Chapter 816

The Temple of the Storm is on fire.

Well, "fire" in the physical sense.

After the mechanical homing bomb was dropped by Laike and the two dwarves, the entire hill of the island where the temple was located was shrouded in a cloud of blue-white light.

This bomb was designed by King Mechagon to be different from ordinary bombs.

It does not use physical explosions and impacts as destructive power to injure people, nor does it take destroying the existence of enemies as its first purpose of birth. Although this thing can wipe out the life of a city in an instant, it is indeed designed for "saving".

do not laugh!

This is a very serious topic.

This is the means used by King Mechagon to save the life that has been polluted by the curse of flesh and blood into the purest and oldest iron and inorganic Titan life.

The purpose of its explosion is not to kill, but to "awaken".

This awakening refers to reactivating the titan sequence in the flesh and blood life gene by simulating the fission of titan energy and bombarding with light beams.

Therefore, after the mechanical homing bomb exploded, almost no buildings in the Temple of Storms were destroyed at all, and the walls were not even scratched.

The released fission beams covered the entire Temple of Storms in a scattered manner from a high altitude, and Hai Xian and Sea Knights who roamed and defended in the outer layer were the first to bear the brunt of the "energy bombardment".

In just a split second, the entire surface of the Temple of Storms was filled with scorching ashes, and those Kezier sea sages and the sea knights who received the gift of the void seemed to be wiped away by an invisible hand in an instant.

It's as exciting as magic.

After all, when Bu Laike used the character card to detect the mechanical homing bomb, the entry explained it very clearly:

The bomb has extra destructive power against void pollution, and the energy field formed when it explodes will apply [High Energy Purification] effect to all void pollution.

What is high energy purification?

This is it.

And those lucky ones who were not on the surface at the time of the explosion did not escape. King Mechagon's astonishing design idea made the beam energy bombardment of the homing bomb super penetrating.

It exploded at an altitude of 200 meters, and its light beam could pass through ten layers of walls at its deepest point, reaching an underground chamber nearly 100 meters deep.

The most insane thing is that the mechanical homing bomb designed by King Mechagon could have exploded and radiated as much as Boralus Port, and he did use the range of the Kul Tiras Capital District as a reference to set parameters.

But Bu Laike asked Prince Erazmin to modify the parameters of this explosion.

He reduced the explosion range of the homing bomb by ten times!

It's just shrouded in the range of the entire island where the Temple of Storms is located. As we all know, the reduction of the explosion range means that the destructive power of the unit density is increased.

So, to sum up, the Temple of Storms is completely "on fire".

However, this can actually be regarded as "benevolence" in another sense. After all, under the bombardment of the mechanical returning beam, those sea sages who had been severely voided were purified and died only in an instant.

They can only feel a burst of scorching heat, followed by the silent "return to source purification".

They don't even feel much pain.

Under the explosion of returning to the source and purifying, the most seriously injured was the abominable octopus hiding in the sea around the Temple of Storms.

When the explosion happened, the huge body of the big octopus Ozumat, who was still "chasing" the Nagfar, attracted more "purification shocks" for it.

The beam of light penetrating through the sea water made the evil god of the abyss whose tentacles had been severed seem to be thrown into a burning sun, and its flesh and blood filled with void energy was instantly scorched.

This terrible pain caused the big octopus to abandon the Naglfar in an instant. Amidst the violent cry of pain, it shook its regenerated tentacles, and rushed back to the dark deep sea without looking back.

It doesn't have much intellect.

It doesn't even want to respond to the prayers of those sea sages before they die. It just wants to escape this "hell" full of order energy that it hates.

But just the bombardment of purified energy in less than ten seconds has already weakened this demigod-level void god, and the whole body has shrunk a circle out of thin air.

That is, it discarded the scorched and incinerated skin for a difficult escape just like a gecko was reborn with a severed tail.

It's not that it's not powerful enough.

It's just that this well-prepared return bomb of the stinky pirate is simply a "nemesis" when dealing with void creatures. In fact, it can escape with the return to the source purification, which has fully demonstrated the power of Ozumat.

But the escape of the big octopus Ozumat made the bad-hearted stinky pirate very dissatisfied.

This is very different from the plot where the enemy in his heart was tortured to death.

It's just that when I thought about blowing up the base camp of the Church of the Storm with a bomb, and then thought that today's bombing can kill at least two-thirds of the elite Hai Xian in Kul Tiras, the kind that physically crushes the enemy. The feeling of dusting is still very good.

