Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 820 151. This Is A New Race Of Ships You Have Never Played Before

Chapter 820 151. This is a new race of ships you have never played before

In the crucible of storms full of evil god styles, the paladins, the uncrowned, and the royal knights of Kul Tiras have gathered in the rear, slowly advancing.

The five people looking for Dai Lin also turned to another road full of corpses of various void creatures.

Looking at the dead bodies of those strange void creatures, their filthy flesh and blood forming a road of bones, one can tell that Dai Lin, who has become the "King of Vrykul Slasher", is rushing all the way.

That brutal guy even forcibly opened a "hole" in the flesh and blood wall of the Storm Furnace.

It's like a irascible titan thrown into a maze, choosing the most "direct" way to kill the minions of N'Zoth hiding in the furnace.

With such a violent guy leading the way, it made the stinky pirate feel at ease.

"Titan Creation" Dai Lin combined with the super destructive power of the Abyss Trident, as long as N'Zoth is not personally involved in this storm furnace, the strength of its hidden creations may not be able to stop the violent general.

This was a surprise, giving Braike enough time to find the captured Wardens.

Bo Laike and the Wardens were moving fast.

They didn't jump directly from the center of the circle of flesh and blood ladders around the furnace. That would be a bit too reckless. Who knows what kind of monsters are waiting for them to throw themselves into the net at the bottom?

A group of top Assassins shuttled back and forth in the shadows, with Laike at the vanguard, while the other Wardens scattered in search of traces of their kin.

For these elites, stepping into a melting pot of flesh and blood like a monster's stomach does not make them feel intimidated, but nausea is certain.

In fact, it's not just them, even the well-informed Bo Laike looks disgusted at this moment.

The ground underfoot was covered with a layer of viscous flesh and blood, resembling the legendary "creep".

Walking with each foot will produce a weird pulling feeling, coupled with the aisle in front of you in the style of ancient gods and fallen cults, it really seems to be stepping into someone's stomach.

The Stinky Pirate even had to switch into Hemet's trap boots to keep himself moving quickly through the passage.

The watchmen don't have this trouble.

Their moonlight armor is blessed with the power of divine magic, so that their movement speed will not be slowed down by this corrupted thing.

What you can see is enough to challenge the physiological bottom line, not to mention the interference at the olfactory level. Pirates can be sure that even the smell of the most chaotic garbage dump in the whole world is much more comfortable than this ghost place.

The rotten smell that radiated in all directions made Bo Laike want to roll his eyes, and Ghany old wanted to kill himself on the spot.

"See, the Crucible of Storms itself, as I surmised, looks like a twisted living thing to me, not just N'Zoth's secret stronghold in the material world.

It also bears the delusional vision of the Old Gods trying to devour the world. "

The pirate stood on the edge of the "corridor of flesh and blood" covered with disgusting horniness and gray barbs, pointed at the dilapidated wreckage of the ship below, and said to the people behind him:

"Look at these things underfoot. It perfectly confirms my description of their evil nature. I am now really worried about the fate of your poor compatriots."

The Warden and the Archdruid followed Bo Laike's finger to see what remained of the rotting hull and keel on the rubbish-heap of remnants below.

And the tattered sails tell of the final fate of the hapless and the innocent.

Those ships seemed to be swallowed alive by the giant mouth of flesh and blood on the island, and then most of them were digested in this evil "stomach".

Saddest of all, not a single skeleton of the sailors and merchants who were swallowed here could be found. They were sacrificed to this mad place as past sacrifices of the cultists of the Church of the Storm.

As described bluntly by pirates.

The entire Storm Furnace is like a living "organ" made of flesh and blood.

Like the malignant tumor of the world, it constantly devours nutrients from the material world, constantly devours the existence foundation of this world, and constantly swallows the hope of the world.

Then transform these intangible and tangible things into nutrients, and supply them to N'Zoth, the demon with thousands of beards who is sealed in the Titan's cage, to restore its strength, so that the ancient gods who are the source of corruption have the power to get rid of the ancient gods. captivity.

"If you think that your unlucky companions can still maintain their sanity after staying in such a dark place for almost a month, I can only say that you have great confidence in your fellow watchmen."

Bu Laike said to the silent Windrunner mother and Ms. Nasa beside her:

"If I were you, I would be vigilant about anything that appeared in front of me right now, and you have to be careful of those 'companions' who might jump out in a while.

