Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1860 87. Azeroth, Your Evil God Is Back [Additional 17/20]

Chapter 1860 87. Azeroth, your evil god is back [additional 1720]


At the moment when the world is surrounded by hurricane waves, in the vicissitudes of life, on top of the ruined palace of Xin Aisari on the dark seabed, the little murloc carrying a burden hums a strange murloc song while Crouching on the head of an earthquake-shattered statue of Azshara, a murloc knife in its claws, trying to pry the gems off the statue's eyes.

If this kind of damn behavior was put in the peacetime of the empire, the guards would definitely be arrested and questioned first, but now that the entire New Azhalie has fallen into ruins and fell into the sea, no one will pay attention to these trivial matters.

The whole world is screwed, and who cares about a little idiot who steals while others are around?

Of course, the little murlocs are not short of this gem.

As the sublime fish beast of the Silent One, and the head of the gua-gua-la pirate group under the Undead Fleet, he is a well-known hero of the murloc family. place.

Don't care about money at all, the main thing is to enjoy the simple pleasure of looting.

Just look at the baggage behind it.

Use Queen Azshara's luxurious bed sheets to wrap all kinds of treasures snatched from the queen's bedroom. The necklace pendants made of pearls and gemstones will even fall out, and the use of such things as bags fully shows that this bad guy is wrapped around his belt. Several of the magic suitcases have been filled.

Even if Azshara has no time to take care of these trivial things now, but to snatch things from the most powerful woman in the world so openly, what kind of arrogant banditry is this?

The little murloc is also clear about how to distribute these treasures.

After returning home, hand over 70% to Bu Laike, and share the remaining 30% with his lovers.

I don’t need to leave any jewels in my hands. Anyway, food and clothing are provided by the owner. Its main job is to make Lord Xie Shen feel happy. The second job is to collect as many black materials as possible to satisfy the feeder’s needs. Lord's nasty voyeuristic desire.

It does these two tasks very skillfully.

This is also the main reason why the little murloc can be favored by the moody Lord Laike for a long time. It understands the vicious character of the Silent One better than anyone in the world.

Just do what you like.

I have also learned a lot about dark wisdom.


The little murloc blew a whistle proudly, put the pried gorgeous gem in front of his eyes, and admired it professionally. Just when he was about to take off the golden headdress of the statue of Azshara, he suddenly felt a strange shock. Variety.

Time around it is speeding up.

It was as if he had pulled himself out of the normal world, and everything under the sea around him was rapidly losing its luster, turning yellow like a faded photo, and then turning pale after a few moments.

The little murloc glanced regretfully at the golden headgear that he hadn't got, then turned around and waved his paws goodbye to the highborne behind him who were implanted with the curse of flesh and blood in the dark abyss and turned into distorted deep sea naga.

It knows that it's time.

It's time to go back to the time that belonged to it and Bo Laike.

Speaking of it, this trip was actually quite good, but there were a few places to visit, but it was a lot of fun!

That alone is enough.

The little murloc patted the pile of very obscene photos on his chest, thinking that Pirates of Scrap would definitely like the "private photos" of Sunstrider and Ms. Vashki.

At that time, I can go to Quel'Thalas and sell it for a good price!

The figure of the murloc disappeared on the ruins of the palace on the seabed like a collapsed quicksand sculpture, and was blown away by a burst of cold and desolate water. The last few quicksands also turned into faint light spots and died in the sea of ​​disaster.

Returning in time travel is faster than ordinary teleportation. Almost in the blink of an eye, the little murloc fell onto the cold stone slab of the Well of Fate under the ground of Nazaras College.

This impact tore the burden off the little idiot's body, and those gorgeous jewels and luxury items fell everywhere.

It's like a small golden mountain collapsed, refracting a luxurious light in the unique light of the magic tide rolling overhead.

And in the place where the jewels were scattered, the little murloc croaked and got up and shook off the water stains on his body, then raised his head and glanced at the owner who stood beside him with a pipe in his mouth and pretended to be deep.

It rolled its eyeballs, took off the magic bag full of good things, held it in its hands, and offered it with both hands like offering treasures.

Braike glanced at the treasure presented by the little murloc. The ill-gotten gains he got out of thin air made him smile. He symbolically squeezed out a Silmaril from his luggage and threw it in the book. He waved his hand and let the little murloc distribute the rest freely.

This pie made the little idiot snort in displeasure.

Hey, it's about free distribution, but the captain's share must be honestly sent to the fleet steward, Udora.

