Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 681 12. This Kind Of Thing Is About Talent

Chapter 681 12. This kind of thing is about talent

Laike put down his rhetoric and said that he would take off Rexxar's "Batman battle mask".

As a result, this statement slightly angered the silent legendary orc hunter in front of him, not because of the arrogance of the stinky pirate, but because this wolf fur helmet had a very special meaning to Rexxar Rema.

The orcs of the Mo Kenasa clan have to learn hunting skills since childhood, and catching and taming wild animals is also a compulsory course for them since childhood.

In that small village full of powerful hunters, the war beasts of each orc hunter were different. There were lynxes, birds of prey, and rare leaping beasts, powerful thunder elephants, violent clefthoofs, and the like.

Rexxar chose a more "traditional" war beast when he was young.

He tamed a dire wolf.

Although the dire wolf also has a "wolf" in its name, it is not the same as a warg.

Their body size is a circle larger than that of a warg. Their teeth can easily tear through light armor, and their claws can crush rocks. They are deadly hunters who can prey on large creatures such as thunder elephants alone.

Rexxar loves his wolf.

He affectionately named it "Ha LS". That dire wolf was Rexxar's first war beast. As we all know, the first time of anything is very memorable.

In a word, Rexxar and Ha LS grew up together, hunted together, and cultivated an extremely deep friendship.

Originally, their story should have been about hunting the evil ogre warlords with their clansmen on the barren and desolate land of their hometown, maintaining the safety of the land of Gorgrond, and living a difficult and miserable life.

But the formation of the Horde and the contamination of fel energy have forever affected Rexxar's life.

Although Rexxar was silent, he was not stupid. With the spread of the fel infection, he quickly realized that there was no future for him and his people in the world of Dellano.

Especially after the orcs of the old tribe established the Dark Portal, Rexxar realized that the opportunity had come!

He felt that the Mo Kenasa clan, who had conquered the ogres for hundreds of years on the land of Gorgrond, would be able to follow the pioneers and open up a new world for habitation.

Unfortunately, Mo Kenasa orcs are notoriously stubborn and stubborn, their tempers are as stinky and hard as their bone dice, and their xenophobia is as famous as their strength.

From the perspective of Rexxar's father, Leo Rocks, patriarch of the Mo Kenasa clan, his cowardly son just wanted ease and the life of the big city instead of his barren birthplace.

I don't even want to give my strength to protect my hometown and tribe.

Therefore, although Rexxar and his father had the same purpose, both for his own people, he was unable to convince his father in silence until the end of this matter.

He had no choice but to go against his father's wishes and leave the clan with his dire wolf one night.

He joined the orc expedition and came to Azeroth without looking back.

But Rexxar, who was obsessed with discovering a new hometown for his people, soon discovered that his "new friends" were not as "just" as he imagined, and the cruelty and ruthlessness of the old tribe quickly aroused Rexxar's disgust.

He realized that he and his people had been duped by Gul'dan's rhetoric.

The once noble orcs have been reduced to bloodthirsty and violent war criminals, and Rexxar's beloved war wolf Hals was killed by the warlocks of the Shadow Council in an accident.

This made Rexxar completely lose confidence in the old tribe.

This silent hunter restrained his beloved pet's body, made its fur into a wolf head helmet and never took it off, trying to express his nostalgia for Ha LS in this way.

And the mace pendant that Bo Laike stole from a group of Mo Kenasa hunters in the Hillsbrad Hills before was made from the tooth that Hals lost when he died in battle.

It is precisely because of this reason that Rexxar, who is very wary of strangers, accepts Laike's "learning request" so easily.

But accept it and accept it, it is hopeless to ask Rexxar's men to show mercy.

Ten minutes later, the double moon blade in Bu Laike's hand was hit by Rexxar's double blade for the sixth time. The pirate did not continue to attack, and he made a "pause" gesture.

"Okay, let's go here."

He rubbed his sore wrist, and said to the big orc in front of him:

"Your understanding of yourself is really profound, your strength is a bit astonishing, I don't think Va Locke Saurfang is necessarily your opponent in terms of pure strength.

He is a legendary warrior. "

Bu Laike's wrist was nearly broken from multiple weapon strikes, but Rexxar was so relaxed that he looked as if he had just "warmed up".

