Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 813 144. Boom! ! !

Chapter 813 144. Boom! ! !

"Ka Ka Ka"

Amidst the sound of the hinges and gears turning, the center of the deck of the Naglfar, which was already very close to the island of the Temple of Storms, slowly opened a gap to the left and right.

The HK-8 air suppression unit has been overhauled and ready to fly, or we use a more succinct term, under the action of the elevator designed by the mechagnomes.

The aircraft "Star Throne" was pushed onto the upper deck bit by bit.

The appearance of this aircraft made the originally spacious deck of the Naglfar immediately become cramped.

In order for it to gain a more convenient take-off window, Sefiel had to order the ghost sailors to furl all the sails of the three masts.

To tell the truth, to have such a mechanical lifting device on a wooden ship is to destroy the overall solidity of the ship, and to open such a large opening on the upper deck would have damaged the deck long ago on other ships.

However, the Naglfar is a ghost ship with its own consciousness, and she is in the second of the three enhancements in the [Ambition] state.

The ship spirit of this ghost ship doesn't care what kind of strange appearance her ship will be transformed into. She is simply pursuing the improvement of combat effectiveness as a battleship.

If the hatches on the deck seem odd, maybe it's time to check out the high-energy charging piles that have been installed in the inner cabin behind the poop, and the mechanical module for the flesh cleansing cannon that's located right under the keel trim at the front of the ship.

Those things are not at all what a sailing warship should be equipped with.

It can even be said that the style of painting is different.

However, for a ghost ship that can recover from injuries by devouring souls, the change of the hull structure is not a big deal, as long as the keel and central mast of the ship are not moved.

Besides, Laike has already assured the Naglfar that enough source quality steel, keels, and other materials will be found for the second reinforcement to ensure that the hull strength of the ghost ship reaches an unprecedented height.

As for what material should be used for the third enhancement of [Ambition], Laike has no idea yet.

However, the alternatives he considered were wood from the World Tree Nordrassil, Titan Iron Steel from the city of Titans Ulduar, Deathwing or the keel of other dragon kings, etc.

Just by listening to the name, you can know how difficult it is to get these few things.

The Nagfar is not a bad ship spirit. With the improvement of wisdom and the gradual formation of consciousness, she can understand the "difficulties" of her own captain.

So she generously gave Bu Laike a lot of time to complete the material collection.

"You must fly to an altitude above 3,000 meters, which is the lowest altitude that will not be affected by the explosion!"

Next to the aircraft "Star Throne" whose propellers on both sides had already started to ignite, the mechanical dwarf prince standing there braved the heavy rain and was not afraid of rusting. Steelspark yelled:

"The height of the air blast I set is 200 meters. The air blast at that height can maximize the power of the homing bomb. Don't go to the island immediately after you complete the detonation.

Wait at least fifteen minutes!

The radiation from the homing bomb can be reduced to the point where it won't affect flesh and blood.

If accidentally hit

Then wish for luck.

But as long as you survive, no matter how strange you become, Mechagon will always be your warm home. "

"Okay, this wave of 'blessing' is great and powerful, but since time is tight now, I won't go down and beat you up."

Sitting in the cockpit with two excited midgets, the stinky pirate put an aviator's helmet on his head and added windshield goggles over his eye patch.

He made a rude gesture towards Prince Erazmin next to him, waved to Sefiel who was holding the tide scepter, and shouted:

"Ten minutes countdown!

Sefiel, watch the countdown on the watch, don't miss the time, if you still can't open the tidal barrier when the countdown reaches zero, I swear I will drop this bomb on your head. "

"Tch, I'm a ghost, I'm not afraid of anything."

The chief officer curled his lips.

Watching the wicked captain sitting in the middle cockpit of the strange-looking aircraft, while the two little dwarves Overspark and Kelsey cheered from left to right, this seemingly bulky aircraft performed extremely dexterously and conveniently. way off the deck.

The throne of His Highness Little Xingxing braved the storm and lifted into the sky, and the mechanical homing bomb was hung on three chains under the aircraft.

The latter's round shell is covered with colorful flashing small bulbs.

These colorful light spots represent the normal work of the modules inside the bomb.

And the faint blue flames ignited by the universal wheel propellers at both ends of the aircraft are like two will-o'-the-wisps under a violent storm, fluttering and silently blending into the night sky.

Prince Erazmin was small and lying on the side of the Nagfar ship, watching the aircraft fly to the night sky in front of him. His electronic eyes tracked the flight path of the aircraft, like an emotionless tracking machine.

He let the icy raindrops hit the metal shell of his body, splashing a little bit of water. The bodies of the mechagnomes are treated with anti-rust treatment, and they will not rust due to water.

