Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 825 156. I Will Call You The No. 1 Reckless Man Of Kul Tiras

Chapter 825 156. I Will Call You the No. 1 Reckless Man of Kul Tiras

The general attack has been launched, and the righteous men have approached the middle and lower part of the furnace of the storm. As the fastest group of people, Fenner can even hear the strange roar mixed with the sound of iron and steel from the lower floor.

The big daddy Dai Lin in the form of "Vikul Killing the King" is also killing crazy below.

He has hacked to death the "Sleepless Secret Party" stationed here, and they are fighting against the Void Herald, the gatekeeper sent by N'Zoth to the Furnace of Storms.

And in the secret path leading to the lower level of the Furnace of Storms, Dai Lin's good comrade-in-arms Jean, who had been keeping a low profile until "fishing and paddling", suddenly "transformed" and cut off the heads of two Kezier assassins neatly. The shocking change in this scene caused the people around him to step aside in unison.

Especially Mrs. Golden Sword who is maintaining her spellcasting.

She herself was at a loss for what to do by this bizarre change. Seeing Jin's ferocious face that had completely turned into a werewolf, the lady flashed and teleported to her daughter.

Fenna Golden Sword, who chopped down the last Faceless Assailant with a throwing axe, also held "Ursoc's Wisdom" and phase barriers, turned around to face Jean and made a shield block action.

"Hey, have you been bitten by those void creatures?"

Finner exclaimed:

"Do they still have this ability? Can they turn a normal person into a werewolf? No way?"

Jean himself didn't say much.

He didn't even pay attention to the vigilance and suspicion of the four people in front of him, but raised his head, the nostrils at the front of his wolf-like protruding mouth moved lightly, the bloodshot eyes twined in those gray eyes, and the uncontrollable wild aura on his body, as well as that The canine teeth sticking out bit by bit at the corner of the mouth is really frightening.

A second later, Gene suddenly raised his left claw, and slashed the accessory sword towards the side where no one was around.

There was a crisp sound of "bang", and the broken blade swirled out, and was stuck on the fleshy ground next to Jean's leather boots that had been torn by the wolf's claws.

Where he swung the sword, Bo Laike, who appeared with the moonblade in hand, made a pause.

The smelly pirate said in an exaggerated tone:

"Well, my noble and wild Lord Jean, how does it feel to be a werewolf under the moonlit night? Do you feel that you are full of power now?"

The magic eyes floating on his shoulders turned up and down, as if examining and sizing up, and asked again:

"I'm curious, which lucky werewolf bit you? Or are you actively pursuing this kind of power? After seeing the majesty of the wolves with your own eyes, you tried to assimilate and control it by sacrificing yourself Those crazy werewolves, make them your people again?

You really intend to become the king of wolves. It seems that you have understood my 'hard work', which is really gratifying. But I still have to ask, are you sure you are here to help, not to cause trouble?

I suggest you take it easy and get out now.

The sanity problem of werewolves is already a headache, and I really don't want to see you go crazy in N'Zoth's territory. The rest of you look at him too, although the werewolf curse is not contagious to elves

Uh, I forgot. "

Bu Laike patted his forehead, and looked at the four strange-looking people beside him as if suddenly enlightened.

He said meaningfully:

"The curse of the werewolf can be transmitted to the night elves. The original werewolf was the Kaldorei. As for whether the Quel'dorei elves are immune to being bitten by a mad werewolf

I don't know.

So, good luck, friends who hang out with werewolves. "

"Can you say something good!"

Fenner moved her shoulders uncomfortably, screamed and reprimanded her.

He thought that Bu Laike was just making a nasty joke, but he didn't realize that under Bu Laike's "reminder", the expressions of Mrs. Golden Sword and Elven Sword Master Dawn Seeker became vigilant at the same time.

These few words were also heard by the Moonpaw Archdruid who came from behind. He blinked and turned to the watchman Nasa who was shaking his head beside him and said:

"He said that to isolate the werewolf king named Genn, right? Why would he do that?"

"Gene is his enemy, and he doesn't want Gene to get too close to others, thus forming an alliance against him. It is understandable to sow dissension.

Laike is very good at provoking this distrust factor in others' hearts with words. "

Nasa explained in a low voice:

"But in the current situation, I think it's more likely that he just said casually to stir up conflicts. The reason may be that he just thinks it's fun, or he is provoking Gene to make him angry and lose his mind.

All in all, archdruid, don't believe anything Braike says, and don't think he's our friend just because he maintains a good relationship with the wild demigod.

He is no one's friend!

Keep this in mind.

Although I followed him out of helplessness and not for a long time, I have already seen through his essence.

