Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 812 143. I Can't Think How You Can Win?

Chapter 812 143. I Can't Think How You Can Win?


In the roiling tide of the strait at the edge of Stormsong Valley, the Naglfar was floating up like a ghost, and the bright sunshine here had been replaced by a gloomy sky and rolling thunder.

Layers of dark clouds covered the sky, blocking the sun and spreading dark gauze, making this sea area look like night.

The Storm Temple in the distance is even more incredible.

The dome of the temple located on the island is wrapped with dazzling arcs, like a lighthouse in a storm in the night. Those arcs elongate and dance in the air, forming a series of galloping brontosaurs, reflecting it like the only light.

The sea sages are calling for the violent power of the sea, causing the sea creatures near the island to be frightened crazy, and they mix together and scurry around in the icy sea water.

From small shrimps to big sharks, even bottom-dwelling squid and deep-sea fish dance in the frantic currents.

They foresee danger coming, but they can't escape at all.

The flow of sea water has become chaotic, and there is no law in the current. Sometimes huge waves are set off, and sometimes eddies are stirred up. This kind of frenzied sea water can easily destroy a fleet. Any ship that dares to sail into this sea area will be torn apart by the furious sea.

But the Naglfar is an exception.

Not only because of the strength of the ghost ship itself and its speed and stability when driving underwater, but also because this ship was blessed by the Hydraxian water elemental army.

It can safely sail through any dangerous sea area, even in the doomsday-like stormy sea, it is like a smooth boat, and it is like a graceful lady stepping through the sea full of malice.

"Clean up the deck, you slackers!"

The first mate, Seifel, stood in front of the rudder wheel of the poop with a long sword on her waist for posturing. While she was grabbing the rudder wheel, she made a heroic gesture of an old captain fighting the wind and waves, while facing the ghost below. The sailors shouted:

"The captain is coming back soon. He wants to see his 'decisive weapon' lift off safely. If you let him down, just wait to be whipped!"

The ghost sailors sprang into action immediately.

They swept across the deck in a mighty manner, throwing all the fish and shrimps that jumped onto the boat from the muddy and crazy sea back into the sea, and began to wash the deck again in the icy heavy rain.

Uh, this seems like a useless effort. In such a stormy sea, no matter how clean the deck is, it will be wet again.

But the wicked captain is coming back.

If he sees this group of ghost sailors idly fishing before the big battle, hehe

So, on the Nagfar, being able to fight or being smart is not the first priority, you must have a wink, and the guy without wink will not live long on this ghost ship.


Just when the ghost ship had floated up and was about to head towards the island where the Temple of Storms was located at high speed, there was a loud noise in another direction, which surprised Sefiel when he looked back and found that there was a holy light rising from the direction of the valley and mountains.

The bright and towering golden beam of light swirled and shattered the dark clouds above the head, leading a cloud of sunlight to shine on that place, and even the reverberation of the hymn could be faintly heard in the Tongtian's penetrating beam of light.

"The old pope is desperate."

Seifel blinked and said:

"Sacred hymns of this level. Good guy, I'm afraid that a powerful demon lord will be melted on the spot. It seems that the Haixians are well prepared.

Open fire everywhere to disperse the strength of the righteous people. Did they foresee such troubles in advance? "


A black shadow crossed the stormy waves and fell over the Naglfar, and Laike turned over and jumped down from behind the Hippogryph, sending himself to Sefiel with two precise flashes in the air.

He raised his head and waved his hands to the Hippogryph in the air, letting it fly towards the mainland to hide from the upcoming battle.

The sky neighed a few times, as if unwilling to give up its master to be alone here, but under the command of Bu Laike, the clever king of the sky finally flew around the ghost ship and rushed back to the direction of the land.

"Is what I want ready?"

Bu Laike pushed the blindfold on his eyes, straightened his collar and asked casually.

"It's all in the cabin on the second floor."

Seifel quickly replied:

"Prince Erazmin is personally debugging the bomb. Overspark and the gnomes are making the final adjustments to the air unit. We went around the island yesterday. They said it was to set the explosion range so as not to hurt innocent.

He also said that restricting the explosion range can slightly increase the explosive power or something, you know I'm not interested in engineering stuff, so I don't quite understand it. "

Bu Laike nodded, ignoring the imprecise report of the ignorant pirate mate.

