Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 822 153. Even If N'zoth Personally Descends, Don't Try To Stop Us From Giving Away

Chapter 822 153. Even if N'Zoth personally descends, don't try to stop us from giving away the head!

Sira Moonguard is gone.

Perhaps it was the loss to Bu Laike and Nasa's teamwork, or maybe it was the awareness of the other party's determination not to give up until they achieved their goals.

In short, in the chaotic battlefield, the Fallen Watcher Moonguard left his "citizens" behind, escaped into the shadow of the void, and quickly disappeared into the furnace of the storm.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't stop her. You real watchmen are too powerful. It's really not something I, a crooked monkey version of watchman, can deal with."

Bu Laike covered his stomach in a playful way, and said to Nasa behind him who was dressed in rough clothes with a painful face:

"I would die to keep her. But you know me, I'm not that great yet."

"It's not your fault."

Nasa leaned on her moon blade and breathed heavily on the spot. Looking at the shattered Void Soul in front of her, she said in a weary tone:

"The fallen Sierra is too strong, and the void has strengthened her destructive power. I can't do it better if I do it. It's enough that you can stay alive under her sharp blade."

"Well, it's true."

The pirate glanced at the newly refreshed magic shield in front of him, rubbed his chin, and recalled the deadly sharpness that Selah Moonguard broke through the two layers of shield just now, and nodded in agreement.

With the tenacity of the magic shield derived from his current outrageous to the extreme blood bar of the order of one-third, it is definitely not something that anyone who comes over can break open with one blow.

Except for a sniper like Old Hemet who specializes in sniping, there is almost no shortcut to breaking this magic shield other than crushing it with strength.

From this point of view, Sera Moonguard has indeed been strengthened to the extreme by the power of the void in terms of destructive power alone. She has broken away from the power frame of the Watcher, and has embarked on another road that no one has traveled.

"Think about it, you have found everyone except her."

Bu Laike also hypocritically comforted:

"Perhaps you should quickly drag your compatriots out of the eggs of the void, remember my advice, after taking them back, don't let them run around.

Put them in the prison of the watchman, and it will take at least a hundred years to free them from the influence of the ancient gods. "

The tired Nasa nodded silently.

She turned around and glanced behind her. Those fallen watchmen had been subdued, and they couldn't even run with three hidden marksmen and an archdruid blocking their way back.


Mother Windrunner drew her war bow, and shot an arrow towards the Void Egg on the edge of the flesh and blood gathered walls, and the arrows spun open three evil things.

Amid the foul-smelling and disgusting liquid splashing, three Wardens whose bodies were covered in void mucus fell out of it.

Nasa and other watchmen immediately stepped forward to help them up, and pulled out the little octopus monsters lying on their faces, those ruthless creatures that would corrupt the mind and brain.

The archdruid used natural magic to check the bodies of these poor people. After the preliminary inspection, the archdruid Moonpaw heaved a sigh of relief and said to the others:

"Fortunately, they have been captive for a short time, and their will is strong enough. Although there are signs of void corruption, their souls still belong to Elune.

As long as they are brought back to Valshara and slowly healed for them in the dream, they will be able to recover after a few years. "

This news boosted the morale of the watchmen who had just fought against the fallen compatriots and were sad. Under Nasa's command, they quickly destroyed all the other Void Eggs and identified their identities one by one.

After the last watchman veteran was rescued, Nasa became even more impatient.

"The lady is not here."

The loyal lieutenant clenched the moonblade in her hand, and she said:

"Could it be that she was brought deeper into this nightmare land?"

"Well, very likely."

The stinky pirate fanned the flames in a serious manner, and said with a vicious and sinister tone:

"A character like a stinky woman might even be 'trained' by N'Zoth himself."

After saying this, all the watchmen immediately glared at him.

But Laike whistled indifferently and said:

"Why are you looking at me? It's entirely possible for this kind of thing to happen, okay?"

"Stop playing up idle fears, my disciple."

Windrunner's mother couldn't stand it anymore, she held the dark bow and said in a deep voice:

"I have fought against Ms. Maiev on Watch Island, and based on my understanding of her strength, it is very likely that she was not caught by the Void Creation at all.

She might even be lurking here early in the morning.

Trying to save her subordinates like us, or looking for an opportunity to destroy this hellish ghost place in one fell swoop. "

"I'm going to continue my search for the lady here."

Nasa let out a long breath, and said to the other watchmen:

"You send our compatriots back to the surface and wait there patiently. If I don't come back in the end, you take them back to Watch Island."

