Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 560 113. Strangers Who Randomly Share Tables In The Library Are The Most Annoying

Chapter 560 113. Strangers who randomly share tables in the library are the most annoying

The armory area is where the knight recruits of the Lordain Abbey and the Mograine family knights train daily and store weapons and armor. It is one of the core places of force in the entire monastery.

Because of the presence of distinguished guests, the atmosphere in the armory area will be a bit more solemn than before, with knight apprentices in armor standing guard everywhere.

In the large training ground in the central area, there are still daily combat, defense and shooting training going on. Young people selected from all over the human kingdom gather here, which is very lively and full of vitality.

It is worth mentioning that there are also many solemn and solemn female knights and female apprentices here, adding a touch of heroism to this blood.

In addition to the armory, another core area of ​​this holy place is the holy library in the back area of ​​the monastery.

As you can tell from the name, it is a teaching place for cultivating priests and mages.

The Holy Light Church also has its own mages.

A small number come from Dalaran, and some come from non-Kirin Tor faction casters, that is, wild mages other than orthodox mages. They were accepted by the Church of the Holy Light, and they also imitated Dalaran's system and tried to shape their own inheritance under the aegis of faith.

For example, this library is managed by the famous arcanist Duane.

The latter was a powerful figure who was written into the "Basic Magic Textbook of the Defense Department" in Dalaran. It was really lucky for the Church of the Holy Light to recruit such a high-level mage.

Another gossip about Master Duan is that this arcanist is an educator with "noble conduct".

He turned a blind eye to all women's flattery, regardless of the other's appearance and family background, he would treat them equally.

And because of his poor school life as a child, he would be very concerned about any male students who were interested in studying, and had strict demands on them, even discussing the mysteries of magic with male students in the library all night.

But the timing of Bo Laike's visit was unlucky.

During this period of time, Master Duane was accompanying his best friend, Colonel Alfred Abedis, a paladin, who was in charge of preaching in the Tirisfal region, so he could not receive Nathan as the leader of the Church of the Holy Light's spellcasters. A representative of Salas College.

But the official academy title of pirate is still very powerful.

After finishing the secret meeting with the great knights, he strolled around, unhindered, and wandered into the library area of ​​the monastery under the adoring gaze of a group of spellcaster apprentices who didn't know the truth.

"Why are they all unpleasant rubbings?"

He casually picked up a magic book from the bookshelf, flipped through a few pages, shook his head, commented, and put it back in its original place. I took a few more copies and watched them one by one, and the result was very disappointing.

Although there are many books in the monastery library, most of them are rubbings.

Although there is no difference in content from the original version, it lacks some notes from the sages.

After reading too many classics with annotations from the spellcasters of the ancient elf empire at Narsalas College, Laike, who had been fed up, could no longer read these "whiteboard books".

Just like getting used to the "bullet screen body protection", there is only a simple video left, which is really unappetizing.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the content of those notes must be eye-opening.

In fact, there are indeed some people who are not good enough, half-knowledgeable, and full of mistakes and omissions in the annotations in the magic book. Every time such a "retarded comment" is found, it often makes the pirates happy for a long time.

These uncommented rubbings prove that the School of Spellcasters of the Church of the Holy Light is indeed not strong, and it is difficult to talk about any background.

But the pirate still picked out a few books he was interested in from the dozens of large wooden shelves placed in the library, and planned to use them to pass the time.

"Have you finished your homework?"

He hugged the book, pulled out the chair, and sat in the reading area of ​​the library. He opened the book and asked casually next to little Gianna who was frowning and holding a quill.

"I've done everything else, but this test question is so difficult, it took me an hour to do less than a third of it."

Jaina cried and said to Bu Laike who was holding a pen next to her:

"Am I being too stupid, Mr. Bo Laike? Or are you Nazaras students so smart?"

"Uh, I took the wrong one."

The pirate glanced at the side, and suddenly said with some embarrassment:

"Isn't this test paper Little Xingxing's homework? How could it come to me? Ah, I see, that idiot dragon wants me to help her with her homework in this way.

