Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 815 146. Holy Light Covers Me To Fight

Chapter 815 146. Holy Light Covers Me to Fight

The detonation of the mechanical homing bomb in the Temple of Storms not only dealt a fatal blow to the confident Church of Storms, but also profoundly affected the situation on other battlefields in Stormsong Valley.

Not much to say about Brennadam City.

Over there, the Watcher and the Priest of the Moon used the great dispersal magic to destroy the conspiracy that the void was trying to descend. After the great dispersal magic that covered the whole city ended, the whole city can be called "a new look."

90% of the void erosion was swept away by the bright and scorching moonlight magic, and the rest was half dead, without any erosion ability.

But they chose to linger on, and tried their best to dedicate their cursed last life to N'Zoth's dark conquest.

But it's fine now.

The Temple of the Storm was bombed out of its nest, causing the surviving Void Creatures in Brennadam City to not receive any energy supplement at all, and were cut off after being hit head-on.

Even if most of the void creatures are single-minded, this will also fall into a real desperate situation.

The changes here are icing on the cake, but for the battlefield before the Sage Fortress in the Stormsong Mountains, the destruction of the Church of the Storm's lair is a real gift of help.

It is the soldiers of the Holy Light Church who are blocking the abyss general here.

Braike passed all the information about the Krasis in the Sage Fortress to the old Pope. Therefore, after revealing the true face of the Church of Storms, His Majesty Faol brought all the Warriors of the Holy Light to pass through Archmage Mo Della. The portal came here.

It's not just him and the two great knights holding holy relics.

There are also a group of high-ranking priests who want to purify and drive away the darkness, and even the two master assassins who joined the church during the Dalaran Rebellion.

"Killer" Rohan, and "Hunter" Leopold.

These two legends defected to the Church of the Holy Light in the face of Brah Laike's desperation to hunt down all of Ravenholdt's Master Assassins, thus escaping the subsequent reckoning of the remnants of the League of Assassins by the Uncrowned.

It can be seen from the timing of their choices that these two guys are not only powerful, but also extremely easy to use their brains, which is why they were brought to Kul Tiras by the Pope.

They are all old-school assassins in the true sense, and they do things in a low-key and smooth manner. During the Holy Light Parade, the two masters hardly appeared to show their presence.

But it's going to be desperate, and they didn't hide it.

After all, this time the Church of the Holy Light was invited by the evil Master of the Uncrowned, Bu Laike Shaw, to come to Kul Tiras to "shovel out evil".

That was the "old colleague" of the two master assassins.

How long has it been since the incident in Dalaran?

They may be able to obey the Pope's orders, but if this will be oiled again, there will be no one to protect them and their faction when Bo Laike settles the score.

In short, on the battlefield in the valley of the sage fortress, it can be said that everyone in the Church of the Holy Light did not work together.

No one is playing fish in battle.

Those who took damage, those who dealt damage, those who healed with divine magic, and those who stabbed around their backs, each of them was alive and well, each performing their duties, and they almost defeated the weak sea sages stationed in the fortress of the sages with a single push.

However, the final opponent they faced next was really a bit too strong.

When Bu Laike sneaked into the Sage Fortress to investigate, the "War Messenger" Yenakiz was still trapped in the gap between the material world and the void dimension.

But the pirates used scouting to check at that time, and the strength of this General Krasis when he arrived in the material world was at least legendary.

Coupled with the fact that Lord Stormsong was demolished today, he was upset and hated the Church of the Holy Light's meddling too much, so after escaping back to the Temple of Storms, he relied on the Void Stone, the holy relic of the abyss, to give this General Krasis an extra boost. "material".

This caused the power level of the Void Warlords faced by the warriors of the Church of the Holy Light to soar to the demigod level.

A void demigod!

Even if they are far inferior to the Deathwing they faced in every aspect, there will not be two dragon kings jumping out to block them, right?

Even with the blessing of the Holy Hammer of the Silver Hand and the Holy Shield of the Guardian of Truth in the hands of the church, and the fact that there are so many people, it is really powerless to face such an opponent.

If it hadn't been for the old pope's first wave of expansion, using the activated holy light in his body to release a wave of high-level magic "sacred hymn" that suppresses evil and inspires justice to suppress the formation, it may be Carat strengthened by the void. In the first wave of General Sith's charge, the warriors of the Holy Light were about to be wiped out by the terrifying power of this fallen creature.

