Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 809 140. Stormsong: Under The Shadow - [New Year's Day Addition 2/3]

Chapter 809 140. Stormsong: Under the Shadow - [New Year's Day Addition 23]


In the chaotic stands, the beam of light that was supposed to hit Dai Lin and drag him into the void was finally blocked by a large round shield, and Shaw, who was holding the shield, stepped out of the shadows.

He glanced at Dai Lin, who had red eyes, and then at the chaotic square under the high platform.

A group of sea sages were forced to appear in the deepest and most evil form. Knowing that they could not escape, they also began to fight desperately.

The waves that opened up in the void have already begun to impact the minds of innocent people. There are poor people holding their heads and screaming everywhere. Even some loyal believers of the Church of Storms have already shown signs of degeneration when they recite the scriptures of the tide.

The situation is bad.

But fortunately, the Uncrowned had made arrangements in advance, and several buildings around the square were blown down by dwarf bombs, which provided a large enough evacuation channel for the chaotic crowd.

Shaw, wearing a black veil, threw the Odin Shield in his hand to Fenner who rushed to his mother.

He said:

"Hurry up and escort them away, and then come back to fight. Your strength allows you to easily avoid the impact of these void forces. We need you as the vanguard of the enemy!"

"it is good."

Fenner turned out the round shield, protecting the cold Mrs. Golden Sword and the pale Queen Catherine, and carried the weak-legged little brother Tenred behind her back, holding Jaina's hand under the escort of the royal knights Dash outward.

As she rushed, she shouted to Xiao Er who drew out the double daggers of revenge and fear:

"Leave a few for me, and I'll beat them when I come back!"

"You'd better hurry up."

Xiao Er lost his sentence, and disappeared in place with a shadow step.

Two daggers that looked like black crystals and had eyeballs decorated like lava entwined struck out from the darkness, starting with a standard damage ambush, cutting off the neck of a Haixian who was screaming and casting spells.

His strikes are merciless, precise and deadly.


After killing the Khirified Haixian in seconds, Xiaoer felt the scorching power of the dagger in his hand pulsate, like a hungry cub's first taste of flesh and blood.

As soon as the appetite for killing people is opened, the desire to kill can no longer be controlled.

The pair of dragon-toothed daggers reversely poured the scorching power into Xiao Er's body.

This is feedback, but also urging.

What are you still doing!

So much delicious evil to kill with your hands!

Shaw felt the urging, he shook his head, dodged into the shadows, stalked forward, approached the target with another strike, the shadow connection greatly strengthened by the dagger made the shadow attack he played more destructive than before. More than doubled in strength.

A black thread pulled apart, and Haixian's body was almost pulled from the shoulders to the waist, and the whole body was split into two.

This violent destruction shocked Xiao Er himself.

Is this the power of legendary weapons?

Love love love.


Just when Xiao Er was about to attack again, a sharp arrow flew from above and pierced through the air. It precisely pierced into the forehead of Kexier Haixian who was closest to Xiao Er, and pierced the low-level Hai Xian. .

The stinky purple-black blood was splashed everywhere, and the void-formed monster was even more aggressive, but this fast and hard arrow had completely cut off its life force.

High-level Ranger Combat Skill Killing Shot.

Shaw, who had been robbed of his target, looked up in the shadows and saw Nathanos and his secret passage partners bouncing back and forth on the top of several buildings above the square.

These guys were few in number, but they shouldered the mission of preventing Kexier Haixian from escaping. Just three of them blocked three directions with their bows and arrows.

Looking at their chic fighting posture, there is only one word to describe it.

With ease.

To sum it up, that's the art of killing.

"Nathanos has finally grown into a man that people can rely on."

Shaw sighed with emotion.

The scorching urging from the dagger made the assassin leader of SI:7 lurk again looking for a one-hit chance to kill. This is the second stage of his master trial and must be taken seriously.

The assassin came out of the shadows and killed two Kezier spellcasters in a row with a precise two-stage assassination. He rolled on the ground and escaped into the shadows again. After he disappeared, the two Kezier who had been pierced through the head by the legendary blade That's when it collapsed to the ground.

Shaw glanced back at the high platform, and saw Pope Faol getting on his horse under the escort of the two great knights Uther and Dathrohan, and leading a group of paladins galloping towards the north of the city.

The pope looked serious, seemingly oblivious to the chaos in the city.

That wasn't old Faol's character.

There is only one explanation that can make him put down the chaotic rush in front of him: there is an even more terrifying threat north of the city.

Sage Fortress!

For a moment Shaw realized what Boo Laike hadn't told them.

The Haixians must have arranged something terrible in that fortress. It was a darkness that could only be dealt with by the Pope and the warriors of the Holy Light.