The magic eyeballs on his shoulders flipped, looking into the distance at the Temple of Storms where arcs and thunder were constantly gathering in the dark night,

The dark, desolate and sinister background mixed with the majestic wind and waves, coupled with the changing world and the thunder covering the night sky, made the scene in front of Laike full of a fairytale-like temperament.

The temple is like the abode of the gods, and the ghost ship advancing in the stormy wind and waves is like a believer going to worship a holy mountain.

"It's really time for Little Xingxing to record this scene here, it will definitely bring her a lot of inspiration for bragging. It's a pity that the things that are going to be used here today are too dangerous even for giant dragons."

Safiel crossed his hips and said in a regretful tone:

"Captain, you have recruited so many 'partners of justice' to do this, it is destined that they will share most of the glory of victory, and we who really did the work will be reduced to supporting roles in those stories.

No one will know about the Naglfar and our great deeds to this day.

Tch, this feeling is really uncomfortable. "

"I didn't come here to let them sing my praises. No matter what the publicity is, but for me, this is a personal grievance."

Bu Laike glanced at his vain chief mate with a strange tone, and said:

"It is well known that you have to publicize your personal revenge, my dear Sefiel, your vanity is really as big as a whale shark."


As soon as the stinky pirate finished speaking, another mass of holy light erupted in the Stosong mountain area, and the shining beam of light made the pirates cover their eyes exaggeratedly.

He glanced in that direction, pursed his lips and said:

"Fao, this old man is really desperate, look at the power of the echo of the holy light, he must have swayed all the activated holy light in his body.

With the Silver Hand and the Guardian of Truth, it is still possible to achieve this level. It seems that the Haixians have indeed pulled that Krasis demigod into the material world.

What a crazy act.

If there is no one to stop that thing, it can wipe out the entire Stormsong Valley in one day, and even destroy it to the side of Tiragarde Strait. Tsk tsk, I can only say that my prophet is too powerful.

The forces capable of stopping and destroying it were arranged in advance. "

"Captain Chips treats the dying old man as a toolman."

Seifel rolled his eyes and said:

"You really are a big villain."

"What are you talking about? What is a tool man?"

Bu Laike was very dissatisfied and knocked on the head of the first mate dragon, saying:

"Today, the Holy Light destroys evil with supreme majesty and protects the innocent in the entire Stormsong Valley. After the Church of the Storm was crushed by me, relying on this gospel, the priests of the Holy Light can easily accept the entire valley. believers.

Do you know what such a big victory means to the church?

Kul Tiras, who has been drifting outside the belief system of the Holy Light, will completely integrate into the orthodox belief, and this battle is the best opportunity.

Even if I don't invite Faol, the old man will take the initiative.

Just like that, how many people want this opportunity has no way out.

Even if the old man Faou died here today, he would definitely die with a smile on his face.

Of course, he'd better hold his breath.

Alright, I won't talk to you anymore, let the Naglfar head towards the Temple of Storms, and I'll go see how my 'big baby' is getting ready.

Now, this is for you. "

Bu Laike took off the tidal scepter from his waist, handed it to Sefiel who was rubbing his hands with surprise, and said to her:

"Do you still remember how we used the scepter to break the elemental territory in Vashj'ir? You can copy that operation in a while, and I will supply the energy of the tide stone.

Then you use this thing to guide energy and break the tidal barrier that the sea sages use to protect their territory.

That thing is blessed with the divine power of the abyss, and ordinary magic attacks are basically ineffective against it, but it certainly cannot resist the power of the tidal stone and tidal scepter stacked together.

It's like cracking an eggshell"

The smelly pirate sneered and said:

"Leave the next thing to me. After all, it's a personal grievance. Only by doing it by yourself can you feel a sense of accomplishment."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Sefiel, who was playing around with the tide scepter behind him, and strode into the cabin, while the first mate, who got a new toy, posed a mighty posture in front of the steering wheel.

She laughed and waved the scepter in her hand forward.

The scepter whose "identity lock" was unlocked by Dean Lanyue can now be used by anyone. Under Sefiel's reckless manipulation, the energy of the tidal scepter rapidly expanded to the entire Nagfar with her as the center. hull and surrounding waters.

Those sea tides that were pushed into fury and madness by the sea sages were suppressed by the scepter at this moment, and the surrounding sea water was like the most loyal soldiers, under the order of Sefiel, pushing the already fast ghost ship whizzing forward acceleration.