The cunning and viciousness of this pirate is beyond your imagination. He relies on his precise prophecy to fan the flames and spread chaos and hatred. Compared with him, the ancestor Satyr Xavis is as pure as a child. "

The watcher's explanation made the Archdruid Moonclaw nod slightly.

But the two did not intervene in the conversation between Laike and Gene.

After Braike finished speaking, I saw Jin jumping over with a whoosh, wild like a werewolf hunting, with his claws fluttering in the air to bring out afterimages, each paw was slashing at Braike's vital points, and his move fatal.

But the pirates dodged around in place, and every time they could dodge Jean's attack lightly, making the furious werewolf look like he was fighting his own shadow.

After Jean turned into a werewolf, his temper was really hot.

The great knight Uther hurried forward to grab the angry Gene, not afraid that the mad werewolf would turn around and give him a look.

There is no "special medicine" for the curse of the werewolf. No matter how elegant and easy-going he is before the transformation, after the transformation into a werewolf, he is still a mad dog who can lose his mind at any time.

However, the great knight's risk-taking appeasement is also justified.

Right now, the general attack is going smoothly, and it seems that it is about to hit the final pass of the evil land. When it is about to win, it is impossible to let your own people fight among themselves first.

So, Brother Ji, forget it, we are all on our own for the time being, so bear with it.

While Jin was panting heavily, he yelled at the stinky pirate with his arms folded in front of him in a low tone:

"You evil pirate, if the current situation is not really urgent, even if I die here, I will kill you! Because your rampant actions have caused my people to suffer.

After wreaking havoc on Gilneas, you've come to Kul Tiras to wreak havoc.

It's all your fault! "

"Hey, although I am wearing a blindfold, I think you are the one who is truly blind, and anyone with normal vision should understand that I am here as a 'savior'.

You blame me for all your problems, which makes me think you are quite incompetent as a king.

Or, do you think that I single-handedly pierced the curtain of darkness in Kul Tiras to cause trouble for you? Did you sacrifice your brains for your strength? jean.

Do you really think that if I don't do all this, the Church of the Storms and N'Zoth will hide themselves honestly and treat the people of Kul Tiras with respect?

It's really interesting that you don't think about how to solve the problem, but instead blame the 'bell ringer' who made trouble. It's no wonder Gilneas is in such a mess. "

Bu Laike picked his ears and said in a casual tone:

"Also, are you sure you can kill me with all your life? It seems that some people really think that they can turn curses into power, but it's good for you to hide it.

Even those lunatic druids of the Benevolence Society have been fooled by you. "

Genn's fangs rubbed against each other and made dangerous noises, his ears pricked up, and his beast eyes stared at Bo Laike, as if he would rush out to fight at any moment.

But the pirates are not afraid of this kind of wild killing intent at all.

He even approached Gene very playfully, sniffed around the gray-haired werewolf king, and waved his hands regretfully and said:

"I also dabble in alchemy, look at the strong herbal smell on your body.

But the potions you prepared are almost unable to suppress your unceasing burst of animal nature. My poor majesty, every 'transformation' consumes your few humanity.

Maybe two or three more times, and you'll never be able to force your way back into human form with the potion's power.

Judging by your current appearance, you should have obtained the secret herb of the Wolf Cult, allowing you to maintain part of your sanity even in werewolf form, but listen to my advice.

If only medicine can't solve the problem, the power of the curse is like an invisible hunter, following you like a shadow, and it will take everything from you sooner or later.

Werewolves are monsters created by druids, and the key to solving the problem is also with them.

But druids are a bunch of bad guys!

They know where the breakthrough to solve the problem is, but they are unwilling to hand over the vital natural treasure to you. Those den-dwelling Nature Worshipers are a bad bunch, and you have to be careful making friends with them. "

"cough cough"

Before Bu Laike finished speaking, the archdruid Shawn Moonclaw behind him coughed. The old elf said with a stiff face and a cold tone:

"Is this the etiquette of your humans? Talking bad about us to my face? You may have seen the Vault of the Wardens, my lord, but I don't think you've heard of the tree caves of the Cenarion Order." cage.

I mean, if you keep inciting hatred like this, I'll have to take a half-dead pirate prisoner with me when I go back to Val'sharah. "

"Okay, I was wrong, but I'm not talking nonsense, am I?"

Bo Laike spread his arms and said to the Moonpaw Archdruid:

"Even me, an ignorant alien pirate, knows that the Luna Scythe, which has been lost for more than nine thousand years, is hidden in an abandoned temple in Ashenvale.

It's impossible for you old druids who have lived for more than 10,000 years not to know? "


The expression on the face of the Archdruid Moonclaw at this moment was quite wonderful.

