Chapter 838

Although the Elemental Legion was the servant army of the Dark Empire millions of years ago, it can be said that they are in cahoots, but that really does not mean that the Elemental Sovereign is of one mind with the Old God.

After careful calculation, there are many conflicts between the two, and they are basically irreconcilable.

Although the elemental monarch is chaotic in nature.

But they are the foundation of the birth of the world, and the foundation of the existence of the material world. If possible, the elemental monarch hopes that the world born from their war will last for a long time.

After all, their power also comes from the world itself, the more prosperous the world, the stronger their power.

But what the Old Gods want is to completely corrupt the material world, and eventually drag it into the realm of the void, becoming a node for the void to invade the stars of the material world, and at the same time shape the Void Titan.

This means that the elementals will also accept corruption in that bleak future and become another sad form.

The elemental legion is actually unwilling to get together with the ancient gods, but these guys are chaotic in nature and can easily be corrupted and controlled by the ancient gods.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that they couldn't beat it, the elemental monarchs would have fought against the Dark Empire long ago.

In the final analysis, it is still not strong enough.

So after breaking free, the Tidehunters are happy to see the Old Gods suffer.

In this kind of fun mentality, the tide hunter originally wanted to chat with Bo Laike for a while, and listen to how the stinky pirate rushed into Ny'alotha and dealt face-mounted damage to the disgusting N'Zoth.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. After Laike presented the abyss trident, the tide hunter impatiently returned to his lair with the holy object.

This can be seen from the lack of emotion in the simple and honest faces of elemental creatures.

However, the tide hunter is finally a decent elemental monarch, and before leaving, he still generously rewarded those who have made meritorious deeds.

Bu Laike, who walked out of the temple hall, rubbed his chin, watching the two Hydraxian water elemental warriors stationed outside the hall saluting him.

The sense of vanity in the stinky pirate's mind was instantly satisfied.

He grinned and looked at the replaced title on the translucent character card in front of him. The original "Baron of Torrent" had been replaced with "Earl of the Sea", which represented his promotion of rank in the Hydrassil Legion.

The promotion of the title is more than just nice to hear.

Becoming the Earl of the Ocean means that Bu Laike has the right to choose a team of ten Riptide warriors for himself in the Hydraxian Legion as guards, which are high-level ice blade elements like Ekron who he sent to the sea area of ​​​​the Burning Plains.

The strength of these elemental creatures is good. If they fight in the sea, they can basically have the ability to approach the legendary spellcaster, and they also have the affinity for the ocean. Let them work together to set off a small wave.

You can also summon a group of low-level water elementals to form an army for a short time.

It's a pity that once ashore, the combat effectiveness is not very good, and it is not as strong as the legendary Red Navy.

But since it was given away for free, then naturally it should not be given away for nothing.

Compared with the small benefits that Bu Laike got, the wave of smiling little stars behind him followed the big guy to get the real good things.

The Tidehunter was going to give Bu Laike the ability to control the sea, but the pirates with the Tidal Stone didn't really need this, so they all made it cheaper for the little star.

Stellagosa would lift her slender fingers, and there would be dancing lightning at her fingertips, and under the control of the little star, it would form a ball of cold air and spikes.

This is not just a trick to look good, the blessing of the elemental monarch is still very fragrant.

Once the little star turns into a dragon shape, and with the extremely high spellcasting ability endowed by the blue Long Tian, ​​she can use the thunder storm and the big tide as her "hands-on" for spellcasting.

In addition, the sea has also become the domain of His Royal Highness Xing Xing, just like the bonus effect of a monkey version of Proudmoore's bloodline, which increases the destructive power of asteroids fighting in the sea by about one-fifth.

Even for the blue dragon with a very high starting point, this is already a great improvement, not to mention that in addition to angrily scolding Dai Lin, Little Xingxing also slapped soy sauce and shook people in this battle.

Basically, it can be regarded as a blessing of elements picked up for nothing.

Who doesn't love prostitution?

"I thought you were going to keep that trident for yourself."

Little Xingxing happily circled around Bu Laike, who was selecting her elemental guards. She said happily:

"After all, you are a freak among humans, and you are not afraid of void impact at all. The terrible side effects of the trident are completely useless to you, and its destructive power is very strong.

Every knife can be accompanied by a tidal shock, and it can also be forced to avoid injuries. Even in the dragon army, such an artifact is extremely rare.

