Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1866 93. Only Scandals Can Fight Scandals

Chapter 1866 93. Only scandals can fight scandals

Time went round and round until the big day of His Royal Highness Little Xingxing came.

It wasn't so fast, but the return of Lady Sindragosa, the Frost Queen, seemed to make Lord Malygos, who had closed his eyes and waited to die, return to his "young dragon" posture overnight, and walked around with his resurrected wife all day long. Going away, in the name of letting Sindragosa understand the changes in the world faster.

Although the majesty of the spellweaver can still be maintained, even the murlocs of Coldarra can see that the king of magic wants to take the trouble.

He obviously felt that he owed his wife, so he planned to quickly give up the position of the king of magic, so as to spend some time with his wife.

Maybe add a little dragon cub or something.

What's more, letting the well-known little star succeed the "Spellweaver" is also a predetermined matter, and speeding up now will not cause opposition within the Blue Dragon Army.

By the way, His Royal Highness Little Xingxing has already become a favorite of the Blue Dragon Army since he was lucky enough to retrieve more than a hundred dragon eggs from Eternal Island. It was unbelievable that even some stubborn old dragons who thought that Xiao Xingxing was too young to be a big boss had to bow their heads in front of the facts.

Therefore, when the Law Weaver proposed "early retirement", almost no one opposed him.

Anyway, in Julong’s concept of time, doing something more than ten days in advance is not the same as the entanglement of whether to wash your face or go to the toilet first when you get up every morning, and it’s not like you can’t do it together.

Everything is prepared in advance, even the invitation letter is ready.

As a result, Malygos gave the order, and the entire magic legion attacked everywhere, sending invitations to watch the ceremony all over the world within a day.

They also provide a special portal to Coldarra, and even the guests who come to watch the ceremony do not need to bring their own dry food, and the giant dragon has also kept pace with the times and hired a pandaren chef.

Of course, this sudden decision affected the schedule of some very busy big shots, but who would dare not give the face of the giant dragon?

In addition, the giant dragon who came to deliver the letter promised that the ceremony is quite simple and can be completed in a day at most, and the giant dragons have given the face of almost all the big forces in the whole world. The leaders of all parties can also take this opportunity to interview some sensitive people Therefore, everyone who received the invitation letter rushed to the frost-covered Caudalaron Island on time in the early morning of the third day.

Chief Red woke up early today.

It took some time to tidy up himself, although his extremely fat body has already worn the iconic black plate armor, but he still has an idea.

I don't know where I got a set of extra-large Della Normaghan orc-only tusk armor, and I also got myself a goron bone helmet. The wild and barbaric outfit also gave this man who had long been unable to fight the enemy The tamping added a bit of bravery.

Carrying the ancestral Warhammer of the Hand of Darkness on his back, under the protection of four Kor'kron guards, he passed through the portal and stepped on the icy snow. The weak guy trembled and sneezed loudly.

Fuck, dad is freezing to death.

He complained in his heart.

Apart from Frostfire Ridge, there are few cold places in the world of orcs. When the Horde invaded Azeroth and ate in the Khaz Modan area, it was also because of the unsuitable climate and terrain.

Except for the Frostwolf clan, other orcs really lack the experience of surviving and fighting in extremely cold regions.

Fortunately, today I just came here to participate in a ceremony and give gifts along the way. It is not necessary for the great chief to slash people with a knife. Red felt better.

This was a trivial matter, but Reid's ugly appearance was so undead that he was seen by his arch-rival.

"What a pathetic greenskin, why are you still shaking your feet? Are you afraid of the snow? Well, you should be afraid, after all you left thousands of corpses on the snowy mountains of Khaz Modan.

Poor guy, does it make you pee your pants when it snows on the Burning Steppes? "

A mocking voice sounded from the portal on the other side, and Red and his guards turned their heads angrily, and saw Varian Wrynn dressed as a king leading his queen and the regent of Stormwind King Bolvar Fordragon strode out.

Behind them are Gray Wolf Queen Mia Greymane and Princess Calia Menethil in long dresses, and the ladies are guarded by General Danas Trollbane and Oridon Perry Lord Nord.

It is normal for the human empire to have a large number of people.

Although they have become one in name, it will take a long time for the seven countries to truly become one. The dragons also know this, so when sending invitations, each country has a copy.

But the sarcasm just now did not come from these young and vigorous human leaders, but from the old Dai Lin who walked among the crowd with the attitude of "stars holding the moon".

What happened to this old guy has spread throughout the world, and the courage to face the fallen titan in order to save his daughter has been unanimously recognized by all the brave warriors and good fathers in Azeroth.

