Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 805 136. The Eldest Daughter Of The Sea Fenna Golden Sword Proudmoore

Chapter 805 136. "The eldest daughter of the sea" Fenna Golden Sword Proudmoore

"I do not believe."

In Dai Lin's cabin, Gene, who heard Dai Lin "made up" a reasonable reason against undead pirates, glanced at the admiral. He stood up with disbelief, raised his glass, and said to Dai Lin:

"But I won't ask too much, I know everyone has little secrets that don't hurt, and so do I. It's just that my fleet is still rebuilding, and the navy is lacking everything.

And you know, as a qualified king, in terms of external expansion and domestic livelihood, I must first focus on dealing with the domestic werewolf disaster."

"You're so greedy, Gene."

The admiral heard the meaning behind Gene Greymane's words, he took a sip of his wine and complained very unhappily, and after a few seconds, Dai Lin said again:

"My fleet is in the process of replacing old ships. The previous twelve ships have been sold to mysterious buyers for a lot of money, but I still have ten old ships in good condition.

It was originally intended to be used by the armed caravans of the Ashvane family, but it seems that you need it more now, so I will give you a discount, Genn.

Those ten ships will be packaged and sold to you, and sent to the inland sea of ​​Gilneas within a month. I will also recruit a group of veterans to help you reorganize the basic navy system.

But their allowance and living expenses are paid by you. "

"That's what makes sense."

Gene finally smiled.

The king of the Greymane family raised his wine glass and clinked with Dailin, saying:

"When you hire us to fight for your interests, you must show something. I know you have always been reliable, and I am very satisfied with your persuasion this time.

If you can still convince that stubborn guy in Terenas, then the Gilnean navy will join the North Sea cruise.

We'll fight the undead pirates again on the frozen sea, and we'll get rid of the shame! "

"My poor Gene, I don't need to convince Terenas at all."

Dai Lin laughed and said:

"I just need to tell him that both Gilneas and Quel'Thalas are willing to send the fleet, and the shrewd king of Lordaeron will never miss this opportunity for expansion.

He will even use this victory at sea to expand Lordaeron's colonial territory in Northrend again.

Although Terenas is old, he is still a lion. He has an insatiable appetite like a lion. He is a real political creature, even willing to break with his own son for his own Wang Quan.

In terms of ruthlessness, you cunning wolf king should learn more from the Menethil family.

Of course, I'm just a suggestion.

You're fine with maintaining the status quo.

If everyone is a character like Terenas, I will really have a headache. Do you know that his youngest son has already set his sights on my daughter.

Tch, if that brat dares to come to Kul Tiras in the future, I will definitely teach him a lesson! "

"That's right."

Genn Greymane nodded approvingly and took a sip of his wine. He rolled his eyes and said:

"Terenas is the worst, he will surely draw your daughter into his political plot through his son, trust no one of House Menethil.

But a noble princess like Little Jaina always has to think about her destination in advance.

How do you see my son?

I'm not bragging, Liam will definitely be more promising than Alsace in the future!

Gilneas and Kul Tiras, two countries that value commerce, are united, and our commercial networks at sea and on land can communicate with each other. The result is actually quite good.

What do you think? "

"No, I refuse."

Without any hesitation, Dai Lin rejected Gene's "promotion" to her son, not because he didn't like Liam Greymane, but because of deeper considerations.

The admiral explained softly:

"I've changed a lot since I lost my son, I've learned to listen to my family's thoughts and opinions and I respect their opinions.

Where does little Gianna's future belong to? That is a question that needs to be considered by herself.

As a father, I will only bless, never force.

I hope my daughter can get the happiness that her big brother never had. I hope that all disasters in this world will stay away from her. I will do my best to protect her until the day she can protect herself.

Gene, you should probably learn from me too.

Don't wait until you have to say goodbye to remember that you haven't shown your children the warmth and affection a father should. This is the persuasion of someone who has experienced it, so you should take it as a warning. "

"You gave me a lesson, you bastard."

Gene stretched out his hand and punched Dai Lin. He drank his wine and said with a smile:

"But considering your situation, I won't taunt you anymore, Dai Lin, how is the preparation for tomorrow's ceremony? It's your daughter's big day.

I think Fenner's character is inherited from yours. She is very much like you when you were young, and she is not an easy character to deal with. "

"Indeed, Fenner's resistance gave me a headache."

