Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1858 85. The Emperor's Responsibility [Additional 15/20]

Chapter 1858 85. The Emperor's Responsibility【Additional 1520】

The wind howling in the distance was not elegant or gentle, it was like the explosion of a warhammer hitting a flesh and blood body, and it was also like the clamor of an incomparable group of magical energy being detonated.

The world crumbles beneath our feet, and the whisper from the north makes this far land groan.

It was a whimper of the end of an era.

Emperor Shaohao, who returned to Pandaria exhausted, looked back on the cold snow peak. The desolate Xin Azhali was very real a second ago, but compared with the tranquil Pandaria in this second, it seems The child became a distant dream.

So unreal.

But the pain from all over his body means that he has indeed participated in the doomsday battle. Together with countless warriors, he resisted the invasion of alien demons, and achieved an almost impossible goal in the war against the dark gods. victory.

That was an unimaginable experience for the young emperor in the first half of his life.

He can use all the exaggerated adjectives he can think of to describe the experience of the past month, but at this moment he doesn't really want to draw a conclusion to the things that have ended.

Because he has more important things to do.

"The aftermath is approaching, Shaohao idiot, you must hurry up."

On a certain mysterious hillside of the Endless Mountain, the Monkey King rubbed his butt, leaning on a long stick with a blessing, and shouted at the dazed Shaohao with grinning teeth.

The pandaren emperor woke up with a start, and subconsciously took out the Titan disc that was stuffed by Bu Laike before the journey started.

Six of the seven seals on the disc had been broken, and there was still the last sha energy entrenched. It was a dark blockade that had to be broken by himself, representing the last guilt left on this ancient and peaceful land.

There is not much time left for him.

"You help watch her."

Shaohao put Sindragosa, the Frost Queen who was seriously injured and unconscious in his arms, by a rock. He held Yuanpan and said something to the Monkey King. The latter took out a banana from his bag and nodded. The ugly face is full of worry.

it says:

"Don't you want me to go with you? Bo Laike's idiot didn't say so, but thinking about it would be dangerous, right?"

"You have helped me a lot, my good friend."

Shaohao grinned.

The mane with the smell of war was blown up and down in the cold wind of Kun-Lai Mountains. The last emperor of the Pandaren patted the Titan disc in his arms and said:

"Besides, we have all faced the Dark Titan, we survived and won, so what kind of danger is there in this world that can't get me?

Hear, the earth beneath our feet is calling too.

It also senses a crisis.

It has sheltered us for countless times, and now it is time for the children born on this land to protect it, my empire, my people."

His Majesty the Emperor shook his head, took a deep breath, and walked towards the holy land platform that had been forgotten in time with his arms in his arms. From there, he walked into the holy land left by the mysterious titans on this land. In this world The moment of falling apart saves one's own people from disaster.

He was walking in the snow with his dragon staff still stained with blood, and there was still a footprint on the buttocks of his tattered black monk robe, making him look very embarrassed.

The Monkey King watched his good buddy walk into the platform of the holy place.

The big monkey peeled off the banana, it suddenly had a feeling that this might be the last farewell to Shaohao.

Hozens are optimistic by nature and seldom have sad moments, but at this moment, that emotion exploded in the monkey's heart, making it so uncomfortable that it wanted to shed tears.

But it didn't stop Shaohao's advance.

It has seen everything that happened in the Elven Empire with its own eyes and participated in it personally. It has seen how an emperor who is completely different from Shaohao buried his own empire and brought big troubles to the world.

It should be thankful that its good brother is not a reckless guy like Azshara, and at this moment of sacrifice, it should send his friend through the last journey with blessings, and always remember this idiot in his heart.

After all, the final result of this trip was revealed at the very beginning, and both the Monkey King and Shaohao knew that this day would definitely come.

The Monkey King put the banana in his hand into his mouth. The cold wind from Kun-Lai Mountain made the delicious fruit as firm as a popsicle. The moment he put it into his mouth, the big monkey grinned.

Its delicate tongue seemed to be frozen off, and the irritation made its eyes flushed and tears fell.

This damn ice cube really hurts.

The big monkey jumped and cursed like this, venting its nameless anger to the cold mountains, and soon saw a large group of dragons flying from the direction of the Jade Forest.

It should be that Shaohao's courtiers sensed the return of the emperor and came to greet him.

The big monkey rolled its eyes, picked up the blue dragon idiot who was unconscious under its feet and disappeared on the snow mountain with a whoosh, and ran back a few seconds later, holding a stick in front of the holy platform.