But besides that, in Prince Erazmin's running mechanical heart, there seemed to be an unconcealable excitement at this moment.

It was an emotional agitation that he could not suppress with his emotional logic circuit.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? I see sparks coming from the back of your forehead!"

Sefiel looked at the small Prince Erazmin in astonishment, she said suspiciously:

"Did you get water in your head, so you short-circuited? Is that how that strange word is used?"

"Well, that's right, short circuit is indeed what you want to express, Ms. Dragon."

Prince Erazmin stared at the night sky without looking up, and said:

"But the electric spark in the back of my head is not because of a short circuit, but because I am stripping my emotional logic circuit, and I don't want to use cold calculations to observe the world anymore.

I want to share the real emotion that you have, and cheer as much as you did when we saved this country.

I have enough reason to feel excited. "

The Mechanical Prince clenched his fists and said:

"This is the destruction machine made by my father will be used to punish the darkness and save lives, and this may be the beginning of the salvation that I have been looking for for myself.

I don't know if I describe it that way.

But my pacifist logical mind didn't come up with any reason to resist when I saw Lord Bu Laike use the weapon of destruction to slaughter these evil people.

Perhaps this is what you call a 'just cause'. "

"Uh, you said it well."

Seifel pursed his lips and said dryly:

"But to be honest, I don't think my captain can get hooked on the word 'justice'. You heard it just now, and he made it very clear that this is a personal grudge.

You can read it as a civil war between evil and evil. "


Prince Erazmin nodded, and didn't bother with this statement. After a few seconds, he looked up at Sefiel who was watching the scenery with him suspiciously.

He said:

"Haven't you started casting spells yet?

Your Excellency Sefiel, according to my calculations, you need to activate the Tidal Stone and your scepter to complete the energy communication, then recharge and adapt for a few minutes, and finally calibrate the target to complete the launch. Ten minutes is not enough time for these steps .

In fact, by my calculations, you're nearly fifteen seconds behind standard time."

"Ha! You didn't say it earlier!"

The first officer stared wide-eyed, turned around and disappeared on the deck with a whoosh.

"Stop pretending to be fishing, slackers, come up and help!"

As the first mate, she could shuttle back and forth on this ghost ship. After shouting a few times, she quickly got entangled with a group of "pirate cadres" on the ghost ship and pushed the tide stone onto the deck in a mess.

After these five shattered stones were charged by the tide hunters, their sea and sky power has reached the level of "full animals", but the internal Titan energy is still lacking.

To be honest, if the howler avatar can still be activated, why does Laike need to perform such tricks as "air bombing"?

Isn't it better to directly turn on the Titan incarnation and carry a mechanical homing bomb to make a sudden advance than blowing cold wind at high altitude?

"Back off! Everyone back off! This first officer is about to cast a spell."

On the deck of the Naglfar, Pirate Dragon pulled his sailor cap fiercely, grabbed the tide scepter in his hand and approached the tide stone, and waved his hand to disperse a group of ghosts next to him.

Little Dorothy and Abby, two ghost loli, red and green, held hands and hid behind Barnes, looking curiously at Seifel, who was making a fuss, and preparing to cast a spell.

Romeo and Juliet don't care about that.

This pair of neurotic dogs and ghosts are playing a cosplay game of "by Zhangpu loves Zhangpu" on the bow keel decoration covered by the storm.

The Undead Sea Knights commanded by Joan Cridone are on guard all around. They have entered the sea area that can be observed by the Temple of Storms, and they are very close to the coast in front of them.

At any time, the evil servants of the Church of the Storms would rush out to attack the ships. Even the watchmen were ambushed by the sea monsters summoned by these sea sages.


Just when Sefiel rolled up his sleeves and raised the tide scepter, a thick black tentacles covered with suckers and barbs rose from the sea below.

The height of that thing just out of the sea reached an astonishing thirty meters, it flipped its black and purple tentacles and whizzed towards the Naglfar.

Obviously, the approach of the ghost ship has alarmed the Hai Xians.

They responded with deadly precision and ruthlessness. The sea monster that attacked the watcher was hidden under this island.

"Continue to cast spells!"

Seeing the deadly tentacles of the terrifying sea monster smashing down with great force, a group of ghosts on the deck screamed immediately, but the mechanical prince shouted, and he was prepared to throw a bullet towards the smashed tentacles. Dark red stuff.

It is the eye of invention that Laike carried with him before.

That thing flew into the air, sprinkled the guiding light beams in all directions, and hit the terrifying twisted tentacles above, and the cold mechanical electronic sound immediately sounded:

"Incompatible flesh and blood detected. Purification begins!"