It's something a child would do! "


The little mage turned pale in shock and said:

"Is the little Xingxing, who looks very unreliable, so powerful? Has she started to delve into this kind of magic problem that only the knowledge of an archmage can solve?"

"Not as exaggerated as you think."

The pirate put away the paper and explained to Jaina:

"Little stars are just theoretically experienced.

She has been attending classes for hundreds of years at Narsalas College for free, and has been taught by the dean all the time. In addition, she is a blue dragon who casts spells with her head, so she will naturally be very interested in these theoretical problems .

She likes this kind of "talking on paper" and regards solving difficult problems as a kind of entertainment.

But she can't do it in practice.

It's not a matter of talent, it's a matter of mentality. Converting her age into a human being, she is not much older than you. "

"Yes, Little Xingxing's actual combat skills are really bad."

Jaina tilted her head and remembered that night, she was driven by the little star to the "adventure" experience of Silverpine Forest. When the blue dragon fell from the sky with an axe from the demon lord, Jaina and Allie were almost scared to death.

The two were talking, and Bu Laike picked up a few test papers filled with answers, and looked at them in front of his eyes. These test papers are ice magic practice questions that the pirates took from the "question bank" of the Mage School of Nazaras College.

Although the difficulty is not high, it can be completed quickly and accurately. It has proved that the old Lich has trained Jaina well.

"You may also try to increase the difficulty."

Boo Laike turned to little Jaina who was watching him with her chin on her hands and said:

"With your current level, you can try to challenge the advanced test questions of Nazaras College. Those knowledge are difficult, but they are very useful for mastering the basic knowledge.

I have been studying there for so long, and my biggest feeling is that the magic of the elves does not talk about so many skills, but the lack of fancy spells and gestures makes the magic more destructive and practical. "

The pirate held a magic quill, wrote and drew on the rubbing magic book at hand, and talked to Jaina.

The little mage nodded, then frowned and said to Bu Laike:

"Mr. Laike, cherish the magic book and don't just scribble on it. This is the basic etiquette for spellcasters."


Bo Laike glanced at Jaina, handed her the arcane grimoire in his hand, and said:

"Do you think this is graffiti?"

The little mage took a look at it, and was first slightly shocked by Bu Laike's elegant Salas language.

Then she began to carefully examine the pirate's notes on the book.

"Only the most unimaginative mage will cast spells according to the rules of arcane runes. The most important criterion for learning magic is creativity and the courage to practice.

For example, when you switch the positions of the third and seventeenth runes of this arcane missile spell, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that while the stability of the missile is weakened, its penetration will be increased by four one-third.

And when you delete three of the runes, you will find that the casting speed of the missile can be increased by one-fifth.

Of course, I won't tell you the location of the three runes that need to be cut.

I won't take away from you the joy of exploring the unknown. "

"This...Mr. Bo Laike! Are you annotating this spellbook?

Amazing! "

The little mage looked at the pirate with admiration. she says:

"You are a master warlock, but are you also proficient in arcane magic?"

"I'm not just proficient."

Bu Laike showed his face in front of the genius sister, and then took the magic book and replied with a little satisfaction:

"I am the youngest person to complete the magic rune course of Nazaras College. Have you ever heard of the thirteen-fold composite magic rune? I can draw it in one stroke."


The little mage let out another exclamation, and this time there was a gleam of worship in her big eyes.

she says:

"The last time I tried six compound frost runes with my instructor, I failed. The instructor said that it is also difficult for him to master the thirteen-fold rune ring spellcasting in actual combat."

"Merry is just a lich, he knows shitty ice magic."

The pirate snorted and continued to add notes to the book in his hand, saying:

"When it comes to masters of ice magic, we have to look at Azshara.

The next one is the first-generation guardian Alodi. Legend has it that Alodi left behind a powerful staff, which records his understanding of ice magic.

But you are too young to seek it.

And your situation is special, always remember, the farther away from Azshara the better. "

"You know a lot, Mr. Bo Laike."

Jaina sighed sincerely:

"The Mentor keeps telling me to keep you at a distance. He says he's also afraid of your dark wisdom. But it's been a real pleasure talking to you, and maybe we should talk more."

