Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 559 112. Don't Question The Prophet, What He Said Casually Will Scare You

Chapter 559 112. Don't question the prophet, what he said casually will scare you

Lordaern Abbey, armory area, Curry, an inconspicuous armament warehouse, where four great knights of the Church of the Holy Light and a "person with complicated identities" are conducting secret talks here.

Dathrohan and Turalyon on the opposite side of Braike are both acquaintances. The remaining two great knights are Tirion Fordring, the lord of Hearthglen in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and Alexandros Mo, the local lord. grannie.

Stinky Pirates certainly don't suffer from stage fright.

But he sat there, the eyes of Keir Rogge on his shoulders always looked at Grand Knight Mograine from time to time. If he looked with his own eyes, the eyes must have been full of weirdness.

After all, I just stole someone's family secret room yesterday, and today I sat and "chat" with the sufferer. This experience is very novel even for shameless stinky pirates.

But to be honest, at this moment, Laike really felt the guilty pleasure of returning to the scene of the crime.

"Before I get down to business, I have to confirm one thing."

Saidan Dathrohan, who was the initiator of the meeting, was sitting on the main seat. He glanced left and right, looked at High Lord Mograine, and asked:

"Alessandro, what happened to the 'demon invasion' yesterday? I heard the knights gossip and found some identifiable remnants in the forest?

Can you confirm the origin of the demon? "

"I invited the mages to come and see, and now it can basically be confirmed."

He has a strong figure with a beard and thin cheeks. It seems that the great knight Mograine didn't sleep well last night playing with the family seal on his finger.

He closed his eyes, and answered in a low voice:

"The fragmented armor found on the battlefield where the brave knights repelled the demons, and the weapon fragments found in the monastery are exactly the same style as the armor of the dark knights collected in the Silverpine Forest incident a few days ago.

Coupled with the large-scale, scattered locations, and the method of controlling demons at the same time, it can be determined that the evil black knights are doing the tricks. "

"black Knight?"

The great knight Turalyon had personally experienced the demonic invasion of the Silverpine Forest, so he asked with a serious face:

"They tried to invade Dalaran to use magic to summon their evil masters, but what are they doing here? There is only the miraculous power of the Holy Light in this monastery, and those evil things should avoid it."

"No, Lord Turalyon.

You know too little about the Black Spirit Pirates, and your understanding of them is too shallow. Seriously, your intelligence officers should all be pulled out and whipped! "

Bo Laike shook his head just right at this moment, and he whispered:

"As a pirate, I have a little understanding of these strange colleagues.

The way they serve their dark masters is brutal and simple. They collect all kinds of rare treasures all over the world and dedicate them as tributes to their masters.

Innocent souls killed in the process are their own.

It is said that the first appearance of the Black Spirit Pirates was at the end of the Orc War. During this period, as far as I know, they committed no less than seven killings and plundering incidents in the waters of the Eastern Continent.

Take my guess.

They must have been drawn here by some dark and evil treasure hidden in the monastery.

The evil power of the treasure was so attractive to them that they would rather risk being cleansed by the Holy Light to do this evil thing. "

"This is impossible!"

After the pirates expressed their conclusions, the great knight Fording, who had been silent all this time, put down the pipe in his hand. The thin and lean knight with short gray-black hair shook his head and said:

"Lordane Abbey is a holy place of the Holy Light!

There is a sacred inheritance of three thousand years here, and it can be said that this is the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Light. It is impossible for anything evil to be brought in here without being detected.

On this point, I have absolute confidence in my brother and friend Mograine. "

Fording's words were loud.

But the expression of Grand Duke Alexandros Mograine, who he supported, was a little embarrassed.

He hesitated to speak several times, and then under the watchful eyes of the other three great knights, he sighed with difficulty, and explained in a brief tone:

"Your Majesty Bu Laike's guess is... correct! Brothers, I have let you down, but I can explain.

I did store in the monastery a vicious trophy I took from the vile greenskin warlocks during the orc wars.