Although Dai Lin lost his strength and became a bad old man, no one dared to talk about it at this juncture. It is said that the old man is very taboo about this matter. Whoever dares to say it will hit the head with his cane.

The gossip spread so wickedly that even Dai Lin's beloved youngest son had been beaten several times.

But who is old Dailin?

The character of this salty wet sailor has been like this all his life, even if he has no strength, he can't stop him from provoking enemies he doesn't like It's embarrassing, let's not talk about anything else, the warrior's instinct made him throw a "super taunt" accurately.

When the Korkaron guards saw that the damned humans mocked their great chief, they immediately glared and wanted to draw their weapons. Although their own great chief was indeed embarrassing and embarrassing, it was not something that could be teased casually.

Especially in today's scene.

But Red was not offended.

He suppressed the weapon in the guard's hand, smiled and put his hips on his hips, let his beer belly sway on the snow, and responded in a low-pitched and embarrassing tone:

"Hey, look who this is? Isn't this our wise, mighty, mighty and majestic Majesty Dai Lin? These giant dragons really have face, and invited old people like you out of the mountain.

But please be careful when walking on the snow, it is very slippery here, if you fall down, it will be terrible, I heard that some time ago, you almost fell off your back when you woke up at night.

If you accidentally break your leg here, the dragons will have to pay for the medical expenses.

The human imperial family has a great career, and it would be too ugly if others say that it is an old man who touches porcelain or something, alas, don't be angry, don't be angry!

The old man needs to cultivate well. It just so happens that Heishi Mountain has a very good wheelchair designed by the Silent Person himself. Would you like me to send someone to bring it to you? "

Although Reid is not a good fighter, he should know all the fighters. Facing Dai Lin's provocation, his backhand was a super double, and he even made a personal attack with no sense of martial arts.

Angrily, Dai Lin picked up the cane and was about to rush forward to deal a fatal blow to the damned green skin, and show him what human power is.

But before the old man charged, Varian, Jean, and General Danas quickly pinned him down.

Hey, if you're old, don't be as brave as a young man. Although the orc is hateful, his words are not rough. If you really broke your leg here, it would be a serious diplomatic accident.

But Dai Lin's temper is very strange now.

Probably because of the pent-up anger in his heart, he insisted on doing what others did not let him do. The old man, who was suppressed by the emperor and his friends, became angry instead, and insisted on breaking free and rushing to slap Reid's fat face with a cane.

The Great Knight of Bolvar shook his head when he saw that this was not going to work, sighed, stepped forward to block Dai Lin, drew out the ritual saber from his waist and shouted to Red:

"Green skins! Who allowed you to ridicule a human hero with outstanding military achievements on the land of Azeroth? You are getting more and more rude, come on! Pull out your weapons, don't you have a ceremony called Makogo Pull?

Let's decide the outcome in this land of giant dragons today! "

Facing Bovar's challenge, Reid took a step back subconsciously, coughed twice, and said with force:

"Where are the barbarian paladins? You humans are really barbaric. You humans are so barbaric. The backward customs of Makgora have already been banned by this chief.

Every soldier's life should be used in a more suitable and greater place, and not wasted in bravery and ruthlessness. This is the famous saying of Lord Silent.

Chief Ben appreciates this kind of thinking very much.

Besides, today is the ceremony of the giant dragon, and we orcs are also polite guests, so we will not kill a reckless human paladin here to make things difficult for the dragons.

If you are interested in duels, this chief can give you a ticket to the arena in Shadowforge City. If you like to fight like wild beasts, I can also get you a gladiator invitation letter. "


The great chief was discouraged.

But he knew that he was cowarded, but he didn't want to admit it, and he said a lot of truth in a flashy manner, making the Kor'Kron guards behind him feel ashamed and bow their heads.

And the humans looked at each other in blank dismay, huh? The savage green skin doesn't even dare to accept a duel? It is ridiculous to talk about backward customs!

The angry old Dailin suddenly felt that being angry with such a guy was like losing himself, so she glanced at Red mockingly, adjusted her clothes again, and tugged on the armor of her old brother Bolvar who stood up for him.

It means, let's go, don't be ashamed of being here with this ridiculous orc chieftain.

The conflict between humans and orcs made the dwarves, gnomes, elves of various races, and even trolls who walked out of the next few portals watch with gusto.

Seeing that there was no fight, the envoys and leaders around all showed regretful expressions, and then packed up their moods and put on a smiling demeanor and moved towards the magnificent and mysterious Demon Hub in front of them.

This wave.

This wave of barking hurt each other, and neither the alliance dogs nor the tribe pigs were able to please anyone.

"It seems that Chief Red has become a complete 'pacifist'."

