Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 823 154. Remember! I Will Be Back!

Chapter 823 154. Remember! I will be back!

"B Laike Shaw, you are as crazy as the rumors say, but I have no interest in your mind that is about to collapse! Hand over the masterpiece in your hands!"

The satyr lord entangled in blue fire looked at the cloth Laike who was groping around and knocking on the wall, it sneered, and the rhythm was not interrupted by the pirate's "performance art".

Surrounded by a group of powerful younger brothers, it scolded in a cold tone:

"That is my treasure. It is a masterpiece made by me. A filthy mortal like you is not qualified to hold it, or even touch it!"

"Hey, Lord Savaryk came here to 'collect debts' in person, let me count, one, two, three, four, counting yourself, you used five legendary satyrs to chase me down.

Very well, I take back what I said earlier.

You seem to have learned your lesson from your stupid failure in Dalaran last time.

This time, he didn't come to die, but came prepared. "

Bu Laike turned his head, "looked" at the Jadefire Satyr Lord behind him, lifted the gemstone pendant on his neck, and said:

"But I'm curious, as the ruler of the Jade Fire Satyr, didn't you dominate the remote Felwood Forest and come here all the way, just for this pendant?"

"Do you think you are so important?"

Savarik, the lord of the Jadefire Satyr, sneered, and a group of half-demons beside him also let out a cold and ugly laugh, as if the pirate had said something extremely stupid.

"You are not special in Master's plan, you are just the tiniest speck of dust in this world that is destined to be swallowed and polluted by the void.

We have come to witness the glorious moment when the gates of Ny'alotha opened in the material world.

We are going to take over the power to rule the world from the generosity of the master, and the dark empire will lay the first solid foundation here today.

You are all just wailing spirits under the cornerstone.

Killing you and taking back my treasure is just incidental, or a kind of 'welfare' for hard work. "

The former high elf jeweler, now the satyr lord Savarik grabbed the mane on his chin with his sharp claws, and announced in a cold tone that a demon should have:

"It may be what mortals call fate, sending you shameless thief before me. As for you, elves, it fills my heart that you are here too.

After I kill you, I will present your corpses as a tribute to the God of Darkness. Your corpses will serve as His warriors, and your souls will become my favorite collection.

You were lucky enough to win the battle of the satyrs nine thousand years ago, and you are proud of it, but you don't know that it was just a victory given to you by the satyrs.

Nine thousand years from now, we will wear the armor of fallen glory, completely destroy everything that the Kaldorei have, and we will take back the world that should belong to us.

Malfurion, Fandral, and that bastard who pretends to be holy, Tyrande!

We will impose on you ten times what should have been done 10,000 years ago, and I will enjoy the pleasure of destroying pollution. Of course, I want to enjoy today's 'appetizer' first. "

"Kill them!"

The satyr lord's claws swung forward fiercely.

The half-demons behind it screamed wildly and rushed towards the weak three people in front of them. All kinds of magic and curses swung down, and the archdruid summoned a natural treant to resist.

Moonpaw transforms into battle, and Nassa prepares to flee into the shadows.

But in the next moment, their wrists were grabbed by Laike from left to right, and the pirate pulled them back, until they reached the bloody wall.

A group of ferocious half-demons surrounded them, their terrifying shadows elongated, and the strange green fire was burning, reflecting a desperate attitude.

Lord Savarik, the Jadefire Satyr, admired the scene.

The only thing that makes it dissatisfied is that the expressions of despair and fear that should have been written on the faces of the three people in front of them can't help but make this massacre in the name of revenge and seizure less "flavorful" .

"Can you swim?"

Bu Laike whispered:

"You better be. Now listen to me and hold your breath. Don't ask why."

"hiss hiss"

At the moment when the satyrs rushed over and prepared to slaughter the three people in front of them, a strange sound suddenly sounded in the flesh and blood cave that was about to start the slaughter.

Lord Sartre looked up in astonishment, and saw a strange dark green light shining behind him on the towering wall of flesh and blood in front of him, like a flame cutting a mountain wall, or like a toxin corroding a stone.

That weird sound made people feel creepy.

Even for these unscrupulous half-demons, such strange noises are rare enough. The green light behind the mountain of flesh and blood is getting more and more intense, and there are also weird vibrations, as if something is "knocking" Door".

Savaryk sensed something was wrong.

Especially when it noticed the weird grin on the pirate's mouth.


