Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 829 160. What About The Bugs In This Card?

Chapter 829 160. What about the bugs in this card?

Outside the material world of Azeroth, there are many voids that cannot be precisely located. Some of them are as vast as the Emerald Dream, and they are associated with the plane world outside the material world.

Others are "man-made".

For example, the four major elemental domains are the elemental planes formed by the guardians of the titans after the battle of masters millions of years ago, locking the elemental domains outside the material world.

It was both a cage and a barrier between the elemental monarchs and Azeroth, lest they destroy the perfect blueprint that the titans had planned for this world.

The nature of Ny'alotha Sleeping City where N'Zoth is located is similar to that of the Elemental Territory.

Under normal circumstances, this strange plane floating in the void and illusion is impossible to connect with the material world. Only when the material world produces evil creations like the Storm Furnace can it attract Ny'alotha to approach the main world.

This place can also be regarded as the cage of the ancient gods.

But it is the only one for N'Zoth, and the other three ancient gods don't have this kind of treatment.

Demons like K'Thun the Thousand-Eyed Demon, Yogg Saron the Demon with Thousand Throats, and Y'Shaarji the Demon of the Seven Sharks who have been "killed" are worthy of creating a reality prison in the depths of the material world It's OK.

Only a "pure caster" type of ancient god like N'Zoth, who is not good at physical attacks, but has the pinnacle of manipulating illusions and nightmares, is worthy of letting the guardians imprison its fallen body, and at the same time Add a layer of "spiritual cage" to it.

Bu Laike has said before that the physical cage of N'Zoth the Corruptor lies beneath the capital of the Deep Sea Empire.

Queen Azshara built her own royal city in Nazjatar was not a random choice. For ten thousand years, the naga have been trying to unlock N'Zoth's material cage.

Progress, of course, was slow, almost non-existent. But this is definitely not because the naga lack the necessary knowledge, they are just doing their jobs.

The relationship between Azshara and N'Zoth is very complicated, and it is definitely not as simple as a simple subordinate.


On the edge of Ny'alotha, the Sleeping City, where there have been few outsiders for millions of years, purple-black void fissures swirl and open, bringing today's third "visitor" to this desolate and depraved city.

The stinky pirate, with a pipe in his mouth and a long sword and dagger, strode into this nightmare place that others avoided.

He even had the mood to turn around and shout to the other end of the void vortex that was about to close:

"Baku, I know you're happy with your new lair, so you don't want to come with me, you bastard. But you have to pay attention to hygiene, you know?

Clean it up a little bit.

After all, you are a demigod, and as the 'Supreme Saint' of the Tidal Cult, you should pay attention to the quality of life.

By the way, let me tell everyone outside of the Crucible of Storms to get out and stop waiting there! If N'Zosi goes crazy again, he will be wiped out there.

If Your Excellency the Tidehunter is here, remember to tell him to wait for me.

I have a present to give it. "

After shouting, Bo Laike took a step back.

Watching the void vortex in front of him rotate in reverse and close.

Before he could take a closer look at this ghostly place, he felt the ground tremble suddenly.

There was a violent earthquake coming from the center of the fallen city, as if terrifying monsters were fighting, causing the pirates to shake their bodies.

"The density of the void here has exploded, and it is no different from the real void world."

Xal'atath whispered weakly in Bu Laike's ear:

"Even if I protect your mind, you can't stay here for too long, your flesh and blood can't withstand this level of void corruption, you have to leave in thirty minutes at most!

You don't want your body to be covered with new organs like tentacles and eyeballs, do you? "

"I know."

Bu Laike raised his head and looked at the city in front of him with his own eyes.

To be honest, it's quite beautiful and magnificent.

Like the hallucinations that cultists see when their mind connects to the void. The pure black city in front of him seemed to be built on the eruption of magma.

It is entirely made of obsidian, and the city is full of obelisks hanging in the air, and above the sky far away from the city, there is also that golden pale light that does not feel any temperature at all.

Let the city not be dark, but bright.

But this kind of light cannot bring people any sense of comfort and security, but is full of an indescribable weirdness, desolation and confusion, just like the ancient call from the beginning of the world.

"There should be a lot of Aqir Zerg here. Under each obelisk, there should be a Krasis guarding the coffin of N'Zoth's servant. The undead infused with the void are guarding this place."

Bu Laike shook his shoulders, crossed his hips and put his left hand above his eyes, looking into the distance like a traveler and said:

"There should be N'Zoth's shell.

The cunning corruptor fashioned a thick shell spanning the spiritual and material planes, materializing his own rage and resentment to guard this fallen sanctuary.