"That bastard, Bo Laike, really squeezed every ounce of potential out of us."

Shaw groaned.

He scanned the crowd, but he didn't see Bu Laike, which made Shaw feel a little bit moved. Could it be that Bu Laike ran after Lord Stormsong alone?

No way, he is not such a reckless person.


Xiao Er raised his knife again, killing a Haixian, and Ms. Nasa, who was holding a moon blade, also landed beside Xiao Er. The dark green cloak waved, and the deadly storm of blades scattered in all directions, hiding the three heads. The Kexier assassin who attacked and killed forced out.

She and Xiao Er attacked at the same time, and the symphony of the moon blade and the dagger killed the ancient god assassin the instant his image appeared.


"Y'za noq mah Y'za noq ormz"

The strange language of the abyss resounded from the ground covered with blood and corpses in front of the two, and the gray-purple void crack was finally opened under the stubborn resistance of the Kexier Haixians.

Among the four cracks that were opened at the same time, the cold wind blowing straight into the heart whistled like an invisible halo, and the oppressive force on the soul was like a heavy hammer, causing Xiao Er's heart to stop beating for a moment. shoot.

In front of him and Nasa, a five- to six-meter-tall behemoth stepped out of the crack. It was a faceless monster with a huge octopus head, cold and evil eyes growing out of the slippery and disgusting skin.

The left arm is completely composed of tentacles wrapped around the shadow of the void, and the right hand is like three giant snakes of the same body made of twisted flesh and blood.

There are no life-like features on its body, and even its thick legs are composed of tentacles and hard horniness. These guys are completely in the human form of tentacle monsters.

Their very existence is the best interpretation of the word "spiritual pollution".

And the moment Xiao Er was stared at by the cold eyes of that strange thing, thousands of dreams seemed to be born in front of Xiao Er's eyes, without a trace of beauty, full of nightmares.

The monster had no mouth, but when the nightmare rose, there were still vicious words from the abyss impacting Xiao Er's mind.


Nasa slapped Xiao Er's cheek, making the assassin slightly awake.

"Didn't Bo Laike teach you? Be especially steadfast when facing the Faceless One! He can smell your greatest fears and use those negativity to overwhelm your sanity.

These monsters are the voices and heralds of the Old Gods, the backbone of N'Zoth's corrupt legions, and they do not easily make their presence felt in the material world. "

The watchman's adjutant clenched the moonblade in her hand. She stared at the creation of the ancient gods who appeared in front of her under the owl helmet and waved her tentacles to shoot the light of nothingness in all directions.

Nasa felt tricky.

With the blessing of the black moon magic, she could easily kill one or two faceless men, but there were more than a dozen of these monsters walking out of the void cracks opened in the square in front of her.

The fighting strength of the Faceless One itself is already tyrannical.

But the biggest threat of these guys lies in their strong connection with the origin of the void. Wherever there are faceless people, the power of the void will quickly "pouring" into the material world.

These distorted creations are themselves movable nodes of void expansion.

If they can't be killed as soon as possible and those void gaps are closed, at most half an hour later, the entire city of Brennadam will become a fallen city with an explosive concentration of void!

The sea sages of the Church of the Storm can actually control such a high-level void creature?

They are really "loved" by N'Zoth.


Just as Nasa was about to step forward to kill the Faceless, a recruit from the Warden jumped out of the shadows. Her body was shining with the brilliance of Luna's magic, helping her resist the increasingly powerful impact of the void.

She shouted to Nasa:

"The trees on the edge of the city are alive! They are being awakened into treants, and huge wooden statues we have never seen are also approaching the city.

It is the Jing Whisperer under the command of Master Alpha!

They also came to help. "

"it is good!"

Nasa felt relieved, and shouted to her recruits:

"Let the Jing Whisperers escort the people out of the city! The sooner the better. Also, where is Laike?"

"We didn't see him."

The watchman recruit said:

"Perhaps the crafty pirate has escaped."

"No, he won't run."

Nasa and Xiaoer spoke at the same time, and refuted the recruit's words with one voice.

The two looked at each other in embarrassment, and said no more. In the next moment, they slashed at the Faceless Man in front of them from left to right. Although they had different positions, they were unexpectedly full of confidence in Bu Laike.

So, what are the smelly pirates doing now?


A faceless man who had just stepped out of the rift in the void had his tentacles cut off his left arm while the two moonblades flying left and right, and was pierced by the legendary long sword in the hands of the smelly pirate head.

The effect of the tidal blow was activated, and the two sharp streams of water turned into water knives spirally wound, easily splitting the twisted and fleshy octopus head into two.