Although I don't want to say that either.

But under their unchanged bodies, there is probably no soul you are familiar with anymore.

Maybe you should have been more decisive when you started. After losing your faith, losing your soul, and being tortured, you should at least give them a happy ending.

This is what those poor people deserve. "

"I wish so much right now that you were just making some fucking jokes"

The elite warden lady, who had experienced many battles, was silent for a while. She replied in a sad tone, stretched out her hand and gestured to her companions behind her, making a new tactical arrangement.

Nasa was unwilling to accept Bu Laike's reminder, but the thoughts in her heart had changed after she saw the true face of the Storm Forge.

She has great confidence in the firm will of her companions.

But when she herself walks here, she will feel uncomfortable all over her body. Elune's power has been warning, and after she walked into this area, her connection with Luna was severely severed by some kind of dark presence.

She can't even feel the moonlight, which is a scary situation for a Warden.

This made Nasa's mood quiet for a while.

"This is the enemy of the world, the enemy of all things. It comes from the same source as the ancient darkness buried deep in the Silithus desert. They are all corrupted things that should not exist in any world."

Archdruid Shaun Moonpaw gives a more precise description.

He looked at everything around him with a disgusted attitude. As an archdruid who maintains the balance of nature, he has never been so eager to destroy something as he is now.

The last time the same emotion appeared was in the battle of quicksand a thousand years ago.

The kaldorei, which was injured by that battle, has not yet recovered to its full glory until today, but compared with the uncomfortable and ugly scene in front of it, those almost endless gushing out from under the desert, trying to devour the world The desert bugs didn't seem so unacceptable anymore.

"There's something ahead! Be alert."

Bu Laike raised his hand and was the first to jump into the shadows, because he had Xal'atath's void power in his body, allowing him to walk in the storm furnace without suffering any spiritual impact.

Of course, if the "visual pollution" in front of us is also counted as a mental shock, then Laike is indeed under a lot of psychological pressure.

He would be extremely grateful that he was wearing a blindfold and finally didn't have to see these things with his own eyes.

Therefore, the "resolution" of Keir Rogge's eye was deliberately lowered, so that all the disgusting things in front of him seemed to be "mosaiced", which finally made the pirates feel better.

His reminder came just right, the group quickly hid in the shadows, and the archdruid Shawn Moonclaw also quietly entered into hiding in the form of a powerful cheetah incarnated by nature.

A few seconds later, a group of noisy flesh and blood beasts howled like alien reptiles and crawled across the "ground" in front of them, as if they were on patrol.

They are led by two giant twisted faceless men, and two wardens in moonlight armor!

Judging by their armor styles, they should still be veterans of the watchmen.

When they walked, they didn't have a sense of rigidity controlled, and they seemed to maintain their rationality, but as watchmen, they walked with such evil creatures, and they seemed to be appointed as "little captains".

That in itself says a lot.

The terrible discovery in front of them made the hearts of Nasa and the watchmen completely sink to the bottom of the valley. Even if they hurry, they are still late

"This is not right, little master."

Bu Laike, who was also watching the outrageous scene in front of him, shook his head, grabbed the dagger and long sword and was about to attack, but suddenly heard Xal'atath's voice again.

Needless to say, it must be because of being in the Furnace of Storms, a place with unprecedented void power, that the "special contact channel" of Xalatas was activated again, allowing her to complete the cross-world communication again.

The Void Essence whispered to the pirates who were about to attack:

"The spirits of those watchmen were suppressed, but they were not completely degraded to the level of void creatures. Their souls were still resisting in the cage of their bodies.

There must be someone who has a deep research on dark corrosion helping them!

They are still saved.

Although the magic power in their bodies has been voided, they can still be reawakened. Well, I think they are on the verge of degeneration but still look like they can be saved. It should be more appropriate to call them 'Void Elf'.

Of course, their current connection with the void is too unstable, so they can only be regarded as 'semi-finished products'. "

"A beta version of 'Rondore'?"

Bu Laike uttered a special term in Salas language. Xalatas was silent for a while, and asked back:

"Little master, why aren't you surprised at all? Did you predict the birth of such a void elf?"