In the moment of silence followed by loud noises, the icy sea water poured in like a waterfall from the wall of the Flesh Mountain, and the terrifying water pressure swept across like a heavy hammer, pushing the rushing satyrs back in an instant.

The walls of the strong channel of the Forge of Storms have been pierced!

In the seawater tumbling after the entire wall collapsed, a huge creature poked its head into the flesh-and-blood cave along the water flow.

It has purple and blue circular patterns, a large head covered with scales, and a fin-like decoration around the neck that is constantly moving.

The edge of the mouth that keeps spitting out the snake letter is still dripping the poisonous fire venom with terrifying corrosion, and even the edges of the eyes will pull out green fluorescence, which is very attractive.

But if that's all, it won't scare the Sartres.

After all, no matter how miserable they are, they can be regarded as legendary races. They have served Queen Azshara, the Burning Legion, and the ancient god N'Zoth, and they have seen countless big scenes.

just a snake

But when this sea snake is more than 30 meters long just by its head, let alone a half-demon like Sartre, even a real devil would have to bow his head cowardly.

This guy's huge body is its almost invincible defense in the physical world.

"Why did you come here, bastard!"

Bu Laike took Ms. Nasa's hand, stepped onto the water with the blessing of the Baron Torrent, and unceremoniously cursed at Baku the Moon Eater who was looking around with his eyes wide open:

"Do you know that I almost died here because of your lateness. Look at how terrifying those satyrs are! It scared my heart out of my head."

"I'm lost, forgive me, I'm really not familiar with the terrain of your world."

Baku shook his head, and the sea snake spoke with his heart, and replied apologetically:

"I really rushed here day and night after I received your news, but this place is hard to find, if I hadn't met a kind big octopus just now to show me the way.

I really can't find this corner. "

Having said that, the gluttonous Baku spit out a snake letter, as if reminiscing about some weird things, it said:

"The good-hearted big octopus'taste' is good, but it's a pity that it escaped."

"You almost ate Ozumat?"

Bu Laike said in a strange tone:

"You picked up a leak, but it was seriously injured by me, how can you let it escape? You are really useless!"

"Don't blame me. Didn't I rush to meet you, afraid that you would be hurt by a very bad ancient god? I just bit off a few of its tentacles to 'try something new', and came here quickly."

Baku grinned, and a bright dark green poisonous fire lingered in its throat, then turned his head and looked at the satyrs struggling frantically in the water.

Its eyes lit up and said:

"Hey, such half-demons are strange, what are they doing in my 'new home'? Speaking of which, I haven't tasted this kind of creature yet.

Is this the food you prepared just for me?

My dear pirate friend, I was almost starved to death running all the way from the Eastern Continent, you are so kind. "

"Your food is going away, you stupid snake.

Eat them quickly to restore some strength, and we will fight N'Zoth in a while, it will open Ny'alotha in the material world, maybe we can rush into the sleeping city for a walk. "

Bu Laike stood in the icy water. He turned his head and "looked" at Satyr Lord Savarik who stood stunned in the huge shadow of Baku behind him. He said:

"Hey, who is that? I still like your unruly look just now. Can you please change back? You want to die with this stunned and stupid look, which really makes me feel very unfulfilled."

"Don't try to lie to me to die! I don't want to go to that place, and I don't know anything now."

Baku roared, and retracted most of his body into this "warm" new home full of void power in the icy water.

Just the collision between the body and the flesh and blood cave made this gloomy and evil place continuously smash down the stripped rocks like an earthquake.

This gigantic monster that only appeared in nightmares and myths opened its mouth, swirling the water in front of it into a vortex, like swallowing fish and shrimp, swallowing the screaming and fleeing Satyr half-demons mixed with the water into its mouth.

A legendary satyr wanted to run away, but the poisonous fire sprayed out by Baku melted half of its body, and was caught in the mouth of the sea snake, swallowing it without chewing.

Nasa and Shawn Moonpaw were dumbfounded.

Especially the Archdruid, who incarnates in the form of a seal and rises and falls in the water.

As a nature walker, when Baku appeared, he felt that the life level of this sea snake was definitely above the demigod.

But it's not a beast demigod with pure life force, this weird guy's body is filled with void flesh and blood, seeing how it and Bu Laike are so familiar as friends, it also proves that it is not a servant of the ancient gods.

It is really hard to imagine how such a strange life was born?

