Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1856 83. Time Is The Friend Of The Silent [13/20]

Chapter 1856 83. Time is the friend of the silent [1320]

Bo Laike and Sargeras didn't have long to wait.

The chain reaction of the Well of Eternity's collapse and explosion reached its climax in the thirty-seventh minute when the Dragon Soul was thrown into it. Along with the terrifying shattering of heaven and earth, what erupted was the "world of Azeroth" that had existed for millions of years. The terrifying force bred by "injury".

It shattered the ancient continent of Kalimdor in a way of defeat, causing the whole world to fall apart in an instant. Bu Laike could only be thankful that the sleeping star soul was tough enough and was not harmed by such an attack.

Of course, the consequences of the fragmentation of the world's continental shelf are also dire.

This will make the world's star soul enter a long-term weakness, but the healing of the world's wound left by Aman'Thul's killing of Y'Shaarj made the star soul no longer lose blood slowly.

After the comfort and promotion of time, He will eventually enter a long recovery period, and one day, this powerful Titan will "break out of its shell", completely bringing "surprises" to the material stars and the six original forces.

Lord Cthulhu and the Lord of Legion witnessed this process at the same time, and the power of the world that erupted from Azeroth poured backwards into the connection between the material world and the Twisting Nether.

The unguided violent energy swept across the demon star Marton, causing heavy damage to the shattered world, and then turned into finer pieces of star sea garbage under the impact.

And being blasted into other demon worlds rampantly by the forces that were trying their best to disperse to other paths, many light spots on the territory of the Burning Legion were extinguished in an instant.

No wonder the demons didn't make a comeback immediately after the War of the Ancients. The explosion of the Well of Eternity also caused traumatic damage to them.

But it's a good thing.

From a macro point of view, the counterattack of this arcane force suppressed the fel force, making the balance of the six forces go a step further, and with the explosion of this arcane force, it really made Braike and Sargeras The border of the twisting void where it is located temporarily entered a state of space-time chaos.

Bu Laike could feel that the time network that restrained him was rattling, and the impacted time split into many branches at this moment. It can be predicted that the workload of the Bronze Dragon Legion will skyrocket in the next period of time.

But that has nothing to do with Lord Cthulhu.

"Let's make a long story short."

In the chaos of time and space that cannot be peeped by any power, Braike stretched his body comfortably. He looked at Sargeras and raised his left hand. A mass of pure fel power ignited at his fingertips like a ghostly lamp. Green light.

The content of this force is too weak, but it is very pure, and the aura of force comes from the bestowal of the dark titan, this is certain.

maybe in the future

At this moment, the moment the crumb pirate took out this thing, the dark titan who had "great opinions" on him immediately narrowed his eyes.

Although Lord Sargeras is determined to destroy the decayed star sea and rebuild the pure order, he can be regarded as the best among the ruthless people in the star sea, but his own wisdom should not be underestimated.

After seeing this pure fel force, he realized that Bu Laike, a void creature, had something on his shoulders that he had to take seriously.

But this "image display" is not over yet.

Under the gaze of the Dark Titan, the pirate raised his second finger, and the arcane force bestowed by the Titans belonging to the Pantheon was also lit up, and then the third finger lit up the scarlet sin in the death force, and the fourth finger Floating weak streams of holy light.

Coupled with his own dual godheads of life and void, it means that this strange monster is connected with the six original forces at the same time, which is simply impossible.

"You said you came from ten thousand years later?"

Sargeras had to get serious, and he even put away the terrifying long sword Dark Ripper. He stared at Bo Laike and said:

"What happened after 10,000 years? As you wish, I became curious. Come on, this space-time chaos will end in ten minutes.

I hope you can seize the time. "

"No, it doesn't take that long. It takes me ten minutes to make up a lie with a purpose, but we are not here today for lies, what we want to discuss is the truth.

A lie can deceive an enemy, but the truth can convince a friend,"

Bo Laike took a deep breath in the twisting void where mortals simply cannot survive, and said:

"The truth of the matter can be summed up in one sentence, that is, the Burning Crusade you were obsessed with, even the battle of destruction between you and the Pantheon, and all the stories about your transfer from arcane force to the field of fel energy are all a scam!


Sargeras, the former Bronze Titan, the current Dark Titan, the 'truth' you know, the great cause you are committed to, the order you want to bring to the stars, etc.

