Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 804 135. Erzai, Dad Will Give You Another Warning, Come Back Honestly And Inherit The Family

Chapter 804 135. Erzai, Dad will give you another warning, come back honestly and inherit the family business-【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Come on, Gene, have a drink."

When Gene was invited to Dai Lin's cabin, the admiral warmly stood up to welcome him. Seeing Gene's not-so-good face and his smell of herbs, he joked:

"It's been almost half a month since you came to Kul Tiras, are you still not used to the life on the boat? Look at your ugly face, do you want to give you a trash can as a vomit bag?"

"What nonsense?"

Gene took the wine glass that Dai Lin handed over, glared at this friend, he shook his head and said:

"It's not about the ship, it's not about the bad food you have here, it's not about your bastard's lack of morals. It's about my country's internal affairs

I just received news that the castle belonging to a baron on the edge of the northern lord's territory was breached by those werewolves. "


Dai Lin's expression also became subtle.

He invited Gene to sit down, and asked in a low tone:

"Didn't you say that those werewolves still lived and hunted in the forest? How could they break through a fully armed castle? Their strength has grown to this point?"

"I haven't received specific information yet, but there should be traitors playing tricks on it."

Gene took a sip of his wine with a gloomy face and said:

"It's the 'Worship Cult' I told you about last time. They used dangerous language to confuse some ignorant people to work for them, taking the curse of werewolves as a 'blessing' to those bastards who yearn for power.

There are never many such people.

I can't stay in Kul Tiras any longer, Dailin, after attending your daughter's title celebration, I must return to my country to preside over the overall situation immediately. "

"Well, such a bad incident really needs the king to come forward."

Dai Lin nodded approvingly and said:

"The gains and losses of a castle are only secondary. In terms of absolute strength, those werewolves are still weak in front of the Gilneas army. But this effect is very bad. If you can't quickly calm the fear in the hearts of the people, it will only make this war of werewolves more difficult." The disaster intensified.

Shall I send an army to support you? "

"There is no need for soldiers. My soldiers are not afraid of those dark creatures."

Gene shook his head and said:

"But I need the tidesage.

As we have previously agreed, I will take Brother Pike and his disciples back to Gilneas, and use the power of the sea to help my people tide over this disaster.

And those Gilnean commanders who were sent to your Naval Academy.

I hope your officers can teach them well that the undead pirates entrenched in Tol Barad are becoming more and more aggressive. In order to protect the national interests, Gilneas urgently needs a real navy. "

"Those kids are fine, I'll take care of them."

Dai Lin raised her legs and said seriously:

"Since you have come to Kul Tiras in person, whether it is out of personal friendship or the common interests of the human kingdom, I will do my best to help Gilneas build a navy.

Just like I helped the Kingdom of Stormwind build a navy.

I am willing to share this sea frontier with you, Genn, we are all human beings, and we should unite to rule this fertile ocean.

I didn't hide from you about my plans before.

If we want to extend the power of human civilization to the sea, we still have many enemies. Naga, trolls, pirates, and the water elements that have been active in various sea areas recently.

These are not problems that can be solved by relying on Kul Tiras.

We must unite.

It's as if we united in war to defeat the orcs. "

Gene didn't answer right away.

He leaned on the chair, feeling the brisk and steady progress of the boat in the water. After a few seconds of silence, Gene opened his eyes, and a gleam flashed in them.

He said:

"I can't agree to this kind of cooperation at the national level. Dai Lin, I must first obtain the consent of the nobles in the country. However, if Kul Tiras can give up some of the interests of the South China Sea."

"Don't even think about it, Gene, I can't possibly agree."

Dai Lin refused straightforwardly.

He raised his glass and said:

"It took three generations of Kul Tiras to rule the sea, and it was the market place for all the merchants in my country, and millions of people depended on that sea route.

A small change is enough to set off a storm in my country.

I will not allow anyone to intervene in the trade in the South China Sea, but if you want to imitate our model to relieve your country's finances, I have a small suggestion for you. "

While speaking, Dai Lin stood up, took out a roll of nautical charts from the desk in the cabin, and spread it out in front of Gene.

The king of Gilneas glanced ahead and realized that the chart was not a complete depiction of the Great Sea, but a survey of the northern continent of Northrend and its adjacent seas.

