Chapter 837

After the Naglfar left the Furnace of Storms, the little star heard a huge roar from the sea, and the good-for-nothing blue dragon cast an eagle eye spell on himself.

As a result, they saw that the island infested with flesh and blood in the sea behind was "sinking".

It was as if a giant beast was churning the sea under the island, and it looked so powerful that even the red dragon flying in the sky was startled.

Several red dragons with strong curiosity floated to the surface of the sea as if they wanted to see clearly what was under the sea, but suddenly a mouthful of dark green poisonous fire spewed out from the sea, and poured it on the paw of a red dragon.

Hissing white smoke rolled around, and the painful adult red dragon yelled loudly.

This sneak attack made the other red dragons very angry.

They came down in groups, trying to impress the shameless raiders under the sea.

As a result, Baku the Moon Eater didn't hesitate at all, and spread out his coiled body, a shadow more than 300 meters long swung under the sea, and the aura of a demigod also quietly emerged.

The waves of the sea are rolling, like a hurricane is approaching.

The sudden turbulent change made all the angry red dragons calm down immediately, and they flew high into the sky protecting the injured red dragon.

Brother Long, forget it, forget it, we can't afford to offend you.

Although the Guardian Dragon Legion is strong, with the demigod Red Dragon Queen in command, Haixia, a demigod whom he has never seen before, does not seem easy to mess with, not to mention being able to drive the tide. About the runner-up.

The elemental monarch is not afraid of you guarding the dragon army, and the red dragon queen is still seriously injured. If there are no blue dragons and green dragons to participate in the battle, it is not certain who will be beaten in a real fight.

This scene made Little Xingxing so angry that his nose was crooked, and he kept jumping to call those red dragons cowards.

What are you afraid of, rush forward and do it, if you really can't beat them, just shake them! Besides, isn't there me, the dragon hero, here to help you hold the scene?

But Little Star's "Battle Cry" had no effect, and the red dragons finally flew into the sky and left.

The Storm Furnace has sunk into the deep sea under the pull of Baku. That weird sea snake also seems to have the ability to absorb the void. With it here, the pollution of the void will not spread.

The work of the red dragons is finished.

They are different from the idle blue dragons. They have work to do, and they are not interested in going deep into human society to play. They leave after finishing their work. They are simply perfect tool people.

"What will the red dragons do if they go on like this, once they have no martial arts."

Little Xingxing watched the red dragons leave, and said to Sienigosa beside him with a sad face:

"Among our giant dragons, only the red dragons and green dragons have the most people, and the green dragons are all lazy. If you have nothing to do, you can go to sleep in the Emerald Dreamland, and you can't count on it.

The red dragon with a lot of people is so cowardly. In the future, when encountering major events, our blue dragon with abundant martial arts will have to be on top, but there are few of us.

Alas, if things go on like this, the decline of this giant dragon family is a certainty. "

"Uh, I don't think you need to consider this question, Your Highness."

Sai Anni expressed incomprehension to Little Xingxing's magical brain circuit, she thought for a while, and whispered:

"Besides, I think the countermeasures of those red dragons are correct. The sea is the territory of Baku, and the alien giant snake is close to the water elemental army. There is no chance of winning against it in this sea.

We are giant dragons, guardians of the titans who shoulder the responsibility of maintaining world order, and we are not here to fight bravely with the strange wilderness demigods who came to Azeroth.

When something like this happens, it's okay to take a step back. "

"Your idea! No way!"

Little Xingxing snorted and puffed out her chest. The row of medals on her chest were shining brightly in the setting sun. She imitated Libu Laike's serious posture on weekdays, and said in a drawn out voice:

"The stinky pirates have said that a chaotic era has begun, and those elves are also privately saying that the power of darkness is invading the world, and I overheard it.

The following days are doomed to be unstable. If our dragons are not strong enough in martial arts, how can we defend this world? As a dragon hero, a blue dragon warrior, I have to find a way to make the guardian dragon army great again. "

"What can I do?"

Sienni became even more frowning.

She thought for a while and whispered:

"Why don't you hurry up and find a spouse, Your Highness, and give birth to a few more young dragons to cultivate carefully, so as to strengthen the strength of the blue dragon army?"

"Then you have to be born in the Year of the Monkey!"

Little Xingxing stomped his feet fiercely and said:

"Besides, I'm still a young dragon, and the men of the Blue Dragon Legion are all crazy. How can I have time to think about these things?"

"what's the topic?"

The quarrel between the two blue dragons quickly attracted the attention of the stinky pirate. He walked over with a wine bottle, and Little Xingxing's eyes lit up when he saw Laike.

She chattered about what had just happened to Bu Laike, and at the end she despised the weakness of the red dragons.

