Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1865 92. Your Reward Is On The Way, Please Pay Attention To Receive It

Chapter 1865 92. Your reward is on the way, please pay attention to receive it

Eternal Island has become "Dragon Island", and there are blue dragons flying around everywhere. In order to carry the precious dragon eggs, these magic dragons are doing everything they can.

They had the luxury of opening ten portals to ensure that it would take no more than five minutes for the eggs to be transferred from a constant mana lair to Coldarra's hatching chamber.

This made the Lord Cthulhu who was watching feel very painful.

From his understanding, this thing should not be so fragile. Although the egg of the blue dragon is the most delicate among the five-color dragons, it will not cause any problems even if it is left outside for ten days and a half months.


That is a giant dragon, a legendary creature of Azeroth, if its adaptability and vitality were so poor, it would have been eliminated by nature.

Of course, what the crumb pirate said was a typical example of standing up and talking without pain in the back.

The blue dragon has been miserable for ten thousand years, and finally got a chance to turn around. It is already a shame not to "pack away" the Eternal Island and teleport it to the vicinity of Coldarra.

"younger brother."

Fenner's voice sounded behind Bo Laike.

This idiot soldier became more and more daring. In broad daylight, he just hugged His Excellency Bu Laike who was thinking from behind, not caring about others' perceptions at all.

If it wasn't for her own silly cabbage who was reluctant to teach her a lesson, the Lord Cthulhu would have arranged for her to learn the rules.

"You said if I asked the blue dragon for an egg"

"What do you want that thing for?"

The pirate looked back at Fenner's shining eyes in surprise, and said:

"Let's not talk about whether they will give it, even if you really want to be the dragon knight that often appears in third-rate novels, you shouldn't choose blue dragons. Their wings are too delicate, and they may even withstand a full-fledged jump. no.

Black Dragon is pretty good.

If you want it, go to the tauren who cheated on his father and get one for you another day. "

"But it's pretty."

Fenner tilted her head and rested her head on Bu Laike's shoulder, whispering:

"You see my anger is blue, right? It doesn't match the black dragon at all, but the blue dragon is very good. The shiny scales match me very well. The big deal is that you need to be less energetic when you take off in the future. .

Little Xingxing is about to become the queen of the blue dragon. As her dragon claw guard, it's only natural for me to fly around on a dragon, right? "

"You like being a dragon knight so much?"

The crumb pirate curled his lips and said:

"Do you want to be an 'Evil God Knight'?"

This ridicule made Fenner stunned for a moment, and then she realized that she dared to say such a nasty thing in front of her, and she really needed to be taught a lesson.


The demigod warrior clasped his arms hard, and there was an unpleasant sound from the sternum of Lord Heretic God, but in the next moment, a tentacle jumped out from Fenna's shadow, entangled his legs and climbed up. The strange touch made the idiot The soldier recalled some very bad memories, blushed and screamed, pushed Lord Cthulhu away, and bounced away from here.

Bo Laike snorted.

He pushed the broken sternum back indifferently, feeling in his heart that this human form is fragile, but fortunately, he didn't need to use this posture to fight.

"Tch, elf warriors are really fragile, they are so fragile in every way, they are actually frightened by mere tentacles."

Xalatas' sarcasm sounded, and the snake beauty "crawled" out of Bu Laike's shadow like a magic trick. She stuck behind the little master with a very charming posture, licked her lips and said:

"Have you fallen in love with tentacles? My little master, do you want to 'revisit old dreams'? I feel more and more that we, as void creatures, should learn more advanced ways of enjoying ourselves."

"Uh, forget it."

Bu Laike played with the pipe in his hand, glanced at the excited blue dragons over there, shook his head and sighed and said:

"The world is not ready to accept such a 'fashionable' way of pleasure, and besides, it is difficult for us to find a solid enough asteroid in the nearby star field.

I don't want another dangerous 'meteor shower' to hit the world of Dellano. "

"But it's exciting, isn't it?"

Xalatas' snake-like forked tongue licked Lord Cthulhu's earlobe, and said:

"The devil is coming again, the days of pleasure are destined to be short, we must enjoy ourselves in time."

"I'm afraid of you."

The Scrap Pirate sighed, reached out and patted Xal'atath on the waist to signal her to calm down, and changed the subject and said:

"Will you go to the Shadow Realm?"


The ancient venerable said in surprise:

"Can I go? It's the world of death, and it doesn't fit into the void."

"It's definitely not possible to go through the normal way, but we have a 'smuggling' route."