This chart is very well done.

It is at least an order of magnitude more advanced than the North Sea chart currently used by Gilneas, on which many inconspicuous small islands and the entire coastline of Northrend are clearly marked.

"North Sea?"

Gene blinked, put down his wine glass, stroked the chart, and said to Dai Lin:

"Since when did Kul Tiras become interested in setting his sights on that barren continent?"

"Don't think I don't know about the colonization of Northrend by you and the people of Lordaeron. Genn, don't underestimate the intelligence capabilities of the king who has the most powerful fleet in the world."

Dai Lin stroked her beard and said to Gene:

"The Kul Tirans explored Northrend much earlier than you think. In my father's generation, after he led the army to defeat the pirates entrenched in the North Sea, he sent Hai Xian to explore the sea area.

I know what's there, and the materials that are abundant there.

But as you said, Northrend is a bitterly cold place compared to the South Sea. We already have a rich South Sea, so we don't have much interest in managing the North Sea.

This gave you two countries the opportunity to colonize there.

But I'm not mocking you, Gene.

I'm just talking about the facts, your management of the North Sea is too poor. Your first colonial territory was established ten years ago, but now you have not yet formed an effective rule over the North Sea.

I know that Terenas has great ambitions in terms of territory and expansion. It is difficult for him to cooperate with Gilneas to share the North Sea. I was also happy to see Gilneas and Lordaeron go their separate ways in the North Sea to involve you your energy, so that you have no strength to harass the situation in the South China Sea.

But the problem is that the current situation has changed. "

The admiral shook his head, and put some Admiralty information on the map. He pointed to the North Sea chart, drew a circle on it, and said to Gene:

"After the Battle of Palatine, the navy allocated some resources and sent a spy disguised as a caravan to circle the North Sea.

I regret to inform you, Gene.

The undead pirates, whom you regard as your archenemy, are far more powerful than you think.

The island of Tol Barad is not the first territory they have occupied. In the icy North Sea, on the mainland of Northrend, they have already replaced you and started to establish a rule on the frozen sea.

They even established a port authority in the natural harbor of the Howling Fjord, and began to collect taxes like dogs!

Do you know what this means? "

Jin's face turned ugly.

Dai Lin's meaning is obvious. This cunning admiral intends to "kill people with a borrowed knife". His own fleet will be deployed in the South China Sea, and he can't cross most of the world to the North Sea to wipe out the undead pirates.

So he set his sights on Gilneas and the people of Lordaeron.

He is exaggerating the threat of pirates in the North Sea, so as to prompt the two countries to shift their attention to the North Sea in the next step. With the help of the joint naval forces of the two countries, they will cut off the power of the arrogant undead pirates in the North Sea.

Very simple plan.

But it works.

Because both Gilneas and Lordaeron have established colonial territories in Northrend.

Zhiyuan County in the North Wind Tundra, Amber Pine Town and Silver Brook Town in the Grizzly Hills, and the Blue Sky Logging Field, etc., these are overseas territories that the two countries have spent a lot of effort building.

And they have already achieved profit earning.

The fur trade in Silverbrook Town alone can bring Gene and his people rich rewards every year. The same is true for Lordaeron. It is impossible for two countries to give up their overseas colonial territories under the threat of pirates. thing.

Sunk costs are too high.

"You may be thinking that one more thing is worse than one less thing. Anyway, the taxes collected by the pirates in the North Sea are not high, which is nothing compared to the interests of keeping the colonial territory.

It is a bit too exaggerated to use the fleet expedition for this.

But let me tell you, Gene, you're dead wrong with that idea. "

Dai Lin picked up the wine glass and said:

"Once the pirates establish a stable rule there, your colonial kingdom will fall into their hands, and they will threaten you with the lives of those innocent people.

More importantly, you have already seen the appeal and destructive power of Braike Shaw. If he is able to develop with the resources of the Northrend continent, the pirate kingdom that has never been seen in the history of Azeroth may become will build up.

That's too bad.

And I have another bad news for you. "

The admiral pointed to the side of the guide, and said to the thinking Gene:

"My two fleets have arrived in the South China Sea, and they will soon begin to clear up the increasingly rampant pirates in the South China Sea. This is a big operation.

