Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 808 139. Come On, Dai Lin, This Is Your Destiny - New Year's Day Addition 【1/3】

Chapter 808 139. Come on, Dai Lin, this is your destiny - New Year's Day Addition 【13】

There was an uproar in the entire Brennadam Square, and the people who witnessed the dragon's haunting fell into panic, but the paladins guarding around them led the people to leave in an orderly manner.

It was as if they had predicted today's changes in advance.

Daelin Proudmoore, the ruler of Kul Tiras, looked back at what had happened in the minute before him, and an outrageous feeling rose in his heart.

Admirals have dealt with dragons.

He doesn't like these scale-clawed monsters who speak and act with arrogance, of course, Little Xingxing is an exception. The lively young dragon was a friend of his daughter, and hadn't shown any signs of aggression while traveling in Kul Tiras.

In Dai Lin's view, Little Xingxing is just a silly runaway young dragon.

She will not be a threat to anyone.

But it turns out that dragons are dragons, and as long as they are haunted, strange things of one kind or another will always happen.

They are threatening, in every way.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on now?"

The admiral looked at the confrontation between Little Xingxing and Lord Stormsong in front of him, he held on to the hilt of his sword, frowned and said:

"Your Highness Stella Gosa, my subjects and I have no intention of offending the dragon, but you are making a terrible accusation against my subjects. I don't think the Church of Storms will have anything to do with any dark evil gods."

There was anger in Dai Lin's words, which made Little Xingxing take a step back.

She didn't want to fight Dai Lin.

And she was smart enough to understand Dai Lin's anger.

The Church of the Storm is the state religion of Kul Tiras.

In the Endless Sea, especially around the South China Sea, there are huge forces, and there are more than a million followers. They are huge monsters that are not inferior to the Church of the Holy Light.

This is the authority of the supernatural power in the secular world.

Don't say that it has no problems at present, even if there is a problem with the Church of Storms, it's not your turn to take care of it!

From the War of the Ancients to the present 10,000 years, the powerful dragon army has always been in a state of seclusion. These fantasy creatures have never appeared in the human world in such a high-profile manner as they are today.

There has never been a precedent for them to interfere in human affairs.

In the Battle of Dalaran, it was only because that incident was related to the traitor Black Dragon of the dragons.

In the eyes of the giant dragons who maintain the world order at a higher level, human beings are just the inconspicuous one among the many civilizations in Azeroth.

They have no interest in intervening in the progress of human civilization.

Anyone with a little knowledge knows this.

Facing Little Xingxing's accusation, Lord Stormsong was frightened but not afraid.

The watchmen of the night elves suffered a loss and absolutely could not go crying and complaining to the dragon.

If it was a moon priest who came today, the lord would still deal with it carefully, which means that he and the Church of Storms got into the kingdom of the moon god, which would be a terrible result.

But the young dragon in front of him.

There is no doubt that she is just relying on her status as a giant dragon to come here to provoke trouble.

"Hehe, Your Majesty doesn't have to be so angry. I think it's just that the dragons were induced by the bad guys."

After hearing Dai Lin's scolding, Lord Stormsong's eyes flashed a fleeting light. He was not angry because of the blue dragon's accusation. Instead, he was polite and respectful as a religious leader should be. Tone replied:

"This mighty and legendary dragon lady, your story is told throughout the human kingdom, and the entire Church of the Storm thanks you for your service to my people in the city of Dalaran.

As for your request

Of course, the Church of the Storm is willing to cooperate with the investigation of the Guardian Dragon Legion, and we are happy to clear our suspicions with facts.

The sea is never afraid of doubts, and its believers also advocate the virtue of truth.

How about you follow me to the Temple of Storms now, I will personally open the barrier there, and show you and your servants everything there. "

"Very well, you are very sensible."

Satisfied, Little Xingxing supported Ursoc's long sword of wisdom at her waist. With the unique arrogance of a giant dragon, she raised her hand to stop Lord Stormsong who wanted to leave.

She blinked her big eyes, looked at the tidesages present, and said:

"But before going to your temple, there is one last thing to do, I suspect that there are traitors parasitized by the things of the abyss among you and your servants!

I have to conduct an investigation on you on the spot. "

"Of course, the dragon's request is always granted."

The lord still didn't hesitate at all.

He didn't worry at all that the shadows and darkness hidden under the material world would be exposed. This was given by the power from the depths of the ocean tide, which was as boundless as the sea and as vast as a storm.

mere dragon

"Please unleash your magic, in the presence of my fellow citizens and my Majesty, we will not resist, and will not take this test as a humiliation.

We share your hunger for the truth. "

Lord Stormsong spoke softly.

He still maintains an elegant demeanor, which is in stark contrast to Little Xingxing's nonsense.