Bo Laike picked up his pipe, and the babe lit the tobacco winkingly with the Netherfire, even though the Balrog pipe needed only one breath to ignite the flame.

But Mr. Cthulhu is still very useful for his caring towards his wife.

He said softly:

"You can leave a 'Seed of the Ancient God' on the boat. Sefiel is going to go with me. I think if I don't take you. The ancient venerable who went crazy with jealousy may destroy the world."

"Hmph, that's about the same."

Xalatas was also very satisfied. She entwined Laike's body like a snake and stood up her upper body in front of the pirates. She then glanced at Fenner who was peeking at this side from behind a tree in the distance.

She licked her lips with a weird smile and said:

"The little master is really a gentle evil god, but Miss Fenner doesn't seem to understand what companionship is. She hasn't displayed her due charm at all. Do you need me to teach her?"

"Don't make a mess, please."

The pirate exhaled a smoke ring and offered a passionate kiss, which satisfied Xalatas.

She let out a fairy-like laugh, shaking her whole body while laughing, and threw a purple heart-shaped blown kiss at the young master, then disappeared in the shadow of the pirates, and took Sefiel back to the Nagfar superior.

An ancient god's seed that can accompany the little master to travel the kingdom of death cannot be separated casually, she must be perfect.

This will take some time.

Apparently, it was Boo Laike who was going to put her off for a while.

But a smart woman knows when to act stupid, not to mention that she and the little master can enjoy eternal company, well, just give Miss Fenner a little time generously.

I hope she will act faster, show her determination as a demigod warrior, and get things done quickly, what pure feelings are you talking about?

Tch, she really is a silly girl who doesn't understand anything and doesn't understand others.

The little master is so busy all day long that he can't wait to divide himself into 18 sections to handle different things at the same time. How can he have so much time for you to slowly cultivate your relationship.

If it drags on like this, the thing that finally broke through is probably going to fall back between siblings again, hehe, by then, it will be difficult for her to think about it again.

After all, Bu Laike won't be in this world for long.

Fenner saw Xalatas leave and wanted to come back, but Braike seemed to feel something weird, he frowned and scattered his body in place, and when he reappeared, he had arrived at the edge of Eternal Island on a beach.

Just as the pirates appeared, they saw a monstrously large whale shark floating to the surface for air, and a group of eccentric ghost pirates were trying to hunt down the behemoth.

As expected of a place where time has been out of order for 10,000 years, such rare scenery is quite rare in other places.

But neither the huge whale shark nor the ghostly pirates with strange red lights on their bodies attracted the eyes of the evil god. Bo Laike looked at the empty reef in front of him.

Under his gaze, a spirit body slowly appeared.

A large amount of fog surged from around the reef at this moment, creating a hidden space in the blink of an eye.

"I knew it!"

Bo Laike took down his pipe and complained:

"You bastard performed a silly trick on the Yongchun Terrace where the soul of the ancient emperor was overwhelmed and entrusted the mission to the descendants to disappear into the world.

I knew you must be hiding somewhere and watching me. Be honest! I sent my Cloth of Destiny to Pandaria on the coast of Azshara before, did you do it secretly? "

"Oh, don't be so angry, my dear Lord Cthulhu."

A pandaren spirit emerges from the mist.

He looked very stately in his white robes, but the damn smile that shone on his furry face still made the Scrap Pirates want Bang Bang to punch him twice.

"I protected Pandaria for 10,000 years and fulfilled your orders secretly, which is really tiring.

You don't know how difficult it is for me to gather those chaotic fragments of time and space into the Timeless Isle, and to hide the trace of a powerful blue dragon and so many dragon eggs.

Under such circumstances, it shouldn't be a problem for me to find some fish for a while, right? "

The spirit body of Emperor Shaohao showed a gentle smile. He was suspended in the air, spread his arms to Bu Laike, and teased:

"On the contrary, you, the prophet in black, is this the attitude when you see an old friend? This is really sad."

"I haven't seen you in 10,000 years, but your tongue is a lot sharper. You are worthy of being the Lorewalker Emperor."

Bu Laike snorted, took out a bottle of wine from his bag and threw it over, Emperor Shaohao was not polite, took it, twisted the cork of the bottle, poured it into his mouth, and then praised:

"That's right, that's the taste! Persisting for ten thousand years is really nothing, but if you can't drink alcohol, it's too scary for a pandaren."

"What are you pretending to be? Where does your sense of taste come from as a spirit body?"

With an odd smile on his face, Bo Laike said:

"Guess what you drank just now? As a friendly reminder, it's something that can make you so angry that you're so angry."