"Your Majesty!"

The great knight Uther grabbed the silver hand hammer that was shining with scorching light and crushed the void tentacles summoned by General Krasis from the ground in front of him with a hammer. He looked back panting and maintained it with his own strength The old pope strengthened by the holy hymn group is already haggard.

This high-level divine technique can effectively strengthen the various powers of the users of the holy light, and can use the holy light to temporarily bless the soldiers with holy power, making them look like mythical warriors wrapped in the holy light.

But this strategic divine spell is usually released by a team of more than ten priests.

It's surprisingly stressful for the user.

Now the old pope supported the magic with his own strength, and managed to let the warriors maintain a certain counterattack ability in the face of the void demigod, but no matter how powerful the old pope was, the terrible pressure of maintaining the magic made him Feeling unsustainable.

In the eyes of the great knight, the old Pope, who summoned the Holy Light to bless everyone, is already on the verge of collapse. Under his priest robe, the sacred magic lines carved on his body are overflowing, like an arc that has been ignited.

It looked mighty, but it was already squeezing the old pastor's last strength.

The great knight knew that the pope would not stop, and this stubborn old man would not allow the violent void monster in front of him to pass through the Holy Light's position and slaughter the innocent people who were being transferred in the valley.

He knew that Faol would rather be burned to ashes by the holy light today than to stop the dark things here. But this is a victory in exchange for the pope's life as a bargaining chip, and such a victory does not conform to the virtues of the paladins at all.

"I can still hold on!"

Faol's deep voice came from the waves of holy light that had almost materialized around him. It was very weak, but the firmness in it stopped Uther who wanted to rush over.

"Don't forget why we came here today, Uther, this is the will of the Holy Light. Carry it out!"

At the pope's request, the great knight gritted his teeth and turned around, grabbed the holy hammer and rushed towards the huge purple-red monster behind him.

His Majesty is already desperate, an old man can make such a decision today, how can he, a paladin who has made an oath, run away?

"Dathrohan, cover me!"

Uther roared, and guided by the hammer of the Silver Hand, the thick holy light was continuously compressed and tempered by him in his body, making it the sharpest energy light knife.

He dragged his warhammer and rushed towards the fierce Krasis in front of him, and his will burst forth amidst the reverberation of the language of the abyss.

And Dathrohan, the great knight holding the Guardian of Truth, silently standing in front of the battle with his own strength, holding the sun flail and constantly resisting the bombardment of the void demigod, was blessed instantly.

He held up the shield, took a few steps back, dodged the crab-like claw attack of General Krasis, and raised the holy shield in his hand when he turned around, and cooperated with Uther who jumped over, giving a The big knight had a focus, allowing him to complete two jumps.

The blow resembled the heroic leap of warriors in rage.

Uther's whole body was covered with blazing holy light. He held the hammer of the Silver Hand with both hands, and made a powerful standard jump in the air.

And the sharp holy light accumulated and compressed in the paladin's body slammed down with the holy hammer. The heavy hammer was resisted by the creation of the void with its big claws, but the energyized light blade slashed down along its solid and twisted flesh and blood. .

Holy Light Unsheathed Sword of Wrath.

Uther's all-out blow shattered Krasis's ferocious and terrifying left claw, causing the stinky, filthy flesh to whimper in pain as it was burned by the scorching holy light flame.

But then he was slapped back by Void Demigod's paw, and smashed into the crowd, causing people to fall on their backs.

The injured void demigod roared and fought back.

But the silent Dathrohan stepped forward with the holy shield in hand, and in the reverberation of the power of the Guardian of Truth facing the ancient opponent, the power accumulated so far in the war broke out to fight back in an instant.

The standard shield strike collided with the big foot raised and stepped on by General Krasis, and the surface of the holy shield erupted with a beam of light that was more blazing than the sun, and the sun flail in Dathrohan's hand swung, as if within a second Played hundreds of counterattacks.

Holy reckoning!

In Dathrohan's furious roar, the mighty Void Demigod was made to retreat again and again by the bursting counterattack, and the filthy horniness covering its body was smashed apart abruptly.

Those nasty, holy lights full of positive energy "drilled" into its wounds, like flames burning blood bones, making it impossible to regenerate, making it miserable.

These bugs!

The gloomy eyes under the armor of the war messenger Yenakiz lit up viciousness and hatred, and the will to destroy grew more and more in its chaotic heart.

