Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 682 13. Release The Gladiator In You

Chapter 682 13. Release the gladiator in you

Rexxar took back the relic of his beloved war beast from Bu Laike. He, a low-key social phobic patient, made a rare publicity under the influence of alcohol.

In this cedar forest deep in Alterac, he "performed" for Bo Laike a legendary power called "King of the Beasts".

The stinky pirate has opened his eyes today.

But he believed that not only did he open his eyes, even if Windrunner's mother or old Hemet were here, they would be shocked by Rexxar's wild power.

This has exceeded the limit of what a hunter can do.

This is no longer a realm of pure hunting methods. Bu Laike doubts that Rexxar may have entered a certain natural realm similar to a druid without a teacher.

This is indeed no longer something that can be achieved with skill and tempering. It is a "wilderness miracle" that can only be achieved with the support of talent.

For the summoning of a group of beasts like the one in front of him, Laike estimated that it would be difficult for even an archdruid to do it as easily as Rexxar.

Thinking of this, the Eye of Keir Rogge on Bo Laike's shoulder flipped quietly, and he "looked" at Thisalie Crow standing on the branch of the cedar tree.

The clever little bird was already sluggish, she maintained a half-opened wings posture, the feathers on her neck were blown out, and her dark eyes were wide open.

Obviously frightened by Rexxar's move.

This is a decent druid of the Cenarion Order, and they are all shocked to this point, which is enough to show the legendary power of the legendary orc "Batman" in front of them.

But Bo Laike has seen the world after all.

He complained in his heart that during his gaming career, it was not surprising that any hunter player could learn the power of this "flock of beasts".

But after thinking about it, players in the game can form a group of 25 people to kill the Fallen Titan. Who can do this kind of thing in reality?

Finding twenty-five demigods to challenge the Fallen Titans is nothing more than delivering food to others.

"Well, pretty scary, bro."

Bu Laike spread out his hands, and said to Rexxar in a sincerely convinced way:

"I admit I was terrified, look, my arms and legs were shaking."

"This joke is not funny."

Rexxar patted Misha on the head, he glanced at Bo Laike and said:

"There is only shock in your heart, but no fear. This proves that even if I use this power to deal with you, you still have a way to retreat. You are the one who makes people feel horrible.

You have not yet summed up your own legendary power, but you have already become so powerful.

Once you truly enter the level of legendary power, I will not be your opponent.

I'm glad now that we are friends. "

Speaking of this, the orc hunter moved his shoulders a little uncomfortable, as if the word "friend" made him uncomfortable. A few seconds later, Rexxar asked in a low voice:

"We're already friends, right?"

"Well, of course."

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"The people I can't kill are my friends. Are you leaving now?"

When he asked this, the orc hunter had already turned and walked a few steps away, Rexxar glanced back at Laike, and then at the scattered beasts around him.

He said:

"My hunting here is over, and I have no reason to stay here. But Misha likes the cold climate of this mountain range very much, maybe I will stay here for a few more days."

"Or besides hanging out, you can do something else that you don't hate."

Bu Laike pointed in the direction of the Frostwolf Clan's stronghold, and said:

"Don't you hate war?

It just so happens that I came here this time to prevent the dispute between orcs and humans from recurring. Uh, don't make that look, I do occasionally get in the mood and do 'good things' in the traditional sense.

Drek'Thar, who was assassinated, has awakened, and we brought back Kargath. He is enough to prove that the intensification of this war comes from the planning and instigation of an organization that has been destroyed but is not dead.

There is no need to fight to the death like wild beasts in the Colosseum for the conspiracy of others.

The Frostwolf clan is about to start a great migration. This is to save your compatriots. Those orcs who have lived in seclusion for seven years are not the slaughterers and destroyers you hate.

Perhaps, you can use your knowledge of this land to escort their evacuation?

Consider it the last thing you do for your people before you leave the Eastern Continent to explore beyond civilization.

What do you say? "


Rexxar hesitated for a moment, and under Bu Laike's stunned gaze, he looked at Misha, and whispered a few words in the big bear's ear, as if asking.

Misha, the giant bear who is said to have been blessed by magic, howled twice.

The stinky pirate could see clearly, a sly light flashed in the giant bear's eyes, which were brown with a hint of gray.

"You smell like honey."

