Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 807 138. Let His Royal Highness Xingxing, The Savior Of The World, Judge Your Dark Heart

Chapter 807 138. Let His Royal Highness Xingxing, the savior of the world, judge your dark heart

There was silence in the square in Brennadam City.

Whether it is above the high platform or below the steps, everyone is looking forward to the next scene.

Will His Majesty Dai Lin, the great monarch of Kul Tiras, take over the crown of supreme power and truly become the king of the sea, or will he humbly decline this honor?

Time seemed to have stopped.

On the high platform, Pope Alonsus Fao drew a religious symbol on his chest, and looked at Dai Lin and Lord Stormsong, who was half kneeling in front of him, with calm eyes.

Beside Faol, the Great Knight Uther with the Hammer of the Silver Hand on his back had a solemn face, while Saidan Dathrohan, who was wearing a shield beside him, clenched the heavy shield in his hand.

His Majesty Jean Greymane, who was invited to watch the ceremony as a distinguished guest, looked at the three holy objects in front of him with a light mixed with envy and suspicion.

Maybe he was thinking in his heart, why are all the good things in Kul Tiras?

Why is there no such awe-inspiring power on the land of Gilneas? Could it be that the destiny of this era is really going to fall on Dai Lin?

Ah, how enviable, how enviable.

The other nobles have already begun to get excited.

Especially Wilhelm, the Patriarch of the Ashvane family, even clenched the hilt of his sword tightly, wishing to immediately stand up and praise Dai Lin.

It can be seen that he really hopes that Dai Lin will wear the crown that can control storms and thunder. As an old navy, no one knows better than him how invincible this power is at sea.

But the expressions of Queen Catherine and Mrs. Jinjian are very strange.

The former clutched his heart, feeling his heart beating faster, as if something bad was about to happen, while the latter kept looking back and forth at the three sacred objects.

As a well-informed elf archmage, Mrs. Jin Jian felt not only power from the three things, but also a warning.

A warning of danger.

"Should I help?"

On the high tower on one side of the square, General Nathanos Maris, who had drawn his war bow, had put an arrow on the bowstring and was aiming at the void stone in front of Jaina.

He locked on to the target, and said to the hunting dog Desolation and the soul beast Electric Claw lying on his feet:

"Seeing them hesitate so much, I feel sorry for them. Maybe I should shoot this arrow?"

"However, that's not what Bo Laike's plan is."

Beside Maris, Lady Emeril Shadowguard, who was wearing a hood and carrying a quiver, also maintained the action of drawing her bow. She aimed at the trident in front of Fenner, and she said:

"Since he is the commander, then we must obey orders."

"The power of darkness in the human world is far beyond our imagination."

The last sharpshooter, legendary elven ranger Ryan Wolfwalker also held a bow in his hand, but he didn't draw it. The elf should have aimed at the Storm Crown in front of Dai Lin.

But she didn't get the order to help Dai Lin.

Her long ears moved, and she said:

"Perhaps the light of the moon god should be invoked to purify this country. If His Excellency Bu Laike's statement is true, then this country is really rotten to the bone."

The other two didn't answer, they were focused on their goals.

But all are waiting.

Time passed by every minute and every second, facing the treasure offering from the Church of the Storm, the first to respond was little Jaina.

The little mage rubbed her forehead and took a step back. Looking at the Void Stone exuding seductive magic power in front of her, she said:

"I would like to accept your gift, Your Excellency, but...but I cannot accept it. I am in the breakthrough stage of magic power, such a powerful external force will interfere with my manipulation and use of magic.

I can't handle it.

Don't even want to abuse it.

So please take back your gift. "


The Lord looked surprised.

Jaina's reaction was beyond his expectations. Originally, in his thinking, this little princess who was addicted to magic should not be able to resist the temptation of the Void Stone.

But he hadn't thought up his words yet, and something happened to Fenner.

"I really want this weapon, I mean it."

The stupid soldier shook his head and took a step back, saying to Lord Stormsong:

"If you guys didn't send it up, I would definitely pick it up immediately. I'm a fighter, and I'm not good at hiding my emotions, and I don't want to do that at all.

So let me get straight to the point.

I hate you guys!

I hate all Hae Hyun and everything related to you guys. Take your trident and don't tempt me with it! I'll get better weapons in the future.