"Take another time, kid."

Bu Laike reached out and touched Jaina's head. Jaina, who always hated people touching her, didn't resist Bu Laike's hand.

She couldn't say why.

Maybe it's because this person in front of him is a servant of Big Brother, so he's not as annoying as others?

"Here, take this book and read it. It's the lecture notes of the senior tutor of magic runes at Narsalas College. You may be able to find some magical fun in it.

I will only show you one night, after all, this is the internal information of the college.

Remember to return it to me tomorrow morning. "


The little mage took the book with bright eyes and ran out of the library. She must seize the time to transcribe these precious knowledge.

After Jaina left, Bu Laike looked at her back and said softly:

"Children are always so energetic and carefree. I really don't want them to grow up. The cruel life will quickly drain their simple and silly happiness.

Are you right? Uninvited sir? "

He propped his chin with his left hand and turned his head to say something to the silent person sitting across from him.

The latter also held the book, and said in a gentle tone:

"Don't be so aggressive, Boo Laike, I just wanted to talk to you."

The pirate glanced at the book in the latter's hand, and there was a line of bluffing characters on the cover: "Illustrated Book of Legendary Creatures of Azeroth"

"This book is for a fighter like you."

Bu Laike answered irrelevantly and said:

"I saw it in the library in Dalaran, and two-thirds of the records in it were wrong, and the remaining one-third was also heard from unknown sources.

Nothing that belongs to the writer himself.

But as a way to pass the time when going to the toilet, and as a reading material for soldiers, it is very suitable. "

The pirate raised the quill in his hand, and said:

"Look, I'm also busy filling this empty library with useful knowledge. This is a noble act of educators, so why don't we sit here quietly and don't disturb each other's life?" Time, how is it?"

"That can't be done. There are some things I have to ask clearly. For example, I have to say that to you personally."

Hooded Anduin Lothar looked up and said to Bo Laike:

"Thank you for saving my life."

"Say no thanks for your life for me."

The pirate said without looking up:

"Is there anything else? Maybe you should bring that sword, so that if I am frightened by you, maybe I can answer your question honestly."

"There's no need to be so tense, I just have one question to ask."

Facing the sarcasm and provocation of the pirates, Lothar asked naturally:

"Ever since you handed me that sword, you've been plotting my fate in secret. I know, the thing about Alterac is just you saying hello to me, so what I want to ask is, what do you want? What do you want me to do?"

"not me."

The pirate pointed to the sky and said:

"You should ask Emperor Thoradin what he wants from you. It's been a while since you got that sword, can't you feel what it's expecting?"

"I don't want for my sake..."

Lothar frowned.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bu Laike.

"It has nothing to do with whether you want it or not. You are the origin of that change. I used your destiny to shake the trajectory of the world, and you are destined to become a legend in the new world.

I'm already doing what I want to do, and I'm having fun doing it.

You are as free as I am.

You can learn from me. "

The pirate wrote furiously and said:

"Besides, if everyone can freely refuse what they don't want to do, then this world will really be a free paradise. But if you look at this world, does it look like a paradise?"

"You are really suitable to be a magic stick. Is that why you want me to rebuild the empire?"

Lothar asked.


Bu Laike finally put down the magic pen in his hand, he raised his head, showed an interested smile to Lothar, and said:

"How can you do good politics with these worms in northern Xinjiang? No matter how bad you are, you can't do worse than them. I am a prophet.

I prophesy fate.

I prophesied that you would become emperor.

You can try it yourself first, and if you fail, I'll be happy to help you for a small 'consulting fee'. That's it, don't interrupt my enjoyment of sharing knowledge, okay? "

Lothar nodded, got up and left with the book he had chosen.

After taking a step, he looked back at the pirate and said:

"Do you think the messy northern Xinjiang is fun now?"

"Of course, it's interesting."

Bu Laike raised his head and said:

"But if you think that this point is called 'messy', then your knowledge is too poor. Keep your eyes open and get ready to refresh your knowledge.

The big one is coming. "

(end of this chapter)

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