Rexxar said to Bu Laike with some embarrassment:

"Misha is usually very good, I don't know why it is today"

"It's okay, honey."

Bu Laike grinned, and he gave a fierce "stare" to the giant bear who pretended that he was just a cute big bear who didn't know anything, squatting on the ground and licking his paws to cover up the changes in his eyes.

The pirate took out a large jar of honey that he carried with him from his luggage.

This is the best royal jelly in the entire world of Azeroth purchased by the Albatross Chamber of Commerce from Stormsong Valley. It was Dajiao's snack, but now it was handed to Misha by the stinky pirate.


When Dajiao saw his "baby" being snatched away by another stinky bear, he barked his teeth and paws very dissatisfied, and Frostpaw also yelled at Dajiao to help him.

But Misha glanced at them contemptuously, and Shi Shiran took the fragrant honey with her paws.

In front of Dajiao's face, he slapped the lid open, dipped his thick bear paws in thick Amber-colored honey, stretched out his barbed tongue, and licked it.

It also knows the truth that good things cannot be eaten at once.

After licking his paws, he showed a satisfied and enjoying expression, and pushed the remaining honey to Rexxar, motioning him to keep it for him. Then he yelled at Rexxar.

This means that she is also interested in going to the Frostwolf orcs, maybe she can eat orc-style roast lamb there.


Bo Laike blinked.

He finally figured out the key to dealing with Rexxar.

The key is not what Rexxar thinks, when he hesitates about a certain matter, as long as he finds a way to get Misha the bear, everything will be fine.


Misha, you must be a legendary druid wandering around the world with your shit-shoveler Rekshaman, right?

Tucao belongs to Tucao.

It is indeed a good thing to be able to call Rexxar for help.

Bu Laike has plans of his own.

Even if Rexxar's legendary power purely by talent cannot be imitated, he may be able to learn more secret techniques of Mo Kenasa's animal taming technique from Rexxar.

There are few legendary hunters in this world, and even fewer are proficient in animal taming. How can you miss them if you encounter them?

With this somewhat utilitarian idea, Laike chuckled, and together with Rexxar who was as silent as a gourd, the two hunters walked out of the cedar forest with six different beasts with their own characteristics.

Not far ahead, a black warg was waiting with his master on the hillside.

Va Locke Saurfang was polishing his slightly curled black iron battle ax beside the warg. Beside him, the breathless Kargath Bladefist was being tightly bound by chains sitting there.

The iconic ferocious blade fist on his broken arm has been removed by the legendary warrior, and all the "little bits and pieces" on his body have also been thrown on the ground.

From bone throwing axes, to steel hand axes, to darts and throwing knives, there are several viciously shaped daggers, and a lot of colorful bottles and jars.

Without exception, these things are poisoned.

The fully armed Kargath Bladefist is a walking killing machine, but this killing machine is in a bad state, with Laike and Rexxar's cooperation leaving him covered in wounds.

But the most dangerous fatal wound came from Va Locke Saurfang's charged execution, which nearly decapitated the distraught Kargath with the axe.

In fact, in the previous situation, Va Locke Saurfang was completely capable of such a thing.

If it weren't for the purpose of proving the conspiracy to the Frostwolf clan, a warrior like him would not have left the evil and corrupt life of Kargath Bladefist. Even among the older orc chieftains, Bladefist was not a likable fellow.

When the old tribe set foot on Azeroth, even the brutal Blackhand Warchief didn't bring the powerful Warsong clan and Shattered Hand clan to attack the new world.

On the one hand, Blackhand didn't think he could hold the line against the rampaging Grom Hellscream and the berserkers of the Warsong clan.

On the other hand, even a carnivorous guy like Blackhand and the Shadow Council and Gul'dan behind him don't like the lunatics of the Shattered Hand clan and their sadistic lunatic chieftain.

The two big clans who were left to die in the Dellano world did not regret and reflect on their inability to participate in the war.

The old tribe didn't take them to play, they "played" by themselves.

It is said that during the six-year Orc War, the Warsong and the Shattered Hand clans fought each other for fun in the Dellano world. The war between the two crazy clans almost destroyed everything that remained in several areas of the Dellano world. For flat ground.

"No one wants these things anymore, right?"

Bu Laike stepped forward, squatted on the ground, inspecting the various bits and pieces taken from Kargath's body. He stroked the poisoned bone dagger and put it on his fingertips, feeling its perfect balance .