The pirates who listened were taken aback.

He took a sip of his wine and said in a strange tone:

"Going forward knowing that you can't beat it, that's not courage, that's called head iron, it's called death. I'm not bragging, if Baku gets ruthless under the sea, the red dragon who came today will not even want to go back alive.

Do you think Baku looks like a snake, so it is a snake?

So stupid.

The human Baku's race is the otherworldly dragon, understand?

Although it looks the same as the sea snake, it is actually a giant dragon, and it is your distant cousin, and it has been fighting against the void and foreign objects in its world for hundreds of years.

Those with rich combat experience are enough to beat you little young dragons.

Those red dragons must have also sensed the sub-dragon breath of Baku, so they didn't plan to pursue it. After all, they are all a family, nothing more than they look different. "

Hearing Bu Laike's explanation, Sienigosa nodded approvingly. She actually felt a similar aura from Baku just now.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

Bu Laike's casually bragging explanation was like a flash of lightning flashing through Little Xingxing's eccentric little mind, making her seem to have grasped a strange point all of a sudden.

A hint of surprise flashed across the face of the little blue dragon princess, and she forced herself to calm down again.

She coughed and asked in a low voice:

"What, senior, can you find a time to introduce Baku to me? Since everyone is a dragon, it's good to have a good relationship, and there is no harm in having more friends, right?"

"Yo, little Xingxing finally got the hang of it."

Bu Laike laughed and said drunkenly:

"That's right, that's how it should be. There will be many friends and few enemies. When we go to meet His Majesty the Tidehunter, I will introduce you to the Tidal Order.

Baku is the supreme saint of the Tidal Order, and you will be 'colleagues' from now on. The snake in Baku looks scary, but it's actually quite easy to deal with.

Its world is gone.

When I came to Azeroth, I only wanted to live in peace until I died of old age. It was really a salted fish that had already lay flat. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate heard Seifel calling him from the poop, so he turned and walked towards that side. After Braike staggered away, Little Xingxing blinked and took Seianne's hand. There was a chatter in my ear.

Si Anni's eyes widened after hearing this, and just when she was about to refuse, she saw Little Xingxing staring at her pitifully with wide eyes, those big eyes flickering like a cute kitten.

Si Anni's cheeks turned red instantly, and bursts of magic steam rose from her head, and she finally agreed in a daze.

What the little star is thinking and what he wants to do, Bu Laike doesn't know, and he doesn't have time to care about the flirty thoughts in the primary school girl's mind now, because there are still things to do.

After nightfall, the Naglfar quietly approached the island where the Church of the Storm was deserted.

It has just been bombed by mechanical homing bombs, and the evil hidden deep in the ground has been eradicated by Laike himself. It is definitely one of the cleanest places in Azeroth.

But just because the building is empty does not mean that there are no people.

In fact, the island was already buzzing by the time Bo Laike's ghost ship docked.

A large number of water elements are busy all over the island.

Under the command of a group of ancestor turtle sages, they repaired the buildings damaged in the battle, and then took down the symbols and sacrificial items of the Church of Storms placed everywhere and piled them together.

Looks like it's going to be set on fire.

It's worth mentioning that those valuable garbage were carefully selected and piled on the other side, where an Ankoan tide guard had already placed Old Garni's icon there.

They're going to dedicate all this junk to old Garney.

Good guy, people like the Tidal Cult really don't waste at all, they can be called a model of "diligent and thrifty housekeeping".

That's right, this Storm Temple will belong to the Tidal Order in the future.

This is what Bu Laike had agreed with Kou Qiao, the chief priest of the Order of the Tides, and it will be called the Temple of Storms in the future, but it has nothing to do with the Church of Storms that has been cut off.

Kou Qiao and the others plan to place the headquarters of the Tidal Cult here.

It just so happens that this is the place of the Pope, and everything is ready-made, and there is no need to make a special altar or anything, just replace the tide icon with a sculpture of a tide hunter.

"Come, come, the valiant Baron Laike Shaw of the Rapids."

Kou Qiao, the tortoise sage carrying the tidal battle flag, was waiting for Bu Laike at the entrance of the temple. When he saw him stepping off the ghost ship, he immediately stepped forward and said happily:

"His Majesty has arrived and is waiting for you in the hall. He heard that you defeated N'Zoth and eradicated all the dark forces of the Corruptor in Kul Tiras, and he greatly appreciated your actions.

His Majesty also praised you as a true loyal and brave soldier of the Hydraxia Legion. I think that is to give you a promotion. After a while, remember to say a few beautiful words, this will definitely not trouble you. "

"Hehe, of course it doesn't bother me. Is my 'Crow Prophet''s mouth so famous?"

