disaster.

"Go help! Malygos is in danger."

Ah Laike Straza screamed.

At this moment, she remembered Neltharion's "farewell" with her on Wyrmrest Tower, and she regretted her slowness, obviously at that time, the Black Dragon King was already a little abnormal.

"Go to the dreamland!"

Ysera flapped her dreamy green dragon wings and opened three dream vortexes in the air, using the management power of the Emerald Dream to create gaps in the space.

The three dragon kings didn't care about warning the allies below, they swished across the past and came to the battlefield of Zin-Azshari, seeing that Deathwing was about to throw the dragon soul into the Well of Eternity, Ysera's dead soul took a risk. screamed in horror:

"Stop it! Its authority has not been infused into the Dragon Soul, the mountains and rivers cannot withstand the explosion of the Well of Eternity, and the whole world will fall apart!"

Faster than her warning was the dragon rush of the Red Dragon Queen. A red figure crashed into Deathwing like a meteorite falling in flames. Under the eyes of the elves, one black and one red The figures slammed into each other fiercely, Deathwing was rolled out by this crazy blow, and the dragon soul caught in the dragon's claws also slammed to the ground in a graceful arc.

He was dragged and landed in Brother Stormrage's direction while the crumb pirate's fingers were shaking.

"Your chance has come!"

Illidan and Malfurion, who were hiding in a safe area, heard the warning from the evil god at the same time, and the Stormrage brothers rushed out of their hiding place without saying a word, and galloped towards the place where the dragon soul fell.

Tyrande also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Maiev who appeared in a flash.

The dark moon god in armor chose to press Tyrande's shoulder, and said to the embarrassed moon priest:

"You have heard what the Dragon King said, the artifact has not been infused with the power of the black dragon, we can destroy the portal but the world will also collapse because of it, and there will be no life left here.

The people still need you, take them with you! Get out of this place and go to higher places! Mount Hyjal Before the world is completely torn apart, go to Mount Hyjal!

quick! "

"But they."

Tyrande hesitated for a moment, looked at Brother Stormrage in the distance, and Maiev whispered:

"They will be fine, the gods are watching them, go, Tyrande, Ms. Elune doesn't want to see today's civilization go extinct, and each of us has our own responsibilities."

"it is good."

When the High Priest of the Moon closed her eyes and opened them again, her beautiful eyes were full of determination. She stood up and called her Moonsaber, and said to Maiev:

"You must come back alive, we will wait for you at Mount Hyjal, Maiev, about the Shadow Moon"

"I'll explain, but not now."

Ms. Warden shook her head, and gave an order to the watchmen running towards the Earthquake Mountain to escort the Priest of the Moon and the people away from this dangerous place that was about to explode.

And she herself rushed out in the opposite direction, rushing towards the location of the dragon soul.

"Your Excellency Dath'Remar, take your friends and leave with me!"

Tyrande, who was riding on the Moonsaber, shouted to the Highborne:

"The explosion of the Well of Eternity will destroy this place, we must transfer immediately."

Sunstriders are also people who do big things.

Although his legs were so weak that he needed the support of Windrunner and Sanggunar to stand up straight, his face became serious after hearing Tyrande's warning.

Without any hesitation, they evacuated with the Priest of the Moon. Dath'Remar looked at the boiling Well of Eternity with some regrets. He planned to take advantage of the chaos to fill a few bottles of Eternal Water for later use.

Now it seems that there is no chance.

However, the evacuation was not all smooth sailing. When the survivors rushed out of Xin Aisa Li City in the background of the battle of the Dragon King and the earth shaking, the dark green devil's gate was strangely covered with corpses and gunpowder smoke. The road opened up.

A strange-looking guy rushed out with a group of demons screaming.

That guy has a humanoid body, demon hooves, a wagging demon tail, and unique horns, as strange as a satyr, but those dark green eyes make Dath'Remar feel very familiar.


The Sunstrider exclaimed in disbelief.

The weird demon in front of him reminded him of Lord Xavius, the "First Fallen" of the Elven Empire, but that guy had obviously been killed by him and Malfurion.

Even the corpses were burned clean, which can be called ashes.

"You made me mess up, Dath'Remar."

The first satyr demon licked his lips and sharp teeth with a bright red tongue, stared fiercely at the people in front of him, and roared hoarsely:

"It's you who made me suffer the shame of failure, but it's okay, the generous master gave me an eternal second life, and His footsteps are only one step away from this world.

