Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1859 86. A Devastated New Student【Additional 16/20】

Chapter 1859 86. A devastated new student [additional 1620]

The collapse of the world undoubtedly caused the confusion of magic power, and Malygos, who was supposed to use his authority to suppress the chaos of the magic net at this time, didn't know what he was doing.

The out-of-control magic power formed a tide not inferior to the explosion of the Well of Eternity, rampaging around the world.


A miserable howl sounded from the sky, and a huge ancient blue dragon whirled and fell from the high-altitude rolling clouds. Unfortunately, he was caught in a sudden burst of magic storm.

This thing came so quietly that even the mighty ancient blue dragon couldn't hold on.

Of course, it's okay for such a powerful creature like him to break through the storm and escape, but he didn't choose to break through head-on, because he still had to protect the precious dragon eggs he carried.

Senegos, the third member of the blue dragonflight, didn't know what happened to Zin-Azshari, nor did he know the tragedy of the blue dragonflight. He was following the instructions given by his brother Malygos before the decisive battle, Move the eggs to the safety of the Dragon Isles, the last eggs to be delivered.

This job should not be done by him.

However, the loss of a large number of dragon eggs made Senegos feel heavy. At this critical moment, he could not find time to hunt down the egg thief, but the prediction of the disaster made the ancient blue dragon only speed up to save the remaining eggs. Sent from Coldarra.

It turns out he was right to be concerned.

This is flying halfway and the whole world is falling apart.

And the direct result of the severe impact on the magic net of the world that was opened by the Well of Eternity was that the ancient blue dragon, who was deeply connected with the magic net, seemed to have been severely hammered on the body and soul level.

He screamed and fell from the sky, and plunged into the shaking mountains.

He didn't know where it was, but he knew that with the terrifying situation where the world was collapsing and the magic power was tumbling, even the ancient blue dragon couldn't take the risk of taking off.

The blue dragons who transported the dragon eggs with him had been caught in the chaotic tide of magic power and were thrown somewhere, and such a big earthquake would definitely have a terrifying impact on the magic hub.

The dragon eggs there are probably all gone.

Senegos painfully thought that the blue dragon eggs were the most vulnerable among the five-color giant dragons, and their hatching required not only meticulous care but also a constant infusion of magic power.

And the direct result of this chaotic magic power tide spreading all over the world is to affect the magic net and magic power of Coldarra, making those dragon eggs become inferior products that cannot be hatched.

The hatchlings that are supposed to become giant dragons can only grow into dragonmen or even low-quality dragon beasts


Another loud noise resounded from the depths of the earth, and that fragmented sound made the Primordial Blue Dragon tremble with fear.

In the face of the angry power of nature, even an ancient blue dragon trembled.

He knew that this mountain range was being torn off from the broken continental shelf, and the tumbling sea was like a surging water knife, pushing the torn rocks to nowhere with terrifying force.

The world in his eyes was spinning, and the high mountain was tearing and falling down. When Senegos looked up, he could only spread his wings and protect the luggage with the dragon egg in his arms under his body.

With a loud bang, most of the mountain collapsed and landed on the old dragon's body. He trembled from the pain and passed out under the double continuous blows of the earth and magic power.

After an unknown amount of time, Senegos opened his eyes in a daze.

The ancient blue dragon could feel that the magic net was still vibrating, and the magic power of the world had not yet returned to normal. He didn't dare to use magic so casually, so he could only use the tough and powerful body of the giant dragon to push away the mountain of gravel pressing on him. Amidst the loud rumbling noise, the seriously injured body stood up from under the shattered ground.

His first reaction was to check the luggage he had protected, and dozens of dragon eggs were taken out tremblingly. Under the desperate gaze of the old dragon, more than a dozen eggs were affected by the previous chaos.

They shattered, and the weird egg yolk flowed miserably from the cracks in the broken shell, representing the end of life before it began.

This terrible loss made the ancient blue dragon so angry that it wanted to roar, but the remaining intact dragon eggs were more important. Senegos put them away carefully, and its wings were so painful that it wanted to fly , but thumped a few times and bumped into the collapsed rock.

The ancient blue dragon sighed, it rested coiled in place, and then struggled to extract magic power from the land full of violent energy to recover itself.

"The Nexus. Can you hear me? This is Senegos. I'm injured and need help. Answer received"

The ancient blue dragon wanted to contact his companions, but it took him a long time to use magic to ask for help from the magic hub, but nothing came of it. This made the old dragon feel an ominous premonition.

He turned to other forces for help.

"Dragon Rest Temple. Can you hear me? Answer received!"

