Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 830 161. Hey, Smelly Woman, Don't Be So Scary, Okay?

Chapter 830 161. Hey, smelly woman, don't be so scary, okay?

The surface area of ​​Ny'alotha Sleeping City is not large, and it is more like a floating island that cannot be seen directly.

According to Xalatas, this fallen city was rebuilt from the ruins of the dark empire that ruled the barbaric world millions of years ago. Perhaps it was after the Titan Guardian defeated N'Zoth in the Battle of the Masters. The "throne" area where it is located is sealed together with its body.

But the Guardians clearly made a mistake that couldn't be called a mistake.

The cage they left for N'Zoth was a little too big for a vicious and ruthless prisoner.

This is actually not a problem. If the changes in the world of Azeroth evolve according to the "perfect blueprint" left by the Titans, so that the system created by the Titans will last forever, no matter how powerful N'Zoth is, he can only live in his own cage. Spend the rest of your life in moderation.

But the problem is that the Titan Guardians' system collapsed very quickly.

Not by attack from without, but by a tragic disintegration from within. There is a good saying that an empire destroyed by the enemy can make a comeback, but a world that collapses from within can only end sadly.

There were traitors among the guardians of the titans, which brought the age of mythology to a sad end. In the countless times after the ruler of the world returned to the hands of mortals, these cages were not effectively guarded and cared for at all.

So now, millions of years later, the cages of the three ancient gods have all been damaged, like a rusty shackle. It only takes one chance, and these ancient evils will reign over the material world again.

"C'Thun and Yogg Saron are relatively simple. Their idea is to corrupt the world, complete the mission of being an ancient god, and trap Azeroth in the dark age forever.

But this guy N'Zoth thinks more. "

After finding Daelin, Laike and Xal'atath took a moment to throw him from Ny'alotha back into the Crucible of Material Worlds, before continuing on to N'Zoth's husk, which was being attacked like a starfall. , that is, the mountain of flesh and blood standing in the depths of Ny'alotha is advancing.

As the pirates advanced on the increasingly rough road, they chatted with Xal'atath about the Old God.

He said:

"En'Zoth not only wants to regain power, but also ambitiously tries to rebuild the dark empire of the fallen era. For this reason, after the seal is loosened, it keeps sending subordinates to look for fallen places and join other evils. What exactly does it want to do?

Is this even in the cage, planning to take away the poor family property of the other two 'brothers', complete his 'coronation', and become the monarch of the dark empire? "

"It's actually quite normal."

Xalatas said casually and lazily:

"Azeroth was sent five void seeds of the ancient gods, but they ate one of them when they fell into this world. The relationship between the ancient gods is cooperation and competition, my little master.

It is destined that only one ancient god can enjoy the fallen heart of the world to devour the nourishment of the world and complete their promotion in the void system.

N'Zoth is the most cunning of us.

It is only natural for it to plot other ancient gods, especially after the most powerful demon of the seven evil spirits, Y'Shaarji, was killed, its ambitions intensified during the millions of years of imprisonment.

To be honest, seeing N'Zoth make such a big scene behind the scenes makes me feel proud and jealous. Maybe I really wasted too much time on boring 'entertainment'. "

Miss Void Essence said dejectedly:

"As the only free void ghost, I should have been the one with the greatest advantage. Unfortunately, for millions of years, I have achieved nothing."

"Didn't you meet me?"

Bu Laike "comforts" to:

"Serve me well, you and I are one, and when I rule the world, isn't it equivalent to you sitting on the authority of Azeroth?"

"But you still wanted to 'kill' me just now."

Xal'atath's tone became even sadder.

she says:

"You don't love me at all, you're just using me, you're no different from other cheaters who hold me, same lack of vision, you're just more cunning and mysterious than them.

Maybe I should abandon you ruthlessly when you need me most, just like abandoning others. "

"Are you willing to?"

Bu Laike chuckled, the stinky pirate looked at the "Void Suit" covering his body, and said in a gentle tone:

"Haven't I already fallen into the void? You have already won a lot, just need to work harder, and I can be seduced by you and become your servant."

"I doubt it very much."

Xal'atath lost interest in speaking, and her voice faded in the pirate's ear, saying:

"But the damn temptation coming from your soul makes me want to stop. Oh, you are my nemesis. I'm tired. I need to rest for a while. Wake me up after finding Maiev.

Let me remind you one last thing, little master.

Maiev Shadowsong is more complicated and mysterious than you imagined, that woman has superb means, and she has already taken root in your heart after just two contacts.

