Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 824 155. Old Jean's Little Secret

Chapter 824 155. Old Jean's Little Secret

The icy sea water gushes out from the breach of the storm furnace, and soon fills the cave of flesh and blood.

After Baku ate up all the unlucky satyrs, it rushed out of this flesh cave under the instruction of Bu Laike, and rushed towards the depths of the storm furnace in the posture of a pig rushing forward.

Bu Laike's "strongest foreign aid" is finally in place. With Baku rampaging in front of him, all flesh and blood beasts and faceless people are nothing but things that can be dealt with in one bite.

The world of demigods from other worlds was destroyed by the hands of the void. Although Baku was so cunning that he was almost "cowardly", he was not hesitant to go to battle in person and find this Azerothian The servants of the ancient gods let go of the evil fire in their hearts.

It's just that the servants of the void sent here by En'Zoth are pitiful. Before their great cause was completed, they were madly slaughtered by alien demigods who had no dignity of the strong.

It's okay to be killed.

Baku, relying on himself being assimilated by the void, not only wants to kill people, but also eat them!

Only the creation of the abyss has always polluted others with its own filthy flesh and blood. Who has seen such a fierce demigod swallowing the faceless man alive?

The paladins, the Uncrowned and the Royal Knights of Kul Tiras who were standing guard at the entrance of the Furnace of Storms immediately understood when they saw Baku's incomparable attack on those "weak" void creatures.

That's what Laike told them about the "general attack signal".

"In the name of the Holy Light, purify the evil here!"

Dathrohan took the lead, charging forward with the Guardian of Truth and the Sun Flail, which were shining brightly in the void, and the believers of the Holy Light behind him also moved forward.

Shaw, Nathanos, Moros and the uncrowned elite led by Red Jack followed closely behind.

The Masters of the Uncrowned Ones prophesied to their followers that they fought in Kul Tiras in devotion to ideals above matter, and that the Creed of the Uncrowned Ones would be seen in actions destined to change the world. Get detached.

Some people may have doubted this statement before.

But after seeing with their own eyes such evil things as the Crucible of Storms that surpassed the concept of "evil", all the participating assassins were extremely convinced of their master.

If attacking such evil is not the idealism of "changing the world and planning destiny", then what kind of behavior is worthy of the so-called "creed of justice"?

They are saving a country and even the whole world with their own double blades!

Look around.

Not only the paladins sang generously, but also the elves fought with them.

Uh, although the wraith sailors on the Naglfar are a bit eye-catching, this does not prevent them, these "evils", from joining this battle of justice.

This is bound to be another big event in Rise of the Uncrowned.

It turned out that this was the creed proclaimed by the master.

Sure enough, the standards adhered to by those third-rate killers who sell their skills for a little money are so high that they don't know where they are.

But at this time, compared to rushing behind Baku who swept across all directions like a "sweeping robot", the brave and uncrowned people who were infected by the creed and mission, the master Bu Laike and his two brothers who were worshiped by their hearts Friends seem somewhat laid-back.

Especially Bo Laike, who is clutching a Sartre skull for repeated admiration.

His state security at this time is "fishing".

The smelly pirate's "collection addiction" seems to be committed again.

This will be like an artist looking at this perfect satyr's head in his hand. It has to be said that there is a reason why Savaryk became the lord of Satyr.

Look at how symmetrical and perfect the devil's horns are!

Then look at its eye socket and forehead bone, there is also a natural sunken mark, which is just right for a shadow gem to be inlaid on it.

Finally, using Professor Sakir's Argus phrenology point of view to look at it, the size and various parameters of this half-demon skull are very in line with the conditions for being made into a skull-shaped magic weapon.

Because of the coordination and affinity of the satyr demon itself for the magic power of the shadow, even if the skull is uncut, there is still evil magic power reverberating in it.

Bu Laike had already imagined the scene when he was holding the head of the satyr.

To say how powerful it is is not enough.

I have two treasures, Sakir's Skull and Gul'dan's Skull, but this Satyr's Skull is much better than my two skulls in terms of appearance.

And Ms. Nasa, who was following behind him, glanced at a devil-style bone knife stuck on the fleshy ground washed by the sea under her feet.

This thing should belong to a certain satyr demon, but now its owner has long since disappeared. Only a group of claws that were burned and melted by the poisonous fire remained on the edge of the knife, which hinted at the final destination of the poor satyr.

