Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 839 170. Old Faol's Future Is Also Doomed

Chapter 839 170. Old Faol's future is also doomed

Bu Laike doesn't know that he has been rewarded with a peace by the "forgiving" Queen Azshara, let alone that he has "Jane in the Emperor's Heart". If he knew, he would be very happy.

After all, who wouldn't want to have a noble and glamorous water snake waist tentacle girl as a friend?

But the pirate didn't have the heart to guess what luck happened to him. He still had important things to deal with. The Naglfar sailed in the sea under the finally calm moonlit night, sailing from the Temple of Storms all the way to Sailor's Shore Dock.

That was the next stop for Bou Laike.

It was also his last stop in Kul Tiras.

Once this matter is over, the pirates will sail back to Tol Barad, and then go to the eastern continent to do things while the human kingdom is attracted by the changes in Kul Tiras.

The upcoming Kul Tiras is a lot of fun to watch, but that's not what Laike cares about anymore.

His "personal grievances" have been resolved, and he does not intend to contact his family now. Although the vest on his body is about to fall off, he still wants to keep a little bit of mystery.

Besides, all the good things in Kul Tiras have been looted by him, so what are you still doing here?

"Old Faol and the elves are over there."

When approaching the Sailor's Sea Wharf, the Naglfar quietly floated up. On the deck, Sefiel said to the captain with his arms crossed:

"Before Baku rushed out of the furnace of the storm to warn them to stay away, so they withdrew here. Dai Lin is probably here, and your mother, Queen Catherine, is also here."

Speaking of this, the chief mate dragon hesitated for a moment, and whispered to Bu Laike:

"I said, you've already met Dai Lin, why don't you find time to meet your mother? Now you should know your identity, so it's meaningless to hide it, right?"

"Dai Lin can protect herself, but the queen is just an ordinary person."

Bu Laike replied, Sefiel shrugged, the captain's reason is really irrefutable.

With the current number of enemies of the stinky pirates, plus the moment that N'Zoth misses, it is really not a good thing to involve an ordinary person.

"I just saw Windrunner's mother packing her luggage, as if she was about to go on a long journey. Did you provoke her?"

Seifel changed the subject and asked:

"She is an important air defense force of the Nagfar. With her leaving, our ship and I feel very insecure."

"You two bastards."

The magic eye on Bo Laike's shoulder gave the first mate a hard look and said:

"Two fully equipped aircraft are here, and there are flesh and blood purification cannons to sweep away all dissatisfied people. The tidal stone is placed in the cabin, and thousands of wraith sailors are at your disposal.

There are also two blue dragons sitting in town.

It's all like this, do you still feel insecure? Do you have to ask me to invite the spell weaver to stay on the ship, so that you have the courage to set sail? "

"It's not my fault, what are you yelling at?"

Seifel retorted confidently:

"Look what people you have provoked! Demons, naga, cultists, and ancient gods, how can you make me feel at ease in the face of those enemies?

I'm not as heartless as you."

Under the glaring eyes of the magic eyes, the voice of the chief mate gradually became lower and lower, and finally turned into a whisper.

She also felt that her words were a bit embarrassing for the identity of a legendary pirate's adjutant, so she gave the pirate a hard look, and disappeared on the deck with a whoosh.

Sailor's Shore was getting closer, and Bo Laike called to the sky to go ashore, but soon saw Windrunner's mother in black armor coming out of the cabin.

Just as Seifel said, General Liresa is ready to go far with her hood on, bow and quiver on her back.

The master and apprentice have known each other for a long time, so Feng Xingzhe's mother didn't talk nonsense, and said simply and simply:

"After a short break in the Hidden Passage, Imerel, the little girl, plans to go to Silithus to find the remains of Lin Ge and the sages according to your suggestion. Lin Ge and I are friends, and I want to join it as a non-staff. .

It may take a while to get this done, so try to keep a low profile while I'm away. "

"Take this."

Without further ado, the pirate took out the spirit string longbow and the quiver specially designed for loading the void spikes, and took off the shard of Azzinoth from his waist. Finally, he gritted his teeth and tied the chain of water of the dark sea wrapped around his wrist. Also took it off.