Bolstered by a fully activated Proudmoore bloodline and the Warden's enhanced power against chaotic creatures, Laike's destructive power reaches new heights.

He rolled and landed on the ground, throwing a hand of cloth Laike without looking back, and let the meteorite wrapped in shadow flames hit the street behind him, burning all unclean things.

The pirate didn't stop, but walked quickly to a small garbage dump at the corner of the street.

As he walked, he complained:

"Are the people in this city crazy? In order to welcome the Pope and this title celebration, they actually cleaned up the garbage dumps in the city.

How does this make me summon my dear old Garni?

Heck, almost got killed by you hardworking bastards. "

He threw the old Ghani statue in his hand on the rubbish pile in front of him. The next moment, the old Ghani figure appeared in the smoke of the explosion. Void Corrosion.

The coward Loa shuddered suddenly, turned his head and was about to rush back into the smoke of the garbage dump, but the pirate quickly grabbed his slender tail, trying to prevent him from running away.

"Hey, why are you running? I didn't ask you to fight desperately."

The pirate shouted:

"You should give me what you should send!"

"I knew it would be no good to make friends with you. One day I will be killed by you."

Old Ghani turned his head and grinned and said:

"Hurry up, let me go! I don't want to deal with these void bastards, I want to go back to rest in my big warm garbage dump in Dazar'alor.

Get your stuff and get out! "

The God of Garbage Heap threw something with his nimble claws, spun a few times in the air, and was being caught by Laike. And old Garni snarled wildly at the pirate before disappearing, turning his flexible cunning eyes and cursing:

"The next time you ask me to give you such a treasure, I'll give it to you. Well, forget it, you can talk about it after you survive. If you can't hold on anymore, run this way quickly, don't hold on, hear?

Right now, the density of the void is not bad, and I can still take you back.

But any more, and there's nothing I can do. "

"Drake is yelling for me to bring down the judgment of the dead on the unclean. I will not flee, and I will not flee."

Boo Laike swung the thing up and down and made another golf swing, and he said to Garney Sr.:

"If even I run away, there is really no hope for this land. Don't worry, there are these things, just Haixian and Faceless, let's see how I deal with them.

Do me a favor, Gani.

I need the immediate support of the Hydraxia Legion under the command of the Tidehunter to seal off the sea area where the Temple of Storms is located. Just tell it, I will not let my dear majesty do it for nothing. "


"Mom, hurry up!"

Outside the city of Brennadam, Fenner, who was carrying Odin's shield, shouted to Lady Golden Sword and Queen Catherine while holding her handaxe:

"Don't stop, you have to take these people to the Dailin Fortress, the farther away from here the better, there will be a big war here, you can't stay here."

"Fenner, come back to me!"

Mrs. Jin Jian was about to burst into tears.

Although she didn't know much about the power of the void, the purple arc rising from the city in front of her eyes seemed to have changed the world, and even covered the sun's rays.

It is terrifying at first glance, and those forces have isolated most of the space teleportation magic, making it difficult for the archmage to jump into it accurately.

She didn't want her only daughter to run off to fight for her life.

But Fenner doesn't care about these at all.

Summoning her mechanical cat, she rode on the saddle and sprinted toward the city, yelling at the terrified mob to run.

Seeing how mighty her princess was, some people even shouted her name, but Fenner didn't respond at all.

Now she is all about rushing to help her stinky brother.

When Fenner rushed into the city, she saw a terrifying faceless man chasing and killing a group of fleeing nobles. She roared and was about to jump over to fight with Odin's shield.

But before Fenner got up, she heard the roar of the tide.

The terrifying water spray flooded the Faceless Man in an instant, like thousands of sharp knives sweeping across, splitting the unclean thing into bloody and rotten flesh.

This scene made Fenner's eyes widen. After the Faceless Man disappeared, what caught her eyes was a tall man holding a silver trident.

"Dai Lin! You are crazy! Put down that trident!"

Fenner roared in shock.

Dai Lin, who had instantly killed the Faceless Man, looked back at her daughter. The admiral's face was expressionless, but only those sea-blue eyes had been rendered scarlet with murderous intent by anger.

The tidal fury around him was almost condensed into substance. Looking at the blood stained on the abyss trident in his hand, it was definitely not the first faceless man killed by him.

"Go protect your mother and younger siblings!"

Dailin says:

"I'm not dead yet, it's not your turn to go to the battlefield!"

"You let me go and I go? You have a good idea!"

Fenna frowned and replied, seeing that Dai Lin was full of killing intent and turned to leave, she gritted her teeth and threw the Odin Shield behind her towards Dai Lin.

"I borrowed this from you, old man, remember to return it after you survive."

(end of this chapter)

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