Ms. Watcher shook her head slightly. Under the owl helmet, she glanced at Baku the Moon Eater who was chasing a group of faceless men in the hall of the Furnace of Storms and devouring them crazily.

The huge body of the demigod, its burning of the void creatures with poisonous fire, and its posture of swallowing the faceless man are so shocking no matter what time it is seen.

The entire silent storm furnace has become lively.

Because of the rampage in Baku, this supposedly gloomy and strange holy land of the void will be as noisy as a pig slaughterhouse.

"It's got a dark and deeply sinister beauty to it, doesn't it? I'd carry it out at night and it'd scare at least a dozen hapless dwarves out of my head."

Finally, Laike had had enough of admiring it. He threw his new collection into his bag and sighed again. Stretching her body, the magic eyeballs on her shoulders turned and looked at Nasa, saying:

"Even if you're wearing a helmet, I can feel that you're hesitant to speak, just ask whatever you want."

"Is that the source of your confidence? A demigod at your command?"

The watchman lieutenant whispered:

"There is also the Hydraxia water elemental legion just now. The tortoise said that the elemental monarch tide hunter will come here in person. I thought he was threatening us.

How the hell did you find all these weird reinforcements? "

"Probably because I'm sociable and well-connected?"

Bu Laike tilted his head to make a thoughtful gesture, he chuckled and said:

"What you really want to ask is why I can find such a helper, and I still have to go to great lengths to contact the Holy Light Church and you? Don't underestimate yourself, everyone has their own unique uses.

The appearance of powerful big shots can always shock the whole world, but their "appearance fee" is generally very expensive. "

The pirate shrugged, pointed to Baku who was using the demigod's poisonous fire to 'clean' the entire furnace, and said:

"Like it.

I presented the Storm Furnace as a 'gift' to it, so it was willing to condescend to come to help me show off its prestige. Another example is Your Majesty the Tide Hunter, you can never imagine what price I paid to ask it to help me as a backup.

But Kou Qiao is indeed lying to you, His Majesty the Tide Hunter will not come here today, unless I encounter a desperate situation and take the initiative to call it, but that means I will owe a terrible debt of favor to the Maw of the Abyss.

I have to hide this summoning as a hole card, and I will never use it if I can.

There are many prices in this world that I cannot afford. From this point of view, I am really a 'poor' guy. "

"So you brought us here as pioneers just because we're 'cheaper'?"

Nasa said in a low tone:

"You really are really good at making people hate you."

"You are not only cheap, but also useful!

You took the initiative to follow me into the Furnace of Storms for various reasons, and I don’t even need to pay you salaries, nor do I need to bear the pension after the death of the war.

You are simply the best tool people. "

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"The best part is that if I bring you in to help you achieve your goals, you owe me favors. You may make a small profit, but I definitely don't lose money.

I think in the style of the watchmen, after owed a debt of favor, they wouldn't want to yell at me, would they? You are black moon walkers who want to face you.

I know how to deal with you best. "

"I just saw Ursoc.

On the other side of the dream vortex opened by Savaryk, in the Emerald Dream, Lord Ursoc, who has been wandering in the Dream Wilderness for the past few months, is waving to you.

Even if it's only for a moment, I swear I'm not mistaken. "

The silent Archdruid Moonpaw suddenly said:

"The demigod of the wilderness is rarely so close to a mortal. A pirate and a noble demigod, I think it's hard to think of how the communication between the two of you happened?

Maybe this has something to do with the "Ursoc's Fall Incident" that happened in Northrend half a year ago?

According to the official records of the Cenarion Order, a noble blue dragon helped Lord Ursoc end the pain, but now it seems that there is something else going on in this matter?

Why don't you tell them the truth when Ren De will hunt you down? No matter how stubborn Isolalius is."

"Shhhhhh, keep your voice down, I am a low-key person who is indifferent to fame and fortune, don't just talk about my 'glorious past'! I don't need anyone to worship me, and I don't need you druids to be grateful to me."

Bo Laike stretched himself, and said in a drawn out tone:

"Will Rende be very powerful? Do you need me to explain all this humbly? I'm not the kind of pirate you call a 'hero' in your imagination.

Could it be that I have friendship with Ursoc, and I still want to talk nonsense all over the world?

Doesn't that make me look bad?

What I really want is your reaction, Your Excellency the Archdruid.