Facing Bu Laike's complaints, the legendary hunter shrugged and said:

"I am a half-orc

I have half the blood of an ogre running through my body, great strength is natural. But you're asking me to fight Va Locke Saurfang, and I'm no match for him.

Hunters and warriors understand combat differently.

If I'm going to get down to fighting Saurfang in melee, I'm going to be cornered. "

"That's true."

Bu Laike nodded approvingly.

As far as Saurfang's legendary power of executing and beheading his opponent regardless of his health and status, he is simply a meat grinder if he really wants to fight in close combat.

How many people died.

The only thing that can limit Saurfang's number of kills is his own stamina and weapon durability.

The pirate rubbed his wrist and looked at the translucent character card in front of him. There was a long list of battle records on it, as well as tips for learning new skills:

[Slaughter] After learning, the current proficiency: beginner.

[Mongoose Bite] After learning, the current proficiency: beginner.

[Raptor Strike] After learning, the current proficiency: beginner.

[Mo Kenasa Throwing Axe] has been learned, it is highly compatible with the assassin skill [Fatal Throwing], the skill is integrated into [Flying Blade], current proficiency: proficient.

[Mo Kenasa Hunting Skills] After the preliminary study, your connection with the wilderness and nature will be deeper.

This series of skills learning made Bu Laike very happy.

It made him wish he could hold the silent orc in front of him and kiss him. The learning of these melee hunting skills effectively strengthened Laike's destructive power in frontal combat after the assassination failed.

It's not that Windrunner's mother doesn't know these things.

But as an elf ranger, she focuses more on family marksmanship. In terms of melee combat, she can't teach Laike more than the Farstrider's Blade Dance.

Not to mention old dwarf Hemet.

The old guy was a pure master sniper, and distance was his life.

It is impossible to take up the ax and confront the enemy unless you are cornered or lead the opponent into a trap.

Rexxar's appearance was a surprise, today's little study made Braike more confident in completing his wilderness trial.

But if that's all, it's not enough to satisfy the greedy Bo Laike.

The stinky pirate picked up his moonblade and glanced back. Rexxar's big bear, Misha, was sleeping soundly beside a tree, and the porcupine had gone somewhere to look for food.

As for the eagle Spyley, he was standing on the branch, folded his wings, and stared at Bo Laike with his sharp eyes, as if he was looking for the weakness of Bo Laike, so that he could catch the deadly pirate with one claw. hurt.

But when he saw the cloth strips over Laike's eyes, the wise eagle showed a human "sorrow".


This is a blind man.

The eye-gouging tactic it is best at is useless to this blind man.

"I said that it is already very difficult for other hunters to tame one or two war beasts. For example, I, a talented hunter like me, feel a little flustered when fighting after having two beast covenants."

Bu Laike sat on the stone beside Rexxar, handed the flagon at his waist to the silent orc, who took it in his hand, twisted it open under his nostrils to sniff, and then took a mouthful.

He listened silently to Boo Laike's question.

Pirates explained:

"I asked my hunting instructor. She is a very powerful ranger, but she is not proficient in animal taming. She can't solve the problem that I can only focus on directing one war beast at a time.

The 'soul link' that allows me to communicate with them can only be linked to one beast at a time. I'm curious, how did you manage to cooperate perfectly with the three-headed war beast and fight together?

There must be some skill in this kind of thing, right? "

"Uh, this is the secret inheritance of the Mo Kenasa clan."

Rexxar hesitated for a moment, and he said to Bo Laike in his own husky tone:

"But it's not that I can't teach you, I just doubt whether you can learn it, or whether you can do it."

"Say it."

Bo Laike took out his dwarf pipe, put it in his mouth, lit it, and said:

"Maybe I'm so talented?"

"Hehe, then I will talk about my experience."

Rexxar looked at his war beasts with gentle eyes, and said in a nostalgic tone:

"When I left the old tribe a few years ago, I was very weak. At that time, I was like you, imposing the soul link between the war beast and the master on my war wolf Ha LS.

After the death of Ha LS, I felt the pain, despair and loneliness before its death.

It had called me to save it.

I couldn't make it, I let it down.

During that time, I was immersed in pain and almost completely lost the ability to communicate with nature.

