Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 803 134. The First Signal

Chapter 803 134. The First Signal

Mrs. Jin Jian has undoubtedly misunderstood something.

She only saw the appearance, but it was difficult to accurately guess the real identity of Bu Laike without any evidence, but this did not hinder Ms. Jin Jian's desire to protect her daughter.

Honestly, a responsible mother who didn't immediately pull out her staff to break Boo Laike's leg when she saw her drunken daughter with a dangerous person has proved that Lady Golden Sword is calm.

But her request caused Laike's eyes to widen, followed by a burst of laughter.

The pirate laughed backwards and forwards, as if he had heard the funniest joke, but he still maintained his stability and did not wake up the drunk Fenner.

After laughing, the magic eyeballs on his shoulders turned to look at Mrs. Jinjian with a frosty face.

He said:

"You misunderstood, ma'am, your daughter and I do have a closer relationship than friends, but it's definitely not what you think. In fact, I was just enlightening her just now.

After you made her very sad, take on the job that should have been done by you.

As I said just now, your act of linking her future with the politics of the elves disappointed Fenner very much. It is already a very rare concession for her to accept the title of princess that Dailin gave her.

Maybe you should take it step by step.

Besides, I really don't think that Fenner's character is suitable to be your spokesperson for Quel'Thalas in the human kingdom. She... Well, she has a standard warrior-like thinking, and it is easy to mess up some things.

It may be better for you to serve as Quel'Thalas' emissary to Kul Tiras. "

"Thank you for your suggestion, human, I will think about it seriously."

Mrs. Jin Jian said indifferently:

"But I think Fenner should go back, she has played enough petty temper, she can't be absent from tomorrow's ceremony."

"Tsk tsk, I finally remembered why I don't like elves."

Bo Laike grinned and said:

"It's obvious that you can say something well, but you have to say it in such a tone that rejects people thousands of miles away, you Quel'Thalas elves with high eyesight and low hands really deserve to be beaten.

Alas, there is only one elf as humble and gentle as my friend Kael'thas, and there is no other Quel'dorei who is better than him.

But you are an elder, so I don't have the same knowledge as you.

take her back.

My enlightenment with her is done and she will know what to do. "

While talking, Bu Laike gently helped Fenner up.

She drank too much today, got up shaking and was still talking nonsense, when Bo Laike handed her over to Mrs. Golden Sword, the pirate suddenly asked in a low voice:

"I'm curious, did Dai Lin pursue you because he liked your aloof style?"

"No, you misunderstood, Mr. Pirate."

Mrs. Golden Sword, supporting her drunken daughter, looked at Bo Laike and said:

"My companions and I are very friendly to our friends. We will only become indifferent when facing conspirators and evildoers. Do you think you are the former? Or the latter?

Get out of here.

The best a pirate can get in Kul Tiras is the gallows, but you claim to be a friend of Fenner's, and I don't want to upset her. "

"Thank you for your kindness, madam."

Bu Laike chuckled lightly, and performed the standard elf etiquette in a serious manner. He took a step back and said:

"I'm leaving now, but I believe that we will meet again. Please remember what you said today, and don't make this stupid soldier sad again. It's really troublesome for her to cry."

After finishing speaking, the pirate disappeared into the shadow of the rhythm, as if he disappeared into his own elongated shadow under the sun. After he disappeared, Mrs. Golden Sword's clenched fingers relaxed.

This pirate is undoubtedly a dangerous person. Now she is very worried about Fenner's standard of making friends, and she is thinking about whether to tell Dai Lin the news of Bo Laike's presence.

But after much deliberation, Madam decided to conceal the news.

She knew that if she chose to inform, Efenner's character would definitely cause even more troublesome situations.

"Oh, my stupid daughter, you must not follow my old path."

Mrs. Jin Jian hugged her nonsense daughter, who smelled of alcohol, she stretched out her hand to help Fenner brush her hair, and said softly:

"Speaking of which, Dai Lin seems to take this pirate very seriously. I saw him reading information about this pirate in his study. Does this guy have any secrets?"

With such doubts, Mrs. Jinjian opened the temporary portal and disappeared on the hillside with Fenna.