Bo Laike smiled proudly.

Behind him was the handsome little star as an attendant, and Princess Blue Dragon was holding the Trident of the Abyss, which was a gift that Bu Laike was going to give Neptulon, the tide hunter.

"I'm going to see the Tidehunter first."

The pirate patted Kojo's tortoise shell, then glanced at the pile of rubbish next to him, and said:

"Don't be in a hurry to summon old Gani, I also have a 'tribute' for it, wait for me to come out and do it together."

"No problem, it's not too late."

Kou Qiao waved his paws righteously.

As an ancestor tortoise who already had an identity, even his speech became full of momentum now.

"Okay, righteousness, I knew you were a good friend."

Bu Laike laughed, and strode into the temple with the little star. Led by a Hydraxia water elemental warrior with a frost crown on his head and an ice spear in his hand, he walked all the way to the top hall.

The Tidehunters are waiting for him here.

The Elemental Sovereign definitely didn't come here in person, otherwise the entire coast of Kul Tiras would be full of violent winds and waves. It just split a ray of consciousness here.

Create a "mini" Tidehunter in the Great Hall about the height of Laike.

Changing body size is the unique skill of these elemental creatures. Not only the tide hunters can do this, but Nagraros, the king of fire, is also very good at this kind of transformation.

"Ah, my brave Baron Torrent is here, come, come, tell me the legendary story of you beating N'Zoth."

When the tide hunter saw Braike enter the hall, he laughed heartily like a human being, and moved his claws at Braike. This action caused the water waves in the hall to reverberate, and the shadow magic power in the pirate's body, which was suppressed by the elemental magic power, was somewhat circulating. Not smooth.

But Little Star likes it very much.

She is a blue dragon, born with the highest level of affinity for flowing water and cold ice. When she came to the place where the tide hunter was, she felt as comfortable as returning home.

"My honorable majesty, with the help of your legion, I not only defeated N'Zoth by chance, but also found for you the sacred artifact that had been lost for millions of years in the Maw of the Abyss.

It is an honor to personally return it to its true owner. "

Bu Laike made a gesture of courtesy and winked at Little Xingxing. Princess Blue Dragon immediately stepped forward and offered the abyss trident she was holding in both hands.

When he saw the silver-gray trident, the tide hunter was obviously excited for a moment, and the pure torrent that made up its body was spinning a little faster.

There was a trace of exclamation on its very anthropomorphic face, and it reached out to pick up the silver-gray trident and looked at it carefully.

After a few seconds, it sighed and said:

"This trident was born in the age of the dark empire. N'Zoth forced me to create this weapon for it to spread its corrupt majesty. It used to be the power of my king, but now it has been polluted by the dirty power of the Corruptor. .

I have to take it back to the Maw of the Abyss and slowly purify it with clean water.

This may take nearly a hundred years.

But it's all worth it!

The crown of the Maw of the Abyss returns to the elemental realms today, all because of the noble deeds of a mortal. "

Having said that, Neptulon, holding the trident in his left paw, looked up at Bo Laike.

The tone of the tide hunter became serious, and it said:

"Come forward, my Baron Torrent, this kind of dedication is already worthy of a richer reward from me, and I want to bestow upon you the true glory of the Hydraxian Legion."

"I appreciate your generosity, Your Majesty, but the strength you have bestowed on me is enough."

Bu Laike replied tactfully:

"You should have seen that my path of power is incompatible with your gift, and the glory of Hydracia to me is a terrible waste.

If possible, I humbly request you to bestow this honor on my junior, she is weak and desperately needs a strength to protect herself.

Moreover, her special status is also very suitable as the messenger of the Hydraxian Legion among the dragons.

I know that you are not afraid of those Titan Creations, but the Dark Empire has already collapsed, and there is no need for elemental creatures to fight to the death with Titan Creatures.

It's a necessary addition to your great cause. "

The tide hunter didn't answer immediately, it looked at the little star.

The gaze of the elemental monarch made His Royal Highness Xiaocaiji Xingxing a little afraid, especially when the tide hunters examined her, the pressure on her was heavier than the assessment of the spell weaver.

But then he was secretly kicked by Bu Laike, and the little star was forced to hold his head high and make a mighty gesture.

Then, the Elemental Sovereign was immediately attracted by the row of polished medals on Little Xingxing's chest. A few seconds later, it laughed and said in a regal manner:

"As expected of a loyal and brave soldier of the Hydraxian Legion, your suggestion is very pertinent, my Baron Torrent. Then, weak blue dragon, come forward!

Accept the blessing of the Maw of the Abyss in my champion's place. "

(end of this chapter)

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