He piled up his fallen flesh and blood into mountains, hiding the path to his true self.

N'Zoth is impossible to kill here.

This is just the world of its will.

Unless its cage is broken, allowing the phantom of will to merge with the material world, and summoning Ny'alotha to the real world, can its corruption be ended at the level of life and death.

It is the weakest of the Old Gods, but it is also the most capable and difficult to deal with. "

"I'm already unable to complain about your understanding of us void creatures. You seem to understand us better than ourselves. You can see our strength and weakness."

Xalatas said lazily:

"But since you know this, you should also know that Dai Lin and Maiev who jumped here are just poor flying insects who have thrown themselves into the net. Why do you have to come to rescue them?"

"Do you really want me to say that answer?"

Bu Laike strode up the towering stairs leading to the city of Ny'alotha, and in the dead silence that echoed in the void, he said:

"I'm looking for them now because I don't want to see a 'Void One' Daelin, or a 'Dark Judge' Maiev...

In the face of the Old Gods, especially N'Zoth, for every point of strength we lose, it becomes more powerful.

That pompous idiot Odin just doesn't understand, he thought it was the age of the titans, but in this age of weakness, every legendary power is precious.

I don't want to give up those powerful souls and bodies. Their existence is the currency leading to victory, and each one must be used reasonably.

Even dying in a stupid, stupid tavern brawl, or dying in a cage, is better than falling into the hands of N'Zoth."

The smelly pirate said so, and finally walked to the entrance of the city. What he saw in front of him was a huge ruin-like building, very flat and full of dogmatic style of dark rituals.

But it wasn't the grandeur of the city that stopped Laike from complaining.

He felt sick from watching the game for a long time, and for a certain period of time he would come several times almost every week.

Everything here is nothing new to the pirates, it is not as good as he is driving a boat on the endless sea, he can walk from Ny'alotha to N'Zoth's shell with his eyes closed.

What really made Bo Laike and Xalatath quiet at the same time was the "corpses" that fell on the obsidian ground, the corpses of the Faceless, Kraxis and Yaqi Zerg.

Pirates finally know where the void creatures guarding the obelisk are.

The answer is that they didn't go anywhere, neither neglected their duties nor wandered around, they were simply killed, or slaughtered.

A small part of the corpses had water stains from the tidal blow, which should have been done by Dai Lin, who was blessed by Odin and possessed the body of the Iron Vrykul.

The rest of the bodies were even worse.

They fell in all directions on the road leading to the depths of the city, each one of them seemed to be burned by some kind of thick and hot force, as if they were picked up from the ashes of the furnace.

All the moisture in the body has been evaporated, leaving only the twisted skeleton and burned skin.

No matter whether it was a weak flesh and blood beast, a ferocious aqir, or a powerful Krasis guard, none of them escaped such torture and killing.

"The dark moon phase of the God of War on a moon night, maybe there is also the eternal magic of 'Stars Falling'. Well, the cause of death is that his head was chopped off, it should be a random shadow attack."

Bu Laike is like a traveling coroner. While rushing into the depths of Ny'alotha, he is still in the mood to evaluate the cause of death of the dead void creatures on both sides, and occasionally smiles.

Xalatas was completely speechless and unable to laugh.

For Laike, although the scene in front of him was shocking, it was nothing more than the death of monsters. He is a human being and cannot empathize with these monsters.

But void essences are serious void creatures.

Although the rank is very high, I look down on these low-level void cannon fodder.

But it's going to go along the way, seeing these Void creatures die in all kinds of strange ways, it's almost like a medical freshman who goes to visit the general teacher in the dissection room.

That is uncomfortable.

There is no way to describe it in words, and my heart is also cold.

It seems that the legends and stories about the moon night gods of war in various worlds in the stars are still conservative. The details in those stories that were originally thought to be bragging are now restored by the gods.

It is said that when becoming a God of War on a moon night, they need to make a moon oath to the moon god Elune and set a goal for themselves. Before the goal is completed, they will not tire and can continuously receive the blessings of Elune's divine power , The endless killing continues.

It is said that in a certain world, a Moonlit God of War hacked to death a mature ancient god with his own hands, saved the world on the brink of collapse, and died because of the explosion of his body due to the unbearable force, and also implicated many warriors.

There are also rumors that the Moonlit God of War in another world swore an oath to kill for protection.

First she killed all the enemies, but the vengeance in her heart could not be quenched, and she began to kill the dead enemies and allies, followed by those who stood by, and finally those who turned away from her.