These are just things a bunch of conspirators want you to do.

You are being used. "


Sargeras shook his head.

Sneering at Bu Laike's statement, he thought it was just a sophistry of void creatures, and he had enough evidence to prove it, he said:

"The void's corruption of matter and stars is real. I don't think there are any hidden conspirators who can create an illusion that spans the two major forces and covers countless worlds to deceive me."

"I didn't say fel energy. The war between arcane arts and the void is an illusion! The order of arcane arts and the chaos of the void are inherently opposed. Even without your intervention, the Pantheon will one day go to war with the lightless sea."

Bu Laike explained:

"But the real existence of this trend does not mean that it is normal for you to be involved in it at a specific moment, and I have no intention of accusing you of making right or wrong choices.

Let's have a conspiracy theory.

You have witnessed the void infecting the arcane star soul, tearing up your ignorant brother with the Pantheon, and taking control of the power of fel energy to shape the Burning Legion to resist the invasion of the void, launch the Burning Crusade to flatten the stars, and at the same time wage war against the Legion of Light , forcing the realm of life to shrink continuously.

So who is the ultimate beneficiary in this process?

Who can enjoy the benefits of all your actions without paying any price? "

The evil god smiled, and said to the silent Sargeras:

"It's death! You guessed it, right. Behind every war, every conflict, and every destruction is the strengthening and expansion of the death force.

They show no sense of existence, never intervene in any disputes in the material world, and just silently send souls into the shadow world in the ruins left by your legion.

Every step of your grand plan means that the power of death will increase by one point, until you achieve the great cause of sweeping the stars with great vigor, the force of death will also expand to the extreme.

The six original forces will eventually become unbalanced.

In the inevitable ending, either everyone will be destroyed together, or the seventh force will be born in the collision of the six forces to complete a new balance.

this is the law of the universe

But your actions greatly facilitate this process, and if you take a moment to think about it, it is not difficult to see who is behind it all.

Of course, these words are somewhat unbelievable from me, a void creature.

But I also have evidence. "

Bu Laike coughed and asked again:

"Who guided you to see the arcane star soul corrupted by the void in the star sea? And who came to support you when you decided to build the Burning Legion? Who is tirelessly becoming the destroying vanguard of the Burning Legion in the war? Infiltrating every world before coming to make waves? And who is quietly guiding the blade of demons against all in the ever-expanding war?

Their eyes and siblings have never left your side, they have been lurking in your army, they are loyal to you, and they are silently serving their true masters.

There is such a creature in this world

Lord Sargeras, they themselves claim to be evil with no loyalty, and you are so confident that you can tame them.

It has to be said that the Eternal One has indeed created an astonishing power, and he has indeed brought this power to an artistic level. "

The evil god paused, giving the dark titan who was becoming more and more silent enough time to think.

After ten seconds, he said:

"It's okay if you don't believe me, we have a full ten thousand years left for you to discover the little details that you haven't noticed in the context of the grand narrative.

You don't need to believe other people's demagogues or suggestions, you are capable enough to discover that cruel answer by yourself.

This is the sole purpose of my coming to this age to talk to you.

I don't accuse you of being just or evil in your war with the void, and I don't even care how much the destruction of the Burning Legion caused. After all, from the perspective of the universe, this is just a season of internal disputes among civilizations.

It's just that the Force is out of balance, Lord Sargeras.

No matter what those conspirators want to get, they are only one step away from their final goal, and I am here to send you an application.

The threat of the void is real. I have no intention of stopping the war between fel energy and the void. You can also continue to advance your cause. I don't even expect to be friends with you.

But when a certain moment comes.

I hope you will not waste the opportunity that I will give everything to get for you."


The Dark Titan said in a deep voice:

"what chance?"

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"You have assembled an invincible legion, with which you hope to bring new order to the stars, and now the black hand hidden in the source of chaos has emerged.

They come out of their rat holes and presumptuously try to give stars the dastardly rules that shape them.

They arrogantly regard you as a pawn, laugh at your ignorance and stubbornness, and let you work for them without paying you even a single coin.

This kind of thing is too bad.

So I will give you a chance, a chance to 'ask for your salary', a chance to let those black hands pay for their blood, a chance to get rid of the restraint of the conspiracy, and get all the chaos back on track. It is up to you to determine the future plan.


A chance for revenge.