This pile of things was stuffed to Windrunner's mother, and he said with a smile:

"My chief vassal must have a face when he goes out to battle! You are now the Ranger General of the Undead Pirates, and you cannot lose face in front of the Kaldorei.

Don't worry, it's an annual leave.

If there is enough time, the Naglfar and I may go to the Silithus Desert to pick you up in person. If you're really fighting Qiraji, don't charge ahead!

If those elves are to be used as cannon fodder, they are doing things for them anyway, and it is already a shame for us not to get paid. "


When Windrunner's mother saw the pile of precious equipment in front of her, she hesitated for a moment, and said to her disciple:

"You are about to go to the wilderness trial, and you are still in Hela's territory. You need it more than me."

"I'll have better ones soon."

The pirate snapped his fingers and said triumphantly:

"The outdated equipment can't be given to Old Gani, can it? He won't accept it either. So don't worry about it, my chief retainer, I can always get better things."

"Well, yes."

General Ranger nodded approvingly. She absolutely believed in her disciple's ability to plunder and treasure hunt, so she no longer refused, and put into her pocket a pile of good equipment that would kill any soldier.

"Lilas has made good progress recently. He has overcome his own psychological obstacles. Maybe you can take him with you in the Eastern Continent operation. It will be an eye-opener for your child and gain insight."

The dark ranger glanced back at the silent sea behind her, and after a while, she looked back at Bu Laike with her soul-flaming eyes, and said seriously:

"Nathanos Marris is all right, a reassuring young man. Do you know what I mean?"


Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said excitedly:

"I'll find any reason right now and 'exile' him to Northrend. I'm the best at this kind of thing. Don't worry, mentor. In addition, go to Silithus and help me find my friend by the way. .

Garona has been there for more than half a year, and I don't know how her hunt for the Twilight's Hammer is going. I'm worried about her. "

"Well, if you encounter it, I will help you out."

Windrunner's mother didn't say anything more, as if she had let go of an important matter in her heart, she waved goodbye to Bo Laike, turned around and jumped below the deck.

Of course it didn't fall into the water.

In Braike's proper whistle, the silver-white seahorse Poseidons jumped out from the bottom of the sea, caught his driver like a war horse, and howled a few times at the pirates, then carried Windrunner's mother to the light. The bright shore gallops away.

"Let's go too."

Laike patted the Hippogryph beside him, and the latter touched the pirate's wrist with his antlers affectionately, and then flew him into the dark night sky, heading towards Mariner's Coast.

Behind the pirates, the Naglfar, like a ghost, pushed through the sea and entered a submerged state.

At the same time, in a room on the second floor of Mariner's Sea Wharf, the weak Pope Fao was doing his daily prayers, but tonight's prayer time was especially long.

Mainly to report the details and victory of this battle to the Holy Light, and humbly attribute this glory to the protection of the Holy Light.

Believers are like this.

But when the old man was praying, his expression was not relaxed, because although the cancer of the Church of Storms had been eradicated, the follow-up was only just beginning.

Moreover, in this battle, the Church of the Holy Light also got a very difficult evil, Faol didn't even know how to deal with it.

Prayer cannot be interrupted.

This is the process of communication between believers and the source of faith. It is not only a ritual, but also a necessary practice for them to calm their minds. Therefore, after the pirates crept in through the window, they did not make a sound immediately.

He waited patiently for the Pope to finish his prayer.

However, the old man's stern chanting had a hypnotic effect, and Bu Laike was also a little tired, so he fell asleep after waiting and waiting.

It was not until midnight that the voice of Faol chanting scriptures came to an end.

He got up weakly, looked back at Bu Laike who was lying on the chair soundly asleep, then shook his head, picked up a ball of holy light and threw it on the pirate.


Bo Laike didn't even open his eyes, he disappeared on the spot with instinctive action and reappeared behind the pope, just missing a dagger in Faol's neck.

"Don't scare me like this, Your Majesty the Pope, I am very timid."

