Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1857 84. You May Be The Victim Of The Genuine Prophecy, Your Majesty Azshara [Additional 14/

Chapter 1857 84. You may be the victim of the genuine prophecy, Your Majesty Azshara [additional 1420]

The familiar world is about to fall apart, and the expressionless Queen Azshara is watching it all.

She was within the last walls of her magnificent palace, the only place in Zin-Azshari that had not been invaded during the chaos of last night.

This used to be her favorite royal garden, and there was an observatory standing here. It was supposed to be a secluded place that shouldn't be disturbed by too many people, but now it's full of panicked people.

Those once noble and elegant high elves gathered here, and everyone's eyes were full of horror.

They were the last of Queen Azshara's loyalists, and had no involvement in Dath'Remar Sunstrider's rebellion, nor had any ties to Ravencrest's rebels.

They regard the queen as their eternal master, and do not judge the queen's actions in terms of good and evil, black and white.

Even at the moment when everyone has started to raise their swords and guns to the queen, they are still firmly guarding Azshara's side.

They believed in the perfect world promised by the queen that only the high elves could enjoy, and like their own queen, they didn't care what price others would pay for this perfect world.

They are also a group of people who saw how the Queen's empire collapsed throughout the whole process.

The civilians, led by the priests of the moon, rushed into the palace to join Dath'Remar's shameless rebels, defeated the queen's servants with the help of the dragon, and sent vicious assassins to try to assassinate the supreme light. .

But even so, even after witnessing the last night of the elf empire, they still believed that their queen could lead them out of this desperate situation.

Azshara is the great Light of the Light, and they are the People of the Light.

There is only that blooming light in their eyes, other than that, this world is meaningless to them.

If stupid loyalty is also a virtue, then these guys can definitely occupy a place in the elves' paradise after death.

But Azshara knew it well.

She can't save her remaining people.

The chain reaction of the Well of Eternity explosion has been pushed to the last moment.

That terrifying energy is about to vent and explode, and Xin-Aisa Li will be the first to be hit. This rich and ancient land will usher in the end today.

With the help of the residual perception of the Well of Eternity, the queen can guess what will happen next without any prophecy. The continental shelf will collapse, and the entire ancient Kalimdor continent will start to fall apart from where she is.

The world will undergo a radical shift today, which will be the end of the old era and the birth of a new era, and she, she is the last person to die in the old era.

This is very sad.

But Azshara's mood at this moment was unusually calm.

She was so calm that she didn't look like a person who was about to end. She had revealed her heart to her peers before. She knew that she had done terrible things wrong, and the impending doomsday was her judgment and punishment.

She is an adult.

She has also been wiser than brave, and she knows that this matter cannot have a great unity ending, and someone must bear the price for everything that is about to happen.

And she is the price.

"Has Vaski not come back yet?"

The queen looked at the out-of-control Well of Eternity. What was once a gift from God now only remains a bleak pit. The water that bred endless mysteries has long since evaporated and was absorbed by the passageway set up by the blue dragons. Into the magic net of the world.

But she can see more.

Under the crack in the ground, close to the continental shelf, a mass of chaotic magic power is forming the core of a storm that sweeps across the world. It is no longer an ordinary violet magic power. It has turned into a strange grayish white, and there is a ray of purple light in it Burst, like a bomb about to explode.

Time is running out for the old world.

Facing the Queen's question, several embarrassed maids beside her glanced at each other and said in a low voice:

"Vashqi hasn't heard from last night. She may have died in the chaos, or she may have escaped."


Azshara shook her head:

"It's good to escape, at least one life can be left, so that I won't be buried with me."

"His Majesty!"

Several maids panicked when they heard this.

Although they felt that something terrible was about to happen, they would not have so much fear when they saw the Queen's figure.

In their cognition, which is close to belief, Her Majesty Azshara is omnipotent, and even a disaster that destroys the world is nothing more than a small scene in front of the Queen.

She can chat and laugh happily with the gods in the stars, and use the terrifying demons for her own use. There is nothing in this world that can trouble the queen.

But now, it seems that even Her Majesty the Queen herself has fallen into despair.

What can I do?

Several maids looked at each other, they wanted to persuade but they didn't understand the Queen's mind as well as Vashki, for fear of being punished by the Queen if they said something wrong.

Their concerns were also sensed by Azshara, but she did not respond.