But it doesn't matter, I still have some money, thanks to His Majesty Azshara who has already sent a wave of treasures in the Abyss Heaven.

But before leaving, the little murloc didn't forget the "business", it handed the stack of photos it had hidden to Bu Laike, and the latter held it in his hand and looked at it with a smoke ring.

Tsk tsk, this shooting angle, this timing of taking materials, professional!

The ecstasy of Dath'Remar Sunstrider and Mrs. Vashj, who were trapped in the hellish hell, was captured vividly. Needless to say, this thing will definitely sell for a good price in Quel'Thalas.

"This is your thing, don't forget to take it."

A deep voice came from the other side of the Well of Destiny. The little murloc, who was collecting treasures on the ground, looked up and saw his beloved Box of Mysteries being thrown over.

It croaked and jumped up, took the baby in its paws, and made a few skillful clicks, then carefully put it in its bulging luggage, and then confronted Magic Tidal and Akando in a weird way. Aman'Thul, the soul of the Titan who walked out from under the crystal branch of the Tree of Er, made a thank you ceremony.

Lord Aman'Thul certainly wouldn't be angry with a murloc.

He walked slowly with a normal human-sized body, stood beside Bo Laike, stroked a hanging crystal branch, and said to the pirate:

"Is it over?"

"What you want to ask is my conversation with him, right?"

The Scrap Pirate rolled his eyes and said:

"I can only say that I have talked to him, and I have said everything that needs to be said. I don't dare to make a conclusion about what kind of results he will get from his thinking in ten thousand years, but based on my understanding of Lord Sargeras, I believe that I don't think he will let us down."

"Well, how bad could it be?"

The king of gods shook his head and said:

"Doing your best is enough. In the half month since you left, many changes have taken place in this world. You may be able to see it yourself, but the march of the Burning Legion among the stars has not stopped.

The Star Saints are constantly traveling between the Twisting Nether and Azeroth, and the loyal Algalon has brought back the latest news.

The loss of Argus made the demons extremely angry. They are gathering rapidly. The number of demon infiltration incidents discovered in this world has doubled a hundred times in the last week, and the whole world is a mess. "

"It's a good thing."

Bu Laike admired the "**" in his hand, and he said casually:

"It's a good thing to put a little pressure on everyone at this time, lest there will be those idiots who take the crisis warning as a joke, how about you? Are you ready?"


Aman'Thul nodded, the titan soul raised his head to look at the sky, the thick Well of Fate could not block his eyes, after a few seconds of silence, he said:

"Eonar stays at the Tree of Life in Mac'Aree, Norgannon and I will go to Ulduar to sit in command, Khaz'gros is in Uldaman, Gorgonus is in the Temple of Origin in Uldum.

When the Burning Legion entered the world, we would activate the defenses built by the titan-forged, and we would extend our blessings and powers to the mortal warriors of this world.

This will be the last battle of the Pantheon among the stars.

We will stop at nothing to protect our unborn sisters. "

"You said such cruel words before the war started, it really made me lose confidence in the future war situation."

Bu Laike complained, and put away the gun in his hand.

He looked to Aman'Thul and said:

"You'd better survive. Even if the death force's conspiracy is defeated, the imbalance of the six forces has already begun. If all the supreme creations of the arcane force are killed in battle, it will definitely make things develop in a more troublesome direction.

Don't expect everything from me.

I really want to be the 'mediator' of the Six Forces, but obviously my current strength is not enough. If all goes well, the Eternals will suffer heavy losses, but the new order of the dead world has not yet been established. "


Aman'Thul blinked his eyes, and the wise Titan's soul quickly understood Bu Laike's plan. He said:

"So, you're going to the Shadowlands next?"


Lord Cthulhu grinned a very hypocritical smile, coughed, pointed to the sky and said:

"The dark titan came to Azeroth with swords and swords to trouble me, and any sane plotter knew it was time to jump ship and run away.

If I had remained in Azeroth before the war broke out, our great Emperor Denathrius would doubt again whether I was behind the scenes.

A mature professional beater should dispel the worries and suspicions of customers in time.

After the layout here is almost done, I will leave the world of the living and go to the kingdom of the dead to find a way out for myself. I am also very interested in going in and taking a look at the Holy Tomb of the Firstborn. .

I don't want Aggramar to wait there for too long, his brain can't play with those dark-hearted guys. "


Aman'Thul didn't say anything, considering himself no match for Laike in terms of intrigue.