The familiar leaders in the crowd were joking with each other. Only the draenei prophet Velen touched his beard and said with a gentle expression:

"The new era of the re-emergence of the orcs will definitely be kicked off by him. Those warriors who had fallen into bloodthirsty rage finally found their reason and became gentle and simple again. It is really touching."

"Your Excellency the Prophet, are you out of your mind?"

Muradin, the dwarf beside Velen, carried the hammer of dominion on his back, and whispered in a straight dwarf style:

"Today's peaceful ending is purely because it's Red the Shame, if you dare to put another orc warlord here, you'll definitely lose your mind.

But you are also right.

This Reid is indeed becoming more and more 'peaceful', that dog has transferred all the ferocity of the orcs to lip service and crooked ideas.

I heard that when he was negotiating with the human king to release the orc prisoners of war, the diplomats of the seven countries who talked all by themselves were speechless, and they just relied on negotiations to get many prisoners from the seven human countries.

Tsk tsk, if words are also combat power, then Red is definitely a 'super soldier' ​​in this world. "

"It's a good thing, Bronzebeard."

The high priest of the moon, Ms. Tyrande, who was listening to their conversation, said softly:

"The moment the savages walk to the negotiating table, they are domesticated by civilization, and the orcs learn to play by the rules of Azeroth and will avoid possible conflicts in the future.

Especially in this time of the return of demons, our unity is more important than anything else. "

"Well, I admit that what you say makes sense, Your Majesty."

The dwarf prince probably drank some wine before he set off today, so his words are a bit reckless.

He looked at the war bow in Tyrande's hand with weird eyes, and the High Priest of the Moon frequently looked back at the Viper Lady Vashki in the crowd on the other side. The dwarf whispered:

"But when you say 'unity', can you stop looking at those Naga with that frightening look, you give me the feeling that you are ready to draw a knife and fight with Naga at any time.

I even wonder if you will directly lift the table when we are eating.

Let me confirm again, Naga is also one of us, right? "

"You talk too much, Bronzebeard."

His Majesty Tyrande looked back at Muradin with a "kind" gaze, which made the latter shudder and felt that it was really scary for this beautiful, dignified and well-proportioned old elf woman to launch a fierce attack.

"Ahem, Mindo, what Prince Bronzebeard said makes sense."

General Shandris Feathermoon, who was following Tyrande, whispered in Elvish:

"Today's occasion is not suitable, you put away your murderous intent, look, you have scared the children."

"Shut up!"

Tyrande scolded in a low voice.

Helplessly looking at the little elf baby in the arms of General Yuyue, who was scared to cry, she looked tiredly at Jarod Shadowsong who was walking forward side by side with Shandris.

The guy also had another baby in his arms.

The high priest sighed helplessly, and put away his war bow under the cold gaze of Mrs. Viper. Although Tyrande had no children, she now really experienced the difficulty of being an old mother.

My daughter who has been raised by my family for 10,000 years and is very promising is now going to become someone else's "little mistress" in a frenzy. I can't persuade her no matter how hard I try to persuade her, but the client is very happy and spends her days at the couple's house.

Even when Sarah Hill gave birth, Shandris was by her side to help, and the three of them almost slept together.

Although this matter is a "taboo" within Kaldorei, the three of them took their children and swaggered through the market in Ashenvale all day long, looking like a happy family of five. It is estimated that it will not be long before the "scandal is exposed".

Every time Malfurion mentioned this matter, he was very happy, and he didn't know what that idiot was laughing about? As a father, doesn't he care about his daughter's lifelong affairs?

Does that old bastard want to find another one too?

"Huh? Why don't you see my old friend Illidan come over?"

When everyone entered the hall of the Magic Nexus, an annoying voice came from the front. Ms. Tyrande raised her head and saw Bu Laike Xiao in a blue dress, accompanying His Royal Highness Little Xingxing.

And the elongated voice that was full of "connotation" was directly asked in the language of the soul.

The well-known villain winked at her and said:

"Is my brother really assured that my sister-in-law will go out alone? There are too many bad guys in this world. What if I meet a bad guy who tries to hurt her?"


The fist is hard!


Tyrande clenched his fist, but let it go in pain the next moment.

She, Malfurion, and Illidan have a "handle" in the hands of the bastard god in front of them. Their "disrespectful" performance in the battle with the soul of the Titan was secretly filmed by this damn guy down.

Although Laike didn't say it clearly and never threatened them, Tyrande's imposing manner in front of Lord Moon Shadow was really a head lower.

Hoo hoo.

This situation can be summed up as follows:

This beautiful lady, you don't want the scandal of you, your husband and your uncle to be exposed, do you? So don't meddle in the affairs of my brother-in-law and your daughter.


(end of this chapter)

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