After the pandaren ministers and generals fell, the Monkey King, who still had a murderous look on the battlefield, raised his stick to stop the pandaren in front of him.

it yells:

"Shaohao is communicating with the land of Pandaria, the disaster in the distance is approaching, only the power of this land can protect this country and its people.

Do not come near!

This process will be very dangerous, and you must not disturb him. "


After the Monkey King finished speaking, a loud noise erupted in the holy platform behind it, and the strange blue Sha energy rose into smoke and almost enveloped the entire icy snow peak.

Now no one doubts His Majesty's whereabouts and the great things he is doing.

The panda people calmed down, and began to pray for their Majesty and this threatened land. At the end of the distant sky, there was a dark green light, so bright that the whole world could see it.

It was as if the sky was torn apart and bordered on the raging hell, making it hard for the peaceful panda people to imagine what kind of horrific disaster happened in a place far away from their homeland.

At the same time, in the holy altar, Shaohao holding the Titan disc was not attacked by the rock guards in the holy place, except for those crazy mogu souls who would block him, his progress was smooth sailing.

He soon saw the deep ancient secrets of Pandaria, the essence of technology originating from Titan was beyond the comprehension of a pandaren emperor, he couldn't describe what he saw, but he just felt that this thing must be very powerful.

He picked up the Titan disc in front of the console of the Nalak'sha engine, touched the final seal, and the blue Sha energy exploded the moment it touched Shaohao.

But it wasn't the first time the emperor faced such strange negative energy.

He knew that this was due to the accumulation and explosion of the most primitive dark emotions in the hearts of living beings. Everyone has desires, and darkness will breed if they cannot get what they want.

He calmly let the group of Sha energy wrap him up, and he wanted to defeat the last demons in the spiritual war. This was the only way to seal them.

If he wants to save his land and country, he must first defeat himself.

The deep voice quickly echoed in Shaohao's mind, it sounded like his own voice but was contaminated with many unnecessary echoes.

It inspected the emperor's heart, and let out a loud laugh, it said:

"Ah, great emperor, you have overcome doubt, anger, despair, arrogance, hatred and fear one after another. You are almost perfect. No wonder they want you to be the leader of this country. Your personal character is almost perfect. Your vision Long and lofty, you are above all others.

But you don't stop there.

You aspire to do something greater, and that's why you're here.

Sadly, this will also be your final destination.

because of my name

called arrogance. "

"so what?"

Shaohao said with a blank face:

"I will defeat you and activate the machine beneath my feet to save my people."

"I don't doubt your determination, nor do I mock your actions."

The Sha of Pride laughed and enveloped Shaohao, it was like a blue snake of smoke, wrapped around the emperor's hairy body, and said to it in a vicious tone:

"I'm just curious about the pride in the heart of a great and perfect person like you. It's useless to lie in front of us, Your Majesty.

You see, my strength is growing, which means that the pride in your heart is simply bigger than this world, but this is not beyond your control, because you have the qualifications.

Unfortunately, even if you are so perfect, you are still a proud person. "

"I don't deny that."

Shaohao thought for a while and replied:

"From the moment I was born, I knew that I would become emperor in the future, which is a great and heavy responsibility, but I am happy for it.

Thinking about it now, that desire is probably the source of arrogance.

I grow up day by day, I grow up day by day, I am better than my peers, everyone who has seen me will praise me, my father and king have high hopes for me, my subjects sing praises to me, and my people worship me.

Those praises, those expectations made the pride in my heart grow day by day, and the tide raised all boats.

I'm a man destined for great things.

That is a true portrayal of the first half of my life. I think, if I face you with that mentality, then I have no chance of winning. The moment you show up, I will become an arrogant puppet. "

"Hahaha, you are really self-aware, I like smart people like you!"

Sha of Ao grinned grimly and swelled his body.

It absorbed terrifying power from Shaohao, allowing it to grow into a more terrifying and ferocious posture than the other six evil spirits in just a few minutes.

Standing like a blue corrupt evil dragon in the sacred place of Titan, the shaking of the body makes the earth tremble, and the falling of mountains and rocks is like the beginning of disaster.

It stared at Emperor Shaohao condescendingly, as if it was about to swallow this overwhelmed pandaren in one gulp.

But it doesn't do that.

It couldn't do this, because Shaohao didn't give in, in fact, even if the Sha of Pride burst out to such a vivid degree, the firmness in Shaohao's heart didn't change at all.

This surprised the Sha of Pride.

Afterwards, it heard Shaohao sigh, the emperor seemed to be very tired, bent down suddenly, he rubbed his chest and said in a low voice:

"But that was only the first half of my life. A month ago, when I embarked on that miraculous journey, I knew that the last trial in my life had come.