Two scorching light beams shot out from the eye sockets of the dragon head skeleton adorning the front of Nagfar's hull. Since it was loaded into the ghost ship, this "by-product" born by the mechanical gnome king's research on the origin of machinery showed its power for the first time. .

The two beams of light are like two light knives, slashing obliquely on the huge tentacles falling in front of you. The condensed release of the returning power has additional destructive power for the creatures infected by the void.

As a group of ghosts on the deck stared dumbfounded, the flashing hot light beam cut off the falling tentacles lazily. Uh, it's a bit of an exaggeration to say so.

In fact, it only annihilated one-fifth of the frontmost tentacles into scorching fly ash, but this was enough for the abyssal monsters under the sea to be heartbroken.

A deep, shocking roar came from under the raging waves, and in the darkness of the abyss, his vicious and cold eyes fixed on the Naglfar on the sea.

More tentacles gushed out from around the ghost ship, wrapping layer by layer on the ship's deck.

Like destroying the warden's ship, it would pull this weak ghost ship that dared to hurt itself from the center of the hull, which is a piece of cake for a terrifying god like it.

"Don't touch my boat! You'll scratch its hull! You bastard, go to hell!"

Seifel looked at the tentacles entangled around him.

She heard the scream of the ship spirit of the Nagfar, and anger surged in the first officer's heart, just as the sea and sky power of the tidal stone had been fully connected to the scepter in his hand.

The qualified first officer roared angrily, took a step forward, and swung the tidal scepter full of strength forward fiercely like swinging a sword.

In the next moment, the blow that shattered the elemental territory on the seabed of Vashir reappeared.

The power of the blue sea and sky turned into a huge energy blade in the gathering of the tidal scepter, and in the frantic swing of Sefiel, it chopped off several thick tentacles covering the ghost ship.

The violent energy is inexhaustible.

The tumbling blue arc illuminated the sky and the earth for a moment, like lightning running under the night, tumbling like a heavy fist from a god, and punched out of the island of the heavily armed Storm Temple in front of him.

The invisible and tumbling tidal barrier fulfilled its mission, and the sea sages didn't think that there was any energy attack in Kul Tiras that could shatter the barrier covered with abyssal divine power.

Then Seifel opened his eyes to them.

What is a "mobile weapon of mass destruction"?

The shield made up of the taboo power originating from Ny'alotha is like an eggshell that has been hammered down, and it is like broken glass in the blue light stream that is brilliant with the dark night and the chaotic streamer. , shattered and shattered.

"It's done! Withdraw!"

Sefiel kicked the tentacle sucker jumping in the blood in front of him and flew away, holding the still hot tidal scepter, whistled to himself and Bu Laike's ghost ship, like calling for a war horse.

In the next moment, the ghost ship that got rid of the sea monster's control was like an arrow that left the string, changing direction and rushing towards the sea outside the Temple of Storms.

Behind the ghost ship, there are tentacles of terrifying deep-sea monsters chasing.

And in the sky behind the ghost ship, in the dark and dead night, at an altitude of three kilometers, Bo Laike, smoking a dwarven pipe, snapped the bomb button.

He looked at the big red button that was very happy, rubbed his fingers, and said to the two little dwarves who were staring at him:

"I said, I'm going to save the world. Do you want this achievement? I can lead you. Of course, you have to express something in this kind of thing."

"We give money!"

Kelsey's reaction was obviously faster than Overspark's, and the dwarf agent chewing raspberry gum yelled:

"Gnomes save the world! Wow, that sounded so good, the Council of Artisans will pay you a fortune for it, and you'll have everything you want.

But not too much. "

"Don't worry, I'm only asking for a little bit."

Bu Laike was as frozen as his grandson in the high air, but he still pretended to puff out the smoke ring, put his hand on the red button, and winked at the two dwarves.

So, one big, two small and three hands put it on together.

"Three, two, one!"


The aircraft trembled violently.

The mechanical bomb hanging below began to fall freely, and the colorful lights on it began to go out quickly, and then were re-lit into a dark red that represented danger during the continuous fall.

That means that the Homing Bomb has entered the final countdown detonation procedure, and nothing can stop it from emitting the light and heat of purification.

"click, click"

With two soft bangs, the mechanical goggles of the two little gnomes covered their eyes.

They lay on the aircraft and looked down from left to right. In the dead of night, above the stormy Temple of Storms, a mass of rhythmically beating red light was falling rapidly.

Finally, in the falling "dubbing" of the elongated voices of the gnomes.

BOOM! ! !

(end of this chapter)

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