Those Amber-colored eyes were full of thoughts, and their calmness and depth seemed as if Azshara had returned to the beautiful age when she led the rise of the Elven Empire with her supreme wisdom.

She was thinking about the two prophecies left by the prophet in black.

She and her people will suffer in extremity, living endless nightmares in the dark until the distant dawn.

She can rebuild her empire if she survives.

These two prophecies seem to symbolize a gloomy future, but with Azshara's ingenuity, it is not difficult for her to find that there are prerequisites for the two prophecies to take effect.

She and her people must survive the dangers that are at hand, and they must survive to have a future.

If she gave up here and let the energy of the Well of Eternity's explosion sweep across the ruins, even she would die miserably in this catastrophe.

So, the real prophecy of the prophet in black is actually implying that she, a miserable loser, must find a way to survive?

And the advice of that pandaren Shaohao.

An emperor can make mistakes and fail, but he must take responsibility to his people.

But he has lost the empire.

Azshara suddenly turned around at this moment.

She looked at the terrified highborne behind her. They seemed to sense the disaster and wanted to approach their queen, but Azshara's guards were blocking them.

"Let them come here!"

The queen spoke.

The guards hesitated for a moment, and then dispersed under the scolding of Ms. Shivara, the commander of the magic swordsmen who was covered in blood. A group of highborne rushed to the platform. They knelt down in front of the queen, begging Azshara to save them .

At the last moment of this disaster, they did not ask for help from the ancient beliefs of the elves. Perhaps in their hearts, Azshara had already surpassed Elune's gods.

This somewhat caused the queen to be tortured at this time, and felt a little bit of comfort in her heart that was riddled with holes.

Incomparably haughty, she bent down under the gaze of the people, looking at a little highborne girl who had lost her parents. She looked at the weeping and frightened little girl with Amber eyes.

She said hoarsely:

"Son, how did you get here?"

"Mom. Mom sent me here."

The little girl was afraid of the queen's majesty, and wanted to salute as her parents taught, but Azshara stopped her. The queen looked at her and encouraged her to finish speaking with her eyes.

The little girl wiped her tears and said intermittently:

"But Dad is trapped in the room, those night elves are terrible, they burned our house, Mom went to save Dad, she hasn't come back yet, Your Majesty, you are omnipotent.

Can you save them all? "


Azshara stroked the little girl's messy hair.

She really wanted to tell this little girl that she couldn't save the dead, but looking at those expectant eyes, the queen clenched her fists.

This kind of pure expectation of being relied on made her feel the pressure, even comparable to the pressure she endured when she was arrogantly talking to the dark titan.

But this kind of pressure is reassuring, like a kite floating among the stars in the sky, there is still a thread on her when she doesn't know where she is going.

The queen picked up the bewildered little girl, and she looked at the people in front of her, looking at those pairs of expectant eyes.

She lost her empire.

But that doesn't matter.

She also has her own people.

"Open the enchantment!"

The queen took a deep breath, and gave an order to the commander Shivara and her courtiers in front of her. The order came so suddenly that they couldn't react.

But in the next moment, the empress scolded in a familiar cold tone:

"What are you still doing?

The channel of the magic net has been opened, and the magic hub of this palace is connected to the world magic net. The power of the big bang is not something ordinary people can resist, but the connection with the world magic net is enough to temporarily construct a shield that is not weaker than the strength of the Well of Eternity.

The pesky blue dragon is in no mood to limit our use of the leyline right now.

The Big Bang will not destroy us, we will survive.

We will suffer, my people, but we will rebuild our empire. It was nothing but a failure, hold your heads up, Highborne!

Remember your dignity and who you are.

That's the only thing we have left. "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Ms. Shivana, the commander of the magic swordsmen who was trembling all over, was the first to shout out.

She couldn't contain her excitement.

She could feel the familiar Supreme Azshara returning!

At this moment, their queen, who was enough to make the entire empire and even the world bow down, came back!

She was no longer the kneeling worshiper who begged the stars and gods for strength. The long-lost queen finally raised her head again. Under the punches and kicks of the commander, the ministers and court mages immediately took action.

Thanks to the strengthening and shaping of the Well of Eternity, almost all of the Highborne under the Queen's command are spellcasters, and they also spontaneously ran to help. In less than ten minutes, the tasks ordered by the Queen were completed.