After she left, under the shadow of the branches not far away, the figure of the pirate reappeared, beside him, there was Nasa, the watchman's adjutant in moonlight armor.

"Do you like doing these extravagant things?"

Nasa said in a deep voice:

"You know that you are listed on the Kul Tiras navy's bounty. Once Gina Jinjian tells Dai Lin the news of your presence here, tomorrow's actions will be greatly affected."

"What can I do? The poor girl ran over crying, can I drive her away? You don't know how powerful her 'girlfriends' are."

Bu Laike twisted away the skull jug on his waist, first made a joke, and then said in a firm tone:

"Mrs. Jin Jian is a very wise person. For the sake of her precious daughter, she will help me hide this news. To take a step back, what if she informs me?

Can Dai Lin deploy his fleet to Stormsong?


The mobilization of the fleet is not as fast as you think, and there is no time at all. But based on the scale of tomorrow's event, one more local powerhouse or one less will not affect the overall situation at all.

Think of it as relaxing before a battle.

Let's go, the Holy Light Celebration personally presided over by His Majesty Faol is about to begin, let's also go to listen to the enlightenment of the Holy Light, and take it as good luck.

If the Holy Light does not send down the excommunication to kill us two heretics, please pray again by the way, wishing that we can survive tomorrow. "

"I'm a heretic, I admit. But you're not, and you're a worse unbeliever."

Adjutant Nasa complained:

"If the Holy Light wants to excommunicate you, it will first excommunicate you. The time you have turned into flying ashes is enough time for me to escape."

"Hey, is it my illusion?"

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"How come your ability to complain has improved so quickly during this period of time? Did you use some strange training methods? Can you teach me? The joke storage in my mind is almost exhausted.

If things go on like this, it won't be possible to say jokes, liven up the atmosphere and inspire people.

You know how much my crew loves to hear my jokes. "

Facing the routine nonsense of the stinky pirates, Nasa didn't respond. She turned around and jumped into the shadow of the treetop and disappeared. She didn't even bother to talk to Bu Laike.

It feels like I'm wasting my life.

Of course, Laike didn't care about Nasa's indifference any more. He laughed, and before leaving here, the magic eyeball on his shoulder swiveled silently, and glanced at the grass beyond the hillside.

As if not finding anything, he just disappeared into the shadows and disappeared.

A few seconds later, a strange, vivid wooden puppy tied with willow branches and silk threads suddenly jumped out of the lush operation, and jumped left and right before rushing down the hillside.

"It's so lively."

In the shadow of the branches, the pirate crouched and watched the wooden dog go.

He recognized the wooden sorcery that the thorn whisperers of Drustvar used.

There is no trace of darkness on that thing, and the power of nature is actively helping to cover it up. This is pure druid magic, and of course it is not the same system as the natural magic of Cenarion Cult.

"Your Excellency Orfa said he didn't care, but he actually sent someone over. Tsk tsk, sure enough, duplicity is a common feature of all Kul Tirans."

The pirate grinned.

He didn't intend to follow the wooden puppy to find those hidden Jing Whisperers. If they didn't take the initiative to show up, it meant that they wanted to keep a low profile.

But since they came, they must also participate in the action of expelling the tide sages.

This means that Bo Laike has another hidden reinforcement.

"Wow, is this what it feels like for justice to band together to beat evil? This inexhaustible feeling is really amazing.

But if it falls on me, it's a real headache. "

The pirate laughed, turned and really left the place.

On the other side, while his precious eldest daughter was "making trouble" drunk, on the Tiragarde Strait, Admiral Dai Lin and his family and guests officially set off from Proudmoore Fortress to Stowe Song Valley.

They chose to go by boat.

High-ranking monk Pike and several sea sages personally steered this low-key ship from Boralus Harbor, and it took less than three hours to reach Sailor's Coast in Stormsong Valley.

"Fenner is already there ahead of time. Tomorrow is the child's big day. After tomorrow, she will officially become a member of the Proudmoore family."

In the cabin, Dai Lin, who was wearing a loose aristocratic attire, sipped wine happily and said to her well-dressed wife:

"Maybe we can clean up the room where Drake lives and give Fenner a long-term residence."

