Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 828 159. Poor Xalatas, Played By Him Between Applause

Chapter 828 159. Poor Xalatas, played by him between applause

The gates of Ny'alotha are closed.

The void creations rushing out of the fallen city also became the food of Baku, and N'Zoth failed to put his will into the material world in the end.

The pirate's war seemed to be over perfectly, but he didn't feel any joy or satisfaction in his heart, let alone complacency.

Because of the change of things, he was a little caught off guard.

Bu Laike stared at the Eye of N'Zoth on the wall behind him, wrapped in flesh and whiskers and eye-stalks, which seemed to be languishing because Ny'alotha's connection to the world was closed.

The yellow eyeball with red pupils became dimmed, and it no longer released a terrifying void gaze, which meant that its owner was busy with internal affairs and no longer had the energy to manipulate it.

"A stinky woman who threw herself into a trap."

The pirate cursed under his breath.

"Think of the good, little master. This result will do you no harm."

Xalatas suppressed a certain ecstasy here, and quietly said solemnly:

"Whether it's Dailin or Maiev Shadowsong, they are all your enemies, right? Now they have all rushed into Ny'alotha recklessly. The Sleeping City is the domain of N'Zoth.

There they were to face the true corrupt majesty of the Old Gods.

Dailin's Odin power enhancement is only temporary, and Maiev's Moon Night God of War power is not perfect, and they will never win.

Maybe it could hurt N'Zoth and make the Demon with Thousand Beards feel pain.

But they end up dying there.

Think about it, little master.

This means that while you took out two tough enemies, you also caused unprecedented damage to N'Zoth's holy place. This is killing three birds with one stone!

So, leave it alone and leave.

What does it matter to you whether they live or die?

You never want to be a hero in the eyes of others, and Dailin did make it clear that he gave you the rule of Kul Tiras before he left.

Now you just need to leave here, forget everything that happened here, and you can justifiably take over the whole country.

That is where your destiny rules.

Today's liquidation of the Church of Storms and the cleansing of the evil of the void are enough to make your people feel your majesty, and no one will mention your pirate status.

They will only think that you are suffering for the sake of the country. "

Speaking of this, Xalatas' voice suddenly became louder.

With a sincere seduction, she said to Bo Laike:

"You can get the throne, the honor and the understanding of your family, your people eradicate the shadow and evil that hangs over you, and you will be praised by the Church of the Holy Light as the supreme virtuous king.

Your legend will spread throughout the world.

People will respectfully call you 'Savior' and 'Your Majesty', and everyone will be satisfied.

Maiev jumped in by herself, no one forced her!

Those watchmen can't blame you for this, but because their leader died in battle, that organization will be passed on to the next warden.

Based on the good relationship you have built with Ms. Nasa over the period of time.

She is destined not to harass you again after she takes over the Warden.

You saved the archdruid.

The kaldorei will forgive you for offending them, and they may even consider you a hero who banished the old gods' schemes.

You might even have an elf wife as a result.

If you don't like elves, His Royal Highness Little Xingxing is also an option, as you have seen, she still misses you in times of crisis, and ran to rescue you at the risk.

A dragon rider!

What a perfect ending!

This should be the end of Laike Shaw's legendary pirate story.

You have accomplished a great deed that countless people dare not even dream of. It's time to take back the name of Derek Proudmoore, it's time to return to the sun, and enjoy your destined happy life, little master. "

Xalatas felt that he was going to be convinced by himself.

She sneered a few times in her own consciousness, and as the only "knower", she scoffed at Maiev Shadowsong's stupid choice.

Originally, she had to think about how to deal with this difficult watcher in the future, but she didn't expect that she would choose to "suicide".

Still the worst kind of tortured suicide.

It is true that the power of the Moon Night God of War could be used to clear a weak and trapped Old God. Xalatath had heard such stories more than once during his years wandering the void dimension.

In this vast group of stars, it is not only Azeroth that can give birth to the Moon Night God of War.

But the problem is that Maiev Shadowsong, who is strange and ruthless with Bu Laike, has not polished the power of Moon Night God of War to the extreme.

It is almost impossible for her to complete the assassination of N'Zoth now.

It's just wonderful.

If it weren't for the fear that the stinky pirates would see the clues, Xalatas would almost laugh three times.