After a few seconds of silence, he took a deep look at Bo Laike and said:

"That's something we really don't know. If we had known the whereabouts of the Elune Scythe, we would have used it to appease the growing werewolf plague in Gilneas.

I heard that you are an all-seeing prophet, maybe you can help us find the Scythe of Elune and solve the disaster in Gilneas? "

"A prophet doesn't know everything."

Bu Laike made a "helpless" movement. He glanced around, then at the rapidly advancing front, and finally listened to the battle roars from the lower level of the Storm Furnace.

He said nonsense:

"I only know that the thing is in Ashenvale from watching the images of the past, but its specific location cannot be predicted by prophecy, and the power of demigods is interfering with the accuracy of the prophecy.

Perhaps you can search for it yourself, after all, Ashenvale is your territory.

If I go there, I will have to face the pursuit of the entire Silver Wing Sentinel Corps. I don't think I can escape safely under the sniping of so many sharpshooters. "

"You really have self-knowledge."

The old druid glanced at Bo Laike and said:

"You seem to have always been keen on causing trouble, but you didn't think of a way to bridge the conflict. Do you like the feeling of being hated and enjoy the pleasure of being hunted down?"

"Who doesn't like to be hated? The excitement that you will fall into death if you don't pay attention, and you will lose everything if you take a wrong step, is simply addictive."

The pirate said something with a smile, and the choked archdruid was speechless.

He turned around and broke through the flesh and stone wall in front of him with a sword, opened an "observation port", and looked down at the scene in the final hall from a high position. Everyone leaned over and looked down through the observation port opened by Braike, suddenly terrified Surprised.

In the center of the "Void Sanctuary" below, Dai Lin in the form of a steel vrykul held an abyssal trident like a titan fighting angrily, and fought with the great void naga whose body had been seriously alienated in front of him.

Behind him are the corpses of two abyssal generals, a faceless man with red hair and Kezier with gloomy hair.

These are all generals under N'Zoth's command, who call themselves the Sleepless Secret Party, and they have been secretly manipulating the Church of the Storm's actions for countless hours since then, and they have also completed the complete corruption of the Stormsong family.

But even such a powerful guy was ruthlessly hacked to death by Dai Lin.

As for the Herald of the Void, which still basically maintains the body of the Naga, but is covered with eyeballs and tentacles, it looks amazing, but Dai Lin has poked many wounds on his body with a trident, which hurts even when looking at it.

It's basically hopeless.

With Dai Lin's exaggerated power far exceeding that of ordinary legends at this time, the tragic death of this naga is only a matter of time.

Its counterattack was very fierce, and all kinds of sky-shattering void magic continued to shoot and bombard, but the problem was that Dai Lin's body at this time was already the body of a titan creation.

There is no weak flesh on pure steel that can be used by it.

The anger entangled in the berserk admiral has really condensed into substance, and a fiery red fury suit was formed outside his body, just like a burning half-titan.

He chopped all the way from the entrance to the final hall, without leaving even a single scratch on his body, and he was completely invincible in the true sense, unstoppable.

"Dai Lin is about to win, but he is also about to lose."

The pirate shook his head and said:

"The trident in his hand gave him near-invulnerable destructive power and defensive power, but its sinister power came into effect when he couldn't crush his enemies with a single blow.

Even if he had fragments of Odin's shield and his own iron will to survive the mental impact, it's a pity that the fierce battle has come to this point, no matter how determined Dai Lin is, his mind is already crumbling under the impact of the void.

His defeat was predictable even as he seized the trident for vengeance.

He must be brought out of the Forge of Storms at once, or we shall witness the birth of N'Zoth's most feared sea lord.

This is the conspiracy of the Church of the Storm, and Dai Lin stepped into it.

He may have eradicated the cancer with his own hands, but he will also pay for it. I would like to call him a peerless reckless man, but he shouldn't have come at all!

What's the matter with him?

I've planned everything, but he insists on running here to show his presence!

In short, everyone, you go down quickly.

N'Zoth's Herald of the Void died tragically in the hands of Dai Lin, and the power of the ancient gods in the Crucible of Storms was wiped out. Today has been a complete victory, and I will finish the rest. "

The stinky pirate spread his hands, turned around and said to the others:

"Fenner, what are you still doing, hurry down and congratulate your old father on defeating the Void, which is a great feat that most mortals can hardly achieve.

He washed away his shame and won back the adoration in the eyes of the children.

Even I want to applaud him for what he did today. But since I have some grievances with the admiral, I won't go down to 'congratulate' him.

Be sure to send my congratulations for me. "

(end of this chapter)

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