Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 810 141. I Swear, I Was Never So Vicious Before--【New Year's Day Addition 3/3】

Chapter 810 141. I swear, I wasn't so vicious before--[New Year's Day Plus 33]


The bright and scorching moonfire fell from the sky in the call of the druid, just like a bright arrow of light hitting the ground, clearing the field in an instant. The moonlight shaped by scorching fire covered and burned a faceless man, along with all the dirty flesh and blood within ten yards around it.

In the increasingly frequent mental shocks, Shaun Moonpaw was fighting alone.

The ancient archdruid has gone mad.

He turned into a white-spotted cheetah in wooden armor, rushing into the flock like a top predator, killing the stubborn Haixians and turning them on their backs.

The astonishing killing of the feral druid is undoubtedly displayed at this moment.

Every time the elusive white cheetah appeared, it would tear Haixian apart. Even in the face of the faceless man with amazing physical resistance, Your Excellency Moon Claw still has the means of natural supernatural power.

The scorching moonfire, the scattered starlight, and the accompanying hurricane bombardment made this archdruid alone worth a team.

But that's not enough!

After the Faceless Man, the Speaker of the Ancient Gods, stabilized the situation, the living Haixians joined forces in the form of the cursed Kezier to unleash a vicious magic.

They began to summon weak and ugly flesh beasts in large numbers.

These tentacles and fangs can be easily killed, but the place where their corpses are stored will soon become a new node of void power due to flesh and blood.

Relying on the death tactics, in less than ten minutes, the void concentration in the entire city of Brennadam began to soar.

Ordinary people can't stand it for even ten seconds in such an environment, and they will start to void under the impact of their minds, and their bodies will be twisted into weird flesh and blood.

Some "talented" ones will be shaped into new K'thir, roaring the language of the abyss and becoming a member of the Fallen. And those without talent, this will become a void beast similar to a flesh and blood beast.

It doesn't matter which one you turn into, anyway, there must be no one else.

"We need a large-scale purification magic!"

The arch druid of the Moon Claw tore open the necks of the last two Haixians with his bloody claws, and summoned the moonlight to burn the filthy flesh around him.

He transformed from a cheetah into a human form, thumped his back like a standard old man, raised his head and shouted at the black falcon flying across the sky, holding a Kezier's head in its claws:

"Go to Nasa and the Priest of the Moon. The nearby Haixians have been cleaned up. We will deal with the Faceless Ones, and let them immediately use the big dispel spell.

Any later, and the city is hopeless! "

Miss Hisaly Crow, who was galloping in the void power in the air, immediately turned over, dropped Kezier's head in her claws, and flew towards the rear.

She just feels lucky now.

Fortunately, the stinky pirate poured Ekilson's divine power into her body, so that she also had natural divine power protection, which could resist the corruption of the void.

Otherwise, with Hisaly Crow's previous state, she wouldn't even be qualified to join this void hunt.

Once entering the battlefield, the mind will be corroded by the high concentration of void.

This is the trickiest and most troublesome part of facing the creation of the void: you may beat those disgusting flesh and blood creations, but they have a way to pull you to die together.

At worst, it can plant the seeds of corruption in your soul.

The weak ones will be killed by you.

But you will eventually become a more powerful servant of the void under the continuous corruption and distortion of your mind.

This is corrosion.

Visible corrosion.

"I feel that the world in front of me has changed. Everything is covered with a layer of purple-black light, and I can still see the shaking tentacles and eyeballs on your body."

Nathanos thumped his head, turned to look at the silent mother Windrunner and Emmoreel Shadowguard behind him, and asked:

"Is this situation normal?"


Ms. Shadow Guard blinked her eyes. Nathanos in her eyes had become an image of Kezier full of eyeballs. She suppressed the urge to kill Maris with an arrow, rubbed her forehead and said:

"This is what happens to any warrior who fights the void.

This means that your mind is being assimilated by the void, which is just an illusion at the moment, and soon you will feel the strength increasing and feel invincible.

That is the void strengthening you.

Then, your mind will be filled with corrupt voices. At first you can’t understand them, which means you are still resisting. Once you can understand those words, you will be hopeless. "

"Therefore, it must be resolved quickly."

Windrunner's mother wore a black mask, her words were still indifferent and firm.

She is a Necromancer.

Compared with living people, the resistance to void corrosion is higher, but even so, after killing several faceless men in a row, the vision of Windrunner's mother has also become dim.


An armored hippogryph flew across the dark sky, and Lion Wolfwalker, with a bow and spear on his back, jumped off the hippogryph saddle and landed beside the three hunters.