This contrast made Dai Lin's eyes even more angry.

No dignified king would accept this scene, which made the nobles of Kul Tiras even louder. They felt that this giant dragon was too much!

Appearing suddenly at a festival in this country, she made various demands outrageously and unreasonably.

Are the people of Kul Tiran really made of mud?

Several young nobles even clenched the hilts in their hands, showing anger after being humiliated. They looked at their majesty, as long as Dai Lin gave an order, they would give Kul Tiras the dignity The dragon attacks.

But Little Xingxing stretched out a finger, showing an expression of "I know what you want to do badly", and shook his finger at Lord Stormsong and the surrounding nobles who shared the same hatred and said:

"No, I won't do the inspection. I'm not good at it. But I heard that the Church of the Holy Light has just found a Titan sacred artifact that can identify dark things.

Then, my lord Faol.

For the sake of Your Highness saving the world before, can I borrow your holy object?

Hearing these words, Lord Stormsong's expression changed instantly.

Things are in trouble.

These guys are probably in collusion!

He also thought of the scene where Faol invited him to taste the Holy Hammer of the Silver Hand, the holy object of the Church of the Holy Light, when he welcomed the Pope to Kul Tiras in the port of Boralus.

At that time, he should be vigilant, that was the first temptation!

The Church of the Holy Light's high-profile visit to Kul Tiras this time is not a good one. The wedding of Drustvar and the celebration of the title of the princess are just bait to paralyze him.

Even this parade of holy light, which lasted for many days, was to shift his thinking to the misunderstanding of "competing for faith", so as to ignore the real danger.

On this occasion, to engage in such a thing is to dig out the roots of the Church of Storms!

But Faol.

Lord, it's really hard to imagine that this person who is so devout to the Holy Light will play such a cunning mind?

Who is the heretic!


Faol would never do such a thing!

This can't be planned by him, there must be a hidden black hand behind it. But after Lord Stormsong thought through the cause and effect like lightning, he still had doubts:

What kind of support do these people have, so that they dare to try to expose the true face of the Church of Storms that has coexisted with this country from ancient times to the present on the land of Kul Tiras?

If they clearly know the power behind the Church of Storms, but still dare to act in such a risky manner, it proves that they have absolute confidence in their plan.

Hiss, I can't think about it.

The more I think about it, the more scared I become.

The Lord frowned tightly, and he and Dai Lin looked at Alonsus Faol who had been silent after Finner's title ceremony at the same time, and the old Pope drew a religious symbol on his chest.

He didn't seem to see Dai Lin's angry eyes at all, he said:

"The holy light will not give up any lost person, as long as you sever contact with those dark things here, the benevolent holy light will heal your dark heart.

Confess all this to the Light, old friend, this is your last chance. "

"My lord, what do you mean?"

Lord Stormsong's face changed suddenly, he took a step back, and yelled loudly amidst the whispers of the nobles:

"Are you, as the leader of the Church of the Holy Light, accusing the Haixians of falling into the embrace of darkness? Do you know what you're talking about? You know what your words will cause in the Eastern Continent and Kul Tiras Is it such a turmoil?"

"I know."

Faced with the lord's scolding, Fao didn't change his face.

He said in a low tone:

"It is precisely because I know that I am giving you a chance to defend yourself. You can actively choose to escape from the darkness that shelters you. The mistake is not irreparable.

During these millennia, the Church of Storms has never done anything insane in the human world, and you still have a chance to make amends. "

The atmosphere turned cold for a moment, and even Dai Lin felt that it was tricky.

If it was just a giant dragon's accusation, the admiral would never take it seriously, but Fao's speaking meant that the seriousness of the problem had suddenly risen several steps.

He wanted to open his mouth to ease the atmosphere, but saw Gene winking at him vigorously in the crowd and shaking his head at him.

The ruler of the entire Eastern Continent knows what kind of person Alonsus Faol is.

In the absence of tangible evidence, the old pope would never choose such a drastic method to tear his face apart.

Fao is an out-and-out pacifist. He regards the laws of the Holy Light as his lifelong dogma. His personal morals are perfect like a saint, and he regards maintaining the credibility of the Church of the Holy Light as his top priority.

Allowing the Pope to take such an aggressive action on such an occasion already shows the seriousness of the problem.

Jean has no special feelings for the tidesages, he just regards these people as "tools" to solve domestic problems.

If Dai Lin is a fan of the authorities, then he is a bystander. In fact, the moment the Pope spoke, Jean decided that there was definitely something wrong with the Church of Storms!

It was obvious what he wanted to convey to the old man now.

At present, this is just a conflict between the two religions of the Holy Light and the Church of the Storm, but once Dai Lin intervenes, it will become a conflict between the religion and Wang Quan.