You have ten thousand years to think about it slowly.

Don't worry, this time, time is our friend. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate sensed the space-time chaos around him and began to return to normal. He coughed and said:

"I've finished what I should say, and everything I want to do in this era has been fulfilled. It's time to leave. Do you have any questions?"

"You said you were a neutral."

Sargeras' burning eyes clearly still had distrust floating in his eyes, but it didn't matter, the seeds of doubt had already been planted, and it would always blossom and bear fruit when watered by time, and Laike had always been very confident in this kind of thing.

But the Dark Titan obviously wanted to know more, so he asked:

"You said that you can serve any force as long as the price is enough, and you still have the gift of power from the Eternal of Death in your hands, making you an inconceivable and strange existence serving the six major forces at the same time.

It stands to reason that the era when the Force is unbalanced is the most suitable stage for you to play, and you can gain more benefits in the chaos.


You clearly harbor a personal hatred for those conspirators, you don't even hide it from me, how did they get you? "

"I've had a great time working with them, they were at one time the most expensive clients."

The evil god curled his lips and said:

"Until they took my wife into their territory to guarantee my dedicated service, maybe they thought it was just an insurance policy.

But make no mistake, this crossed the line.

It was they who broke the rules first, and I just fought back legitimately. You are right. In the final analysis, this matter is a personal grievance. "

"But after 10,000 years, the Force has lost its balance."

The Dark Titan went on to say:

"That's your handwriting too?"

"Of course, when I take a job I always do it 200 percent and that's what makes me famous in this business, I'm a guy with a great work ethic.

The employers I've worked for have had zero negative reviews so far. "

The Silent boasted to itself:

"Although, I did get a satisfactory reward after breaking the balance with my own hands, but unfortunately, I still want to get more and they seem unwilling to pay more.

You see, I have done something, and I want to be paid, right? They didn't pay me, so I went to get it myself, and brought my wife back by the way.

Do you think I'm doing something wrong? "

The Dark Titan was silent for a moment before asking one last question.

He said:

"Ten thousand years later, will you serve me too?"

"Uh, this is not the case. Although I am willing to serve a mighty person like you, you seem to have always had a stereotyped impression of me and are unwilling to include me under your command."

The evil god sighed and said:

"To be honest, this hurts me very much. I have clearly shown you my ability and value by destroying Argus and beheading Aggramar, but you just don't want to give me a chance to pledge my allegiance to you.

I hope that after our conversation, the next time we meet, you can change your mind. "


Sargeras heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this answer.

In his heart, he admired that his future self was really wise enough, but the evil god in front of him was crazy, and recruiting him rashly would definitely bring him a lot of trouble.

"Okay, we've talked about everything we need to talk about, and we've talked about the private matters that shouldn't be talked about. It's time for us to say goodbye."

Bu Laike regained his angry moon shadow form, and waved goodbye to the Dark Titan in the posture of an ordinary person.

He kept the timing card very accurate, almost at the moment when the time-space chaos in the twisting void returned to calm, the time-travel effect on him also returned to zero at this moment.

Under the gaze of the Dark Titan, Laike's figure was gradually swallowed up by the reflowing time, and disappeared into a sea of ​​dead stars like soap bubbles.

The imprint he left in this era has also disappeared, and there is no trace left to be found. The guys who do not belong to this era have gone away, but the stories of the remaining people must continue.

Sargeras stands in the sea of ​​stars, not very far from Azeroth. If he wants, he can still cross the sea of ​​stars and insert the Dark Ripper into that world to destroy it, or, like Argus, Like the corrosion and pollution of the world, it turned this world into a war fortress in the hands of the Burning Legion.

But Bu Laike's words kept echoing in the Dark Titan's mind.

It was just a seed of doubt, but its strict logic and some details that he hadn't really noticed made the dark titan feel that he needed to calm down.

He is not a man who will regret what he has done in the past. The war against the void is also a mission he will not give up. The Burning Crusade must continue until the corruption of the void is completely wiped out from the sea of ​​stars.

But if the cause of all this is just a conspiracy, then he will not ignore his mistakes.

It may take some time for him to find the truth.

Fortunately, because of Bu Laike's "selfless dedication", He still has 10,000 years to squander, which is definitely not enough time to reshape the stars.

But if it's just preparing for a war.

More than enough!

(end of this chapter)

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