"You can't do it alone."

The other watchmen were obviously unwilling to leave Nasa here alone.

This ghostly place is so infiltrating, and Nasa has just experienced a hard battle, leaving her here is tantamount to letting her commit suicide.

But just as Nasa was about to speak, the archdruid who was treating the comatose watchers suddenly stood up. He vigilantly sensed his surroundings, and the flowers on the wild staff in his hand were also withering rapidly.

"Let's go! This melting pot of flesh is changing. I sense a dream rift opening here, and a new evil person has entered here. It's Satyr!

Those satyrs who escaped from the cage of the sacred tree in Val'shara, their destination is indeed here! "

Moonpaw turned back and warned:

"There are so many of them that the dream is trembling. N'Zoth summons his evil servants to siege us. Hurry up! Leave before they encircle us!"

Following Shaun Moonpaw's warning, Bo Laike also sensed the changing environment in the Crucible of Storms, and an eerie feeling hung over the pirates.

His body is still in the physical world, but his soul is drawn into another dimension.

He even yawned.

Everything in front of him became unreal, and the voice of Archdruid Moonpaw seemed to fade away, and a drowsy feeling rose in the pirate's mind.

But it disappeared after a few seconds.

"Wake up, little master, the nightmare is attacking your sanity."

Xal'atath, who awakened him from his slumber, warned:

"The sleeping city is getting closer and closer to the material plane, and N'Zoth's power is beginning to manifest here, and the nightmare of illusions is one of its domains.

The druid was right, there were a large group of satyrs entering the Crucible of Storms through the dream walk. They may have been summoned by their own evil masters to defend the forge.

But I guess they may also be coming for you, and you have their relics in your hand. "


Bo Laike grabbed the magic pendant hanging from his neck, he curled his lips and said:

"Isn't it just a legendary pendant, these satyrs are really stingy, they suffered a loss in Dalaran once, these bastards still can't learn the lesson.

It seems they need to be taught another lesson.

But what I care about is whether the ancestor Sat Xavis has come? That loyal servant of N'Zoth is a troublesome opponent. "

"Wait, let me feel it."

Xal'atath said something, and after a few seconds, she replied:

"No, that group of Satris didn't have the power fluctuations close to the demigod level, but they were led by several legendary Satyrs, who seemed aggressive and difficult to deal with.

And they're coming your way, they're coming for you! "


Bo Laike nodded.

He jumped to the edge of this stomach-like flesh cave with a whoosh, and raised his hand to feel it on the disgusting wall.

Relying on the perception of sea water by Baron Torrent and Proudmoore's bloodline, he roughly calculated the distance between the cave wall and the outer sea water.

Not as thick as he imagined.

It seems that when N'Zoth's servants excavated the island mountain to build the Storm Furnace, they basically hollowed out the main body of the island connected to the continental shelf.

"You all go!"

The pirate turned around and shouted to the group of people behind him:

"Everyone go, don't leave anyone behind. I'm going to fight Satyr here to buy time for you to find Maiev Shadowsong, everyone below the legend get out!

Let me tell the truth.

N'Zoth's fallen kingdom of God is approaching the material plane. When the gate is opened, beings whose strength is not as legendary as it is will go crazy at a glance, and staying here is just a burden.

The people you want to save have already been saved, and you watchmen have already owed me a huge favor, and it is not time for you to repay the favor, so just wait patiently.

I'll go find you guys and get paid.

Instructor, please take them away, and move to the outer layer to assist the paladins to garrison and stabilize the rear for me. "


Windrunner's mother nodded, grabbed the two unconscious watchers and strode towards the outer layer. She walked neatly, as if she didn't care whether Bu Laike survived or not.

Such an indifferent gesture made Emeril Shadowguard and Ryan Wolfwalker speechless.

Ms. Shadow Guard also chased after a watcher on her back. She asked in a low voice:

"Aren't you worried about your disciple?"

"He will not take the initiative to seek death. He never does anything he is not sure about. It is because I know him well enough that I will not stay."

Windrunner's mother said coldly:

"You heard it just now, he doesn't need to be burdened."

"Am I a burden?"

Miss Yingwei rounded her eyes and said:

"I'm a legendary ranger anyway! Your disciple can't look down on people like this!"

"He used me as a mentor as a tool"

Liresa said blankly:

"Believe me, he didn't treat you as bait and cannon fodder that can be thrown away at will, which already shows that he values ​​you very much."

"Isn't your master-student relationship too distorted?"

The legendary ranger whispered:

"Such an arrogant disciple, why don't you beat him?"