"Tch, isn't it chili sauce?"

Emperor Shaohao helplessly shook the red liquid in the bottle and said:

"Although I have no sense of taste, my eyes are not blind. Bu Laike, I haven't seen you in ten thousand years, you still like to joke so much."

After saying this, both of them fell silent.

After more than ten seconds of silent waiting, Shaohao coughed and said:

"You know, I waited ten thousand years just to see the new future you promised me, and it hasn't happened yet, but it's coming soon, right?

I know you're not a guy who breaks your word. "

"I'm going to the world of death."

Facing his old friend, Lord Cthulhu didn't hide anything, he said very directly:

"If everything goes well, you can wait until your spirit body dies. The composition of your spirit body is a bit strange."

The Scrap Pirate frowned and said:

"You transformed yourself into a loa?"

"Yes, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Shaohao laughed and levitated over, circled around Bu Laike, and said:

"Remember our trip to Dazar Luo Cheng 10,000 years ago? Although it was only three hours, I had a good chat with the King of Gold, and I was able to borrow some ancient books about the Zandalari trolls from him." .

I have to admit, this ritual is quite complicated.

But fortunately, stories about me have been circulating in Pandaria, and the treasure tree of Fuzao has always been in the dreamland of this continent. While the pandaren civilization is flourishing, with the help of that ancient tree, I Before the death of its own will, it completed the transformation to a higher level.

I am not greedy for immortality.

I just want to see with my own eyes the new world you are about to bring us. "

"Understood, debt collector."

Bu Laike sighed blankly and said:

"I will do what I promised you, you bastard, don't put more pressure on me. Don't you see that I'm busy now?"

"Busy about dating your sister?"

Ten thousand years later, Shaohao is obviously a lot more chic, probably because he has seen too many farewells in the world, so the serious aura that is always tense on his body has disappeared.

This will be like a gossip old man, patted Bu Laike on the shoulder, and said with the attitude of someone who has experienced it:

"What kind of shit are you, let me tell you a little secret that belongs to the pandaren royal family, my ancestor is 'Fist of the Dawn' Kang, a truly great man.

His son became the emperor. In the thousands of years of inheritance, in order to ensure the royal family's pure control over the power of Zhen Qi, our family has always intermarried.

You are a prince too, and you should know that your troubles are not really problems at all. The royal family of trolls has this tradition too, not to mention the elves.

This is the rule of this magical world. Of course I am not trying to comfort you, what I want to say is:

Seriously, Boo Laike! "

Shaohao lowered his voice and said:

"I just got information from a friend about Blazing Wilderness, that the Shadowlands are in chaos, and Maldraxxus is planning to invade other realms.

The Venthyrs blocked the flow of heart energy, and the promotion fortress was in chaos.

The Winter Queen didn't know what she was planning, but according to my friend, more than 30 Spirit Seeds had been abandoned in the past half month, and the Wild Hunting Group didn't know what to guard against when they were gathering.

The waves you created in the world of the living have affected the realm of the dead.

This may be what you want to see, but you'll have to hurry up and get your hands in the Shadowlands' 'new order' before it's established, like you did in War of the Ancients.

End this thing, cut the mess quickly. "

"You, a debt collector, actually have friends in Chilan Xianye?"

Bu Laike looked at Shaohao's spirit body in surprise, and said:

"I really underestimated you."

"That is, do you think that I have only watched the scenery for ten thousand years and did nothing?"

Shaohao snorted, snatched the wine bottle from Bu Laike, and said:

"I have also learned from you, an outstanding guy. Do you need me and the Monkey King to help you in the kingdom of death? Just like ten thousand years ago, we fought side by side."

"No, it's too troublesome if you really want to go there and give yourself a knife."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"Thank you for your kindness, but the real world needs you more.

What actions Sargeras will take is currently unknown to me, but what is certain is that the demons will definitely set off the largest invasion in history in this world.

This is the final catastrophe of Azeroth.

If you survive it, you will be in a new world. If you can’t survive it, everything will stop. My side is just a small team, and your side is the one with the most pressure. Before I send a signal, you must block the demons, at all costs! "


Shaohao raised his eyebrows and said:

"What signal?"

"You'll know when it comes out."

Bu Laike narrowed his eyes and said:

"Don't worry, I have a complete plan for the changes you are eager to see. Well, release my sister from the fog, her brain is not suitable for this kind of maze game.

Watch out for her tearing yours off."


"Look, I've said it all, you can't trap her in this little maze."

(end of this chapter)

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