He said:

"Then I took it, no one objected?"

Rexxar and Va Locke had no objection to this, while Kargath Bladefist let out some disdainful twangs from the strapped, frail Kargath Bladefist.

The handsome orc man with flowing black hair said in a low, mocking voice:

"You are a master assassin. Bu Laike Shaw, don't you even have the ability to make your own weapons? You are a wild dog who only picks up bones!

Be careful when using my weapon. If you accidentally cut your hand, you will be killed.

Hehe, I can't even undo the poison I made myself! "

"Really? I doubt it."

Bu Laike played with the bone throwing knife in his hand, glanced at Kargath, swished past, and poof stabbed the poisoned flying knife into Kargath's shoulder wound.

This action stunned the two people beside him.

The stinky pirate looked at Kargath Bladefist whose face changed drastically, he stood up with his hips akimbo, and said in a long voice:

"Hey, now you are poisoned by the so-called 'you can't cure yourself' poison, if you are enough to treat death like home, then I naturally have nothing to do.

But if you don't want to die now"

The pirate leaned down and "looked" at Kargath's staring eyes. He said with a smile:

"I can prepare the antidote for you. As long as you tell me what materials are needed, I will be happy to help. Ah, your face is starting to turn blue, my friend.

There is not much time left for you to hesitate. "

As he spoke, the pirate calmly took out his elf-style grimoire, preparing to record the formulas of Kargath's unique assassin poison and antidote.

But after thinking about it, I felt that this kind of thing recorded in the magic book was somewhat out of style, and the style didn't match very well.

So Bo Laike took out his notebook, summoned a magic pen, and the eye of Keir Rogge on his shoulder flipped, staring at Chief Shattered Hand trembling with anger.

Uh, it's also possible that the toxin was onset, causing Kargath's tired body to start shaking.

"Speak, I'm listening."

Bu Laike said softly and gently:

"In front of other people, you can wantonly use cruelty and viciousness to cover up your confused heart, but you don't have to do this in front of me, a prophet.

You've never been a dead man.

You are well aware of this.

I know that too.

When you were young and captured by the ogres of Highmaul as a slave-gladiator, you developed the weird and conflicted personality you have now.

You can sever your own wrists with flakes of stone to gain freedom.

You can call upon those gladiators to follow your rage in self-mutilation.

You can take them and kill the slave masters who watch you fight for fun.

You can build your clan with one talent.

You can become famous throughout Dellano, and be regarded by the orcs as a hero who resists and pursues freedom.

But that was all just a disguise.

In your heart, you will always be a gladiator struggling to survive in the arena of Highmaul!

You never change.

I heard that you built a big arena in the Shattered Hand clan, and all the poor people caught by you have to kill a hundred enemies in it to be free.

You admire those mighty gladiators, and you see them as the mainstay of your clan.


That should be the thing you hate the most, but it has become a game for you to show your strength and pass the time. The former slave turned over, but turned himself into an even more hateful slave owner.

Those shackles that should have made you feel shame, but you have carefully decorated them as symbols of sadism, and you have done more than the 'masters' who died under your hands.

hehe. "

Bu Laike sneered, he bent down, and said in the ear of Kargath Bladefist who was vomiting blood angrily:

"I know you better than yourself, and I know that the most glorious thing hidden in your heart is not becoming Chieftain of the Shattered Hand.

It was the day when you killed your 100th opponent in the ogre's arena, and you were canonized as the "Gladiator Champion" by the dead head of state Margok himself.

You are a pathetic man, Kargath.

Your body has long been free, but your heart has been kept in the dark prison of the arena. You could have been stronger, but unfortunately, there is no goal in your heart that you can pursue.

All the decisions you've made over the years, every war you've been through, you're just going with the flow.

I think that's probably why you gave in to Jorach Ravenholdt so easily.

You are a gladiator champion who lives for the praise of others. You are held up as a symbol of freedom, but you have no idea what those two words mean.

I find you very pathetic.

But this does not prevent me from using you. If you can succumb to Ravenholdt, then you can also succumb to me.

So, want to join my pirate crew?

If you like gladiatorial fighting, I can build you the craziest and most majestic arena in Azeroth.

how about it?

My bid is much more generous than His Excellency the Duke, besides, what's the point of following a dying man? So, think about it. "

(end of this chapter)

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