Chapter 819

The pirates still had the smell of gunpowder smoke that covered their bodies after a large number of bombs exploded. It seemed that the eradication of weeds and roots in the depths of the Temple of Storms went very smoothly.

He glanced up at the sky when he appeared, and the little Jaina behind the high-altitude dragon was about to jump down.

Little Jaina didn't see the face of the vrykul savage, but she had the keenness of a spellcaster, and instantly felt the different identity of the "vrykul".

Most importantly, Jaina knew that Daelin had taken the Abyssal Trident in Brennadam.

This is what Fenner told her.

She had also heard about the effects of the mechanical homing bomb on Mechagon Island.

She knew that Mr. Bo Laike used that horrible thing to destroy the Church of Storms, and she was also told in advance not to approach the Temple of Storms. And now, the vrykul suddenly appeared with a trident in his hand.

With the only information, it is enough to piece together a truth that makes little Jaina's scalp tingle.

"Don't go, father!"

The little princess burst into tears all at once, and in her anxiety, she even wanted to jump down from behind the little star who was casting a spell.

But before he jumped down, he was grabbed by Fenna behind him. The dumb warrior raised his hand and slapped Jaina on the back of the head, controlling the power to stun her without hurting her.

"I almost let you run away, you little idiot, the following is not where you can go now."

Fenner hugged the unconscious Jaina, put her behind Little Xingxing, and said to Little Xingxing:

"You stay here watching her, waiting for backup. Don't let her go down, or Bo Laike will kill you."

"I didn't even plan to go down! Look at that ghost thing, is that where people go?"

The little Xingxing who just finished casting the spell rolled his eyes, and said confidently:

"I have added a magic beacon to you, and I will wait here for my compatriots to come to meet up. When you need dragon fire support, you will call out. I will send those red dragons that can protect life to your side."

The savior of the world, His Royal Highness the Star, took on the titles of "Savior of Stormsong" and "Destroyer of Church of the Storm". She thought her adventure was over.

Although she is very interested in the new shiny medal, she obviously does not intend to continue her adventures in the furnace of the storm that can kill people at first sight.

She is very clear about her strength.

The thing below may require a spellweaver to deal with it.

That was no place for a young dragon like her to venture. Perhaps this reason makes people feel more timid, Xiao Xingxing thought about it, and then said in a tactful tone:

"I'm not afraid, but Deathwing is enough for the big bad dragon infected by the void, and I will guard the back road for you.

You can rest assured to fight. "

She flapped her wings full of "powerful aura", carried Fenner and the unconscious Jaina to the ground, turned into a human figure again, puffed up her chest, and gestured to Braike "you can rest assured if I am here " expression.

Sienigosa behind her covered her face helplessly.

However, his highness really has an extraordinary perception of danger, knowing where to go and where to go.

Bu Laike nodded to the little star, not caring about the fear of the blue dragon. In his plan, there was no need for Little Xingxing to take risks, as long as she could attract some giant dragons to deal with subsequent troubles.

The magic eye on the pirate's shoulder glanced at the entrance to the Stormforge.

The power of water purification summoned by the sea elemental elders of the Hydraxia Legion has almost purified the void energy at the entrance.

The bloody entrance blocked by Dai Lin was also reopened by the water elementals using magic.

Under the order of Kou Qiao, the ancestor turtle sage of the Order of Tides, they "caringly" used ice blocks to shape a ladder leading to the bottom of the furnace for the human warriors who were about to go deep into the evil land to fight against the filth.

This thoughtful service almost put the idea of ​​"sending cannon fodder to the battlefield" on his face.

Well, these Hydraxian water elementals under His Majesty the Tidehunter are really cunning.

But no one cares about that.

The companions carefully selected by Laike for this operation, either have a heart of justice and do not want to see evil raging, or have compatriots who need to be rescued, and they have to go through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

They all had good reasons to follow the pirates into this filthy land, and Bu Laike didn't have to worry about being abandoned by them. In fact, there is no need to say more about the current situation. Those who can be here have already guessed what they will do next.

"There are Guardians of Truth against the Void, paladins with the Uncrowned! Shaw and Nathanos command my Assassins.