I have my own 'arms supplier'. "

Fenna crossed her hips, pointed at the trident that was still tempting her, and said carelessly:

"It's a great thing, but I don't care for it."


Lord Stormsong looked even stranger.

Who said that this Fenna Jinjian is an idiot fighter, so his brain is simple and easy to deceive? Isn't that smart? Just a little brainless, a little reckless.

You, a newly crowned princess of Kul Tiras, said in front of so many people that you hate the state religion of Kul Tiras

Are you here to participate in the title ceremony, or to provoke a fight?

By the way, are you serious about staring at my neck and grabbing the hilt?

Fenner's unabashed words also caused commotion in the entire square.

Some believers of the Holy Light think that our eldest princess speaks really nicely!

Love love love.

The other tide believers felt that their princess was too disrespectful.

How can anyone smash their own stall like this?

However, the Lord, who was rejected twice in a row, still looks like an old dog. He is not disappointed. Fenner and Jaina are just additions. The real important person is Dailin Proudmoore in front of him.

As long as he chooses to wear the Storm Crown, everything will go perfectly according to plan, and the Lord can also see that Dai Lin's heart is already moved.

Adults always think more deeply than young people.

They will think more, and they will weigh the pros and cons, especially for a ruler with great ideals like Dai Lin, they can't refuse such a temptation.

It's like putting the keys to a nuclear arsenal in front of a man who has his heart set on conquering the world.

It would be strange if he could resist the temptation.


When Dai Lin raised his hand and tried to touch the crown of the storm caller, violent thunder danced in the sky following the admiral's thoughts, and the strong wind howled across the sky, even showing signs of forming a tornado.

This is still on land, but if it is on the sea, coupled with the control of tides by the tide sages, what kind of enemy can match such power at sea?

Even the lingering naga, even they

The light in Dai Lin's eyes became brighter and brighter.

His fingers were getting closer and closer to the crown, Lord Stormsong finally showed a smile on his face, and on the tower next to him, Lion Wolfwalker narrowed his eyes.

She drew out her sharp arrow, drew her war bow, and said:

"The king is tempted, I want to shoot this arrow."

"Don't be in a hurry."

Maris, who had put down her bow, shook her head and said:

"Bu Laike didn't give you this order, he didn't ask you to save Dailin!"

"But if it's a little later, he will."

Ryan retorted.

Emeril Shadowguard also spoke:

"Follow orders, Lane.

If that pirate is as powerful as one-tenth of the rumors, then we should believe his plan. Even if Dailin wears the crown, he must have a way to save him. "

In the crowd, the sarcasm at the corner of Bo Laike's mouth became more and more intense.

His magic eyeballs stared at Dai Lin, like watching a fool who stepped into a trap.



Jaina and Queen Catherine spoke at the same time at this moment, and the two women who had the closest relationship with Dai Lin didn't know what would happen.

But they all have a more ominous premonition this time, and they want to stop Dai Lin.

At least make him think again.

Mrs. Jin Jian didn't make a sound.

But the fingers hidden behind her back had already begun to gather the magic of arcane impact, ready to overturn the crown in front of Dai Lin's eyes.

The atmosphere on the entire high platform became more and more solidified. Several Haixians stared at Mrs. Jin Jian, and if this elf wanted to interfere, they would immediately stop it. But in the end it was the indifferent Fenner who gave the "fatal blow".

The stupid soldier glanced at the fascinated Dai Lin, and then at the nervous mother.

She gritted her teeth, pursed her lips, finally sighed, crossed her hips again, and said in a cold voice:

"Hey, old man, how about you behave decently in front of your children! You will make me feel so ashamed."


These words were like a sword, piercing Dai Lin's heart in an instant.

All the temptations and bright future are overshadowed by this sentence. The admiral came to his senses, he withdrew his fingers and looked at Fenner, and asked with his eyes:

"Is he here too?"

"I don't know anything, but I reckon he's laughing at you."

Fenner shrugged her shoulders, showed a meaningful look in response, and excitedly pulled out the long sword with her backhand, protecting it in front of her mother, looked at several high-ranking Haixian viciously, and waved the sword wrapped in anger in her hand. .

That threat is full of meaning.