A god appeared before me, and he proclaimed a prophecy to me.

The strength and wisdom I am proud of are inferior to ants in front of Him. Facing a miraculous being who can control the past, present and future, I feel more and more how small and pathetic my pride is.

Lorewalkers always say that with people as a mirror, you can straighten your clothes.

In the mirror of the Silent Lord, all I see is a toddler but an arrogant child. "

"No! It's not like that, you are excellent, Shaohao, don't underestimate yourself like this."

The Sha of Pride screamed.

It felt its omnipotent power draining away, it didn't know what happened, but it knew it couldn't let Shaohao speak any more.

It roared and attacked, but the blue sha claws passed through the Emperor like a strange smoke screen, leaving him unscathed.


The furry emperor showed a mocking expression, and he said:

"The so-called demon... is really weak.

Let me tell you more of the story, as to why Mr. Laike took me on this journey, I have only just figured out. "

"Walking with him on the land of the Elf Empire, I witnessed the outbreak of the Doomsday War, and I saw the steadfast and brave commander draw his sword and fight against the terrifying demon.

My courage is nothing compared with his.

I met the wise and anguished maester who lost everything in the catastrophe but survived the despair and turned the pain of loss into rage, challenging an enemy she could never defeat.

Compared with her, I am only so tough.

I met the young commander, who grew up rapidly in the tragic war and used his talents to save the nation. He did not want to make contributions but to end the disaster. His talent and purity are still unforgettable to me.

Compared with him, my humility is hypocritical.

I saw the nobleman who lost his way and learned his way back. He chose the latter without hesitation in his loyalty and conscience and paid the price for it. When everyone was afraid of the majesty of the emperor, he led everyone to declare war on evil.

My justice pales in comparison with his. "

Every time Shaohao uttered a word, the Sha of Ao's strength weakened a bit, it was as miraculous as the art of speech, the Sha of Ao was screaming, even begging for mercy, but the emperor ignored it at all.

He stared at the monster that was getting weaker and weaker in front of him, and shouted:

"I have seen the bravery and sacrifice of Stormrage, I have seen the hope brought by the priests of the moon in the darkness, I have seen the watchmen hiding in the darkness to serve the light, and those benevolent demigods who sacrificed for salvation Giant dragons, those little people in the great war, those people who piled up victory with sacrifices of death and flesh and blood.

They are not my people, but they still blow my mind.

Most importantly, I met Azshara.

My sad demon.

I have seen with my own eyes what arrogance in my heart can bring to a world and a country. She is my best 'negative teaching material'.

That was my last lesson before becoming emperor!

And after all these great things, mere arrogance trying to stop me from protecting my people?

Little demon, so ridiculous! "


Shaohao waved his hand and waved forward lightly.

It was like blowing fine dust by moving his sleeves, the mighty Sha of Pride disappeared amidst the screams, and the blue smoke swirled and turned into light spots, revealing the hidden console.

Without hesitation, the emperor inserted the shining golden disc into it, and put his hands on the console.

In the next moment, the stream of light splashed from the engine of Nalak'sha, sweeping across Shaohao's body and soul.

The furry emperor accepted this "examination" calmly, and felt a huge force erupting from his feet under the operation of the golden disc. According to the program set by the disc, he applied the pure and thick Titan energy to the The continental edge of Pandaria.

Before the earth-shattering world-class seismic wave created by the Well of Eternity explosion hit the Pandaria continent and tore this peaceful country to pieces, a thick shield rose above Shaohao's empire.

The entire ancient Kalimdor is collapsing into large and small island lands, but the protected Pandaria is like a baby placed in a swaddle, pushed to the noisy ocean in the south of the world in the dream of gentle protection .

Shaohao could feel the warmth.

The surge of titanic energy was disintegrating his body, the lifeform that did not originate from the pure titan blueprint was to be disintegrated into particles that nourished the world, but no painful death was so gentle that the emperor could feel his own soul Merging with this energy.

He rises into the sky and looks down.

He could see his beautiful mountains and rivers survive the world disaster, which made the tired emperor feel extremely satisfied.

He heard the Monkey King yelling on Kun-Lai Summit.

He turned his head and waved goodbye to his good brother, and then disappeared above the sea of ​​smoke amidst the mournful cries of the panda people.

In the end, he looked at the Milky Way above his head, and he seemed to be able to see the unscrupulous Lord Bu Laike winking at him farewell in the flow of time.

So, Bu Laike Shaw, see you in 10,000 years.

(end of this chapter)

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