But I can assure you in my faith that I never tried to use it for nefarious purposes. I left it here just to verify a bold guess of mine, but unexpectedly it brought such a bad thing to the Holy Land. "

The big knight shook his head guiltily, and said:

"I checked the secret room of the Mograine family last night, and the evil thing has disappeared. The cunning black spirit pirates must have sneaked into the secret room while I was out to greet the crown prince and the marshal. it takes away.

But the good news is that they also lost a member to the trap laid by the Chamber of Secrets.

The mutilated corpse was in the secret room, and judging from his armor style, it seemed that he was still a leader. "

"It makes no sense, Mograine."

The great knight Turalyon shook his head and said:

"According to the druids' inspection in Dalaran, they believe that the black knights have some kind of evil curse power attached to them, which can bring them back to life again and again.

They are not afraid of death and judgment at all, which is why they are so confident. That loot you lost, its destructive power"

"Everyone can rest assured!"

Duke Mograine seriously explained:

"Under my research, the black crystal seems to be just a carrier of dark power. I have bombarded it with holy light, even if it is a close-range violent hammering, it will not dissipate the power inside.

It does not possess the properties of mass destruction.

What I'm more worried about now is that those evil people will use it as a raw material for some dark ritual. "

"The black knights have been included in the most wanted list of spellcasters. They will be hunted down throughout the eastern continent. His Holiness the Pope has ordered the privy bishops to distribute the wanted black knights to all dioceses.

Perhaps there will be news about them soon. "

Dathrohan spoke to his brothers, but Grand Knight Mograine clenched his fists and said loudly:

"The Holy Land is in danger because of my recklessness, even threatening His Holiness the Pope and Your Excellency the Marshal, this is already a disgrace to the Mograine family.

Once there is news of the black knight, I will personally lead the family knights to pursue it. After it was over, I would spend five years in self-imprisonment in a holy place.

This is punishment, but also an oath! "

The local owner has already made such an oath in the name of the family, which naturally means that the accountability and discussion on this matter have come to an end.

After a few seconds of silence, Dathrohan, who was the initiator of the meeting, coughed a few times and said:

"Let's get down to business next.

I have already told you about the specific situation yesterday, the disease of "Holy Light Activation" under the crown has become very serious, although we secretly customized the "Magic Pattern of Holy Light" for the crown at Nathalas College, which can restrain energy, but this It's just treating the symptoms, not the root cause.

The holy light in his body is constantly purifying itself, constantly changing its nature, and has even merged into the blood to form an energy entity. If this continues, all the vitality will be absorbed by the activated holy light.

The good news is that we know that the knowledge to help His Majesty complete the 'Lightforged Ritual' can be found in the world of Dellano.

The bad news is that His Majesty, with his kindness all along, does not want to see others take risks for him. He revealed in several conversations with me that he is ready to be called by the Holy Light at any time.

Calling everyone here today is to make a decision on this matter. "

Dathrohan looked around, the great knight who was unwilling to take off his helmet while talking in the secret room stopped, and he said with emphasis:

"My opinion is that we must go to the world of Dellano. The Quel'dorei expedition is currently being formed and has not yet started, and they may not necessarily share all the intelligence information with us.

Furthermore, the elves went to Dellano more to find magical objects and knowledge, and they would not focus their exploration on areas where the 'Draenei' were suspected to be active.

Our needs and their interests do not overlap.

We must send some trusted members out there to search for the presence of the Lightwalkers, and we need to find that vital knowledge before the situation in Your Majesty deteriorates.

Just as he did not let go to lead us forward in the most difficult moment of the orc war, we cannot just sit back and watch him be crushed by this calamity! "

"I agree!"

After Dathrohan finished speaking, the great knight Turalyon immediately gave his answer.

He glanced at Bo Laike, and said to Fordin and Mograine who were thinking:

"I used some 'personal connections' to confirm that there is indeed an expedition team being formed within Quel'Dorei, and there are signs of transfer of the Phoenix Mage and the Farstriders.

It is not false that elves want to explore the world of orcs.

This is not even just for the life of the Pope, if we can really find the companions of the Holy Light in another world, it means that we can finally proudly announce to all the people of the Holy Light that our faith is not limited to our world.