At the moment when the palace nodes of this royal garden were connected in parallel with the opened world magic net, a tyrannical magic power gushed out from under the palace, and a barrier as thick as a city wall was propped up.

But the moment Azshara picked up the tidal scepter handed by the maid, the out-of-control Well of Eternity could no longer support it, and in a burst of Tongtian white light, the whole world collapsed at this moment.

The enchantment of magic and the collision of terrifying energy are offset. Thanks to the opening of the world magic net, they have no shortage of magic power supply. In addition, Azshara personally sits in the town and uses the tidal scepter to control the magic power. This is the last palace of the highborne. It was thrown high like a leaf in a gust of wind, and was smashed down by the power of changing the world.

Just in the blink of an eye, the sea has changed, and the familiar land is no longer there. As the palace fell, the elves saw the tumbling and angry world tide, and everywhere they entered their eyes was the surging tide.

It's like a nonsensical flood that destroys the world, and there is nowhere to escape!

Azshara could vaguely see a strange oak screaming and being sucked into the tide, but she couldn't pay attention any more, she could feel the pressure of the whole ocean on her.

The most powerful woman in the world is almost fighting against the broken world's malice towards her, a sinner, with her own strength. She feels tired, painful, and difficult.

Drops of blood gushed from the queen's nostrils and ears, making the maid beside her scream.

But Azshara knew she couldn't fall.

Behind her are her last people, and she is their last hope.

If she gives up, she has nothing.

"His Majesty!"

A familiar call sounded behind the queen, and Vashj in a tattered long dress rushed out from the crowd. The royal maid's skin was covered with strange bruises.

Her skirt was full of blood, and she was so embarrassed that she no longer had the luxury and arrogance of the past.

She rushed to Azshara's side, trying her best to dedicate her magic power to her majesty.

Even if it's a drop in the bucket.

This move made the other elves react, and they scrambled to gather around the queen, offering their magic power, while Azshara, who was full of stars and holding the moon, persisted until the tide stabilized a bit, and when the queen let go The moment he took a breath, a strange energy erupted from the bottom of the sea, turning into a huge wave and rushing in, smashing the already dilapidated barrier completely with a bang.

"Do not!"

In Azshara's desperate cry, her palace, her people, all that was left of her fell apart at this moment, and she was also sucked into the icy sea.

It's like a drowned corpse, just letting its body fall under the tumbling current.

She could see the pale light reflected on the sea, which seemed to represent her final ending.

She tried.

She failed.


At the moment when she was about to fall into a coma, Azshara cursed the man in black who gave her her last hope.

In the chaos, she saw her own people struggling to choke their necks in the sea, and the little girl stretched out her hand to her in pain.

Even at the last moment, they were still expecting their queen to save them.

"O proud queen."

In the dark abyss, a sneaky voice reverberated in Azshara's mind like a dream, causing her to open her eyes suddenly. In the pain of suffocating her lungs, the queen opened her eyes and saw the ghost hovering in front of her eyes. Weird sea fish in water.

The latter's eyes refracted a strange light, which seemed to be the carrier of some dark power.

She didn't need to think too much to know that this must be an invitation from some unknown monster, and without much hesitation, she stretched out her hand and tapped the sea fish's forehead.


Knowing the purpose of the other party's visit, Azshara sneered suddenly, and she said in her heart:

"Whatever you want, I have only one request. My people! You can't do without one!"

In the next instant, a dark and distorted force erupted from the sea abyss.

Like invisible thorns all over this turbulent sea, it wraps around Azshara's perfect body, full of obscene and depraved colors.

But the queen did not resist, but let that force distort her life form, turning herself into a monster that could survive in the deep sea.

In this final look back in human form, she saw the loyal maids behind her struggling to swim towards her, and also saw the little girl who was about to die.

She smiled at her and said with encouraging eyes:

"Don't be afraid, your queen will protect you."

"Even if you become a monster"

The darkness will eventually pass, and the dawn will always come. At the moment when the prophecy of misery is revealed, and at the moment when she fully embraces the dark sea, Azshara gave up all her struggles, and just blended into the dark abyss amidst the pulling of the strange shadows. .

She looked up one last time to the merciless light reflecting off the sea.

She said in her heart:

Prophet in black who brings hope, you promised me.

See you in ten thousand years.

(end of this chapter)

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