The smelly pirate rubbed his eyes and complained:

"It's a good thing I don't have a weapon in my hand. If I'm charged with assassinating the Pope, I'm doomed."

"You won't do that, you have a heart that chases after the light."

The old man said something with a smile.

He put the scriptures in his hand on the table, and invited Laike to sit at the table. Before the conversation between the two started, His Majesty picked up a sealed box with a seal of holy light from his hand, and put it in the In front of Bu Laike.

He said:

"This is an evil thing brought back by Uther and Dathrohan himself. You have to take it out of Kul Tiras and dispose of it. Don't let anyone know about it."

Bo Laike opened the case and glanced at it.

The crown of the Stormcaller was lying quietly in it, and the filth and blood stained on it had not been wiped off. On the other side of the box, there were several dark void stone fragments.

"Although such a high-grade artifact is stained with darkness, it is not impossible to wash it with holy light."

The pirate stroked the crown of the Stormcaller, feeling the thunder and storm contained in it, he "looked" at the Pope, and said:

"Are you sure you don't want to? Your Majesty, these things can save lives at critical moments. What I mean is, if they fall into the hands of good people, only one person needs to be sacrificed, and even a city or even a country can be saved."

"But its salvation requires paying the price of the fall of the good. This is not the will of the Holy Light."

The old pope said gently but firmly:

"The Holy Light has never taught us to measure life, let alone use souls as currency. They should not have been born, and the power on them is only temptation.

I might be able to resist the temptation.

But I can't guess, let alone test people's hearts.

The Blade of the Dark Empire sealed under the Holy Light's Hope Chapel has already made me feel a great responsibility. I cannot allow these two equally dangerous things to fall into the human kingdom again.

What to do with them is your business, Bo Laike, I'm not asking.

My only request is to keep these creatures of the abyss away from our civilization. "

"Okay, I'll take this job."

Bu Laike closed the box, fastened the lock and threw it back into the bag. He looked at the Pope in front of him and asked seriously:

"So, what are you going to do next?"

"I need to return to the eastern continent to preside over the church, but I will leave some Holy Lightwalkers in Kul Tiras."

His Majesty also answered seriously:

"We have fought hard to wrest this place from the shadows of darkness, and we will not give up this land and its people again.

Although the Church of Storms has been eradicated, its poison has spread to the entire South China Sea, and there are still hidden fallen people on this land. You helped us win the most difficult battle, and now it's up to us to carry out the long-term defense of faith.

However, Laike, I want you to realize that the territory of the Light is limited to the continents, and we cannot move an inch in the boundaries of the oceans.

Those fallen remnants will shift the battlefield to the troubled South Seas, a place that is hard for us to reach. "

"I know."

Bu Laike nodded and said:

"Over there, I will find a way. Your Majesty should focus on the war of faith. We have broken the darkness of reality, but the darkness in the hearts of the people cannot be broken with a sword.

The Tide of Darkness has only subsided temporarily. Two-thirds of the people in this country have recited the Holy Tome of the Tide, and the Kul Tiras fleet is the hardest hit.

You are experts in this area, so I will not interfere. "

After speaking, he got up and was about to leave, but was stopped by the Pope.

Faol looked up at him and said:

"Dai Lin floated back to the coast with the tide at dusk, and is currently receiving treatment in the next room, why don't you go and have a look?"

"All that needs to be said has been said."

Bu Laike waved his hands proudly and said:

"I've never been interested in talking to my defeated opponents, but if Dai Lin is still stubborn after going through such a thing, you can write to me, and I'll come back sometime and beat him up again.

This stubborn old man is just like a brat, it doesn't make sense to reason.

How to arrange the Kul Tiras fleet next, hehe, he still has a headache about this matter. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate opened the door openly and left. Before leaving, the magic eyes on his shoulders glanced back at the old pope. The latter's weakness was almost visible to the naked eye, and the old man's energy was exhausted by facing the void and demigod.

Tsk tsk, the speed of the Dellano expedition team of the Church of the Holy Light is estimated to be a little faster.

Now he can't even accept the light casting ceremony.


(end of this chapter)

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