You may not realize it, but you are falling.

You should probably take some lessons from my failure and stay away from her. Trust me, it's for your own good. "

Bo Laike shook his head.

This Xalatas is Xun, why did the "deception" skill drop so much after a trip to Outland?

I said it all, don't say "trust me" when you lie.

It seems that getting along with black dragons will reduce IQ, and always playing easy mode is harmful to intelligence.

He made a small complaint, then accelerated his speed again, and arrived at the foot of the mountain of flesh and blood where N'Zoth's shell was located in a few minutes.

There is no trace of any obsidian-built buildings here, and it looks like the masterpiece of the weird and disgusting "cult style of ancient gods" of the Furnace of Storms.

Purple-black horny flesh made up the mountain, eye-stalks proliferating everywhere seemed to be a depraved decoration, and those abyssal tentacles covered with flesh armor and pale barbs squirmed.

Countless filthy blood was flowing backwards, and those sticky blood drops like flesh and blood beasts formed the outer edge of the mountain.

They coiled, roared, and swayed to form the most solid direction leading to N'Zoth's consciousness.

Countless flesh and blood aliens mingled with corruption and fear meandered out of the towering dark body. They chanted N'Zoth's fallen oracle and spread all over the mountain of flesh and blood.

If you want to meet the gods and blaspheme the gods, you have to pass them first!

This is the core of N'Zoth's dark empire, and this is the throne of power that the Corruptor dreams of. It has learned the lessons of the previous failure and realized its own lack of combat effectiveness.

So it spent millions of years building a wall of flesh and blood outside its throne.

And its body, like a real god, stands on the top of the mountain of flesh and blood, observing everything with its own black and yellow eyeballs, and ruling everything.

If ordinary people come here, just looking at this dark peak is enough to make their minds convulse and die of fear. Even the most powerful among mortals have to kneel under N'Zoth's depraved majesty when they have no external power to protect their minds.

Even though Bu Laike at this moment is protected by the divine power of Xal'atath, the essence of the void, he still felt an almost suffocating pressure from the void the moment he set foot on the Dark Mountain.

Everything he heard, saw, smelled, and perceived squeezed his mind, and even made phantoms appear in front of the pirates. A white light flashed before his eyes.

In that white light, a huge eyeball could be vaguely seen staring at him.

"I see you"

Whispers of the Corrupted Void lingered in the pirate's ears, but Laike was unfazed, knowing it was only an illusion. At the moment when a Moonlit God of War was slashing and killing here, N'Zoth couldn't spare any energy to deal with him.

As long as he wasn't afraid, the phantom couldn't hurt him.

Facing N'Zoth's whispers of corruption, Laike stretched out his left hand in a cosmic gesture of friendliness, and strode forward to climb the heights of the Dark Mountain.

Flesh beasts surged from the horrific scars that had been bombarded by the falling stars and the dark moon around them, and they rushed towards Bo Laike, screaming and trying to stop his footsteps.

The pirates didn't even look at them.

With a twist of the fingers, the tide scepter fell into the hand.

With a wave of his hand, the howling void creature was evaporated and died screaming.

Maybe it was Braike's illusion, but after he stepped into Ny'alotha, this tidal scepter became very "active". Except for a few magic locks unlocked by Dean Lanyue, those by Aisa The magic lock that Queen La had closed with her own hands quietly opened it for him.

This greatly increased the power of the Tidal Scepter in the hands of pirates.

The originally obscure magic flow also became smoother, as if the power of the scepter was completely open to him, this discovery made the corner of Laike's mouth curl into a fleeting smile.

He knew there must be something wrong with it.

But he didn't want to pursue this issue now, so he waved the scepter in his hand and waved it forward like a magic wand.


The quietly appearing water jet strangled like a sharp blade, chopped up the faceless man's guard for the pirates, and froze the flesh and blood when he waved it casually, cooling down the fallen blood like hot magma quickly.

There was even a stream of cold air that froze everything gushed out from the scepter and wrapped around the pirate. Any flesh and blood creations that approached him would be mercilessly frozen.

At this time, Laike looked like a high-speed moving fort, more like a magic demigod with full firepower, which made his way up the mountain of flesh and blood very smooth.

It even went too far smoothly.


Bu Laike, who was advancing at high speed, flickered away from the spot, and almost at the same instant, a meteorite wrapped in hot moonlight whizzed and hit the spot where he was before.