This is a problem that all hunters who walk the way of the beast king will encounter. For us, war beasts are definitely not just tools for combat, but machines for killing.

Those are our siblings.

Their lives are equivalent to ours.

I was lost all the way to the north. Before the Horde captured Khaz Modan, I had already crossed that snow mountain alone. I wandered in the jungle of Hinterlands, and even approached Quel'Thalas at one point. border.

I'm like an outcast ghost.

Until, I met Misha. "

Under the black wolf mask, this big man showed a smile that was hard for Laike to describe. It was a little ugly, a little hideous, but pure and warm.

Bu Laike knew that he would never be able to show such a smile.

He continued to listen to Rexxar and Misha's story.

The story is not long.

"When I met Misha, she was a bear cub, and at the edge of the forest in Quel'Thalas, her and her mother's lair was attacked by a group of bobcats, and her mother died fighting to protect her.

Only Misha was left crouching beside her mother's body, screaming in terror and stubbornness.

It's trying to scare away predators with that trembling call.

Her mother seems to be the product of magic experiments conducted by the elves, which made Misha blessed with magic power after birth, but unfortunately this power did not make Misha more lucky.

When I found her, she was finishing a fight with a lone wolf, covered in blood, and starving to death.

I adopted her.

I gave her my mother's name.

It was just out of pity and fellowship that she, like me, had lost everything important in her life.

Misha was raised by me, she grew up very fast, I didn't need her to help me fight, but soon, she had the strength to protect herself and me.

I always thought I saved Misha.

But one day when I suddenly woke up and found that I could feel the power of the wilderness again, I discovered

Misha actually saved me.

What I want to tell you is, Bo Laike, I never thought of Misha as a war beast, she is my child, she is my sister, she is my family.

So did Hoffer and Spyley.

They are all family members that I meet on my travels, we are a bunch of wretches who snuggle up to each other for warmth. "

Rexxar drank the wine in the flagon in one gulp.

He wiped his mouth dotted with big fangs, and said to the smelly pirate:

"You say you can't use the Covenant of the Beast to command your wolves and bears to fight with you at the same time, which seems to me wrong in itself.

Are you curious why I can order three war beasts to fight with me at the same time?

the reason is simple.

I didn't 'command' them. "

The orc hunter patted Boo Laike on the shoulder, and he said:

"I just tell them what's on my mind and I ask them to hunt with me.

The soul link can only communicate with one beast at a time. This is the constraint of power, but if you don't use this power, you will naturally not be bound by it.

My soul link can no longer be activated with the death of Ha LS.

But I don't need it either, my fellow.

I am the leader of this 'herd'!

Misha, Hofer, and Spire are my pack of wolves. They follow the command of the chief wolf and hunt together with the leader. Do such things need orders? "

Rexxar noticed Bu Laike's hesitation, and the suspicious look on the stinky pirate's face made the orc shake his head. Indeed, his statement was a bit idealistic.

"You don't believe it, do you?


As if it were you who retrieved the relics of Ha LS for me, let me show you my legendary power. "

He stood up drunkenly and roared to the surroundings.

It resembled the roar of the beast king in the wilderness.

Under Braike's stunned gaze, not only did Misha wake up and ran to Rexxar's side to beg for "touching", but Spire also raised his wings and landed on the orc's shoulders, and Hofer, the porcupine looking for food in the distance, groaned. rushed over and circled around Rexxar.

Not just them.

The beasts in the entire cedar forest seem to have been summoned by the beast king at this moment, the cold and dangerous snow leopard, the moose with big horns, a group of snow-white wolves, and a few dazed big brown bears.

These native beasts also come out of various places.

They sit in a circle around Rexxar and Bu Laike.

They looked at Rexxar in the center.

They are waiting for the order of the beast king.

As long as the Beastmaster gives an order, they will trample down all the enemies that stand in his way.

Surrounded by a group of beasts, Rexxar let out a loud belch. He stroked the head of Misha beside him, and with the pride of a child of the wilderness, he lowered his head and said to the thoughtful stinky pirate:

"Look, I am the king of the herd, I am the leader of the predators, all hunting wilderness is my domain, perhaps, it can also be yours."

(end of this chapter)

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