Until the end, she killed most of the creatures in the whole world by herself, and in the emptiness of her heart, she voluntarily died at the hands of her former lover.

Tsk tsk, listen to these stories.

This kind of power is not a blessing, it is a curse that is more vicious than void corrosion.

But despite such complaints, Xalatas has truly seen the destructive power of the apex creations inherited by the moon god today. Maiev has not yet become a demigod, and he can already slaughter Ny'alotha.

If she really controlled the power of Moon Night God of War, she might be able to kill Argus, the base camp of the Burning Legion, alone.

"It cannot be said to be exactly the same as the Moonlit God of War I have seen, but it can only be said to be exactly the same."

Bu Laike quickly shuttled through the dead and fallen city. Seeing everything gave him a strong sense of sight, and he couldn't help saying with emotion:

"When she said she was going to assassinate N'Zoth, I thought she was joking, but now it seems that she is serious. But the more this happened, the more I worried about the fate of that stinky woman.

The more Elune adored her, the more tragic would be her fate after such moments. "

"There's something ahead!"

With a sudden alert from Xal'atath, Bo Laike changed direction with a whoosh.

Rushing forward along a wall that was blown down by an energy explosion, what I saw was the corpse of a huge void dog, lying desolately on the road leading to N'Zoth's shell.

The body of that giant void dog is as big as a mountain. Its most notable feature is that it has two necks and two mouths, but in front of the necks are two huge eyeballs.

The back of the neck is covered with tentacles, and each tentacle also has an eyeball.

It looks like a hydra from a distance.

But it also died.

It was like being hit by a meteorite rain in every eye at the same time, and the huge fallen body was dismantled by a sharp blade into a disgusting mass of flesh and blood full of craters.

"Shadhar the Insatiable"

The pirate jumped down and stood by the edge of the crater, looking at the lake formed by the pool of blood and flesh below.

He kicked the flesh and blood eyeball scattered around his feet, sighed and said:

"If there is anything I admire about N'Zoth, there is only one quality, the Corruptor is also a 'dog lover'.

Look how well he takes care of his dogs. "

"Do not make jokes!"

Xalatas snorted and retorted:

"Shadhar is one of the most misshapen creations that N'Zoth has ever created.

N'Zoth created it to devour the corpses of failed creations, while plotting that the monster would one day grow large enough to devour the Heart of the World.

This mad dog has been notorious since the days of the Dark Empire, and it swallows almost everything.

Look at it, this thing is simply the physical incarnation of the sin of gluttony, the eternal hunger, the never-satisfied desire, it has produced such a drastic mutation.

The voracious appetite it feeds on also causes it eternal torment.

Well, good death, even a Void Essence like me feels that the existence of such creatures is a threat to everyone. Uh, there seems to be something in the blood pool! "

Bo Laike also found something struggling in the pool of blood of the horrible voracious voidhound. He threw out his dragon tendon shackle, and the moment it touched the pool of blood, the shackle began to corrode and melt.

The distressed pirate fished the thing out of the pool of blood before the chains were completely melted.

Then, Xalatas uttered an exclamation:

"It's Dai Lin! How did he turn back into a human? Wasn't he shaped into a Titan creature before?"

Bu Laike didn't answer.

He put Dai Lin, who was covered in filthy flesh and blood all over his body, on the ground, took out fine wine from his bag and poured it on his head, not to wake up Dai Lin.

This guy's current coma is not because of exhaustion, but because of the impact of the void.

The purpose of pouring the wine was to wash away the filthy flesh and blood on Dai Lin's body, but even in a coma state, Dai Lin was still holding on to the trident firmly in his hand.

He acted like a true fighter, and would not give up his weapon until his death.

After cleaning it up, Bo Laike saw Dailin's iron body rapidly turning back into flesh and blood. Facing Xalatas' exclamation, the stinky pirate sneered, kicked Dai Lin, and said:

"Why else? Curse of flesh and blood.

N'Zoth knew very well that Dailin's threat came from the power of the Titans and the blessing of Odin, so he sacrificed the body of his pet dog as a medium, and at the cost of the insatiable being unable to be resurrected, reborn for the violent Dailin. The curse of flesh has been applied.

Cut off the troubles caused by this 'Odin's Chosen' from the source. "

Bu Laike stood up and watched the starlight falling from the sky swinging down from the mountain of flesh and blood with dancing tentacles at the end of Ny'alotha. He said:

"I take back what I just said. To use my own dog as a trap, I misunderstood N'Zoth! He is not a dog lover, he is a **** bastard!

I really should ask those lunatics from the Rende Society to come over and take a look, how insane they are! "

(end of this chapter)

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