You are very generous.

I sent it out without blinking an eye, and it hurts me to see it.

In the words of Dean Lanyue, what a prodigal son! "

"You want it? If you want it, tell me, I can give it to you, as long as you are not afraid of becoming the second Deathwing."

Bu Laike snorted, and randomly pointed to ten of the torrent warriors in front of him. These high-level elemental creatures have not yet broken through the legendary power, so there is not much difference.

If possible, the pirate would prefer that the Tidehunter give him a Hydraxian warrior for self-defense.

But elemental creatures are notoriously difficult to advance.

Those elemental warriors with legendary strength probably would not be willing to give it to Tidehunter, but if Laike can bring him the Flame of Sulfuras, the incarnation of Ragnaros' power, Tidehunter will definitely be willing.

Maybe I can give two if I am happy, so it will be a matter of time before the elemental guards that Bu Laike imagines will be formed.

Pirates have always been patient in such matters.

He led the ten selected torrent warriors to the exit of the temple, and said to Little Xingxing as he walked:

"I can indeed use that trident, and I am not afraid of void impact, but just because I am not afraid does not mean that you are not afraid, the void impact of that thing is a group.

I don't want to harvest a group of crazy subordinates every time I fight, that's not how cannon fodder is used.

Secondly, the Trident of the Abyss is the sacred object of N'Zoth. Although I won this time by chance, I don't think I have the strength to fight against N'Zoth now.

That guy's forces are very complicated. After all, he has been cultivating in Azeroth for tens of thousands of years, and his eyeliner is everywhere. Now he has to run around with a trident when he gets into trouble with N'Zoth. This is naked ridicule .

Do you think I have a long life? "

"Well, that's true."

Little Xingxing thought about it, and felt that what the captain said made sense, the trident was really hot in his hand.

"Finally, getting benefits doesn't necessarily mean that you gain something, it can also mean that you don't let others get that thing. The trident was originally an artifact of power for tide hunters. Now that it has been lost and recovered, it will definitely not be willing to give that thing away. Give it to N'Zoth.

In this way, N'Zoth lost a sacred object that could confuse people's hearts out of thin air, and part of its hatred was also stabilized by the tide hunter.

My stress will be much less. "

Bu Laike patiently explained:

"This is the advantage of having more friends. If you can't bear the blame, they can help you. If you bear the burden, they can help you share it.

The more friends you have, the fewer allies your enemies will have. "

"I understand this!"

Little Xingxing said excitedly:

"Both my grandfather and the spellweaver taught me that the most important thing to do when venturing outside is to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and this is the easiest way to distinguish those who I can't see through.

Either my friend or my enemy! "

"Wrong! Big mistake."

The pirate reached out and slapped Little Xing Xing on the head, and corrected him earnestly:

"What's the matter with your grandfather and the weaver? You can teach such basic principles wrong? If you want to have a good time, you have to change your thinking. It's not your enemy, it's your friend.

Forget it, if I tell you this, you probably won't understand it.

The tide hunter's blessing to you is to reward you for thinking of running to save me in such a dangerous situation before. This kind of friendship is worthy of praise.

I will go back to the Eastern Continent in the future and go to work in Black Rock Mountain. Do you want to come with me? In Molten Core, your new power will be very useful, just to adapt to the real battle, you can't just mix it up like this all the time. "


Little Xingxing lowered her head, carefully pinned the Hydraxia Medal of Honor given to her by the tide hunter on her clothes, and said without raising her head:

"I'll take Cyanne with me."

"Okay, you wait here for a while, I'm going to do something."

Bu Laike responded, and quickly walked to the big garbage dump outside the temple. Kojo and the swordfish warriors were ready to summon Old Ghani.

The pirate rubbed his hands, and took out the hilt of his broken legendary long sword with a regretful expression, touched the blade and wanted to put it on the garbage dump, but was stopped by Kou Qiao .

The tortoise stared at the broken sword with bright eyes, and said:

"Sell it to me. This sword has a story at first glance. Maybe I can find some craftsmen to restore it."

"It can't be fixed."

Bu Laike sighed, looked at the Broken Blade in his hand, and said:

"This is a weapon forged by the magic craftsmen of Quel'Thalas. It has been tempered in the Sunwell. Even if you can reshape its sword body, it cannot return it to its former power.