Her brief report:

"The watchmen and the priests of the moon have already begun to prepare for the great dispersal magic, and the uncrowned are hunting for and killing the remaining sea sages, and the void here will be broken.

We have to close these void rifts before they release their divine spells, otherwise the purification effect will be greatly affected. "

"Still no Boo Laike?"

Mother Windrunner asked, and Lion Wolfrunner shook his head.

"What the hell is he doing?"

Liresa has great confidence in her disciples.

She believed that the pirate would not flee without a fight, but right now he has not moved, making people wonder if the stinky pirate is taking advantage of it. Or according to what he said, holding back a big wave?

Nathanos' ears moved. He squatted down and saw a tentacled ghostly fox jump out of the shadows and dance around him twice.

"There are a lot of faceless men ahead! They seem to be besieging our companions."

Nathanos took out his Goron bone spear with a swish, and said to the people behind him:

"We have to help."

The four top hunters didn't say much, and walked forward quickly, but when they rushed over, what they saw was that the ground seemed to be shattered by the impact of the tide, and it was covered with dirty flesh and bones, which made people want to feel disgusting. Vomiting battlefield.

Nathanos raised his brows, he could tell that this was at least four Faceless Men's corpses that could form a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. It was less than twenty seconds before they got the news and came to support.

Hell, who is this big guy showing off his skills?

"Look there!"

The shadow guard pointed backwards, and when everyone turned their heads, they felt chills all over their bodies.

Behind this battlefield, there remains a "Road of Flesh and Flesh", extending from the eyes of everyone to the edge of the city covered by the void and fog.

There are all kinds of corpses and broken arms all over the ground, whether it's the Kezier Haixian who is good at casting spells, the faceless man with full resistance, or the weak but polluted flesh and blood beast.

As long as the monsters that can be found in this city, their corpses can be found on this road, and no monster's corpse is complete.

Good guy!

This is cut all the way!

How much hatred does that mysterious person have with the void creatures?

"Is this Bo Laike?"

Immorel asked, and Windrunner's mother shook her head, and said in a hoarse voice:

"My disciple can indeed do this, but he will not be so rough, his fighting style is not like this, it should be done by a warrior with murderous intentions.


Or. her father. "


As soon as Windrunner's mother finished speaking, there was a loud noise in the void and mist ahead, mixed with the vibrations of collapsing buildings and tumbling sea tides. The four hunters rushed forward. After jumping over a house, they saw scene.

Holding the Abyss Trident in his right hand and Odin's Shield in his left hand, Dai Lin walked out of the ruins of a two-story house whose front had been crushed.

Every step his combat boots took would leave creepy purple-black bloodstains on the ground, and in the ruins of that house lay a group of Kexier Haixian who were trying to survive here.

It was the same as what I saw just now.

No bones remained.

And the stupid fighter Fenna stood aside with a bored face, as if he was fighting for his father.

But looking at the displeased expression on her face, she knew that Fenner thought that her father, who was too strong, took away all the fun of fighting from her. This is still a hair!

The furious admiral now chops up any monsters and monsters he encounters with one halberd. Pushing them all the way, it's no fun at all.

"I think we can withdraw."

Seeing Dailin's current appearance, Nathanos whispered:

"I think Her Majesty Dai Lin alone can wipe out all the void evils in this city. Those Haixians are really right. Once this trident of the abyss falls into the hands of a powerful warrior, it will be overwhelming.

It made him even more irresistible in Dai Lin's hands. "

"This is just the beginning."

Windrunner's mother said coldly:

"This city is just a greeting to us. Attacking the Temple of Storms is a tough battle, not to mention that according to Bu Laike, the Temple of Storms is just the vanguard of N'Zoth.

We are still far from victory. "


The next moment, everyone on the street raised their heads at the same time, including Dai Lin, who was full of murderous intentions, and heard the real sound of sea water tumbling.

He reacts very quickly.

Grabbing Fenner, she jumped, and jumped onto the top of the house on the street in a very chic and heroic jump.

Immediately afterwards, there was a tumbling water rushing like a flood, rushing from all directions, unreasonably rolling up everything on the ground, and rushing towards the center of the city.

This is no ordinary tide, mixed with the magic of tumbling.

Wherever they went, the fissures that kept emitting void corrosion seemed to be shattered by a heavy hammer, annihilating one by one on the spot, and those void creations that remained everywhere in the city.