If the Silent One has an idea, then He is willing to help.

Facts have proved that this guy is on their side in this conflict. Although he hates him to death when he fights against them, but when the real war starts, having such a living treasure to help him really makes people feel a lot more at ease.

"Okay, I'm going to go to my wife to soothe my wounded heart. I just left a woman who loved me deeply and dearly to me ten thousand years ago, which makes me very uncomfortable now."

Bu Laike shook his head off and made a farewell gesture to Aman'Thul, talking nonsense and disappearing into the shadows deep in the Well of Fate.

In the captain's cabin of the Naglfar docked at the port of Tol Barad, the chief mate Long Sefiel is tidying up the cabin here. Although the place is spotless, the long-term habit still makes the first mate unable to relax.

She took a look at the vulgar and gorgeous captain's chair, seeing how many people there were for half a month made Seifel feel a little worried and missed.

She sighed, picked up the rag and was about to wipe the odd collection of Pirates' collections again, but she was caught off guard by a guy hugging her body from behind.

She put her hands obscenely where they shouldn't be, but the familiar breath made the first mate tremble, and then she said calmly:

"came back?"


Bu Laike, who buried his head in Seifel's hair, replied in a nasal voice, and the first mate raised his eyebrows and said:

"What's going on? You seem to be very tired, which makes me wonder what you were doing ten thousand years ago?"

"Nothing was done but what was supposed to be done."

Bu Laike hugged his wife in his arms, enjoying the feeling of reassurance, and lazily said:

"I'm just sad"

"Well, if you can get your hands off my chest, there's some credibility to your statement."

Safiel complained, then turned around again, hugged the Silent Lord with a sad face distressedly, and sat on the captain's chair as if comforting a child, letting Bo Laike rest his head next to her legs.

She smoothed the captain's hair and said softly:

"Is it because of Maiev?"

"I dropped her, again."

The pirate closed his eyes and said softly:

"I really feel like a scumbag who has lost his kidneys. I wish I could kill myself, but I have important things to do. I have you here, like two ends of a rope.

I don't want to give up this side, and I don't want to give up the other end, so I can only let you entangle me.

It gets tighter and tighter. "

"Did we make you feel bad?"

Seifel's tone became softer.

Bu Laike didn't answer. In the next moment, he raised his head, looked at Seifel with piercing eyes, and said:

"Xalatath senses that I have set off from Dellano when I come back, she can get here in two hours at most, I still have a lot to say to you, but maybe we can talk in another way.

I mean, don't waste your time. "


Master Safir snorted, crossed his hands and said to Bu Laike:

"Did you forget? Aggramar chopped off my head before. This is a fatal wound that cannot be healed, so I can't do such exciting things."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Cloth Laike took off his jacket and walked towards the big round bed which was made very clean. He said:

"Didn't Curry still have a 'clothes'? Chromie's eggs are about to hatch too? This might be the last few times you kiss and post before growing up again.

Are you sure you want to decline?

Then I wait for Xalatas to come over? "

"whispering sound"

The first officer curled his lips, waved the quicksand and swirled around, and changed his "clothes" in less than a second. She put a stream of time magic on the captain's cabin with her hips on her hips.

Looking at Bu Laike lying on the bed again, he said:

"I'll get back what you owe me before Xal'atath comes! That crazy woman can't get anything."

"Stop talking big."

Lord Cthulhu looked at the overconfident first officer approaching with his waist swaying, he snorted and said:

"After a while, remember to check the situation of the Naglfar. We will go to the kingdom of death in a while."


Sefiel, who was holding something, raised his head, brushed his hair, and said:

"To pick up Maiev?"


Bu Laike let out a long breath, and wanted to put all the exhaustion of the trip out of his mind. He closed his eyes and felt the reassuring tenderness of the first mate, and whispered:

"Yes, let's go and bring her back, and kill some idiots who call themselves 'gods'."


The door to the captain's room was kicked open.

The fiery snake beauty barged in screaming.

She still bears the scars from her forced passage through the dimensional rift between the two worlds, but the jealous Elder's eyes turn red when she sees the intimate scene between Laike and Sefiel.

She hurried and hurried, but it was still too late.


The fist is hard!

"Shameless dogs and men!"

The venerable lord rushed forward screaming angrily, and the next moment the captain's cabin was thrown into a frenzy.

Well, the day of Lord Cthulhu's return was really messy as expected.

(end of this chapter)

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