And the Lord whose mood fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant couldn't understand why Dai Lin, who was clearly tempted by power, would have such a big reaction because of Fenner's words!

In the heart of a king like Dai Lin, is there anything more important than his great cause of conquering the world?

"Sorry, Lord Stormsong, your gifts are very good, but now is not a good time to accept them. Please keep them in the Temple of Storms.

If I need it, I will pick it up myself. "

Dai Lin threw down a word perfunctorily, stepped forward, and glanced at the chaotic crowd below from the edge of the platform.

He was looking for the guy who made his teeth itch. But he didn't find anything, just saw a familiar figure from the back in a trance, blended into the crowd, and disappeared in an instant.

"Talky Fenner"

Among the uproarious crowd, Bu Laike, who turned his back forward, took off his coat, revealing the gray bone scythe armor, and complained:

"You're going to die if you don't say a word, right? See if I don't sew your mouth shut next time!"

Laike was very disappointed that he didn't see the good show he wanted to see.

He casually stuffed the luxurious dress he took off into the hand of a little boy who was looking at his cool armor, and said:

"Send it to you, cutie, every man should have his own set of dresses, it will be very suitable for you when you grow up, now, quickly find your family and leave here.

There will be a big monster coming here soon. "

After finishing speaking, he touched the little boy's head and smiled, then he squeezed out a magic stone for contact, and said to the other side:

"Come on, Plan B, it's your turn."


As soon as Bu Laike finished speaking, two giant blue dragons passed through the portal one after the other. Amidst the horrified screams of the crowd, they spread their wings down from the sky and flew towards the ceremony platform roaring.

The gust of wind created by the slapping of the dragon's wings swept over the entire square, causing the entire square to be thrown off its feet.

When the blue dragon approached the high platform, the changing magic flashed and turned the majestic dragon into two tall and cute girls, and they were landing on the ceremony platform.

The little Xingxing, who was guarded by the fully armed Sienigosa, puffed up his chest, and the row of medals on the left chest were shining brightly in the sun.

The proud Highness Xing Xing ignored the others at all. She looked at Lord Stormsong who stood up in front of her, coughed, and said majesticly:

"Your Excellency, Pope Stormsong of the Church of Storms, the Blue Dragon Legion responsible for guarding the balance of Azeroth's magic net received a report from the watchers a few days ago.

As the savior of the world, the terminator of the world, the warrior of nature and the hero of the dragon, I, as well as my loyal human servant, came to Kul Tiras to investigate and investigate.

Thanks to His Majesty Dailin's support of our undercover investigation, we now have enough evidence.

The guardian dragon army now suspects that the Church of the Storm is related to an incident where the evil god of the abyss caused chaos in the sea of ​​mist! Now, let's go back to Wyrmrest Temple with us to assist in the investigation.

In addition, with the power given to me by the three dragon kings of the Guardian Dragon Legion, I ask you to immediately open all the secret rooms of the Temple of Storms, and let my human servants and watchmen enter and investigate together, looking for their companions who were taken away by the evil god.

You can choose to decline.

But you and your church will bear all the joint and several responsibilities caused by your rejection! "

Little Xingxing's words were not concealed at all, and she also used dragon language magic to spread her stern voice to the entire square, so that the chaotic crowd could hear it clearly.

It was like a bolt of lightning struck everyone in an instant, and even Admiral Dai Lin was stunned by the incident in front of him.

This blue dragon.

Why doesn't it look like an investigation at all, but a provocation instead?

and also!

Didn't you come to Kul Tiras to play as Jaina's friend?

When did the secret investigation start again? When did I help you deal with the Church of Storms?

Am I out of my mind?

Dealing with the right-hand man you rely on yourself?


Sly blue dragon, you made it clear to me!

However, Little Xingxing didn't notice Dai Lin's strange expression. His Royal Highness Xingxing was very excited, and she regained the feeling she had in Dalaran.

She spread her arms and said to the local nobles who were "deterred" by her:

"I think that after today, I will have another title of 'Savior of Kul Tiras', maybe His Majesty Dai Lin can reward me with a big medal.

Not that I want to.

But if you have to give it, I will not refuse it. "

PS: 2022 is coming, I wish you all good luck in the new year, and everyone will get rich! Love you guys!

(end of this chapter)

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