Might as well give old Garney a favor. "

"Old Garni wants rubbish, and yours is obviously not rubbish."

The tortoise shook his head and said:

"You exchange it to me, and I will give you a satisfactory reward. Such legendary collections are rare."

"We are all on our own, so what kind of rewards are we talking about?"

Bu Laike blinked, and said to Kou Qiao in a hypocritical tone:

"How much are you going to give?"

"How much do you want?"

Kou Qiao also blinked and said:

"Why don't you play a game of turtle shells? I won't cheat you either. There are guaranteed to be three legendary items in ten turtle shells. How about a gamble?"

"That's because I bullied you, forget it, I'll send you off."

Bu Laike snorted, put the broken blade of the legendary long sword into Kou Qiao's hand, and said:

"If you do something for me, I won't charge you money. In addition, arrange a position for my blue dragon junior in the Tidal Order, the kind that can talk to Baku.

Her social circle is too small, I have to help her improve her style. "

"No problem, leave it to me."

Kou Qiao happily played with the broken sword in its claws, it said:

"What do you want me to do for you?"

"There's no rush now, we'll talk about it later."

The pirate coughed, looked south, and said:

"It's just sending something to the South China Sea. It's a very simple job, and it will definitely not trouble you. The only requirement is that you must keep it a secret that even tide hunters can't know."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Kou Qiao who was embarrassed, patted his tortoise on the head and said in a gentle tone:

"Speaking of which, you're not going to give my secrets to the Tidehunters, are you?"


Kou Qiao pouted, glanced at the low-key and attractive Defiler fragment on Laike's waist, and said:

"What's the relationship between us, don't worry, I understand."


"It's really a good show, enough to make me recall it for a hundred years."

Under the deep sea, Nazjatar, in the palace of the Supreme Queen Azshara.

The lazy Tentacle Lady is lying on the side of her luxurious shell bed in the posture of a "dried octopus". Several war maids respectfully hold up various fruit plates for Her Majesty.

They have to maintain a posture that is most suitable for the queen to take snacks for a long time.

It's tiring, and the queen doesn't actually like snacking.

Their presence here is more like a kind of "decoration". But whether the queen likes it or not is one thing, but if they dare not disturb the queen's good mood by doing good things, that's another matter.

On the table in front of Azshara, a perfectly round crystal ball was polished to perfection by a jeweler, reflecting the secret conversation between Bo Laike and Kojo.

Because the tidal scepter was placed in the pirate's luggage, the queen couldn't hear the sound, but it didn't matter. For her wise, just looking at the picture, she knew that the stinky pirate must have started planning some "fun things" again.

"Although the level of strength is very different from the 'black-clothed prophet' I remember, but you are sophisticated and decisive. I have already determined that you are the rude person ten thousand years ago."

Queen Azshara reached out her bejeweled fingers and stroked the crystal ball.

With her haughty and seductive eyes watching, the picture on the crystal ball quickly reversed back to the battle in the city of Ny'alotha. When she saw the incarnation of N'Zoth's will being smashed by Maiev with the power of the moon god, the corner of the Queen's mouth twitched. Smile a little more.

This smile makes this tentacle girl charming all living beings even though she has such weird decorations as tentacles and eyeballs.

Really a leprechaun.

People can't help but imagine how glamorous and unparalleled she must be when she is the light of light.

"Has Vashj's army set off?"

The queen looked at the picture on the crystal ball and asked casually.

Her voice echoed in the turbulent hall, and a war maid with the highest status replied respectfully:

"Miss Viper is about to set off. Go to Vashj'ir with your will and regain the lost ground. We have assembled three legions. Your Majesty, those arrogant people are destined to pay the price for their offense."

"Let her come back."

The queen waved her hands lazily, closed her eyes, and said:

"From now on, Vashj'ir will reward my outstanding subjects for giving me such a wonderful performance, what an amazing man.

I haven't been this happy in ten thousand years.

I really look forward to more surprises he can bring me. "

A few minutes later, a maid swaying her "water snake waist" respectfully entered the Queen's lounge, and she whispered:

"Your Majesty, Lord Xavius ​​is requesting an audience outside the palace, and it says it has brought N'Zoth's order, concerning Kul Tiras"

"Alas, the empire has withered so far, even the former lords have become so stupid."

The Queen's voice came from within the curtain, saying:

"Let it go! When did you learn to speak, when will you come again."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

(end of this chapter)

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