Remember not to stray too far from Dathrohan! "

Bu Laike pointed to the shield that sensed the corruption of the void and radiated light, and said to the others:

"You gather in the passage of flesh and blood leading to the ground, slowly moving forward, in that dirty place full of darkness, it is difficult for the Holy Light to respond to your call.

Therefore, before the 'general attack signal' arrives, don't go too deep. "

"General attack signal? What's that?"

Great Knight Uther frowned and said:

"You didn't seem to mention this before? And it seems that your plan is to go deep alone? You don't have holy objects in your hands, and you will be corroded by the void."

"The general attack signal is the general attack signal. When it appears, you don't need me to emphasize it. As for the void corrosion, this is not a big problem.

Because of my personal physique, my resistance to the void is more than ten times higher than all the people present combined. "

Bo Laike shrugged.

He pushed Fenner, who was sharpening the sharp edge with a whetstone, to his side, pointed at Fenner, who was bewildered but full of fighting spirit, and said to the others:

"And our Princess of Kul Tiras also possessed the divine power of order that can resist the corruption of the void because of some personal experiences.

Not only can she protect herself from being swallowed by the void, she can also shelter a few companions from mental interference.

However, the effect of her 'Courage Halo' is not as good as that of the Guardian of Truth, so there can't be too many people following Fenner to find the reckless Dai Lin, at most four!

Let's discuss it slowly, I, the activist group, will go ahead.

Remember my instructions and act according to plan!

Before the general attack signal appears, don't act rashly. If you don't obey orders and act casually and get trapped, you can be counted on me to return to rescue you. "

After speaking, he strode towards the storm furnace in front of him.

A group of watchmen girls beside him followed him silently but decisively.

Bu Laike has demonstrated his near-perfect decision-making and execution ability, allowing everyone to easily take down the stronghold of the Church of Storms without anyone dying.

The smoothness of this process is enough to convince the most picky watchers.

And now, they must rescue their compatriots trapped in the Storm Furnace before Braike's "general attack" is launched, and by the way, investigate the environment inside the Storm Furnace for the follow-up troops.

After Bu Laike led the team to leave, Little Star ran over and forced her very precious legendary bone sword "Ursoc's Wisdom" into Fenner's hand, which was used to show her identity.

He chattered to Fina again, and then stuffed Fina with the "Sea Tide Stone" that she got at the bottom of the box from the tortoise for self-defense.

Although this thing is not as powerful as the Tidal Stone, it is still a very powerful legendary wonder.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and took off the dragon whistle that his grandfather made for himself again from his neck, put it in Fenner's hands, and taught her how to use it.

So, although Little Xingxing is greedy, timid, a little dissatisfied, and messy, everyone on the Nagfar likes her, and it's not without reason that they dote on her.

At critical moments, Little Xingxing is still very loyal.

She obviously didn't want her good friend to be hurt.

Fenner refused, but she could only bring these good things with her. She tidied up her luggage, put two lord's axes in her waist, and lifted the legendary round shield phase barrier made by elves.

He also carried a troll-style beheading sword and a black magic ice halberd on his back. This set of weapons can be said to be armed to the teeth.

It's a walking arsenal!

What I know is that the princess of Kul Tiras is going to save her incompetent father, but I don’t know what kind of weird weapon dealer is showing his collection.

Fenner took a deep breath, and she turned to look at the people behind her.

In the end, she saw the determination on her mother's face at a glance, and she knew that she definitely couldn't stop her mother from going down to find Dai Lin, that worry-free bastard.

"I will not leave my daughter and my lover alone."

Mrs. Jin Jian stepped forward to hold her daughter's hand. She looked at Fenner with a look of relief, and hung a delicate magic hearthstone on her daughter's wrist, saying:

"I knew it, you're a good boy. I'm glad you're willing to save him, but if things don't go well, don't stop, activate it and go back to Quel'Thalas.

I will buy time for you, my daughter.

Neither your father nor I want to see you in danger for us. "

"Quel'Thalas has no tradition of letting its people stand alone."

The elven sword master Salorian Dawnseeker holding the Dragonforged Blade said calmly:

"His Majesty Dai Lin is also a friend of Quel'Thalas. We will not sit back and watch him fall into the evil conspiracy of the void creation. I will act together with my two compatriots."

"I'll go with you."