Maiev is dead, isn't Bu Laike still his own "little master"? No more dangerous woman snatching Boo Laike's delicious soul from herself, that's great.

"That's really good."

Laike glanced around the Tempest of Flesh, which was completely quiet in the Furnace of Storms, and he turned his attention to the sluggish Eye of N'Zoth in front of him.

He said:

"Come close to convincing me, really, just a little bit."


The pirate's answer made Xalatas feel strongly that something was wrong, and she asked:

"Are you going to save them? To save your enemies? No way? Little master, this is not like a decision you can make! Did you get too close to the paladins while I was away? So influenced?

What good will it do you to get them out? "

"The advantage is that I can continue my story without having to regard this as my 'good' ending as you said."

Bu Laike curled his lips. Under Baku's surrounding gaze, he took out a bottle of poison for void creatures and smeared it on his weapon. He said:

"You praised things like repelling N'Zoth as the greatest honor in my life. I think you are laughing at me. You want me to accept Dailin's 'charity' and inherit the throne of Kul Tiras. It makes me feel like you're humiliating me.

Do you still need Dailin to surrender the throne to me?

What a joke!

Why is Faol willing to help me make such a big deal in Kul Tiras? Justice aside, the old man knows better than anyone who I claim my dominion over this land.

As for Maiev

That's right, I do loathe her and even hate her, but I want to teach her to humiliate her instead of watching her defiantly provoke powerful enemies and die.

It was N'Zoth who defeated her like that, not me!

Such a result deserves to be called a 'victory'?

Are you out of your mind?

Is it because I spent too much time with those idiot black dragons, so you think your ridiculous bewitching can make me accept all this with peace of mind?

What do you take me for?

Bugs you play with? "

The pirate sneered and said:

"You keep saying that you are willing to give everything for me, but you really don't understand me at all, Xal'atath. What I came to Kul Tiras is not looking for an 'end'!

I'm here just to complete the ordinary part of my life's accomplishments.

This is just an insignificant foothold, and the future I am looking forward to and longing for is something that a pitiful little evil like you dare not say or even think about.

Like a reptile crawling on the ground, satisfied with the world it sees in its narrow field of vision, even looking up at the starry sky is just a desire.

I'm too lazy to explain this to you.

Now, open the door to Ny'alotha immediately! "

"I can not do it."

Xal'atath was taken aback by Bo Laike's sarcasm. She woke up from the beautiful fantasy of "I have the advantage", and only then did she realize what kind of person she was bewitching just now.

And his own rhetoric is indeed a bit clumsy. The description of the future is too good, but it is a bit untrue.

Damn it!

Some got carried away.

Void Essence regretted what he said so bluntly just now.

She should be more cautious, but now is not the time to seek compensation. Facing Bu Laike's request, Xalatas replied directly:

"Are you crazy? That is the domain of N'Zoth, the void holy land that it has rebuilt for itself by relying on the ruins of the Dark Empire for millions of years after it was sealed by the Titan Guardian.

I can only feel its position above the material world, but it is impossible to open the door leading there!

It's like asking an assassin to open the gate of the Kul Tiras treasury for you, and there is no key on the gate, and there is not even a chain!

I know you're mad at me for trying to dump you just now, but you're totally embarrassing me.

I apologize to you, okay?

Little master, I shouldn't have tried to leave you during the crisis just now, I was wrong.

But you calm down, don't go to die, okay? "

Xalatas was really flustered.

Her fear comes not only from Bo Laike's insistence on going to N'Zoth's territory, but also from Maiev, who makes her feel a lot of pressure every time that woman appears next to Bo Laike.

Not only because Maiev, as the god of war in the moon and night, has enough ability to obliterate void essences like Xal'atath, but also because Maiev will have some unexpected situations every time he meets Bu Laike.

Xal'atath couldn't understand Maiev's mind, just as she had trouble keeping up with some of Bo Laike's whims.

Just like facing the unknown, not only people will be afraid, but also the mysterious and powerful void essence will be afraid. She was still guessing how on earth Bo Laike had such a complicated connection with Maiev, but she couldn't get an answer.

The woman is like a mystery.

Therefore, she didn't want Maiev to be with the pirates all the time, and she didn't want the pirates to have any contact with Maiev anymore, which would make her completely lose control of the situation.

Well, until now, Xalatas still stubbornly believes that he is "tweaking" Laike and guiding him to the "right path", completely unaware that the initiative of the two of them getting along has always been held by the pirates. .