"Tyre Fortress. Transfer the magic power to the blue Lin Hai, and ask the blue dragon garrisoned in the Sindragosa Library to respond that this is Senegos, and I need help. Received the answer."

A cry for help was sent out, but no response was received. Senegos felt more and more doubts in his heart, and he felt that something terrible might happen.

Perhaps, the terrible guess in my heart that I didn't even want to believe has come true.

Thinking of this, the old blue dragon's heart suddenly tightened. It took him more than an hour to climb up the collapsed mountains like a big lizard and look out.

Everything you can see is ruins, only the purple magic streamer in the distance is like a beacon.

"Where is Suramar?"

Senegos squinted his eyes to judge the direction, and then set his sights on the world farther away. What he saw was a tumbling tide that had not subsided.

The world he knew had fallen apart, and the whole world was devastated.

It seems that the strategy of the dragon kings and mortals to blow up the Well of Eternity has succeeded, but looking at the situation in front of them, it is self-evident how much water this victory has.

Senegos knew that he could not count on others.

This kind of chaos cannot be calmed down in a year or two. The drastic changes in the world will inevitably make the guardian dragon army busy. Maybe he will have to wait decades or even hundreds of years before he can reconnect with the blue dragon army.

But those dragon eggs can't wait that long.

After being out of the environment of constant mana, dragon eggs cannot get enough mana supply so that they can no longer hatch.

He had to create a dragon nest here, and it was his duty to let the dragon eggs he saved hatch successfully even if he tried his best.

As for contacting the magic hub

Let's wait until the hatching of the dragon eggs is complete and the first batch of baby dragons emerge from their shells.

The old blue dragon looked back at the strange land behind him. This land was very desolate, and the aftermath of the catastrophe made it even more miserable, but Senegos was sure that this land had been destroyed before the world split.

The magic net node is exposed in the broken ground, which saves him from looking for it, but these violent magic power cannot be directly supplied to the dragon egg, he needs to filter the violent magic power first.

Well, this is a big project.

Fortunately, he now has enough time to finish it. I just don't know what's going on with Malygos? Alas, I wish my old brother and my clan all the best.


"Another one was dug up! Come on, there are living people here, come and help!"

Excited shouts sounded from the edge of a messy forest, and under the call of the hoarse voice, a group of elf soldiers in armor rushed to help rescue people.

This is a part of the great battlefield of Val'sharah. Even now that the terrifying world collapse has subsided for several days, you can still see abandoned demon corpses in the forest.

The dead on the side of the elves have already been collected and are going to be buried tonight. Those who survived are busy and no one is in the mood to chat.

Everyone is even more afraid of being overwhelmed by all the horrible things they have experienced before when they are free.

The same is true for Garrod Shadowsong.

The commander who led the rebel army to break through the demon defense line at the last moment was also helping to save people in leather armor. The surrounding soldiers respected him very much and called him commander or commander.

This made Garrod feel a little tired.

He would rather these brothers who fought together call him "Jarrod", and in his heart, he didn't think he was worthy of the title of commander in chief.

A great man like Lord Ravencrest is also qualified to be the commander of the elves.

But sadly, he may never see Lord Ravencrest again.

Thinking of this, the ashen-faced Garrod took a few steps forward, looking at the unfamiliar endless ocean from the edge of the forest cliff by the fragmented coast.

This was supposed to be the road leading to Black Rook Castle, and it should have been covered by lush forests.

But the earth-shattering earthquake tore this place from Valsharah, and it was moved to an unknown place by sea water and changes in the earth's crust.

Garald didn't know where he was now, he only remembered that at the end of the fierce battle, the demigods were the first to sense the danger, and then the dragons helped save people, and the druids yelled to get them out of the black Raven Castle.

Then, a terrible earthquake came.

That was actually a good thing, at least crushing the violent demons in the forest to death, and pushing the remaining Destroyers back to their birthplace.

The War of the Ancients ended in such a muddled way.

The only thing that comforted Jarod and the soldiers was that when they looked back to the other side, they could still see the towering Mount Hyjal.

That meant they finally had a reference point, and after rescuing all of their brothers who were buried alive by the earthquake, Jarod would lead them toward Mount Hyjal.

It's not safe here.

Not only is the crust of this cliff forest unstable, but also because the sea water is rising too fast, a tide that floods the world is being generated. Perhaps it will not take a few days, and the low-lying areas of the entire world will be covered by this flood. submerged.

And low tide.

No one can predict the specific time of low tide, it may take months, it may take years or even ten years.