Under the bird's-eye view of Thesaly Crow flying high, four streams of water swirled rapidly around the city of Brennadam, as if forming a vortex.

The sea sages, the uncrowned and the flesh and blood beasts who were hiding in various parts of the city were swept away by the sudden flood to the center of the city.

The water comes fast and goes fast.

In less than a minute, the floods spreading across the city disappeared into the air strangely just like when they appeared, leaving only the streets full of silt ruins.

"Bo Laike!"

Nathanos glanced towards the center of the city, then turned to the others and said:

"It must be him! He held back another big wave!"

An elongated shadow descended from the sky and was falling over this street corner. A small star in the form of a dragon hovered in the air, happily saying to the people below:

"You guys, come up quickly. I'll take you to find Captain Stinky. He's going to show his power there. Hurry up. If it's too late, you won't see the excitement."

After finishing speaking, Little Xingxing pretended to breathe a cold breath towards the ruins below from the air, freezing a circle of ruins, and freezing them together with the flesh and bones inside.

Pretend you have some DPS too.

Although the moment the war started, she ran out of the city in the name of escorting the innocent.

It's not because of Xiao Xingxing's cowardice.

Her strength is a bit weak, and she has a clear understanding of herself.

Although there is a legendary creature template like a giant dragon, if she fights with a real knife and gun in the void, it is estimated that she will not last long under the corruption of the void.

She didn't want to be a dragon corrupted by the void.

One villain like Deathwing is enough.

In the center of the city, on the high platform where the procession of the Holy Light and Fenner's title ceremony had been held before, Bo Laike was standing there in the form of a spellcaster.

In his left hand, he holds a scepter of watery elves, and beside him stand four strong Hydraxian water elementals, which are his guards as Baron Torrent.

"Dean Lanyue is very efficient, and finally unlocked the magic of this scepter in time for the battle, but I don't know how to use it yet, so I will use you to practice.

If the effect is good, remember to give me a thumbs up before leaving. "

The smelly pirate waved the tide scepter in his hand.

The void creatures who were washed to the square by the flood suddenly let out a howl.

All the fluids in their bodies, whether it's blood or cursed brains, boiled under the control of the Tides Scepter.

Like boiling hot water, purple-black smoke evaporated from the surface of those void creatures.

Even the mighty Faceless Ones trembled and lay on the ground under such vicious attacks. Void creations like them don't feel pain, but the boiling fluid in their bodies still made them lose all ability to move.

From a terrifying void slayer to a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"It looks a little sore."

The pirate grinned, showing an expression of "I can't bear to look at the kindness", but the scepter in his hand was swung high again, and the already boiling body fluids of the void creatures heated up again.

Amidst the roar of Abyssal Language, streaks of purple blood steam rolled up, forming evil smoke, which was blown away by the strong wind.

Bombalba, standing at the pirate's feet, covered his eyes with his paws.

Even the evil murlocs felt that the scene in front of them was too cruel. If you said you wanted to kill them, just kill them. Why torture them like this?

"Oh, I wasn't so vicious before.

What a sunny and positive boy I was before. At that time, my biggest dream was to protect my family, achieve a career, and finally take over the throne.

Be a virtuous king, with all blessings. "

Bu Laike covered his face and said brazenly and extremely melancholy:

"How innocent I was at that time. I don't know how I provoked you, so that you insisted on pressing me to death in the war with the orcs.

But it's no use worrying about it now.

I climbed out of the tomb of the sea and returned from the other shore of death. There are still many things to do, the most important of which is to repay you ten times what you have done to me.

Who made me a narrow-minded bastard?

Ah, death has changed me forever. "

The pirate laughed, and swung the tide scepter raised in his hand.

Those extremely high-temperature liquids were instantly cooled to bone-chilling levels, causing these void creatures that were truly "steamed" to be frozen by the chill from their bodies in an instant.

When the high temperature met the severe cold, these twisted and degenerated flesh and blood made an overwhelmed crackling sound like steel in the extreme cold, and turned into a strange purple ice slag under the indifferent gaze of the pirates.

Not a drop of blood was wasted, not a drop of fluid escaped.

"You release a wind that weeps and dies indifferently, and you will reap a storm that roars and returns."

Bu Laike turned over and rode on the hippogryph sky, and hung the tide scepter on his waist. He looked at the ice slag on the ground, shrugged his shoulders, and said:

"The avenger Derek Proudmoore has returned like lightning, and he pronounced that the Church of the Storm will die today, without extension!"

"Yes, everyone, this is a personal grudge."

(end of this chapter)

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