"Then I have to be able to beat him. Although he has always respected me, I know very well that after the battle of Dalaran, I am no longer his opponent.

I could hurt him badly, but he's sure to send me to an eternal death.

You, too, have been deceived by his dishonest pretense.

You are underestimating him, but that is exactly what he wants you to do. "

Mother Windrunner sighed and said:

"He is not a legend yet, beating a legend is like playing, I can no longer imagine the power of my monster disciple after breaking through to the extraordinary realm.

Stop talking nonsense, bring someone, let's go! "

Miss Emeril wanted to refute again.

But Ryan Wolfwalker behind him tugged at her sleeve. As a legendary ranger who was humiliated and captured by pirates, Lord Wolfwalker felt that what Lord Windrunner said was absolutely right.

That smelly pirate is a freak.

Now with Windrunner's mother taking the lead, the rest of the watchmen are also under the command of Nasa, and quickly move the newly rescued compatriots out of danger.

But Nasa herself did not leave, and neither did Arch Druid Shaun Moonpaw.

The pirate tapped on the wall as if making a mark. He looked back at Nasa and Moonpaw behind him, and said with a look of disgust:

"I said, don't leave it as a burden! Which word of this sentence do you not understand?"

"I'm going to stay here and search for the lady."

Nasa had already heard the noisy roar not far away. She made a fighting posture and said calmly:

"I have a feeling that following you will definitely find a lady."

"Taking care of those satyrs is the thousand-year mission given to me by the Cenarion Order. I have taken care of them for more than nine thousand years! Because of my mistakes, these half-demons escaped from the cage of the holy tree.

It's my job to track them down, kill them, or recapture them. "

The archdruid said with a serious face:

"It's not just helping you, Lord Laike, I'm just fulfilling my mission. Also, you said we were going to talk, and our conversation hasn't started yet, so how can I leave alone?"

"Okay, one or two are not very capable, but there are many reasons."

Bo Laike curled his lips, paying no attention to them.

He didn't seem to feel the threat of Sartre's approaching, and he still raised his hand and touched the blood-stained wall. He didn't know what he was touching?

Could it be that he was fishing?

A minute later, a large dream rift opened in front of the three of them, and the satyrs who had appeared in Dalaran also jumped out of the dream vortex one by one.

The Satyr who appeared this time is much stronger than those weak chickens in Dalaran.

At a glance, there are all high-level half-demons in Yishui.

All of them have hideous postures, covered in shadows, holding bone knives and war bows, and some have a large number of demon dogs as pets.

These shofar demons, which best fit the image of the devil in folklore, were divided into several well-arranged queues, and each queue was led by a legendary satyr.

They stared at the three people in front of them with their cold and evil eyes. As the nightmare continued to spread, their number quickly expanded to hundreds.

In the largest dream vortex, a mighty Satyr lord with weird blue-gray skin and mane, wearing an eyeball armor mixed with elves and ancient gods, is stepping from the dream into the material world.

Its size is two circles larger than ordinary satyrs, and one circle larger than legendary satyrs.

There are also some limbs alienated on its half-demon body. Wherever it goes, the dark green chaotic fire follows it like a shadow, stretching and distorting its evil shadow on the ground.

A satyr lord!

The lieutenant of the ancestor Satxavis, no matter what level he is in, he cannot be called a "weak" existence.

Its evil power and influence make it look like a big man.

The archdruid and the lieutenant of the watchman have raised their vigilance to the extreme.

There are so many elite half-demons gathering in front of them, and they are still in this evil place located in their home field, and their abilities are greatly strengthened by the void.

And because the Sleeping City is close to the material world, where these satyrs are located, the power of nightmares is constantly interfering with the thinking of normal life.

Slow down their reflexes and dust their minds. Under the ebb and flow, even the well-informed Archdruid himself, who had experienced many wars, already had a trace of despair in his heart.

But Bo Laike behind him kept hitting the wall with his fist, as if he was measuring the echo.

This guy.

Surrounded by so many elite half-demons, is he not afraid at all? Could it be that, as Ms. Windrunner joked, did he enjoy the feeling of being hunted and cornered?

"Bu Laike Shaw."

The blue satyr lord didn't even look at the two elves in front of him. He was full of anger and thought that he could finally taste the blood of the thief today. He just started in Salas language, but was interrupted by Bu Laike with a wave:

"Wait, don't you see I'm busy? You uninvited bastards can't understand what I'm doing. So shush! Be quiet.

Be good, and I will kill you all soon. "

(end of this chapter)

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