The simplest example is her humble apology now.

It is hard to imagine that Xalatas, who has been calling the wind and rain in the shadow of history for countless years and doing all kinds of evil, would be so humble in front of a man.

"It's not that you can't do it, you just don't want to."

The pirate raised his hand and pointed to the Eye of N'Zoth on the wall of the Temple of Flesh. He sneered and said:

"The Eye of N'Zoth is the connection point between Ny'alotha and the material world, like a spellcasting beacon, through which you can reverse connect to the dimension of the sleeping city.

I don't need you to open a door, I just need you to send me through.

If you can't even do this, then I will not only doubt your ability, but also your IQ, because your concealment and lies are too clumsy.

what's the matter with you today

You, who were so good at deceiving people in the past, why did you make such low-level mistakes one after another? "

Bu Laike drew his voice and said suspiciously:

"Speaking of which, you seemed to be there when I was bullied by that stinky Maiev twice. But why do you always turn a blind eye to my 'black history', or even laugh at me?

This is not like your character, you seem to be deliberately avoiding talking about it with me, you are not interested in it? Or do you know some other info that I don't?

The first time I met Maiev, even the demon soul in Ulthales Deadwindreaper was dispelled and purified by Maiev to its original form.

If she can find Ulthalesh, she will be able to find you.

But she didn't do anything to you!

Something is wrong.

A deal between you and Maiev?

You betrayed me? "

"I don't!"

Xal'atath screamed:

"I have always been loyal to you. There is no intersection between me and Maiev. Are you crazy? Do you think a feeble void creature like me dares to touch a Moon Night God of War?

What kind of crazy talk is this!

On the contrary, it's you, little master, who behaved abnormally today.

Dylan and Maiev.

It would be better for you if they died here, trust me. "

"Why do people who are clearly untrustworthy always like to say 'trust me'?"

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"You still said this to me, you said you are loyal to me? Good! Now, show your loyalty."

He pointed to the Eye of N'Zoth behind him.

Xal'atath was cornered, and she responded with silence, but in the next second, she realized that the void power she had left in Braike's body was being actively absorbed by the pirates.

This made the void essence panic immediately.

"You have been emphasizing that the shadow is just a subordinate derivative of the power of the void, and I have indeed reached a high level in the way of the shadow, close to the extreme.

Perhaps setting foot in the void now is the right choice. "

Bu Laike raised his left hand, a mass of dark and pure void divine power bloomed with starlight at his fingertips, and in that blurred dim light, he said softly:

"'There is no sacrifice too great to accept', this is a common saying in the human world, my dear Xalatas, do you know what the next sentence of this common saying is?"

Without Xalatas answering, the pirate said the second half of the sentence word by word:

"There is no betrayal small enough to be forgiven!"

"I have never asked for loyalty from others. I know that all loyalty has its bargaining chips. I never test human nature. I have no interest in asking for trouble.

But your relationship with me is different.

You and I are either loyal or separate, there is no third choice, and it is not impossible for me to check and balance you. You know, I'm a pretty good spellcaster.

If the void is pure enough for me, I can open that door myself."

These words hit Xal'atath's spirit like nails, making the Void Essence feel like it has never been such a headache since its birth.

She really had the rage to pull out of consciousness now, not to care about the life and death of Bu Laike, a stinky pirate, but after a few seconds of silence, Xal'atath let out a long sigh.

She regained her sanity and said to Bo Laike coldly:

"I can help you open the door to Ny'alotha, but you can't doubt my loyalty in the future."

"Change your request."

The pirate picked up the dwarven pipe and, after lighting it, exhaled smoke rings and said:

"You know that's impossible. I've never trusted anyone completely."

"Okay, then I'll change it."

Salatas said:

"After this is over, I will teach you to blend into the void and get in touch with the superior power of shadow control. You must not refuse! You belong to me alone, Bu Laike Shaw.

I would rather let you be swallowed up by the void and merge with me than give you up to others!

you will see my loyalty

You will eventually fall on your knees at my feet, begging me to grant you supreme happiness. "

"I doubt it very much."

The pirate exhaled another smoke ring, glanced at the time on the pocket calculator on his wrist, and said:

"Hurry up, I didn't take the risk to collect the corpses for them two."

(end of this chapter)

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