Moreover, when did Azeroth have this vicious and vicious sea serpent demigod? It can also escape the call of the demigods from the Emerald Dream.

It's not magic at all!

"Stupid snake, Savaryk is running away!"

Bu Laike, as if commanding his own summoned beast, shouted to Baku, who was feasting on people who "eat people without spit out bones":

"Stop it! It scolded me just now. It was so vicious. I remember it. Catch it! I will torture it and teach it a lesson."


Savarik, who was rubbing oil on his feet, heard the vicious scolding of the pirates, and the movement of the Satyr lord to escape from the material world immediately accelerated. Its huge body leaped into the air, just in time to avoid the terrible poisonous fire erupted by Baku in the illusion of dream walking.

Like a translucent bubble, the satyr lord jumped into the dream plane, and before he left, he yelled at Bo Laike:

"Cunning and vicious thief! Just wait for me! The next time we meet again, I won't let you run away so easily! As long as you wear my masterpiece, I can always locate you.

In one of your nightmares, I will appear quietly. I will strangle you!

You can't escape! "

"Who is running away?"

Faced with this vicious message, Laike spread his hands and said:

"Are you Sartres so shameless?

Uh, yes, there is an ancestor Sartre who can shamelessly switch to the loyalty of the three big men, and you descendants should not live up to it.

After all, it is your racial characteristic to betray and speak big words to scare people without any psychological burden.

Remember to be fierce next time you grab a night elf girl's lollipop, my friends, you are big villains, you must have evil worthy of your status. "

"Let's talk nonsense now, Lord Xavius ​​has already heard your name! Despicable pirate, every nightmare will become your burial place!

Wait with fear, stinky pirates.

I'll be back soon with an evil beyond your imagination! "

Savaryk just pretended not to hear Boo Laike's humiliation.

Its figure quickly disappeared into the closed dream vortex, and it didn't intend to rescue its servants who were being swallowed and slaughtered by Baku at all.

Shaun Moonclaw Archdruid in the water also had a look of regret on his simple, honest and cute seal face.

He hadn't had time to complete the magical spell of dream reopening just now, and Savaryk disappeared in the dream plane. The speed at which the satyr lord opened the dream gate was abnormal.

There must be some kind of dream wonder on it.

Bu Laike is not sorry.

Anyway, Savalik's masterpiece is in his hands, and this bullying Satyr lord will reappear sooner or later, and he won't be able to escape next time.


Just when the pirate was about to talk to Baku, a strange sound suddenly started in the flesh cave flooded by sea water, and the magic eyeball on Laike's shoulder turned and looked behind him.

Under his stunned gaze, a dream vortex reopened.

Satyr lord Savarik, who had escaped into the dreamland before and escaped from danger, was "smashed" back to the material world from the dreamland while dancing.

This Sartre really "walks the talk".

It actually came back!

But Lord Sartre, who "ran away gracefully" just now, will be in a state of embarrassment now. Both legs of the lamb-footed demon are torn apart by giant claws, and the whole body is covered with tearing wounds.

It was like being attacked by a terrifying monster.

Baku's eyes lit up in the water, and the sea snake instantly straightened up, and under the guidance of "foraging instinct", opened its mouth wide towards Savalik who was thrown over.

It was like throwing and catching a ball, and in the next moment, he accurately swallowed the half-demon lord into his stomach, and burped loudly.

"The fat duck that has already run away can take the initiative to return to the plate,"

Baku the Moon Eater spat out the snake letter, thinking very happily:

"It's such a good thing! This new world is really wonderful."

Standing on the rising water, Laike glanced toward the dream vortex where Savaryk had been thrown back.

Looking from the material world to the dream dimension, one can vaguely see a huge "jelly bear" waving its paws friendly to him in the beautiful and unreal dream forest on the opposite side.

This is Ursoc!

Good guy.

Bo Laike's expression became weird.

He looked at the skull of the satyr lord being spat out by Baku, and thought that this Savarik was really unlucky, he just found a dream crack to escape, and unexpectedly met Ursoc who was wandering around in the Emerald Dream ?

He swears, this demigod bear really wasn't arranged by him!

This was definitely not in his plan.

This is purely the retribution of these satyrs who do not do good things all the time and end up with bad results.

Well, that must be the case!

Sure enough, doing bad things is harmful to your health, so you should restrain yourself in the future.

(end of this chapter)

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