The admiral sighed, shook his glass and said:

"If it was me in the past, I would have fallen out with her long ago. But now, I have enough patience, and I believe that my Fenner will return to this family.

She gets along well with her younger sister and younger brother, and she may still hate me, after all, I've lost her entire childhood growing up, but I believe she will become a real Proudmoore.

And those missing pasts, I will patiently make up for her. "

"Then you really learned a lot, I have a little suggestion for you."

Gene blinked and joked:

"Look, Dai Lin, everyone's energy is limited, you can't be a good father and a good king at the same time, you have to stay focused.

The goals you set for yourself are too big, and it will cost you a lot of time.

Why don't you give the throne to one of your children now, and completely abandon your great cause of conquering the sea to enjoy family happiness with them.

In this way, not only your family will be satisfied, but all the kings will be satisfied and send you sincere blessings. "

"Of course I make time for my family."

Dai Lin glared at the laughing Gene, he pursed his lips and said:

"But until I realize the meaning of my existence, I will not give up the power in my hands easily. People in the Proudmoore family have always lived long, and I can live a long time, Jean.

I'll have plenty of time to spend with my kids later, after I've conquered the sea. "

The two kings just joked with each other like this, and they seemed to have regained the happy time of serving together when they were young.

The admiral also made an exception today and had a boozy drink with Gene.

In the end, it was proved by practical actions that the weak Gilneans are definitely not the opponents of the brave Kul Tirans when it comes to alcoholism.

After Gene was drunk and brought back to the room, Dai Lin also sat drunk on a chair, and he looked at the oil painting on the wall that he recorded when he was with Catherine and the children.

He looked at Derek, who looked like a teenager in the picture, and he didn't say a word.

After a few minutes of silence, he drank the last glass of wine in one gulp, then sat on the chair with his head tilted and fell into a deep sleep.

Queen Catherine returned to the cabin and looked at her husband who smelled of alcohol. She seemed to have kicked Dai Lin and made the cabin smell of wine. How could she stay there?

But in the end, the queen still sighed, took out the blanket from the side, and gently covered her husband.

Dai Lin would never tell her the weakness in her heart, but she knew that her husband was under a lot of pressure, and he was rarely so relaxed.

And Drake.

His eldest son's rebellious period seemed to come later, but so violently, he chose to become a pirate and rebelled against his father.

This must have caused Dai Lin a lot of distress and stress.

Oh, what a bad son.

If you can see him later, you must teach him a lesson! ——

In the early morning of the second day in Brennadam City, the whole city was still full of lively vitality, even more lively than yesterday's grand and perfect Holy Light Parade.

After all, yesterday's ceremony was attended by believers of the Holy Light who came from all over Kul Tiras. There were a large number of people but full of the solemnity of religious ceremony. The purpose of the ceremony attended by more than tens of thousands of people from beginning to end was to promote righteous faith and cleanse the soul.

People listened to the confluence of the holy light, purely and enjoying it, and did not indulge themselves.

But today's celebration has another purpose entirely.

The proud people of Kul Tiras will get a new princess, and the story about Finna's golden sword has been widely spread in this ocean kingdom.

Their princess is a veteran of the orc wars and killed an orc chieftain, a real hero of the alliance.

Their princess participated in the battle against evil and demons in the eastern continent, fought against the demons that destroyed the world in the fall of Dalaran City, and saved many innocent people.

Their princess has a blue dragon as a friend, has also participated in the great operation to rescue the red dragon queen, and has received awards and banquets in the temple of the dragons.

If these legends are not enough, then their princess is also a beautiful half-elf. It is said that everyone who has seen the face of Her Royal Highness will spread her nobility and beauty.

Fenna Golden Sword seems to be a walking black hole, attracting everyone's attention.

And the cross-race love between the king of Kul Tiras and the elf lady extended from her life experience is even more talked about.

Dailin Proudmoore was originally a king who was respected and loved by the people, and now, his charm has also been proved. He not only conquered the orcs, but also conquered the elves early on.

Who doesn't like such a king?

How could such a princess not be accepted by the people?

After they lost the prince who died in the war, the arrival of such a heroic princess who could cheer up the people was definitely a boost to the ruling system of Kul Tiras.

Coupled with Dai Lin's unrestrained publicity and praise from the nobles, the enthusiasm of Princess Fenna's title ceremony today even surpassed yesterday's grand parade of holy light ceremony.

This is actually quite normal.