"Barely ok, very average."

Bu Laike leaned on the driver's seat of "Star Throne", snorted while smoking a pipe, and said very Versailles:

"I can kill all these guys overnight with one knife, but it's too time-consuming. Forget it, I forgive these bastards, and may their fallen souls be tortured in the light of purification."

"It's so close to 'slaughtering the city', do you still think it's normal?"

Kelsey Steelshine looked back at the expressionless Bo Laike with a look of horror on his face. The little dwarf agent now suspected that Bo Laike Shaw was a cold-blooded murderer.

In a few minutes, the years of foundation of the Church of Storms were wiped out from the root, and he is still not satisfied?

But thinking about it carefully, the scene in front of him was horrifying, but compared to the big incident that Bu Laike made in Dalaran, it was indeed a bit less interesting.

"I'm more curious about the working principle of this homing bomb."

Overspark next to him looked puzzled and said:

"Although I saw some blueprints in Mechagon, my engineering skills are not enough to understand it. What are these blue and white lights? Why can they cause such devastating damage to void creatures?"

"These are titan energies simulated by electric energy and current, which are the masterpieces of the power of order, and are born with a super order purification effect."

Bu Laike grabbed the joystick in front of him, let the "Star Throne" aircraft circle downward, and said casually:

"As for the super destructive power of this bomb on void creatures, in addition to simulating the frequency and nature of Titan energy, it is also because its design principle comes from a Titan-level world purification device.

Here I am going to criticize the poor innovation ability of Mechagon Kingdom.

Although I don't know the specific design of engineering very well, I know that his bomb completely copied the principle of the World Destruction Restart Device left by the Titans.

That is the wisdom left by the Titans, a 'killer' designed by Mimiron, the guardian who holds the power of wisdom, to deal with world-class corruption incidents.

Therefore, the killing effect of its downgraded version is of course good. "

"I've heard you talk about this with Prince Erazmin before!"

Kelsey Steelshine chewed her gum as she looked at Boo Laike and asked:

"The two of you are very sure, but there is really a terrible machine in this world. Is it possible to destroy the world first and then rebuild the world? Although we gnomes believe in the power of engineering, the 'destruction device' sounds so magical It's terrible."

"It's not a world-destroyer device! It's a 'world-destroyer restart' device, and it's important to read the name correctly."

Bu Laike corrected:

"That place is called the Furnace of Origins.

Its duty is not to destroy the world, but the defense system left by the Titans in this world detects the invasion of corruption after these bastards accidentally released the Old God in the cage.

As long as the world's corruption reaches a certain limit, Titan City will send a message to the Pantheon, and Titan Observers will come to Azeroth to confirm the situation.

Once the corruption is confirmed, the Origin Furnace is activated.

The entire world, together with all civilizations and all life in it, will be formatted in an instant.

All the evil and the righteous, all the good and the ugly, all the things you love and hate, everything in the world will lose its meaning in an instant.

And the nutrients left after the formatting of this season's civilization will nourish the soul of the severely damaged world, triggering a battle for the birth of a new four elements, and restarting the civilization of the next season in the war of elements.

No matter how beautiful or ugly it is, it has nothing to do with us anymore. "

After Bu Laike's voice fell, the two little dwarves beside him were dumbfounded.

Overspark's eyes widened, and he exclaimed:

"How do you know? By the way, you are a prophet. You know everything about the future, past and present."

"We must find the Furnace of Origin!"

Kelsey, a little agent, thought more directly, she yelled:

"We must secure that dangerous thing, we cannot allow that device to activate"

"How are you going to protect it?"

The magic eye on Bo Laike's shoulder glanced at her and said:

"Shouting this secret loudly, let all the cultists hiding in the world know the existence of the 'big baby'? Or do you think that with the current strength of the alliance, it is capable of protecting the furnace under the erosion of all kinds of evil?

Even if you bring Luna Kingdom together, you don't have the ability to enter the desert of Uldum.

You can't even pass the first level left by the titan guardians.

So the best way to protect it is to shut up! "

The pirate patted Kelsey's small mouth, made a silence on her lips, and said:

"Bury what I tell you, or forget it forever. But if Prince Erazmin returns to Gnomeregan with the mechagnomes, you will know it sooner or later.

So I'm not spoiling it.