Within three seconds, the speed of the Naglfar advancing through the storm increased by at least five times, like an arrow shot by Bu Laike, almost "flying" against the chaotic sea water.

"Hahaha, flying pirate man! I like it."

Amidst the overwhelmed rattle of the Nagfar's mast and hull, the first mate hung his hips on his hips, laughed loudly and shouted wildly:

"With me, the Naglfar is invincible!"

"Why are you so crazy! Can you pick a good time for sailing?"

Bu Laike, who was walking in the cabin, was like sitting in a sports car that started with burnt tires, and was almost thrown to the ground under the push of the ship's acceleration.

He cursed towards the deck, and Sefiel's laughter was like a chicken being strangled, and immediately sank down, and the speed of the speeding ship also slowed down a bit.

Laike shook his head and walked to the second deck. All the cabins here have been dismantled. The Nagfar also specially changed the height of the interior of the cabins, turning it into a "hangar".

Under the illumination of the surrounding magic lamps, an HK-8 air flight unit with a cold shell emitting a cold light is ready to take off.

This is not the "throne" of King Mechagon. The more advanced aircraft equipped with various black technology weapons is still being repaired on Mechagon Island.

Grandpa Sakir's mana impact almost pierced it through, and it's not so easy to repair it.

And the aircraft that has been repaired in front of him is not actually the private property of Bu Laike, which can be seen from the strange inscription added to its shell.

There is a line of warning written in dragon language on it:

"This aircraft is the personal vehicle of Her Majesty Stellagosa, you are not allowed to touch it without permission, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

Behind the warning inscription, there is also an icon of a giant dragon with teeth and claws. It is a mechanical style icon of Mechagon. Not only does it not have the slightest deterrent effect, but it also has a simple and cute feeling brought by the technological style.

The entire aircraft was painted in His Royal Highness Little Star's favorite ice blue color, which is the scale color of the dragons of the Blue Dragon Legion.

But today, the "throne" of His Royal Highness Xing Xing was requisitioned by Bu Laike.

Because the big "Mechanical Homing" bomb placed next to the Throne Aircraft couldn't be lifted by an ordinary rotorcraft, Little Xingxing volunteered to be a "Dragon Bomber".

But the pirate ruthlessly rejected her.

The Titan Homing energy generated by the Mechanical Homing Bomb can only theoretically complete the purification of flesh and blood. This theory was calculated by the mad King Mechagon himself.

How powerful it is, not even a prophet like Bu Laike knows.

What if the flesh and blood purification energy also works on the giant dragon?

In case the idiot Little Star died in an explosion, or was transformed into a weird and crazy mechanical dragon, which caused the wrath of Spellweaver and the entire blue dragonflight, Laike might as well wipe his neck on the spot.

Amidst the thunder and lightning outside the cabin and the noise of Safiel cheering and galloping, Bu Laike stretched out his hand and patted the round steel shell of the bomb, and glanced at the process of reprogramming the mechanical homing bomb with a pocket computing device. Prince Erazmin.

Under the gleaming eyes of a group of dwarves, Bo Laike asked:

"How much longer?"

"Give me another five minutes."

Prince Erazmin flicked his fingers on the pocket calculator quickly, without raising his head, he said:

"I have to check the explosion range again, and set the best flight detonation altitude. I have seen the source of darkness in this land, and I understand my father's concerns.

I want to inherit his will, I want to destroy these filthy flesh and blood, this is the correct usage of mechanical return to the source.

But I can't hurt the innocent.

I have to do the math again.

Please be patient, Mr. Laike, I assure you it will work. "

"No rush, take your time."

Bu Laike said something, and then glanced at the mechanical homing bomb that had been painted with a big metal-style skull on the shell by the gnomes.

He pursed his lips, stroked his chin and said:

"There is this horrible thing to play the 'Pioneer', plus the vengeful watcher as the knife handle, and a vicious stinky pirate like me as the executioner.

Finally, His Excellency Tidehunter and the shameful Baku were invited to "join the feast".

For today, I have used all my contacts. Oh, my, I really can't think of or see any future where the Church of Storms can win.

If I were them, it would be time for me to say my last prayers in my turtle shell right now.

Prayer is meaningful only in moments of despair. "

(end of this chapter)

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