The high-speed fall of the meteorite blasted a magma fluttering wound on the mountain wall of fallen flesh, and the scorching moonlight that fell later burned the creations gushing out of the fallen blood in an instant.

The pirate raised his head, and in the sky shrouded in the fallen glory of N'Zoth, a dark and deep moon has emerged, and the reflection of the Milky Way is displayed around him, and falling meteors fall from the sky every moment.

This scene was shocking.

The pirates knew that this strange scene was the supreme magic in the Luna belief system - the falling stars. When Prince Farondis, who specialized in "meteorite" magic, gave him a class, he specifically used this magic as an example.

This magic is the most powerful of all the magic related to meteorites. Only high-ranking moon priests can be favored by Elune and be given such power.

Bo Laike glanced back at the blasted crack behind him.

The meteorite didn't attack on purpose just now, but because the pirate had already entered the effective range of the falling stars magic spell, he stopped staying and rushed towards the mountain of flesh and blood in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, he saw how the real Moonlit God of War fought.

Maiev Shadowsong, who is holding the thorn knife wheel, is fighting a huge and amazing Krasis aberration. Same as the hills.

Not only does it have a body made of fallen flesh and blood, but it is also wrapped with dark purple void armor. There is a huge Eye of N'Zoth on the chest of the fallen body, which means that this thing is the creation of N'Zoth himself.

Each of its attacks will trigger a terrifying void collision, and its magic energy level is at least at the legendary level, and every footstep and claw strike can even create an effect similar to a space rift.

Such a thing is released into the material world, killing more than a dozen legends with ease. But in the face of Maiev, who has become a god of war in the moon night, such power is not enough.

The warden took off her iconic owl helmet, but her fair face was already covered with moonlight battle patterns, which was a strange battle makeup intertwined with black and star dots.

And her dark eyes reflected the ruthless punishment of destruction.

The Luna armor is covered with the moonlight battle armor composed of the brilliance of the stars and the moon. It is as thin as mist but resists everything. The ruthless attack of N'Zoth's Wrath can only make the moonlight battle armor float and ripple.

In addition to such "invincible protection", there is also the twinkling of starlight, and Maiev's "permanent" star falling magic at this time will be activated without a single attack, bringing a burst of super destructive falling Shitian.

Every time Maiev swings a knife, it will trigger a moonlit resonance.

The scorching starlight turned into the sword of Luna, like a "Luna Railgun", and it lit up on the body of every creature around that could be attacked.

Every movement of her will also leave the mark of the moon god, turning Elune's anger into a moonfire explosion that continuously washes and bombards everything around her.

Good guy!

The scene in front of him directly made Bu Laike's hands and feet go numb. Every slash, every move, and every hit of the woman in front of him is a divine damage AOE!

This is on N'Zoth's territory, on the side of the Flesh Throne close to N'Zoth's lair, fighting under N'Zoth's nose!

But the speed at which the ancient gods activated their flesh and blood servants couldn't keep up with the speed at which Maiev Shadowsong cleared the field.

Relying on her own triple divine power AOE damage, mobs will die instantly as soon as they are spawned. The most outrageous thing is that the death of each void creature will feed back to Maiev the temporary strengthening of "Apostle of the Moon God".

Anyway, according to Bu Laike's reconnaissance, Maiev will be fighting with 99 layers of Luna Apostle's enhancement effect that increases both damage and movement speed.

With that terrifying power increase, Laike felt that his small body would not be able to counterattack, and he was lucky to be able to withstand an AOE of Maiev, who was deified in the moon night battle at this time.

No wonder the terrifying Wrath of N'Zoth was so beaten by Maiev that he didn't even have the power to fight back.

This is still a hair!

Such a stinky woman with full firepower, still needs to be rescued by herself?

What a joke!

Bu Laike thinks it's a miracle that N'Zoth's corrupt shell has survived until now. The stinky pirate looked at Maiev showing his power in a daze. He covered his face, as if his world view had been impacted.

It's not that he hasn't seen the battle scene of Moon Night God of War in the game, but the performance of Tyrande Windtalker, the real Rain Night God of War after being blackened, is completely different from the Maiev in front of him.

"Is there a GM to take care of it? Hey, someone is cheating here! Hurry up and save N'Zoth, look at how the child has been bullied, those big eyes are about to cry."

The pirate murmured:

"If it wasn't for the fact that N'Zoth's body wasn't here at all, it would probably be killed by you today. If you can hit me so well, you should have said it earlier.

With your fighting power, I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to get revenge.

Since you don't need help.

Then I go now? "

(end of this chapter)

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