The pirates had no choice but to flee if they didn't want to die.

The seas of Kalimdor and the Sea of ​​Misty are the territories of the elves, they dare not go there, the route to the eastern continent will be cut off by my fleet, and they cannot go there.

The only choice left for them is the North Sea. Once the undead pirates accept them, the manpower problem that plagued Bu Laike Shaw will be solved immediately.

That arrogant pirate dared to provoke the Gilneas navy when he was weak. Can you imagine what sensational things he would do when he became stronger?

You must decide, Genn, that it will do you no harm to sweep the North Sea of ​​pirates. "

Dai Lin chuckled, he thumped on the chart and said:

"The pirates began to collect taxes there, and they have initially established a crude ruling system. It has to be said that the undead pirates are very professional in this regard.

They've done a lot better than you guys have done in the last ten years.

They imitated our Kul Tiras rule model in the South China Sea, and established a set of effective and effective cruise system. If you pass now, you can take over this system.

Even if the two countries share the North Sea evenly, the profits gained through trade each year are quite considerable. "

Gene still didn't speak.

Obviously, Dai Lin's threats and temptations were not enough to make the Gilneans who had just suffered at sea make up their minds. Dai Lin knew that he had to produce more alluring evidence to convince Gene.

So after a few seconds, Dai Lin coughed and said:

"My...well, lover Gina"

"You can say that she is your lover, Dai Lin."

Gene raised his head, looked at Dai Lin, and said:

"I won't laugh at you because of this, after all, when we served together on the border, I also chased those elves, but I failed, and you succeeded.

You not only made the elf fall in love with you, the prodigal son, but you made her bear you a child.

It's not something to be ashamed of. "

"Well, my lover Gina Golden Sword is very well connected in the Silvermoon Council in Quel'Thalas. During this time, I have lobbied in the high-level of Quel'Thalas through her relationship."

The general said softly:

"For you, the loss of dominion over the North Sea is just a matter of face, and even the rise of pirates in the North Sea is a problem in the future, but for the elves, it is a real threat.

Their sun well is located in the sea between the eastern continent and the Northrend continent. It is said that the magic well is connected to an important node of the magic net of some world.

I don't know much about magic.

But I know that once the North Sea pirates completely control the North Sea, they only need to send a fleet to point Bingfeng directly to the Isle of Quel'Danas within two days, threatening the Sunwell, which the elves regard as life.

Even if the elves have that mysterious enchantment to protect the country, this threat still cannot be underestimated. So my envoy convinced the Sun King without too much trouble. "

Dai Lin grinned, raised her glass to Gene, and said:

"As long as Gilneas and Lordaeron are willing to send fleets to the North Sea to drive out the pirates, then the 'toy navy' of Quel'Thalas will also respond quickly and set sail together.

Their ships can't fight tough battles, but they can scare people a little bit.

You see, Gene, I have arranged everything for you, you only need to make one decision, let me tell you, the speed at which undead pirates are accumulating money in the North Sea is terrifying.

Their trading island business is booming, as long as you defeat them, you will have enough funds to rebuild your navy in an instant.

We Kul Tirans accumulated our first wealth by fighting pirates back then. You can completely imitate this successful experience. "

"Why are you so concerned about this matter? I feel that you are particularly interested in undead pirates, which has surpassed the curiosity you should have as an admiral."

Gene thought for a few minutes, looked up and asked:

"As you said, maintaining a chaotic North Sea is more in the interests of Kul Tiras. Your best choice is to see us confront the pirates and make us unable to go south.

But now you have offered to unite and help us wipe out the pirates.

Did the undead pirates do something to piss you off? "

"This is not it."

Dai Lin took a sip of his wine and glanced at an oil painting with extraordinary skills hanging in the cabin. He looked at the immature face of Drake who hadn't grown up on the oil painting.

He casually said:

"I just want to give these lawless pirates a little warning.

This sea is not a place where they can run wild, that's all. You could interpret my concern as a Kul Tiran soldier's natural distaste for pirates.

What are these young people doing wrong?

Even shining someone else's shoes in Boralus Harbor is better than being a pirate, don't you think? "

(end of this chapter)

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