This general Krasis from Ny'alotha is not as successful as its "predecessors".

It did not participate in the epic battle where Crassis forced the titan guardian Tyr to death, nor did it participate in the battle to slaughter the mysterious mistress Setaris, nor was it entrusted by N'Zoth with the important task of contacting other ancient gods.

In the "family tree" of Void Creation, it is an out-and-out "junior", an "orphan" who has not experienced the dark empire era full of fallen glory.

But even so, it is still the strongest born from the fallen ruins outside the cage of N'Zoth.

Its power is no weaker than those fallen pioneers who are famous in ancient history.

Although the creation of the void does not have such a weird thing as "ideal", after it hatched in the egg of the void, it is still eager to contribute its own strength to the reconstruction of the dark empire.

It was born to be destroyed!

Today's battle is the beginning of its glory as the vanguard of destruction, but it is blocked in the valley by this group of weak order flesh and blood, unable to advance.

What blasphemy!

How rebellious!

These ignorant flesh and blood that hinder the coming of the glory of darkness need to be cleared away! Even if you pay the price of weakness, you must carry out your fallen will to the end.

Under such thoughts, the filthy sarcoma on the back of the war messenger burst with a bang, like spreading fleshy wings, forming a hexagonal weird organ behind it.

The purple-black void energy was infused into those new organs that were still stained with disgusting blood and mucus, very much like the posture of Mechagon's energy batteries fully charged.

It wants to use a powerful void slam to smash these nasty holy light bugs and this valley together.

"We're done"

The hunter Leopold, who was bowing and shooting an arrow, sensed the void energy from his upper body, and even the Holy Light Strengthening that the old Pope tried his best to support showed signs of being suppressed.

The void creation in front of him obviously held back a big move.

My group fought desperately, but they couldn't even stop it from shooting out its destructive power.

This is not an opponent they can deal with at all!

"This is the will of the Holy Light"

The desperate hunter heard the weary exclamation of the Pope behind him, and he saw the priests in front of him continue to attack without changing their expressions, and even the young girl Partress did not retreat.

Even if the girl was already trembling with fright.

Can't you even compare to a little girl?

He is a legendary figure who has been famous for a long time!

The hunter grinned.

He took a deep breath, took out a special holy light arrow from his back quiver and put it on the bowstring, but he was thinking about other things. They also died here to protect the innocent.

Maybe there will be their sculptures here forever in the future, and in the stories sung by the world, those who died will be called "saints".

Not a bad ending for an assassin who has lived in the shadows all his life.

Anyway, after escaping, he still has to face Braike Shaw's liquidation, and being targeted by such a bastard is likely to end up in an end that would be worse than death.

It would be more comfortable to die here simply and neatly.

"This is the will of the Holy Light"

The hunter closed his eyes and said something, even though he was not a sincere believer in his heart, at this moment, he still felt the calling and warmth of the holy light.

His hunter powers are being strengthened by the Holy Light.

Maybe a new way of hunter would be born from this, but unfortunately, he didn't have that chance to continue.


However, the imaginary scene of slamming into the void and polluting everything did not appear. Instead, there was a bright light bursting out of the strait at the end of everyone's sight.

The blue light illuminates the darkness like a lamp, more like lighting a "candle" in the dark night of Stormsong Valley.


The Void General, who had the absolute upper hand, uttered a terrified roar that had never been seen before, and the war messenger felt that the Void strengthening effect that had been blessed on him was pulled away in an instant.

The energy source that provided it with reinforcements in the physical world has been destroyed!

It is like a leaking balloon, and the majestic and majestic aura of the void on its body is quickly withdrawn, and the powerful void strike is like a candle in the wind, extinguishing bit by bit.

It looked back in amazement at the Temple of Storms, where the lit fire foreshadowed a terrible future.

The Church of the Storm is finished.

It won't get any assistance and it will return to the level of power it was meant to be.

It's doomed too.

An unreasonable panic stirred up in its chaotic mind. Void creatures do not have the concept of death, but they will enter a long "sleep".

I have just woken up now, am I about to return to a deep sleep?

"It is weakened! Its corrupt powers have been banished!"

The exhausted senior priest Iselion yelled in ecstasy, and the fanatical believer waved his hands and shouted:

"This is the will of the Holy Light! Evil must be defeated!"

"Come on!"

"In the name of the Holy Light, burn it to death!"

(end of this chapter)

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