Uther and Dathrohan discussed in low voices, and the Lightbringer with the hammer also strode forward.

"This is the will of the Holy Light."

The old Pope next to him said something weakly.

He was so exhausted that he held his body with the holy staff in his hand, but the light in the eyes of the old pope was burning like a flame, and he said in a low tone:

"I can too."

"No, Your Majesty, you urgently need to rest now."

His Majesty Jean Greymane, who had been silent all this time, straightened his clothes, and while supporting the old Pope, he said seriously and solemnly:

"You can't even walk, so don't burden these warriors anymore. Just stay here and I will follow them to find and rescue Dai Lin."

"But Gene, you."

Gene's initiative surprised everyone, including the two great knights.

After all, in memory, the King of Gilneas was not as brave as His Majesty Dailin.

His force value is not bad among the kings, but it is only at the level of high-level fighters, and Jean has always given the impression that he is very "intelligent", or cunning.

Unless necessary, he would not take the initiative to participate in a certain battle. For example, in the battle of Dalaran, Jin was the first king to leave.

He didn't even take part in the banishment of demons.

But now, why would he be so active in saving Dai Lin?

Gene smiled. He supported the old Pope's fingers and exerted a little force, causing Fao's eyes to widen suddenly, and he looked at Gene with an incredulous gaze.

The latter nodded slightly to him, and explained to everyone:

"I have considered some political factors, but I don't think any of you here want to hear it. So I will simplify my reasoning. If I rescue the goddam Dailin, he and the whole of Kul Tiras owe me a Great favor.

I have been seeking to find a suitable ally for my country. I am not threatening with kindness, I just want Kul Tiras to seriously consider my joint proposal.

You can see this adventure as an expression of 'sincerity'. "

"You don't have to say it, Your Majesty Jean."

Mrs. Jinjian replied sincerely:

"Although I am not the queen of Kul Tiras, I think that if Catherine is here, she will definitely agree to you, only your strength."

"Gene can!"

At the critical moment, the old Pope suddenly said:

"Trust me, he's a good fit to be part of this rescue.

However, Laike's plan is always careful, so although it is a bit incomprehensible, I still ask you to follow his instructions.

You have seen with your own eyes the existence of this terrible thing before you.

In the matter of preventing it from devouring Kul Tiras, neither my life nor Daelin's life nor yours is worth mentioning.

This is the will of the Light to guide us here.

In the face of such evil, there is no sacrifice too great to be accepted! "

"Why do you trust that pirate so much? I have never been able to understand the question. You seem to have been partial to him in matters concerning him.

You don't even see him spreading the werewolf curse in Gilneas.

Your Majesty, aren't my people the people of the Holy Light? "

Gene stretched out his hand to untie his collar, and said with some displeasure:

"I admit that he does have some skills, but in front of such a major event, we trust a leader like you more, after all, we know that you always represent the beauty of justice.

And that pirate.

He's just a villain who brings disaster. "

"Because he deserves my trust, Gene!"

The old pope didn't want to explain too much on this matter, he said in a solemn tone:

"Because he has stopped the same evil with us, and in the past when you don't know the truth, he has contributed far more to our civilization than you can imagine.

He might really be a man with bloody hands.

But he also has the ability to detect and neutralize such fatal crises in advance when we are all content with the status quo. If you can do the same, Gene, I will believe in you as much as I believe in him.

At this moment, I am just extremely grateful that we have such a person by our side to rely on.

There is no need to doubt too much, but Bu Laike Shaw is indeed a 'Friend of the Light'. "

"He's not just a friend of the Light. He's a friend of dwarves, a friend of orcs, a friend of dragons, a friend of demigods, a friend of trolls, a friend of elves, a friend of nature, a friend of the arcane, and so on."

Fenna watched the sea water tumbling around the island, and listened to the voice of the void continuously coming from the furnace of the storm. She held the long sword and shield, and whispered:

"He has friends in every creature we can think of, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a wicked bastard. I said, are we going to keep listening to the Pope raving about that stinky pirate? Or are we going to go now?

I'm not rushing you either.

I actually like to hear good and bad things about that bastard, but I really think that Dai Lin's state may not be able to last everyone to express their opinions on Bo Laike Shaw.

What do you think? "

(end of this chapter)

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