"If you have a daughter, you don't want a son, right?"

Dai Lin's proposal made Queen Catherine a little dissatisfied, she said with a cold face:

"No, I refuse, the house belongs to my son forever, and no one can take it away. I can give Fenner my room, and I will live beyond the garden.

That way it won't disturb your daily encounters with Gina, and I can give her my crown if you want. "

"Hey, don't you have a great relationship with Gina?"

Dai Lin said with a face full of headaches:

"And when Gina came here on the first day, she emphasized that she has no intention of competing with you for the queen, and she will live in the mage's tower over Bridgeport.

Catherine, I was wrong, I shouldn't have brought up Drake.

So I beg you, don't do this in front of the kids tomorrow, okay? "

"I'm not mad because you're giving up Drake's house to your daughter, Dai Lin! You're a master at pretending to be confused!"

The queen was even more angry.

She stood up and whispered to Dai Lin:

"You know where our Drake is! You know he's still alive, why don't you bring him back! You can do it, but you insist on letting him be a little pirate outside.

Drake is a little jerk too!

He obviously survived, why didn't he come back to see his poor mother? You want me to continue to bear the pain of losing my son, are you father and son joining forces to kill me?

Only my little girl loves me, but even little Gianna is not good enough to hide love letters from boys to her. How old is she!

Dai Lin, you don't care!

stop laughing! "

"Didn't you reprimand me before?"

The admiral drank his wine with a headache on his face, waved his hands and said;

"But I just said a few words, and our baby girl started to weep, and I beat Tenrad, and they ran out with Fenner in two turns.

And who is worrying about the kids and staying awake all night?

Well, Catherine, I assure you, the kids will be fine, as for Drake he's a bit more troublesome, but I'll take care of it.

Will you please give your poor husband a little credit? "

"I just don't want to lose him again."

The queen closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. She was silent for a few seconds, then turned her head and gave her husband a hard look, and walked out of the cabin with a graceful queen posture.

When leaving, she turned to Dai Lin and said:

"Bring him back as soon as possible, even if it's just to meet me, I don't care about your king's games, but you must promise that you can't hurt my son!"

After finishing speaking, the queen pushed the door and left, leaving Dai Lin drinking alone in the cabin. A few minutes later, the loyal great knight Cyrus strode into the cabin and whispered something to his king.

Dai Lin, who was drinking, frowned.

"Farewell set sail from Boralus Harbor with all his ships? Why? Does his Chamber of Commerce have any important business? I don't remember giving him the order to sail urgently."

Dailin asked:

"Is there any other news?"

"The information he reported to the Admiralty was that he was going to Booty Treasure Coast to personally escort and transport a batch of important supplies inside the Church of Storms, which was confirmed by the thirty-five sea sages on board.

But Brother Pike told me that he had no orders from the top church. "

The great knight whispered:

"Brother Pike is the bishop of the Church of the Storms in Boralus Port, and theoretically the transfer of the sea sages has to be approved by him. That's why I thought this was strange, so I came here to report to you.

Do you want to send an officer urgently to inquire? "

"Why are only officers sent to inquire?"

Dai Lin shook her head expressionlessly and said:

"I know a lot of people have dubbed Farrewell and his Chamber of Commerce the 'Admiral's Pocket'.

I also know that he has been in charge of a part of the business for the head of the Proudmoore family for more than ten years, and he has never made a mistake. I also know that he made great contributions to the logistics of the fleet during the orc war.

But rules are rules!

In the decree of the Ministry of the Navy, it is tantamount to treason to set sail in a large fleet of more than twenty fully armed ships without the permission of the admiral.

The reasons for such abnormal behavior must be clarified.

The first precedent cannot be set, otherwise the Ministry of the Navy will lose its prestige!

The Third Fleet, anchored in the harbor, sent an advance party to stop Farrewell and his fleet and force them back to port. The Admiralty interrogated him about the purpose of the voyage and made him pay triple the fine.

If he thinks he can disregard the Fleet Act if he has a good personal relationship with me, then he should learn this lesson!

Then help me invite His Majesty Jean over here.

It's time to talk to him about some things. "

(end of this chapter)

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