But when some of you 'fearless', 'diggers' or 'hands-on' want to find it, remember to let me know in advance.

This thing is not an ordinary thing, you can't play with it casually.

Press one wrong button and the world is over.

I don't know what you guys think, but I don't want to die without warning. "

The two little dwarves immediately looked at each other, and said a name in unison:

"Brian Bronzebeard!"


Bu Laike pouted and said:

"I mean him."


A loud noise from the other side of the strait interrupted the conversation between Laike and the dwarves. The magic eyeball on the pirate's shoulder flipped, and he saw a golden arc of light burning and dancing in the mountains of Stow. .

It was as if half the valley had been set on fire.

As the light shines, the haze covering the entire strait seems to be reduced a lot.

"The Pope has purified the evil spirits on the land!"

The smelly pirate looked serious, and immediately shouted to the dwarves beside him:

"Send a signal to the Uncrowned, the Watcher, the Hidden Passage and the Druids to cross the sea immediately! Come join us at the Temple of Storms and start the next stage of the attack!"

"Huh? Is this not over yet?"

Kelly exclaimed:

"Hasn't the Church of the Storm been purified?"


Bo Laike showed a helpless expression, stroked Kelsey's pink hair, and said:

"Well, if things were as simple as you think, my poor little friend. The Church of Storms is just a flower of evil extending from the darkness of Kul Tiras to the surface. We burned all the flowers, but what lies beneath the surface The roots are still there.

Cut the grass to get rid of the roots.

I finally came back, if I don't turn this place upside down, how can I leave contentedly? "


The smelly pirate stood up from the driver's seat, pulled out the long sword and dagger from his waist, moved his body, and said to the dwarfs who were driving the aircraft:

"Go to the island next to it, there is the hell staircase leading to the furnace of the storm, don't rush in, cooperate with the flesh and blood purification cannon of the Nagfar to clean up the abyss creation on the outer layer.

The Hydraxian Legion will help us open and cleanse the way to the heart of the furnace.

The easy part is over.

Next, it's time to do a real fight. "



On the edge of the island of the dead Storm Church, amidst the surging icy tide, the shining light in the sky has dimmed, as if a round of morning sun is slowly extinguishing.

While the death-filled smoke was blowing away, an embarrassed figure, whose whole body was exuding high-temperature smoke, crawled out of the sea bit by bit.

"What is this?"

Daelin Proudmoore breathed heavily. He was lying on the beach after being almost drowned in the sea, looking at the blue and white light that was slowly extinguishing above his head.

He felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if a strange force was about to burst out of his body, he felt a headache, and memories from the past to the present poured out of his brain.

Let the admiral be normal one second, and seem to be back to a certain day when he was young in the next second.

He was suffering physically and mentally.

He only remembered that he was riding on his griffin, flying towards the sea of ​​the island of the Church of the Storm.

He remembered that he was full of killing intent.

Then, he saw the burst of light.

So bright.

So hot.

He remembered covering his eyes with his hands, but he could still see the scorching heat escaping from between his fingers, the light piercing through his body like sharp arrows.

Then, his eyes went black, and when he woke up, he was washed to the shore by the sea.


I don't have amnesia, but what about this feeling?


A crisp sound sounded from Dai Lin's left arm.

He looked down, and saw that the already strong muscles on his arms swelled out of thin air, and the muscles that were cut like knives and axes forcibly exploded his ritual armor.

How is this going?

The admiral got up dizzily, even though his brain was confused under the impact, he still hadn't forgotten the purpose of this trip.

Lord Stormsong and the tidesages.

It was they who killed their sons, and they tried to lure themselves into darkness, trying to use their own hands to wreak havoc on their own country. They shamed themselves in front of their children.

Unforgivable! ! !


Dai Lin's anger turned into a real scarlet storm, and the gravel blown by the beach under his feet fluttered. He squinted his eyes, grabbed the abyss trident in his hand, and held Odin's shield in his hand.

The abyss trident, which originally needed to be held with both hands, is now very suitable to be grasped with one hand, and the shield of Odin, which is in the form of a protective shield, can be grasped like a one-handed buckler.

I don't know if it's my illusion, this shield seems to be more active in my hands.

Dai Lin didn't want to pay attention to these changes.

He stared at the top floor of the Temple of Storms that was too quiet in front of him.

Lord Stormsong was there, he knew.

And the next thing is very simple.


(end of this chapter)

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