The kind of shock and disbelief on your face when you rely on your own exploration to solve the mystery and find out that I am a "big man" far beyond your imagination

That's right, I just love seeing the dumbfounded faces of you elves. "

"I'm just showing kindness, Mr. Laike, maybe you can give me some kindness in return, alas, it's really hard to make friends with people who are full of conspiracy like you."

The archdruid sighed and said:

"But today is not in vain. Not only did I save the watchmen, I also saw a demigod like Baku, a strange fusion of void and life, and I heard the truth of Ursoc's story from you.

It's not every day I hear a legend like this. "

"That's natural, and I don't say it every day."

Bo Laike pouted, pointed forward, and said:

"Look, they're ahead, those guys looking for Dai Lin. It looks like they've been besieged unluckily. You guys wait here for a moment, and I'll go over and scare them."


Finding Dai Lin's five-person group did encounter trouble, but the problem was not very big.

They were ambushed in a narrow passage by a group of cunning Jak'thir the Faceless, but four of the five were legendary.

Fenner is a shield T, Mrs. Golden Sword is a magic output, the elf sword master Dawn Seeker is a physical output, and a great knight with an artifact in his hand occasionally plays a cameo as a healer.

With this top-level configuration, the result of encountering a faceless person is cut down face to face.

Even with Gene Greymane who "paddles" all the way, their advancing speed is not slow at all.


The greasy faceless thug roared and knocked down his tentacles with suction cups like a warhammer towards Fenner, but the latter blocked it perfectly with the most standard shield.

This powerful blow with void impact didn't hurt Fenner at all, and didn't even make the half-elf warrior take a step back.

She just swayed, and slammed a shield with her backhand into the face of the Kezier assassin beside her, smashing most of the ugly bastard's head.

Finner shouldn't be so strong.

But when fighting against void creatures, the divine power of Tyr in her body suddenly became irritable as if seeing an old opponent who never died.

Even Fenner herself is bigger and more fierce, with a mighty posture of a titan warrior.

Under her fierce strike and dash, the elf sword master and the great knight were also mobilized aggressively, and the three of them slashed and killed in front of the line, while Mrs. Golden Sword gracefully triggered a small-scale blizzard, inflicting severe damage on the enemy. Slow and Ice Crystal Piercing.

It can be seen that Madam has resentment in her heart.

That's why in the blizzard she unleashed, there were especially many ice picks piercing like short spears, which was completely the result of rushing to make the opponent's bones disappear.

However, the four of them played lively, but they ignored Gene, who had no sense of presence.

The king of Gilneas didn't step forward to show his presence either. He held his saber and cautiously followed behind Fenner, not leaving the area covered by the strange silver light on her body.

His unobtrusive posture is really like a soy sauce.

But fishing is really bad.

Soon, trouble found him on its own initiative.

Seeing that they couldn't break through Fenna Golden Sword's nearly perfect defense from the front, and they couldn't sneak past them to attack the spellcaster, the two Kezier assassins set their target on the middle-aged man who was hiding behind and was easy to bully at first glance. on the man.

Relying on the shadow affinity stronger than normal life, they quietly approached Jean who looked around vigilantly.

Holding the bone sword made of black bones in his hand, which was still twisting strangely, he launched a sinister void backstab at Gene at the same time. The four knives not only stabbed at the four fatal places of Gene respectively, but also It comes with an impact on the hearts of mortals.


Can't kill the Titan Warrior, can't you kill an incompetent mortal?

The cold and merciless eyes of the two K'thir assassins seemed to reflect the scene of Genn's tragic death under their sharp blades. In this void holy place, the death of the body is not the end.

The soul of the unlucky one will also be captured by their supreme dark god, and that will be the best tribute that humble servants can offer their masters.

"Puff, puff"

With this kind of beautiful imagination, the two Kesir assassins let out harsh laughter, and after two sounds of blood and flesh being torn apart, the octopus heads of the two Kesir assassins spun out and flew out.


Why is it not as expected?

As a void creature, Kexier would not die immediately if his head was chopped off. The two octopus heads rolled on the sticky ground, and then saw the last scene before death came.

Jin, who was assassinated by them, still maintained the movement of looking around.

But the gray-white mane had already begun to grow on the originally human body.

He was still holding the saber in his left paw, but a beast-like sharp claw had popped out from his right paw, with filthy blood dripping from the tip of the claw bit by bit.


I really saw a ghost, looking at the weakest one, it is actually the only monster hidden among the five people

This is a werewolf!

(end of this chapter)

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