In this case, no matter which side Dai Lin takes, it will directly lead to an immediate tear at the level of domestic belief.

As king, he has to be the balancer, not take it off himself.


Who on earth arranged this?

Involving the Church of the Holy Light is a one-shot kill, like punching Dai Lin's weakness, preventing him from exerting any strength.

To be able to convince Alonsus Faol to join such an operation, the power of the black hands behind it is simply frightening to think about.

And at this moment, a figure flashed in the hearts of Gene and Dai Lin at the same time.

The admiral looked at his eldest daughter, Fenner, who also looked at him. Fenner's eyes were very complicated, and she seemed to be waiting for Dai Lin to make a choice.

In the depths of those sea-blue eyes that were exactly the same as Dailin's, there was still a ray of stopping light.

Don't get involved!

This is Fenner's last reminder to Dai Lin.

For the stupid warrior, she knew that Dailin was very powerful, almost the most powerful warrior and ruler among human beings, but if she had to choose between Bu Laike and Dailin.

Fenner would never hesitate for a second.

No matter how powerful Dai Lin is, she is still a mortal, and in Fenner's heart, Bu Laike, her magical little brother, has already surpassed the category of "mortal".


Dathrohan raised the heavy shield in his hand high, and in the scriptures praising the Holy Light, the light of revelation from the Guardian of Truth shone like a round of golden sun, sweeping across everyone on the entire platform in an instant.

Lord Stormsong, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, grabbed the Storm Crown and the Void Stone from Haixian's hand before the light came, and a dim light lingered around him.

But the light of enlightenment forged by the titans is not in the slightest lethal.

As such, it is completely inexempt from its exposure of evil and darkness.

Even with the super powerful defensive power of the Void Stone's [Void Sheath], under that brilliance, the Lord himself still fell into an irreversible "true enlightenment".

The Haixians beside him were even more unbearable. They covered their faces one by one, and they were forced to expose their truest sides to the sunlight amidst the black smoke and dust.

But that's just the beginning.

The holy shield held high in Dathrohan's hand continuously emitted the light of enlightenment, and the holy light swept across the chaotic Brennadam Square like the wind, and none of the tidesages under the high platform escaped.

After being exposed, they want to escape.

They don't want to expose their hidden side to the world at all, just like the rats running in panic in the opened sewer.

However, those uncrowned people who had already acted in the chaotic crowd cooperated with the paladins guarding everywhere to block their way.

One after another figures are rolling.

Every time they appeared in the shadows, one or two low-level Haixians would be beheaded. And the sharp arrows were flying, and the sharpshooters occupying the commanding heights could finally let go of the slaughter.


Low-pitched laughter resounded in the chaos on the high platform, and those nobles who had just defended the Haixians were so frightened that their hands and feet were numb, because among them, there were also storm believers who turned into Kexier monsters.

Although they were cut down by Fenna, who had sharp eyes and quick hands, the others retreated in confusion, only regretting that their parents didn't have two more legs.

They fled outside crying, and their gestures were no more majestic than the panicked civilians.

Under Dai Lin's stunned gaze, Lord Stormsong, who was wearing the Storm Crown and holding the Void Stone in his hand, raised his head. The octopus face gives everyone the creeps.

“Only close”

Lord said in an indistinct voice:

"It's a pity that the last step is missing. Congratulations, mortals, you have seen the true face of the abyss. Now, accept His blessing."

Lord Stormsong shouted the strange language of the abyss, raised the void stone in his hand, and two dim lights swept towards his eyes, one left and one right.

One shot at the Pope, the other at Queen Catherine.

The former is for revenge, the latter is a bait.


The light of nothingness shot at the Pope was precisely blocked by Dathrohan with the Guardian of Truth, and in front of the pale-faced Queen Catherine, Lady Golden Sword flashed over and tried her best to freeze her body.

Behind her, an angry Dai Lin opened her arms with red eyes, using her body as a shield for her family.

"Chop Suey! Rats!"

The king roared with shock and frustration in his heart.

He was answered by Lord Stormsong's sneer and the sudden opening of the Void Rift.

"Dailin, the demon king of the sea. He is your final destination. Don't resist and accept this dark fate. As for you, you will all die!

If you are unwilling to accept the blessings of the abyss, you will use war to spread empty truths.

Ah, all roads will eventually converge; all eyes will eventually open"


A brother asked why it must be updated on the 11th.

Because I really don't have too many manuscripts on hand, from yesterday to the 11th, I coded five chapters a day, excluding the daily update, which is almost enough to drive out the addition of the Baiyin League.

Then from the 11th to the 21st, I can make a little more.

It's not that I don't want to give gifts to everyone on New Year's Day, but I really don't have any presents at hand.

Without further ado, I wish you all a Happy New Year's Day.

(end of this chapter)

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