We can claim that the Light in which we believe is a great power that protects the stars. "

The mature and prudent Tirion Fordring nodded.

He exchanged a glance with Grand Knight Mograine, then turned his attention to Bu Laike, and said:

"Saidan told us about the Templar Assassins, about the things in the abyss beneath Tirisfal, about Emperor Thoradin's last wish, about the recovery of the Emperor's Sword, and the truth about the Battle of the Burning Steppes.

There is also the demigod fall that just happened in the far north.

To be honest, these unknown inside stories are really frightening to hear for the first time. Please satisfy my petty curiosity, are you really a prophet? Mr. Bu Laike. "

"I could be the one."

The pirate replied in a strange way:

"Especially when those stubborn guys who don't want to believe that I really exist try to test me in various ways, and I will declare that I am a prophet.

Do you want me to perform a 'prophet trick' for you?

Lord Tirion. "

"Bo Laike, don't do this."

Seeing that Bu Laike, who is not happy for a day, started to provoke Fording, Dathrohan stopped and said:

"Fordin is a man of integrity and he can be trusted.

You have to understand that all our current plans are based on your prophecy, and a single mistake may ruin hundreds of knights.

It is a matter of pure life, Fording's prudence is necessary. "

"Yeah, Tirion Fordring is an upright and almost pedantic person. I suspect that he may have some kind of moral cleanliness."

The pirate snorted, and in front of all the big knights, he said directly:

"Among the four of you, there is a person who hates green skins as much as you on the surface, but in fact, he holds a very strange value in his heart.

He believes that the important factor of human being is self-glory.

He believes that everything we say and do has more or less meaning to the world.

He believed that race could not explain glory any more than face and language could explain good or evil.

He believes that human beings are not inherently noble, nor are orcs inherently evil. His standard for judging enemies is not the evaluation of others, but the truth discerned with his own eyes.

Given the chance, this fellow would not hesitate to save a defenseless old orc, and would pay any terrible price for it. "

The eyes of Keir Rogge on Bo Laike's shoulder turned to look at Tirion Fordring whose face changed drastically, and even stood up abruptly. He said maliciously:

"Guess now, who is this maverick guy?

What I just said is the most likely one among the countless futures for that guy.

His integrity and persistent pursuit of glory will ruin his family, cause his wife to die of sorrow and anger, make his son miserable and bewildered, and make himself displaced and lonely for half his life.

He will fall into the bottom of the valley because of his obsession with glory in this life, and lose everything.

In this life, he will also reach the pinnacle by sticking to the glory, end the fear of a world, and achieve a truly great cause. "

In the silent room, the pirate pouted and said:

"You must be cautious when making friends. This is the best advice a prophet can give him. Of course, I know he will not adopt it. If he changes, he will not become the 'big lord' I am familiar with.

But it is precisely because of his excellent quality of treating foreigners equally, not judging good and evil from the outside, and being able to unite all forces, I think he is the most suitable commander of this expedition. "

As he spoke, Bu Laike took out another map of Dellano's world from his luggage and placed it on the table in front of the four great knights.

He put his hand on the map and said with emphasis:

"You must seize the time. The waves of fate have occurred in Azeroth and have affected Dellano. The war-torn world will not be peaceful for long."

"Then how do we contact those draenei after we pass by?"

Dathrohan looked at the detailed map and asked again:

"According to what you said before, they were expelled by the orc massacre and have entered the hermitage of the borderlands. We don't have so much time to waste on searching."

"No need to take the initiative to contact."

Bu Laike replied seriously:

"What you are going to face is a very powerful prophet, who is my most powerful 'peer' among the stars. You just need to enter that world, go to that swamp, and they will take the initiative to find you.

This is a contact between two prophets!

It is my tacit understanding with him. "

"Is it so mystical?"

At this moment, this thought arose in the minds of the four great knights at the same time, and the younger great knight Turalyon raised his eyebrows, and he asked:

"If they are all prophets, then between you and the leader of the Draenei, who is more powerful in prophecy?"

"Does that still matter?"

The pirate patted his chest shamelessly and said triumphantly:

"I found him, but he didn't find me, so of course I'm the stronger one."

(end of this chapter)

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