"Of course, judging from the elves' super adaptability to various energies and their strange 'family tree', the birth of the void elf Rondorei is only a matter of time.

Not only did I predict Rondore, I also predicted that Rhine, the blood elf, might also appear in the next few years. "

As the pirate approached the void creation in front of him, he said in his heart:

"But I used to think that the void elves who are all black after being cut should be born among the Quel'dorei elves who like to absorb all kinds of energy indiscriminately, but I didn't expect this 'glory' to be given by these old-fashioned night elves." Get there first'.

It can only be said that things are impermanent.

On the contrary, you came just in time, help me watch, Xalatath. If N'Zoth wants to give me a 'little surprise', he must notify me in advance. "

"Don't worry, little master."

Xal'atath gave a seductive chuckle and said:

"I feel that N'Zoth will be busy, in a hurry. Your raid has disrupted all its plans, and it is now trying to make up for it, and is full of anger trying to take advantage of this situation.

It is trying to open the gate of Ny'alotha in this void, turning all the warriors united into its servants.

But it's a pity that the void pioneers guarding the gate are being massacred by a berserk life form that resembles a titan.

Well, his fighting prowess reminds me of those brave Iron Vrykul warriors during the War of the Overlord. Are you asking Odin for help? little Master.

When did the stingy king of war become so generous? And specially sent Lei Zhu Heroic Spirit to help you? When did the relationship between the Undead Fleet and Valhalla Sky Fortress get so good? "

"Uh, the specific situation is more complicated."

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"I'll tell you when I'm free, and help me be vigilant."

After finishing speaking, the pirate appeared in the center of the group of void creations with a whoosh, and threw an oversized Shadow Fury in all directions. The effect of confinement is doubled.

The Wardens followed him in perfect harmony as a pack of wolves hunted.

While Shadow Fury stunned the Void Anomaly, more than four elite wardens and Gabe Laike himself spun their bodies at the same time, and five blade storms swept in all directions.

Those weak flesh and blood beasts were cleared with a single blow, and the powerful faceless man had just recovered from the dizziness of the Shadow Fury, and was once again brought into the forced confinement of losing perspective by the wardens' [Blade of Imprisonment].

Three seconds later, the two elite faceless men couldn't even counterattack, and were cut into filthy flesh and blood on the ground under the continuous, perfectly coordinated, and defense-ignoring shadow raids.

It's as smooth as a boiled ox.

And the two fallen watchmen were also trapped in place by the natural magic imprisoned by the archdruid Moonclaw with the roots. Their thinking was infected by the void, but their combat effectiveness was not affected.

The moment they were imprisoned, they were about to jump out of the confinement with a watchman somersault. As a result, the flying black arrows accurately blocked their space, and then a high-ranking warden like Nasa personally captured them.

After two heavy blows, the Fallen Watchers were disarmed neatly, and under the sap of Bu Laike, who was holding the tide scepter, they were beaten instantly and lost their ability to fight back.

"The good news is they're still alive."

Bu Laike pushed away the owl helmets of the two fallen watchmen who had been held in place by the others, and opened their eyes, which were now pure black, to look at them, and spoke seriously to the others. People say:

"The bad news is that you have to get them out of here.

Put them in your cage! At least one hundred years of confinement will allow them to purify the void power in their bodies and no longer be disturbed by the thoughts of the ancient gods.

At that time, they will become "partners of justice" again, holding the power of corruption, but still loyal to the moon god. "

"They have been infected by the ancient gods."

The archdruid frowned and said to Bo Laike:

"Why do you think they can recover? There is no precedent for this before."

"Because I am a prophet, all those who do not obey my prophecy have already tasted the bitter fruit. You may be the next one, but I don't really care about your ending."

Bu Laike emphasized very well:

"As for the source of my confidence, you won't understand if I talk too much. You just need to know that the ancient gods are the ancient gods, and the void is the void. These are two completely different concepts, and you should not confuse them.

If you don't believe me, then kill them, I have nothing to lose anyway.

I have fulfilled my promise to you, and I have brought you to them.

There are more Fallen Wardens lingering ahead, maybe Sira Moonwarden and Maiev the Smelly Woman are there too. Now, whether to kill or stay, you all have to make a decision quickly.

The main purpose of my coming here is to find that stinky woman and ruthlessly kill her prestige.

I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. "

(end of this chapter)

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