We come here to welcome the coming of our master and offer sacrifices to him.

Tyrande Windtalker.

The master is very curious about you, you and Azshara will receive the gift of fel energy together, and a group of servants also need a leader, huh huh huh, if you don’t struggle, it won’t hurt.

come on!

let us."


Before Xavius ​​finished his words, a green arrow shot out from behind Tyrande. The arrow spun at high speed while flying, pierced the air and pierced Xavius' heart, but was caught by the latter's claws. in hand.

It wanted to ridicule the sneak attacking Shandris Feather Moon, but suddenly the sharp arrow in its hand burst forward with a strange force and pierced into its heart with a puff.

Then there was a terrifying explosion of life energy. Amid Savis's terrified screams, the live arrows inserted into the wound quickly took root and sprouted after being exposed to blood, like a vine seed breaking through the ground, twisting Weird branches gushed out from its wound like tentacles, fusing flesh and wood, and took root after just a few seconds.

Under the stunned gaze of the crowd, the first Satsavis, who made his appearance on the stage, hadn't finished his domineering speech, before turning into a gloomy oak with a weird face in front of everyone.

What's even more frightening is that the oak is still squeezing the flesh and blood of Xavius, and it even shows signs of becoming an ancient Tongtian tree.

"Little girl, what kind of arrow is that?"

Dath'Remar and his two subordinates moved silently away from the young Shandris, as if the young girl was some kind of scourge.

The Sunstrider asked cautiously.

He looked at Shandris, and wondered in his heart that this little girl was also a mysterious chosen one like Tyrande and Lady Maiev.

"Huh? I don't know."

Shandris Yuyue, who shot the arrow, also looked confused. She originally wanted to teach the arrogant demon a lesson, but who knew that the effect of the living wooden arrow would be so terrifying.

She looked at the Moon Shadow Battle Bow in her hand and the remaining nineteen live wooden arrows in her quiver, pursed her lips and said:

"This is a gift from Lady Maiev, perhaps."

"Now is not the time to talk about that."

Tyrande glanced at her adopted daughter, and then at the dark moon emblem on the war bow. She vaguely guessed that it should be related to the mysterious shadow moon that Maiev and the watcher believed in.

But there are more important things now.

Xavius ​​was "insta-killed" by an arrow, causing the demons brought in to lose their commanders and be rushed away by the watchmen.

The surviving civilians and highborne quickly moved outwards. After they left the city, only a group of crazy dragons and fanatical demons remained in the once prosperous city of Xin Azshali.

There is also a group of highborne loyalists and their queen hiding in the corner with nowhere to go.

Of course, in the end, there is also a Lord Cthulhu watching the excitement.

The dragon kings in the sky were fighting with Deathwing, and the black dragons were fleeing. On the ground, Stormrage Brothers, who found the fallen dragon soul, also met the big ass Maronor who was injured by the dragon soul. s.

The black well water of the unguarded Well of Eternity has completely boiled, and in the high-speed rotation like the tide, it transmits the energy of the heart of the world to the star field gate as huge as a mountain.

A mass of burning flames ignited in the center of the swirling dark green fel energy, and the supreme power of the Dark Titan has begun to scorch the world.

Bu Laike saw an unlucky black dragon descending from the sky, crashing into the swirling black water of the boiling black lake, only to be swallowed by the Well of Eternity in the blink of an eye, just like being eaten by a giant beast.

The little murloc on his shoulders was carrying a big burden, which was full of good things found in Azshara's palace. The little murloc put a pirate eye patch on his face and whistled in a very airy manner.

This great plunder across time has been completed, and it and its master only need to meet the last guest to return to their time.

Seeing Ms. Maiev jumping out of the shadows, the little murloc blew a long murloc whistle obscenely, then patted the owner's ear winkingly as if encouraging, then it jumped down mischievously, Run aside and pretend to count the treasures, so as to leave the last farewell time for the owner and mistress.

Of course, the decathlon little murloc has also prepared jewels for making magical illusions, and it can also help if the owner and mistress plan to have a parting battle.

Although it's not a good time right now.

But for the evil gods, there is nothing certain in this world, what if they get interested, right?

"quack quack"

When the little murloc was busy, he turned his head and saw Dean Lanyue coming towards him. He pushed the murloc blindfold on his face, but he didn't move when he wanted to stop him. Broken high platform.

It can't afford to mess with this one.

And there is still fun to watch, hoo hoo, it's really great.

(end of this chapter)

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