A bear-man shaman rescued by Jarod said last night that he had communicated with the spirit of the elements, and the lord of the water elements told it that one-third of the world's land would be submerged by the ocean.

What a terrible future, what terrible news.

The whole world has been changed forever, and this change is done in an instant, with a vicissitudes of life. I don't know where my sister is now?

Will they be as lucky as themselves to survive the disaster?

These heavy thoughts made Jarod a little bit exhausted, and he just sat on the edge of the cliff, looking at the scenery of the ebb and flow of the tide under the gloomy sky.

Until a sweet voice sounded behind him:

"Your Excellency Commander, the Sky Knights are back. They brought back news of the survivors. It is said that it was sent by Ms. Tyrande. They ask you to go back to the temporary camp immediately."

"Well, I see."

Garald stood up and patted the dust off his body. He looked back at the beautiful girl in a plain dress behind her. She had a baby face that was rare among elves. Compared with the thin elves, this girl looked plump A few, but not fat, and always with a shy smile on his face, not daring to look up at Lord Jarod, who is now "famous".

Her name is Sarah Hill.

A country girl from the town of the Great Temple of Suramar. Her big brother and Jarod were once in the same robe, but unfortunately died in the battle of Surama. Jarod is her only "brother".

At the time of the transfer, she also followed Garald from Suramar to Black Rook Castle, and followed Garald in this strange forest during the catastrophe.

It was obvious that she was terrified.

"Didn't you say it? Just call me Garrod."

Younger Brother Yingge stepped forward and said something to Sarah Hill. The young country girl hesitated for a moment, lowered her head and whispered:

"They say you are the commander, you led us to win this war, you are the great hero of the elves. I also heard two soldiers discussing your future life this morning.

They say your prestige after this battle is enough to be crowned emperor"

"Don't listen to their nonsense, I'm just doing what I can."

Jarod curled his lips.

The emperor or something sounds like enough trouble. Look at what that unlucky position has done to Azshara. He didn't think he could compete with Azshara in talent.

If even Azshara can't do well, then let alone him.

In the final analysis, he joined the war just to bring this disaster to an end as soon as possible.

"Let's go, let's go back together."

Garald sighed, and said something to Sarah Hill. The silent country girl followed Garald into the forest. She suddenly remembered something, and said quickly:

"The sky knights also said that your sister, Ms. Maiev, is also alive and is helping Ms. Tyrande to lead the people to Mount Hyjal."


Jarod was pleasantly surprised for a moment. He turned around and pinched Sarah Hill's shoulders with both hands to ask. This intimate gesture made the young girl blush, and she dared not look at the young commander in front of her again.

At this moment, Jarod suddenly heard the remonstrance left by his unscrupulous brother-in-law, what is good about giving birth, and his eyes wandered and fell on Sarah Hill.

Hey. I didn't notice it before, this girl's figure is really...


Be serious!

Garrod scolded himself in his heart.

But the good news made the young commander very happy. He even hummed a song, then naturally took Sarah Hill's hand and led her to the temporary camp.

The hand-in-hand contact made the country girl's cheeks blush.

But she didn't refuse or break free, just walked forward with Garrod, and as the good news of establishing contact with the outside world was conveyed to the soldiers in the forest, everyone's morale suddenly rose.

The elf civilization is still there!

The Priests of the Moon are still there, and the country they fought for is still there.

Very good.

As long as there is hope, this present difficulty is nothing.

When night fell, a bonfire was lit in the temporary camp, and everyone took out the collected fruit wine drinks to drink, and some people sang ancient songs.

And outside the forest, on the edge of the cliff, Garald was holding the silent Sarah Hill in his arms. The two young people had just exchanged their hearts through the strength of wine.

He raised his head to look at the dim moonlight above the clouds above his head, and after a few seconds of silence, he suddenly said to the girl in his arms:

"I was told you would have two children for me"

"Two! So many?"

The young girl was taken aback. She looked at the smiling Garrod and asked:

"Who told you that?"


Jarod glanced at the moonlight, which was obscured by the clouds, and that moonlight also seemed shy about the next kiss.

The young commander imitated the posture of Laike when he got along with his sister, and reached out to lift Sarah Hill's beautiful chin. He stared at the erratic eyes of the girl in his arms, and said softly:

"My brother-in-law said that he is a great stick, but I believe he will not lie to me."

The next moment, he lowered his head, the lips of the two collided, and the moonlight poked his head out from under the clouds, watching this shy scene.

Well, thank you for helping us through this, brother-in-law.

See you in ten thousand years.

(end of this chapter)

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