After all, there are still many people who believe in the Church of Storms in Kul Tiras. The Holy Light is weak here, but the arrival of a princess is closely related to every Kul Tirans.

In short, under the sunshine in the morning, the celebration of the title of the princess was held as scheduled.

Just yesterday, on the high platform where the Pope explained the way of the Holy Light to the believers, a group of nobles wore gorgeous clothes and waited for the ceremony to begin, while the mighty knights lined up all around, each one calm and majestic.

In addition, the Haixians arrived early to confirm the preparations for the ceremony. Yesterday, the Pope of the Church of the Holy Light made a big splash. Today, these local forces will find their way back.

Although the ceremony itself was presided over by the Pope himself at the request of the princess, there are ways for Haixians to show their existence.

They have even made preparations to hold a ceremony to praise the sea in the city of Boralus on the day the Holy Light Pope leaves Kul Tiras.

This is not a demonstration, but in the face of the menacing holy light, the believers in the sea must also show their strength.

"Are you ready?"

Time passed by, and behind the luxurious and solemn celebration stage, Mrs. Jin Jian in a long dress looked at her daughter who was silent in front of her. She said softly:

"Don't think about other issues, my Fenna, enjoy the glory that belongs to you today."

"It's not a moment of glory."

Fenner complained in a low voice:

"If I really want to pursue glory, I should kill a few orcs on the spot to cheer up the audience."

"Your request is really outrageous, where can I catch the orc for you?"

Mrs. Jin Jian sighed helplessly and said:

"I stopped the Quel'Thalas envoy from today's ceremony, Lord Dawnseeker, who is now resting in the manor. I figured it out, I shouldn't add uncomfortable politics to your big day color.

You are right, if our country were to choose a spokesperson, then perhaps it would be better for me.

Sorry, Fenner.

When your father and I were thinking about these things, we were too domineering and didn't communicate with you in advance.

We will not be like this in the future. "

This answer stunned the angry Fenner for a moment. She turned around and looked at her mother with a guilty face. Fenner felt a bit of heartache.

She stepped forward, hugged her mother, and said softly:

"I apologize for everything I said yesterday, mom, forgive me for my willfulness and selfishness, I won't be like that in the future. You have paid too much for me, and I shouldn't put pressure on you anymore.

I will try to accept him, this time not to perfunctory you.

If this makes you feel relieved and happy, then I will definitely do it. "

"I knew it, my daughter is the best."

Mrs. Jin Jian said something in a crying voice, thinking that the stinky pirate really had two brushes in her heart, and really convinced Fen Na, the rock.

This made her slightly less wary of Bu Laike.

And the cheers of mountains and tsunami came from outside the high platform behind, and the people were shouting Dai Lin's name, and the atmosphere reached its peak in an instant.

Dai Lin waved her hand to signal to the crowd, and shouted the title of "The Eldest Daughter of the Sea", which made the crowd look forward to it even more, and they also followed the king to call for their princess.

The waves of sound came in bursts.

Fenna, who was never stage fright, was at a loss for what to do. This feeling was even more stressful to her than meeting the three dragon kings in Wyrmrest Temple.

"Aren't you going to think about changing clothes again?"

Mrs. Jin Jian finally adjusted her daughter's hair. She looked at Fenner's dress today and said:

"I'm not saying this set of armor is bad, but... hey, I've rarely seen you wearing this set of armor before. Where did you find it? It looks like an elf's handicraft, but it's not so similar to Quel'dorei's style. .”

"It was given by someone else."

Fenner laughed, straightened her armor, hugged the battle helmet and a sword, thumped her chest and let out a sigh of relief. Accompanied by her mother, she strode up to the high platform.

The sun shone from a high place, shining on Fenner's armor and hair, making her whole body seem to be covered with a layer of golden light.

Seeing his own princess appearing on the stage in military attire, the bright red cloak swaying so heroically, the crowd fell silent for a moment, and then burst into more fervent cries.

Kul Tiras already had a mage princess named Jaina Proudmoore, or "Daughter of the Sea."

Now, they have another knight princess!

Her name was Finna Goldsword Proudmoore, and she was a true legend at a young age. Who can refuse such a majestic and beautiful future leader?

"Look, the people like you, my daughter."

Dai Lin was leaning on the sailor sword at his waist, and he looked at Fenner in front of him with relief, and said:

"Perhaps I should call you, 'Eldest Daughter of the Sea'."

(end of this chapter)

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